893 resultados para Ideology of Certainty
O artigo trata da quest??o da meritocracia e da avalia????o de desempenho no setor p??blico brasileiro e na sociedade sob uma perspectiva mais ampla, enfatizando a diferen??a entre a exist??ncia de sistemas meritocr??ticos formais e sua legitimidade social. Para a autora, o cerne desta discuss??o passa pelo entendimento da diferen??a entre sistemas meritocr??ticos e ideologia da meritocracia e pela compreens??o dos pressupostos culturais que est??o informando este debate. O artigo situa a quest??o da meritocracia em contextos mais amplos, como a teoria da administra????o, a perspectiva intercultural e a ??tica hist??ricosociol??gica, sem perder de vista as especificidades da sociedade brasileira.
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar poemas transcritos em livros didáticos do Ensino Médio adotados por escolas públicas, a partir do ano 2012, o estudo que as obras fazem dos poemas, o conteúdo das obras relacionado à poesia e à literatura e o trabalho que os professores fazem com os poemas em suas aulas, para verificar o possível potencial desestabilizador desses textos, relacionado à orientação dos discentes quanto à desigualdade e à exclusão social, em consonância com a ideologia de um Projeto Educativo Emancipatório sugerido por Boaventura de Sousa Santos. A pesquisa fundamenta-se nos pressupostos do “método crítico” de Bloch e as análises efetivadas possuem aspecto quantitativo e qualitativo. As informações dos docentes foram colhidas por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Foi possível identificar que os poemas, em geral, nas duas obras, ocorrem em grande quantidade, contudo, em um número reduzido, se considerados aqueles que abordam situações de desigualdade e exclusão social; que há fragilidades importantes no estudo que as obras fazem deles, como uma pobre ou inexistente exploração do sentido textual, que dificulta um trabalho educativo crítico com os alunos; que os conteúdos relacionados à poesia e à literatura estão dispostos de forma fragmentada e desarticulada nas obras, comprometendo a aquisição de um conhecimento global pelos alunos; e que há, por parte dos docentes, um significativo trabalho com poemas, em geral, e um considerável trabalho com poemas do livro didático no sentido de orientar os alunos quanto à realidade social. Concluímos, então, que, apesar das inconsistências indicadas, nos poemas e nas obras, se os professores, conforme nos orienta Dalvi, encararem o livro didático como espaço de rasura e construírem novas visões sobre os seus conteúdos, de maneira a “trapacear” a “trapaça” que ele faz, podem torná-lo mais acessível e educativo para os alunos. Afinal, temos a potência da poesia do livro didático e a possibilidade dos docentes, que sinalizam para a possível tarefa de mostrar aos discentes situações de desigualdade e exclusão do passado, com o intuito de desestabilizá-los, no presente, em consonância com a ideia do supracitado Projeto.
The edification of the landscape in the scientific and social field, in speech as in the method, is taken in this study as a complex process, from which were developed relationships of dominance on the perception of space, which persist strongly consolidated, since the genesis of the conceptual practice till its actual praxis. Historically, the landscape studies took place slowly, immersed in many questions, in face of the multiplicity of meanings that the concept offers. In the psyche, the notion of landscape is present since a long time ago, as an unconscious human being practice, even before any ideological hypothesis formulation. However its materialization in the social conscious will come only from painting, and specially with the perspective, through the technicity of the view, at first wandering the infinity, now ordained in a frame‟. Since then, the landscape is perceived according to the order of the view, as the equivalent of nature and beauty, assuming at the same time, an important symbolic value, since it is linked to mnemonic and subjective processes that the being build with the territory. The domain on this space-cognitive experience, characteristic of the contemporary, consolidates in the social imaginary, building consensus on the landscape, whose aesthetic references make a cultural appeal, very pertinent to the actual capitalist dynamics of production the space worldwide, mainly of the spectacle and commodification of cities promoted by the city marketing. In Brazil, this consensual ideology of the landscape surpass the social imaginary and also dominates the political imaginary, whereas the main instrument for preserving the landscape, Decree-law 25, from November 30, 1937, and its limit to those of exceptional value or remarkable feature. The analysis of the processes for putting under governmental trust for inscription of goods by the landscape value, reveals the dominant, if not exclusive, adoption of selection criteria related to aesthetic aspects. Abstain, therefore, from what the nation considers patrimony , other landscapes that, besides not having, at first, remarkable aesthetic value, play a crucial role as an inheritance from ancestor relations between man and space and pre- existing condition for the same present and future relations. From this historical background, the research