963 resultados para Iluminação Led


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Euromelanoma is a dermatologist-led skin cancer prevention programme conducting an annual screening and public education campaign in over 20 European countries. Within its 10-year history, Euromelanoma has screened over 260,000 individuals across Europe, detecting a significant number of cutaneous melanomas and nonmelanoma skin cancers, identifying high-risk individuals for further surveillance and promoting awareness on the suspicious features of melanoma and the hazardous effects of ultraviolet exposure. In this review article, we summarize the history of the Euromelanoma campaign, present its organizational structure and discuss the results of the campaign in individual countries and on a European scale. Euromelanoma has had a significant impact on melanoma prevention and early diagnosis in participating countries and, despite many challenges, has positively influenced public health attitudes towards regular mole examination and the implementation of preventive measures against skin cancer.


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This workshop paper states that fostering active student participation both in face-to-face lectures / seminars and outside the classroom (personal and group study at home, the library, etc.) requires a certain level of teacher-led inquiry. The paper presents a set of strategies drawn from real practice in higher education with teacher-led inquiry ingredients that promote active learning. Thesepractices highlight the role of the syllabus, the importance of iterative learning designs, explicit teacher-led inquiry, and the implications of the context, sustainability and practitioners’ creativity. The strategies discussed in this paper can serve as input to the workshop as real cases that need to be represented in design and supported in enactment (with and without technologies).


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Agir efficacement contre les incendies volontaires répétitifs représente un défi de taille pour la société et la police. Nous proposons d'utiliser l'intelligence-led policing et le cycle du renseignement comme cadre à une approche permettant une gestion et un suivi global et systématique de ces événements. Mais avant de pouvoir lancer ce processus, un certain nombre de défis doit être surmonté tel que la nature non spécifique des données. Il sera alors possible de mettre en place un processus qui permettra de faire des analyses pour obtenir une vision des incendies, détecter des situations répétitives et des liens entre les événements mettant en évidence des séries. Le renseignement obtenu par l'analyse des données rassemblées peut ensuite être utilisé pour mettre en place des moyens complémentaires d'enquête ou pour prendre des mesures préventives ou répressives.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a governmentally-led center based child care physical activity program (Youp'la Bouge) on child motor skills.Patients and methods: We conducted a single blinded cluster randomized controlled trial in 58 Swiss child care centers. Centers were randomly selected and 1:1 assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention lasted from September 2009 to June 2010 and included training of the educators, adaptation of the child care built environment, parental involvement and daily physical activity. Motor skill was the primary outcome and body mass index (BMI), physical activity and quality of life secondary outcomes. The intervention implementation was also assessed. RESULTS: At baseline, 648 children present on the motor test day were included (age 3.3 +/- 0.6, BMI 16.3 +/- 1.3 kg/m2, 13.2% overweight, 49% girls) and 313 received the intervention. Relative to children in the control group (n = 201), children in the intervention group (n = 187) showed no significant increase in motor skills (delta of mean change (95% confidence interval: -0.2 (-0.8 to 0.3), p = 0.43) or in any of the secondary outcomes. Not all child care centers implemented all the intervention components. Within the intervention group, several predictors were positively associated with trial outcomes: 1) free-access to a movement space and parental information session for motor skills 2) highly motivated and trained educators for BMI 3) free-access to a movement space and purchase of mobile equipment for physical activity (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This "real-life" physical activity program in child care centers confirms the complexity of implementing an intervention outside a study setting and identified potentially relevant predictors that could improve future programs.Trial registration: Trial registration number: clinical trials.gov NCT00967460 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00967460.


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A better integration of the information conveyed by traces within intelligence-led framework would allow forensic science to participate more intensively to security assessments through forensic intelligence (part I). In this view, the collection of data by examining crime scenes is an entire part of intelligence processes. This conception frames our proposal for a model that promotes to better use knowledge available in the organisation for driving and supporting crime scene examination. The suggested model also clarifies the uncomfortable situation of crime scene examiners who must simultaneously comply with justice needs and expectations, and serve organisations that are mostly driven by broader security objectives. It also opens new perspective for forensic science and crime scene investigation, by the proposal to follow other directions than the traditional path suggested by dominant movements in these fields.


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Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are taking an increasing place in the market of domestic lighting because they produce light with low energy consumption. In the EU, by 2016, no traditional incandescent light sources will be available and LEDs may become the major domestic light sources. Due to specific spectral and energetic characteristics of white LEDs as compared to other domestic light sources, some concerns have been raised regarding their safety for human health and particularly potential harmful risks for the eye. To conduct a health risk assessment on systems using LEDs, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), a public body reporting to the French Ministers for ecology, for health and for employment, has organized a task group. This group consisted physicists, lighting and metrology specialists, retinal biologist and ophthalmologist who have worked together for a year. Part of this work has comprised the evaluation of group risks of different white LEDs commercialized on the French market, according to the standards and found that some of these lights belonged to the group risk 1 or 2. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the potential risks of white LEDs, taking into account pre-clinical knowledge as well as epidemiologic studies and reports the French Agency's recommendations to avoid potential retinal hazards.


