923 resultados para Innovation Policy


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It's akin to the old Spanish, English and Portuguese explorers. They would take their boats until they found some edge of land, then they would go up and plant the flag of their king or queen. They didn't know what they'd discovered; how big it is, where it goes to - but they would claim it anyway. David Korn of the Association of American Medical Colleges This article analyses recent litigation over patent law and expressed sequence tags (ESTs). In the case of In re Fisher, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit engaged in judicial consideration of the revised utility guidelines of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In this matter, the agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto sought to patent ESTs in maize plants. A patent examiner and the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences had doubted whether the patent application was useful. Monsanto appealed against the rulings of the USPTO. A number of amicus curiae intervened in the matter in support of the USPTO - including Genentech, Affymetrix, Dow AgroSciences, Eli Lilly, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Association of American Medical Colleges. The majority of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit supported the position of the USPTO, and rejected the patent application on the grounds of utility. The split decision highlighted institutional tensions over the appropriate thresholds for patent criteria - such as novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. The litigation raised larger questions about the definition of research tools, the incremental nature of scientific progress, and the role of patent law in innovation policy. The decision of In re Fisher will have significant ramifications for gene patents, in the wake of the human genome project. Arguably, the USPTO utility guidelines need to be reinforced by a tougher application of the standards of novelty and non-obviousness in respect of gene patents.


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The thesis examines the intensification and characteristics of a policy that emphasises economic competitiveness in Finland during the 1990s and early 2000s. This accentuation of economic objectives is studied at the level of national policy-making as well as at the regional level through the policies and strategies of cities and three universities in the Helsinki region. By combining the analysis of state policies, urban strategies and university activities, the study illustrates the pervasiveness of the objective of economic competitiveness and growth across these levels and sheds light on the features and contradictions of these policies on a broad scale. The thesis is composed of five research articles and a summary article. At the level of national policies, the central focus of the thesis is on the growing role of science and technology policy as a state means to promote structural economic change and its transformation towards a broader, yet ambivalent concept of innovation policy. This shift brings forward a tension between an increasing emphasis on economic aspects – innovations and competitiveness – as well as the expanding scope of issues across a wide range of policy sectors that are being subsumed under this market- and economy oriented framework. Related to science and technology policy, attention is paid to adjustments in university policy in which there has been increasing pressure for efficiency, rationalisation and commercialisation of academic activities. Furthermore, political efforts to build an information society through the application of information and communication technologies are analysed with particular attention to the balance between economic and social objectives. Finally, changes in state regional policy priorities and the tendency towards competitiveness are addressed. At the regional level, the focus of the thesis is on the policies of the cities in Finland’s capital region as well as strategies of three universities operating in the region, namely the University of Helsinki, Helsinki University of technology and Helsinki School of Economics. As regards the urban level, the main focus is on the changes and characteristics of the urban economic development policy of the City of Helsinki. With respect to the universities, the thesis examines their attempts to commercialise research and thus bring academic research closer to economic interests, and pays particular attention to the contradictions of commercialisation. Related to the universities, the activities of three intermediary organisations that the universities have established in order to increase cooperation with industry are analysed. These organisations are the Helsinki Science Park, Otaniemi International Innovation Centre and LTT Research Ltd. The summary article provides a synthesis of the material presented in the five original articles and relates the results of the articles to a broader discussion concerning the emergence of competition states and entrepreneurial cities and regions. The main points of reference are Bob Jessop’s and Neil Brenner’s theses on state and urban-regional restructuring. The empirical results and considerations from Finland and the Helsinki region are used to comment on, specify and criticise specific parts of the two theses.


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[ES] En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de analizar la evolución de las políticas tecnológicas y de innovación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi (CAE), en las últimas tres décadas, prestando especial atención a la política de clusters. Es evidente el avance tecnológico e innovador experimentado por Euskadi en este período, basado en la estrecha cooperación desarrollada entre las universidades, las instituciones públicas y las empresas privadas. En este marco, la CAE fue pionera en el diseño y puesta en marcha de una política de clusters a principios de los años noventa. Tras más de dos décadas de funcionamiento de dicha política, ésta parece haberse consolidado existiendo en la actualidad 13 asociaciones cluster en Euskadi.