seeks to transfer into contemporaneity, the ideological analysis of the concept and its relation with the building of the landscape in the collective imaginary, in order to recognize, in current practices to landscape preservation, as much this genesis, rooted in aesthetics, remains strongly consolidated, feeding the current dynamics of consumption and commodification of the city. Therefore, as preliminary conclusion, one can state that the identification of landscapes of different value, especially aesthetic, maintains and intensify the treatment of the city as an object, a standard‟ commodity to be sold / traded on the world market, in detriment of its recognition as a dynamic process that, even though inserted in the global context, develops specificifities and peculiarities, inherent to the production of space, as Lefebvre preconizes, that is, to the production of life, social product , as characteristic, dissent generator
RESUMO: Esta dissertação tem como objectivo compreender a influência da ideologia do Estado Novo nos conteúdos inseridos no suplemento infantil Pim-Pam-Pum. Visa ainda relacionar, num determinado momento temporal o suplemento infantil de um dos jornais mais lidos da época O Século, com a ideologia do Estado Novo. Procura identificar os valores incutidos nos números a analisar no Pim-Pam-Pum num período de dois anos. O período histórico em análise do suplemento infantil Pim-Pam-Pum compreende os exemplares entre 1953 a 1955. Como principais conclusões do estudo retira-se que o suplemento infantil procurava educar o seu público de forma lúdica. Por outro lado, transmitia e incutia em colaboração com a família os principais valores salazaristas. A imprensa escrita passa a ser uma arma de propaganda ideológica do Estado Novo numa tentativa de conter informação desfavorável ao regime perante as pressões internas e externas. Com a institucionalização da censura após a segunda Guerra Mundial, a vigilância e o exame das publicações dos organismos competentes em colaboração com a própria auto-censura dos jornalistas, simplificou-se. No entanto a imprensa procurou cumprir com a sua missão de divulgação cultural e lúdica através de jornais diários, revistas e suplementos infantis. ABSTRACT:The aim of this dissertation is to understand the influence of the ideology of the "Estado Novo" in the contents inserted in the children's supplement Pim-Pam-Pum. It also aims to relate, in a certain historical period, the children’s supplement of one of the most important newspapers of the time, "O Século", with the ideology of the "Estado Novo". In addition, it intends to identify the values ingrained in the numbers to be analysed in Pim-Pam-Pum in a period of two years. The period under analysis of the children's supplement Pim-Pam-Pum includes the numbers from 1953 to 1955. One of the main conclusions of this study is that the children's aforementioned supplement aimed to educate its audience in a joyful manner. On the other hand, it transmitted as well as inculcated with the families’ collaboration the main Salazarist values. The press becomes a weapon of ideological propaganda of the "Estado Novo" in an attempt to keep harmful information to the regime from the internal and external pressures. With the institucionalization of censorship after the Second World War, the careful surveillance of publications by the competent and relevant organisms in collaboration with the censorship made by the journalists themselves, was simplified. However, the press tried to accomplish its mission of cultural and playful diffusion by means of newspapers, magazines and children's supplements.
Numa era global marcada por avanços tecnológicos e pela diversidade cultural e linguística, é necessária uma nova linha de pensamento educativo e didático que conduza à formação de falantes cada vez mais pluriculturais e plurilingues, capazes de compreender, respeitar e interagir com outros povos e culturas. O desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas em, pelo menos, dois idiomas do espaço europeu é uma das medidas promovidas pelas politicas linguísticas europeias, que visam preparar os cidadãos para um diálogo intercultural, que fomente o respeito e a abertura face a essas diferenças, e pela construção de uma identidade intercultural e plurilingue nos próprios cidadãos exercendo, assim, a sua cidadania. Este paradigma tem implicações quer na aula de Língua Estrangeira, como ferramenta que permite ao aluno a ampliar a sua visão do mundo, quer no papel do professor, que nela intervém, enquanto, responsável pela construção social e formativa dos seus aprendentes. Estrutura-se, assim, um modelo educativo que abraça todas as culturas e reportórios linguísticos presentes dentro e fora do âmbito escolar. Neste relatório de estágio, resultante da prática pedagógica centrada no ensino do Inglês e do Espanhol, teci uma reflexão crítica sobre os diferentes cenários pedagógicos construídos durante três semestres académicos, com alunos portugueses do Ensino Básico. O fio condutor de toda a prática desenvolvida centrou-se no paradigma da abordagem intercultural e, com base nessa linha de pensamento, propus-me aferir os contributos que as minhas opções metodológicas tiveram quer no processo de aprendizagem dos meus alunos, quer na sua construção pessoal e social.