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Forensic science is generally defined as the application of science to address questions related to the law. Too often, this view restricts the contribution of science to one single process which eventually aims at bringing individuals to court while minimising risk of miscarriage of justice. In order to go beyond this paradigm, we propose to refocus the attention towards traces themselves, as remnants of a criminal activity, and their information content. We postulate that traces contribute effectively to a wide variety of other informational processes that support decision making inmany situations. In particular, they inform actors of new policing strategies who place the treatment of information and intelligence at the centre of their systems. This contribution of forensic science to these security oriented models is still not well identified and captured. In order to create the best condition for the development of forensic intelligence, we suggest a framework that connects forensic science to intelligence-led policing (part I). Crime scene attendance and processing can be envisaged within this view. This approach gives indications abouthowto structure knowledge used by crime scene examiners in their effective practice (part II).


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Introduction: Une élévation de l'activité des facteurs de transcription CREBs dans le tissu adipeux est en partie responsable de l'insulino-résistance systémique dans l'obésité. Le facteur «Inducible cAMP early repressor» (ICER) est un répresseur transcriptionnel passif dont le niveau d'expression antagonise l'activité des CREBs. L'objectif de ce travail adipocytaire des CREBs dans l'obésité chez l'Homme et la souris. Matériels et méthodes: Du tissu adipeux blanc (TAB) a été prélevé chez des souris obèses nourries sous une diète normale et des souris obèses nourries sous un régime riche en graisses pendant 12 semaines. Des biopsies de tissu adipeux viscéral (TAV) ont été prélevées chez les sujets humains minces (BMI = 24 ± 0,5 kg/m2) et obèses (BMI > 35 kg/m2). L'expression des gènes est quantifiée par RT-PCR quantitative. L'activité des CREBs et d'ICER est mesurée par des expériences de retard sur gel. L'activité des histones déacétylases est quantifiée par dosage colorimétrique. Résultats: L'expression et l'activité d'ICER sont diminuées dans le TAB des souris obèses, hyper-glycémiques et insulino-résistantes. De même, l'activité d'ICER est réduite dans le TAV des sujets humains obèses. Cette réduction corrèle avec une augmentation de l'activité des CREBs, une réduction de l'expression de Glut4 et de l'adiponectine, à la fois chez l'Homme et la souris. La diminution de l'expression d'ICER n'est observée que dans la fraction adipocytaire du tissu adipeux. L'expression d'ICER est contrôlée par l'activité des HDACs. L'inhibition des HDACs inhibe l'expression d'ICER dans les adipocytes. L'activité totale des HDACs est réduite dans les tissus adipeux chez les souris et chez les sujets humains obèses. Conclusion: La diminution de l'activité d'ICER dans les adipocytes par une modification de l'activité des HDACs serait responsable de l'augmentation de l'activité des CREBs dans l'obésité.


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Disseny tant a nivell de hardware com de software d’un cap mòbil amb tecnologia led RGBW controlat pel protocol DMX512. Aquest projecte es limita al disseny i a la realització de tots els elements de software i hardware necessaris per crear un prototipus de cap mòbil que pugui ser controlat mitjançant el protocol DMX. Per tant, està encarat completament cap a la vessant electrònica i de programació sense fer referència als materials i elements constructius utilitzats o sobre el disseny i estètica del producte


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O fotoperíodo, a temperatura do ar e a umidade do solo são fatores determinantes na produção do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg). A sua baixa produção no período de agosto a novembro é conseqüência do não-florescimento e frutificação em função das condições climáticas. O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a iluminação artificial associada ou não à irrigação, no florescimento e frutificação do maracujazeiro-amarelo. Compararam-se quatro sistemas de produção, combinando-se: iluminação artificial/irrigação/sombreamento; iluminação artificial/irrigação; iluminação artificial/sombreamento; iluminação artificial, e um tratamento-testemunha, em condições naturais. Os tratamentos foram submetidos a três diferentes épocas de iluminação (12 de abril, 27 de abril e 12 de maio). O experimento foi conduzido na área da Escola Técnica Agrícola de Adamantina-SP, na região da Alta Paulista, no período de abril a novembro de 1997. De acordo com os resultados, a iluminação artificial com e sem irrigação aumentou o número de flores, o número e a produção de frutos por área do maracujazeiro-amarelo. A irrigação não alterou o florescimento, a frutificação e a produtividade em maracujazeiro iluminado, mas reduziu o número de flores em ambiente sombreado. O sombreamento com e sem irrigação reduziu o número de flores. O tratamento iluminado/irrigado/sombreado aumentou a porcentagem de vingamento de frutos. O florescimento, a frutificação e a produção por área não foram significativamente alterados pelas diferentes épocas de iluminação.


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For the first time in Finland, the chemical profiling of cocaine specimens was performed at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). The main goals were to determine the chemical composition of cocaine specimens sold in the Finnish market and to study the distribution networks of cocaine in order to provide intelligence related to its trafficking. An analytical methodology enabling through one single GC-MS injection the determination of the added cutting agents (adulterants and diluents), the cocaine purity and the chemical profile (based on the major and minor alkaloids) for each specimen was thus implemented and validated. The methodology was found to be efficient for the discrimination between specimens coming from the same source and specimens coming from different sources. The results highlighted the practical utility of the chemical profiling, especially for supporting the investigation through operational intelligence and improving the knowledge related to the cocaine trafficking through strategic intelligence.