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Recent thinking on open innovation and the knowledge-based economy have stressed the importance of external knowledge sources in stimulating innovation. Policy-makers have recognised this, establishing publicly funded Centres of R&D Excellence with the objective of stimulating industry–science links and localised innovation spillovers. Here, we examine the contrasting IP management practices of a group of 18 university- and company-based R&D centres supported by the same regional programme. Our analysis covers all but one of the Centres supported by the programme and suggests marked contrasts between the IP strategies of the university-based and company-based centres. This suggests the potential for very different types of knowledge spillovers from publicly funded R&D centres based in different types of organisations, and a range of alternative policy approaches to the future funding of R&D centres depending on policy-makers’ objectives.


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Leniency (amnesty) plus is one of the tools used in the fight against anticompetitive agreements. It allows a cartelist who did not manage to secure complete immunity under general leniency, to secure an additional reduction of sanctions in exchange for cooperation with the authorities with respect to operation of another prohibited agreement on an unrelated market. The instrument was developed in the United States and, in recent years, it was introduced in a number of jurisdictions. This article contextualises the operation of and rationale behind leniency plus, forewarning about its potential procollusive effects and the possibility of its strategic (mis)use by cartelists. It discusses theoretical, moral, and systemic (deterrence-related) problems surrounding this tool. It also provides a comparison of leniency plus in eleven jurisdictions, identifying common design flaws. This piece argues that leniency plus tends to be a problematic and poorly transplanted US legal innovation. Policy-makers considering its introduction should analyse it in light of institutional limits and local realities. Some of the regimes which already introduced it would be better off abandoning it.


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The formation rate of university spin-out firms has increased markedly over the past decade. While this is seen as an important channel for the commercialisation of academic research, concerns have centred around high failure rates and no-to-low growth among those which survive compared to other new technology based firms. Universities have responded to this by investing in incubators to assist spin-outs to overcome their liability of newness. Yet how effective are incubators in supporting these firms? Here we examine this in terms of the structural networks that spin-out firms form, the role of the incubator in this and the effect of this on the spin-out process.


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Certaines applications thérapeutiques de la médecine génomique sont susceptibles de mener à une amélioration considérable de la santé des populations des pays en développement dans les années à venir. La mise en place de politiques d’innovation efficaces demeure toutefois cruciale afin d’assurer la réalisation des promesses de la révolution génomique. Dans le domaine biomédical, la commercialisation des fruits de la recherche s’est établie comme le paradigme dominant au sein du système d’innovation. Plusieurs études récentes ont cependant démontré que l’emphase mise sur la commercialisation et la protection de la propriété intellectuelle a donné lieu à des résultats décevants. Certains acteurs du système d’innovation avancent donc désormais qu’il est nécessaire d’aller au-delà de la commercialisation de la recherche et de mettre en place des politiques basées sur le paradigme de la valorisation de la recherche, qui favorise l’atteinte d’objectifs sociaux ainsi qu’économiques. L’objectif de notre mémoire est de documenter l’impact des politiques d’innovation de projets internationaux de science ouverte en génomique médicale sur le développement des capacités en recherche et développement en génomique et l’accès à la médecine génomique dans les pays en développement. Nous avons ainsi réalisé une étude de cas impliquant quatre projets internationaux de science ouverte en génomique médicale. Les résultats de notre étude de cas ont démontré que ces projets jouent un rôle important dans le développement des capacités en recherche et en développement en génomique dans les pays en développement, mais qu’ils y jouent un rôle beaucoup plus limité sur le plan de l’accès aux applications de la médecine génomique.


