969 resultados para Insectivorous bat


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas


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Lan honetan ingeles irakasleen oinarrizko prestakuntzaren inguruan azterketa bat egingo dugu. Horretarako, Suediako Stockholms Universitet eta Bilboko Irakasle Unibertsitate Eskolan eskaintzen diren bi kurtsoren arteko konparazioa burutu dugu.


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[EUS] Ipuinak haurren egunerokotasunean erabiliak diren baliabideak dira eta hauen funtzio hezitzailea ukaezina da. Hala ere, genero berdintasunari dagokionez, ipuinek eta bertako irudien funtzioa eztabaidagarri bihurtzen da, tradizionalki genero estereotipoak transmititu dituztela eta genero jendarteratzean duten eragina kontuan izanik. Lan honetan, beraz, gaur eguneko ilustrazioek iruditegi parekideago bat sortzera bidean, genero estereotipoak transmititzen jarraitzen duten eta emakume eta gizonen eredu berriak eta anitzak eskaintzen dituzten aztertu da. Premisa horrekin, ikerketa kualitatibo baten bidez, irudiz hornituriko hiru ipuin aztertu dira. Emaitzak aztertuta, ondorioek, irudietan parekidetasuna sustatzeko aurrerapausoak egin direla argitu dute, oraindik ere zenbait estereotiporen aztarnak nabariak diren arren.


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Several alpine vertebrates share a distribution pattern that extends across the South-western Palearctic but is limited to the main mountain massifs. Although they are usually regarded as cold-adapted species, the range of many alpine vertebrates also includes relatively warm areas, suggesting that factors beyond climatic conditions may be driving their distribution. In this work we first recognize the species belonging to the mentioned biogeographic group and, based on the environmental niche analysis of Plecotus macrobullaris, we identify and characterize the environmental factors constraining their ranges. Distribution overlap analysis of 504 European vertebrates was done using the Sorensen Similarity Index, and we identified four birds and one mammal that share the distribution with P. macrobullaris. We generated 135 environmental niche models including different variable combinations and regularization values for P. macrobullaris at two different scales and resolutions. After selecting the best models, we observed that topographic variables outperformed climatic predictors, and the abruptness of the landscape showed better predictive ability than elevation. The best explanatory climatic variable was mean summer temperature, which showed that P. macrobullaris is able to cope with mean temperature ranges spanning up to 16 degrees C. The models showed that the distribution of P. macrobullaris is mainly shaped by topographic factors that provide rock-abundant and open-space habitats rather than climatic determinants, and that the species is not a cold-adapted, but rather a cold-tolerant eurithermic organism. P. macrobullaris shares its distribution pattern as well as several ecological features with five other alpine vertebrates, suggesting that the conclusions obtained from this study might be extensible to them. We concluded that rock-dwelling and open-space foraging vertebrates with broad temperature tolerance are the best candidates to show wide alpine distribution in the Western Palearctic.


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Jakina da informatika oso gai zabala dela. Horregatik, oro har, sistema informatikoen garatzaileak sistemaren osagai bakan batzuetaz soilik arduratzen dira. Proiektu honek hardwarearen eta softwarearen munduak uztartzea du helburu; hardware- eta softwareosagaiak dituen sistema bat sortu, behar diren osagai guztiak garatuz. Horretaz gain, garatutakoa erabilgarria izatea bilatu da, hau da, funtzio praktiko eta erreal bat edukitzea. Horretarako, Android eta Arduino plataformak aztertu dira: Android erabiltzaileari interfaze grafikoa eskaini eta elkarrekintza burutzeko erabili da; Arduino, berriz, hardwarearen kontrolatzailea izateko. Horrekin, eragingailuak kontrolatuz, time-lapseak egiteko sistema automatizatua garatu da; D-Lappse Android aplikazioarekin sistema kontrolatu daiteke eta dollyari aginduak bidali, argazki-sekuentziak era automatizatu batean egiteko.


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Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to discern fish from insects and adapt their hunting technique to capture fish. We show that bats react only to targets protruding above the water and discern fish from insects based on prey disappearance patterns. Stationary fish trigger short and shallow dips and a terminal echolocation pattern with an important component of the narrowband and low frequency calls. When the fish disappears during the attack process, bats regulate their attack increasing the number of broadband and high frequency calls in the last phase of the echolocation as well as by lengthening and deepening their dips. These adjustments may allow bats to obtain more valuable sensorial information and to perform dips adjusted to the level of uncertainty on the location of the submerged prey. The observed ultrafast regulation may be essential for enabling fishing to become cost-effective in bats, and demonstrates the ability of bats to rapidly modify and synchronise their sensorial and motor features as a response to last minute stimulus variations.