This article seeks to restore (anthropologically speaking) the warrior status of the Nuer during the colonial period. It challenges the negative conclusions of Douglas H. Johnson about the cultural dimension of fighting. In 1839, when the Nuer sacrificed an ox before a fleet from the North, the Egyptians thought it was an act of aggression and shot at them. But did this mistake inaugurate a series of misunderstandings on the offensive provision of this people? If that is Johnson's assertion, a return to the sources allows an alternative interpretation. The article puts in symmetry this episode and another, ninety years later, which also involved an "ox peace". The British killed this animal in 1929 during the repression of the Nuer prophetic movement. But if Johnson seeks to contradict the importance of the prophets as leaders of revolt, this article points out that their pacifism was embedded in the ideology of war.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
El rápido crecimiento del los sistemas multicore y los diversos enfoques que estos han tomado, permiten que procesos complejos que antes solo eran posibles de ejecutar en supercomputadores, hoy puedan ser ejecutados en soluciones de bajo coste también denominadas "hardware de comodidad". Dichas soluciones pueden ser implementadas usando los procesadores de mayor demanda en el mercado de consumo masivo (Intel y AMD). Al escalar dichas soluciones a requerimientos de cálculo científico se hace indispensable contar con métodos para medir el rendimiento que los mismos ofrecen y la manera como los mismos se comportan ante diferentes cargas de trabajo. Debido a la gran cantidad de tipos de cargas existentes en el mercado, e incluso dentro de la computación científica, se hace necesario establecer medidas "típicas" que puedan servir como soporte en los procesos de evaluación y adquisición de soluciones, teniendo un alto grado de certeza de funcionamiento. En la presente investigación se propone un enfoque práctico para dicha evaluación y se presentan los resultados de las pruebas ejecutadas sobre equipos de arquitecturas multicore AMD e Intel.
This paper explores three aspects of strategic uncertainty: its relation to risk, predictability of behavior and subjective beliefs of players. In a laboratory experiment we measure subjects certainty equivalents for three coordination games and one lottery. Behavior in coordination games is related to risk aversion, experience seeking, and age.From the distribution of certainty equivalents we estimate probabilities for successful coordination in a wide range of games. For many games, success of coordination is predictable with a reasonable error rate. The best response to observed behavior is close to the global-game solution. Comparing choices in coordination games with revealed risk aversion, we estimate subjective probabilities for successful coordination. In games with a low coordination requirement, most subjects underestimate the probability of success. In games with a high coordination requirement, most subjects overestimate this probability. Estimating probabilistic decision models, we show that the quality of predictions can be improved when individual characteristics are taken into account. Subjects behavior is consistent with probabilistic beliefs about the aggregate outcome, but inconsistent with probabilistic beliefs about individual behavior.
This paper analyzes the political economy of immigration when the salient electoralissue is the level of immigrants and the relevant immigration policy is the expenditurein immigration control. We consider that immigration affects voters? welfarethrough economic and non economic factors. We model political competition `a laWittman with the ideology of parties endogenously determined at equilibrium. Atequilibrium, parties propose different levels of immigration, located to the left and tothe right of the median voter?s ideal point, and combine skilled and unskilled workersamong their constituencies. Numerical simulations provide the levels of immigrationproposed by the two parties and the composition of parties? constituencies as we varythe efficacy of immigration control and the intensity of immigration aversion.
Simo Knuuttila
One of the limitations of cross-country health expenditure analysis refers to the fact that the financing, the internal organization and political restraints of health care decision-making are country-specific and heterogeneous. Yet, a potential solution is to examine the influence of such effects in those countries that have undertaken decentralization processes. In such a setting, it is possible to examine potential expenditure spillovers across the geography of a country as well as the influence of the political ideology of regional incumbents on public health expenditure. This paper examines the determinants of public health expenditure within Spanish region-states (Autonomous Communities, ACs), most of them subject to similar financing structures although exhibiting significant heterogeneity as a result of the increasing decentralization, region-specific political factors along with different use of health care inputs, economic dimension and spatial interactions
One of the limitations of cross-country health expenditure analysis refers to the fact that the financing, the internal organization and political restraints of health care decision-making are country-specific and heterogeneous. Yet, a potential solution is to examine the influence of such effects in those countries that have undertaken decentralization processes. In such a setting, it is possible to examine potential expenditure spillovers across the geography of a country as well as the influence of the political ideology of regional incumbents on public health expenditure. This paper examines the determinants of public health expenditure within Spanish region-states (Autonomous Communities, ACs), most of them subject to similar financing structures although exhibiting significant heterogeneity as a result of the increasing decentralization, region-specific political factors along with different use of health care inputs, economic dimension and spatial interactions