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Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der komparativen Analyse der deutschen und französischen Innovationssysteme. Ausgehend von der evolutorisch-orientierten Innovationsforschung und der Institutionenökonomik werden die Akteure und deren Interaktionen in den jeweiligen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen in beiden Innovationssystemen untersucht. Die Arbeit beleuchtet dieses Thema aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und zeichnet sich durch ein breites Methodenspektrum aus. Die Grenzen und Defizite des linearen Innovationsmodells werden aufgezeigt und für ein systemisches, interaktives Verständnis der Entstehung von Innovationen plädiert. Dieses interaktive Modell wird auf die Ebene des nationalen Innovationssystems transponiert, und damit wird der konzeptionelle Rahmen für die weitere Analyse geschaffen. Für die Gestaltung der Innovationssysteme wird die Bedeutung der institutionellen Konfigurationen betont, die von den Innovationsakteuren gewählt werden. Hierfür werden jeweils die Fallbeispiele Frankreich und Deutschland ausführlich untersucht und nach der gleichen Systematik empirisch betrachtet und schließlich werden beide Innovationssysteme systematisch verglichen. Dabei wird auch auf die Pfadabhängigkeiten in beiden Innovationssystemen eingegangen, sowie auf die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung kultureller und historischer Eigenarten der verglichenen Länder. Expertengespräche mit deutschen und französischen Experten, ergänzen die zuvor erzielten Ergebnisse der Arbeit: Durch eine interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise werden politikwissenschaftliche und ökonomische Ansätze miteinander verknüpft, sowie kulturelle Eigenarten berücksichtigt, die Innovationssysteme beeinflussen können. In seinen Schlussfolgerungen kommt der Verfasser zu dem Ergebnis, dass „lernende Politik“ über institutionellen Wandel und Wissenstransfer ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Gestaltung hybrider Institutionen und der staatlichen Innovationspolitik von der „Missions- zur Diffusionsorientierung“ hin ist. Die Betrachtung zweier nationaler Systeme sowie deren Einbindung in internationale Kontexte führt zum Ergebnis, dass die Steuerung der Schnittstelle „Forschung-Industrie“, insbesondere die Rolle der Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in heterogenen Kooperationspartnerschaften, über neue forschungs-und technologiepolitische Instrumente über transnationales Lernen von Institutionen geschehen kann. Dieser institutionelle Wandel wird als Lernprozess betrachtet, der im Übergang zur wissensbasierten Wirtschaft als “comparative institutional advantage“ ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Gestaltung der Institutionen und der staatlichen Technologiepolitik ist.


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La presente investigación tiene por objeto considerar los cluster en la industria farmacéutica Colombiana, como un mecanismo para la disminución de los sobrecostos de los medicamentos, que han impactado de forma importante, entre otras causas, al sistema de salud, con unos recobros (por concepto de medicamentos No POS) que superan el billón de pesos, situación que dada la crisis que enfrenta al respecto, el Estado Colombiano, ha propuesto una quinta reforma que cursa actualmente en el Congreso de la República. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa tipo estudio de caso, en la que se presenta el modelo Colombiano de Salud y las cifras de recobros de las Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (EPS), cantidad que representó el 0.4% del PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) en el 2009. Para tal fin se analizará el comportamiento de los recobros durante el año 2012, en cuarenta y una (41) EPS reconocidas del sector. Subsecuentemente se estudian las diferentes estrategias para la generación de economías de escala y dentro de ellas, los clusters como un posible modelo a seguir hacia la disminución de estos costos en salud, se analizan sus componentes y su posible constitución dentro del entorno Colombiano. Al final del estudio se establece como conclusión, que existen suficiente evidencia para apoyar la implementación de un cluster farmacéutico dentro del territorio Colombiano.


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Uno de los objetivos de la línea de Teoría y Práctica de las Políticas Públicas (TP3) es el análisis de las políticas públicas como objeto de estudio en sí mismo. En América Latina los estudios sobre este tema están más concentrados en el análisis práctico que en el académico, dejando de lado la posibilidad de teorizar y crear nuevos modelos que puedan ser replicados dentro de nuestros estudios de caso a nivel académico. Por ello, la tendencia ha sido la de copiar las teorías, enfoques y modelos propios de la escuela anglosajona (principalmente de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido), limitando nuestra capacidad de comprensión con respecto a nuestros fenómenos políticos, económicos y sociales. Por esta razón, durante el primer semestre de 2015 se creó el Semillero de Políticas Públicas con el fin de reflexionar sobre los vacíos que existen en la comprensión y el análisis de las políticas en Colombia y en Latinoamérica, para luego dar paso a la construcción de respuestas pertinentes. Esta publicación es el resultado de nuestra primera iniciativa como Semillero, la cual consiste en recoger las principales herramientas analíticas en el estudio académico de las políticas públicas, explicar sus postulados fundamentales, identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades y, finalmente, aplicar estas herramientas a un caso dentro del contexto colombiano.