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Periodizazio taktikoa, futbol alorrean Victor Frade irakasle portugaldarraren eskutik orain dela 30 urte sortu zen entrenamendu metodologia bat da, gaur egun, gehien bat Jose Mourinhok, honen bidez lortu dituen garaipen eta lorpenak direla eta, mundu mailako futbolean, hedapen eta gorentasun bat izatera lortu duelarik. Jokatzeko erara bideratua dagoen entrenamendua honen oinarria izanik, jadanik zeuden beste metodologia entrenamenduak kolokan jartzera iristen da, besteak beste, jokoaren elementu ezberdinen banantze eta indibidualizazioan oinarritzen ziren metodologiak. Lan honen helburua, entrenatzeko eta futbola ikusteko ikuspegia aldatzen duen entrenamendu metodologia moderno honek, aspektu fisiko-taktikoan, beste metodologia baten aurrean, eredu integratuarekiko dituen ezberdintasunak, saioetan nahiz partiduetan duten emaitza alderatzea da. Horretarako, Espainiako Futbol Hirugarren Mailako, talde batekin eraman da ikerketa aurrera, jokalariek Pse-saio metodoaren bitartez emandako kargaren datuak erabiliz.


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Judoaren ezaguera teknikoa aldera batera utzita ikuspegi orokorrago bat garatzean oinarritzen da.


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[EU]Lan honen helburua, ikuspuntu teoriko eta praktiko batetik ner group erakundea eta enpresa familiarra aztertzea da, erakunde honen enpresa familiarretan eta enpresa familiarrak ner groupen daukan eragina zein den ezagutzeko. Honetarako, harreman estilo berria aztertu ondoren, ner groupeko arduradunari elkarrizketa bat egin eta erakundeko bi enpresa familiar aukeratu ondoren, hauei ere elkarrizketak egin dizkiet biak hurbilagotik ezagutzeko, alderatzeko eta aztertzeko. Honela, enpresa familiarretan harreman estilo berria aplikagarria dela frogatu da baina enpresa familiar bakoitzak dituen baldintzak funtsezkoak izango dira estiloaren ezartzean. Era berean, enpresa familiarrentzat ner group erakundean barneratzea abantaila suposatzen diela aztertu da.


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Trabajo desarrollado dentro del proyecto Monumenta Linguae Vasconum III (FFI2008-04516) del MICIN y del GIC: IT-486-10 del GV.


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[EUS] Lan honetan aurkikuntza baten berri ematen dugu: Plentziako armarri batean aurkitutako hiru euskal esaera zahar (1603) aurkezten eta hizkuntzaren eta historiaren ikuspuntutik aztertzen ditugu. Hiru esaerotatik bi «Refranes y sentencias» 1596) lanean agertzen dira, eta hori datu garrantzitsua da; izan ere, Lakarrak 1996) errefrau-bilduma anonimo horren jatorriaz egindako proposamena berresteko argudio berria da. Zehazki, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebala proposatu zuen Lakarrak bildumako errefrauen jatorri gisa. Beste alde batetik, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebaleko euskararen zenbait ezaugarri baliatuta, Arrasateko erreketari buruzko zenbait kantu eremu horretan sortu zirela proposatzen dugu —zehazki, Butroeko (Gatika) dorretxearen inguruan—, hizkuntzari dagozkion argudioak historiari buruzkoekin osatuta.


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Lan honen ikergaia, Europan emandako gatazka bortitzen, eta zehazki armatuen, analisia izango da. Horretarako, gatazka armatu horien eta mobilizazio zikloen artean dauden harremanak eta zubiak aztertzen saiatuko gara. Analisi hau, 1960 hamarkadaren bukaeran eta 1970 hamarkadaren hasieran zentratuko da, izan ere, denbora tarte horretan eman ziren gatazka bortitzen espresiorik nagusienak, gatazka armatuak alegia. Hori aztertzeko, 4 kasu hartuko dira: ETA Euskal Herrian, IRA Irlandan, Brigate Rosse Italian eta Rote Armee Fraktion Alemanian.


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The Vespertilionidae is the largest family in the order Chiroptera and has a worldwide distribution in the temperate and tropical regions. In order to further clarify the karyotype relationships at the lower taxonomic level in Vespertilionidae, genome-wid


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Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.


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Bats (Chiroptera) are the second-most abundant mammalian order in the world, occupying a diverse range of habitats and exhibiting many different life history traits. In order to contribute to this highly underrepresented group we describe the sleep architecture of two species of frugivorous bat, the greater short-nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx) and the lesser dawn fruit bat (Eonycteris spelaea). Electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) data were recorded from multiple individuals (>= 5) by telemetry over a 72-h period in a laboratory setting with light/dark cycles equivalent to those found in the wild. Our results show that over a 24-h period both species spent more time asleep than awake (mean 15 h), less than previous reported for Chiroptera (20 h). C sphinx spent significantly more of its non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) quotas during the light phase, while E. spelaea divided its sleep-wake architecture equally between both light and dark phases. Comparing the sleep patterns of the two species found that C. sphinx had significantly fewer NREM and REM episodes than E. spelaea but each episode lasted for a significantly longer period of time. Potential hypotheses to explain the differences in the sleep architecture of C. sphinx with E. spelaea, including risk of predation and social interaction are discussed. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.