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There is a pressing need for Europe to grow out of the crisis, meaning that Europe needs to become more competitive, enabling it to capture growth currently taking place mainly in emerging markets. But what are the triggers of competitiveness? The EFIGE project, led by Bruegel, takes a fresh look by inquiring into the determinants of firm-level international performance – focusing on external competitiveness. In the competitiveness debate, it is crucial to understand not only the macroeconomic challenge, but also to find the right micro-level triggers that will generate growth and exports. The authors identify firm-level total factor productivity as a major determinant of growth and exports. Human capital, research, equity finance and performance based incentives for employees also play their parts. Moreover, size matters and large firms typically are much better exporters than their smaller counterparts. This report builds on previous EFIGE research and studies in depth firm performance in seven countries (Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom) to identify the triggers of competitiveness.


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This paper describes the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-UniCredit dataset (in short the EFIGE dataset), a database recently collected within the EFIGE project (European Firms in a Global Economy: internal policies for external competitiveness) supported by the Directorate General Research of the European Commission through its 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by Bruegel. • The database, for the first time in Europe, combines measures of firms’ international activities (eg exports, outsourcing, FDI, imports) with quantitative and qualitative information on about 150 items ranging from R&D and innovation, labour organisation, financing and organisational activities, and pricing behaviour. Data consists of a representative sample (at the country level for the manufacturing industry) of almost 15,000 surveyed firms (above 10 employees) in seven European economies (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary). Data was collected in 2010, covering the years from 2007 to 2009. Special questions related to the behaviour of firms during the crisis were also included in the survey. • We illustrate the construction and usage of the dataset, capitalising on the experience of researchers who have exploited the data within the EFIGE project. Importantly, the document also reports a comprehensive set of validation measures that have been used to assess the comparability of the survey data with official statistics. A set of descriptive statistics describing the EFIGE variables within (and across) countries and industries is also provided.


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At 13.9% of the adult population, New Zealand's ''Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity'' is highest amongst developed countries. This benchmark uses the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) methodology. New Zealand has a high level of opportunity entrepreneurship and a moderate level of necessity entrepreneurship. New Zealand's entrepreneurial firms contribute about half of all new jobs created annually. Informal investment is a more important source of financing to entrepreneurs than venture capital. The proportion of female entrepreneurs has slipped over the past three years. Maori are more entrepreneurial than the rest of population. The study argues that New Zealand has an excellent innovation policy but no entrepreneurship policy.


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Esse trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a importância das políticas de incentivo à inovação no Brasil. Os resultados esperados do uso que as empresas fizeram dos diferentes tipos de instrumentos sobre os gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) foram avaliados pelo método de diferenças em diferenças. O método permitiu obter as diferenças de gastos entre empresas beneficiárias de instrumentos e as não-beneficiárias em três períodos consecutivos: 2005 em relação à 2003; 2008 em relação à 2005 e de 2011 em relação à 2008. Ao fazer isso, foi possível identificar se tais diferenças foram positivas e significativas, podendo ser atribuídas às influências dos instrumentos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: incentivos fiscais, Lei de Informática, financiamentos em parcerias, financiamentos sem parcerias e subvenção. E a utilização dos mesmos pelas empresas teve maior relevância no âmbito de diversos programas de apoio à inovação vigentes no país a partir da retomada das políticas industriais e tecnológicas, nos anos 2000. O estudo concluiu que os efeitos positivos e significativos são limitados à determinados grupos tecnológicos e à poucos instrumentos, em geral, de caráter fiscal. Além disso, esses efeitos positivos surgem em apenas um período, sendo que para cada grupo tecnológico foram efetuadas estimativas para três períodos. Também não houve evidências de que os instrumentos financeiros exerçam efeitos significativos sobre as decisões de gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, apesar da maior ênfase dada aos mesmos no período estudado. Os resultados sugerem fraca influência dos mecanismos de apoio à P&D no Brasil sobre o aumento dos gastos privados, apesar dos avanços recentes.