999 resultados para INTERMEDIATE-MASS STARS
Aims. We investigated in detail the system WDS 19312+3607, whose primary is an active M4.5Ve star previously inferred to be young (τ ~ 300–500 Ma) based on its high X-ray luminosity. Methods. We collected intermediate- and low-resolution optical spectra taken with 2 m-class telescopes, photometric data from the B to 8 μm bands, and data for eleven astrometric epochs with a time baseline of over 56 years for the two components in the system, G 125–15 and G 125–14. Results. We derived the M4.5V spectral types of both stars, confirmed their common proper motion, estimated their heliocentric distance and projected physical separation, determined their Galactocentric space velocities, and deduced a most-probable age of older than 600 Ma. We discovered that the primary, G 125–15, is an inflated, double-lined, spectroscopic binary with a short period of photometric variability of 1.6 d, which we associated with orbital synchronisation. The observed X-ray and Hα emissions, photometric variability, and abnormal radius and effective temperature of G 125–15 AB are indicative of strong magnetic activity, possibly because of the rapid rotation. In addition, the estimated projected physical separation between G 125–15 AB and G 125–14 of about 1200 AU ensures that WDS 19312+3607 is one of the widest systems with intermediate M-type primaries. Conclusions. G 125–15 AB is a nearby (d ≈ 26 pc), bright (J ≈ 9.6 mag), active spectroscopic binary with a single proper-motion companion of the same spectral type at a wide separation. They are thus ideal targets for specific follow-ups to investigate wide and close multiplicity or stellar expansion and surface cooling because of the lower convective efficiency.
Context. We monitored the quiescent thermal emission from neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries after active periods of intense activity in X-rays (outbursts). Aims. The theoretical modeling of the thermal relaxation of the neutron star crust may be used to establish constraints on the crust composition and transport properties, depending on the astrophysical scenarios assumed. Methods. We numerically simulated the thermal evolution of the neutron star crust and compared them with inferred surface temperatures for five sources: MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260, XTE J1701−462, EXO 0748−676 and IGR J17480−2446. Results. We find that the evolution of MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260 and EXO 0748−676 can be well described within a deep crustal cooling scenario. Conversely, we find that the other two sources can only be explained with models beyond crustal cooling. For the peculiar emission of XTE J1701−462 we propose alternative scenarios such as residual accretion during quiescence, additional heat sources in the outer crust, and/or thermal isolation of the inner crust due to a buried magnetic field. We also explain the very recent reported temperature of IGR J17480−2446 with an additional heat deposition in the outer crust from shallow sources.
Context. Since its launch, the X-ray and γ-ray observatory INTEGRAL satellite has revealed a new class of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB) displaying fast flares and hosting supergiant companion stars. Optical and infrared (OIR) observations in a multi-wavelength context are essential to understand the nature and evolution of these newly discovered celestial objects. Aims. The goal of this multiwavelength study (from ultraviolet to infrared) is to characterise the properties of IGR J16465−4507, to confirm its HMXB nature and that it hosts a supergiant star. Methods. We analysed all OIR, photometric and spectroscopic observations taken on this source, carried out at ESO facilities. Results. Using spectroscopic data, we constrained the spectral type of the companion star between B0.5 and B1 Ib, settling the debate on the true nature of this source. We measured a high rotation velocity of v = 320 ± 8km s-1 from fitting absorption and emission lines in a stellar spectral model. We then built a spectral energy distribution from photometric observations to evaluate the origin of the different components radiating at each energy range. Conclusions. We finally show that, having accurately determined the spectral type of the early-B supergiant in IGR J16465−4507, we firmly support its classification as an intermediate supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT).
Context. The evolution of the Milky Way bulge and its relationship with the other Galactic populations is still poorly understood. The bulge has been suggested to be either a merger-driven classical bulge or the product of a dynamical instability of the inner disk. Aims. To probe the star formation history, the initial mass function and stellar nucleosynthesis of the bulge, we performed an elemental abundance analysis of bulge red giant stars. We also completed an identical study of local thin disk, thick disk and halo giants to establish the chemical differences and similarities between the various populations. Methods. High-resolution infrared spectra of 19 bulge giants and 49 comparison giants in the solar neighborhood were acquired with Gemini/Phoenix. All stars have similar stellar parameters but cover a broad range in metallicity. A standard 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis yielded the abundances of C, N, O and Fe. A homogeneous and differential analysis of the bulge, halo, thin disk and thick disk stars ensured that systematic errors were minimized. Results. We confirm the well-established differences for [O/Fe] (at a given metallicity) between the local thin and thick disks. For the elements investigated, we find no chemical distinction between the bulge and the local thick disk, which is in contrast to previous studies relying on literature values for disk dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that the bulge and local thick disk experienced similar, but not necessarily shared, chemical evolution histories. We argue that their formation timescales, star formation rates and initial mass functions were similar.
Context. The chemical composition of extremely metal-poor stars (EMP stars; [Fe/H] < similar to -3) is a unique tracer of early nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. As such stars are rare, we wish to find classes of luminous stars which can be studied at high spectral resolution. Aims. We aim to determine the detailed chemical composition of the two EMP stars CS 30317-056 and CS 22881-039, originally thought to be red horizontal-branch (RHB) stars, and compare it to earlier results for EMP stars as well as to nucleosynthesis yields from various supernova (SN) models. In the analysis, we discovered that our targets are in fact the two most metal-poor RR Lyrae stars known. Methods. Our detailed abundance analysis, taking into account the variability of the stars, is based on VLT/UVES spectra (R similar or equal to 43 000) and 1D LTE OSMARCS model atmospheres and synthetic spectra. For comparison with SN models we also estimate NLTE corrections for a number of elements. Results. We derive LTE abundances for the 16 elements O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Sr and Ba, in good agreement with earlier values for EMP dwarf, giant and RHB stars. Li and C are not detected in either star. NLTE abundance corrections are newly calculated for O and Mg and taken from the literature for other elements. The resulting abundance pattern is best matched by model yields for supernova explosions with high energy and/or significant asphericity effects. Conclusions. Our results indicate that, except for Li and C, the surface composition of EMP RR Lyr stars is not significantly affected by mass loss, mixing or diffusion processes; hence, EMP RR Lyr stars should also be useful tracers of the chemical evolution of the early Galactic halo. The observed abundance ratios indicate that these stars were born from an ISM polluted by energetic, massive (25-40 M(circle dot)) and/or aspherical supernovae, but the NLTE corrections for Sc and certain other elements do play a role in the choice of model.
Context. It is not known how many globular clusters may remain undetected towards the Galactic bulge. Aims. One of the aims of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey is to accurately measure the physical parameters of the known globular clusters in the inner regions of the Milky Way and search for new ones, hidden in regions of large extinction. Methods. From deep near-infrared images, we derive deep JHK(S)-band photometry of a region surrounding the known globular cluster UKS 1 and reveal a new low-mass globular cluster candidate that we name VVV CL001. Results. We use the horizontal-branch red clump to measure E(B-V) similar to 2.2 mag, (m - M)(0) = 16.01 mag, and D = 15.9 kpc for the globular cluster UKS 1. On the basis of near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams, we also find that VVV CL001 has E(B-V) similar to 2.0, and that it is at least as metal-poor as UKS 1, although its distance remains uncertain. Conclusions. Our finding confirms the previous projection that the central region of the Milky Way harbours more globular clusters. VVV CL001 and UKS 1 are good candidates for a physical cluster binary, but follow-up observations are needed to decide if they are located at the same distance and have similar radial velocities.
The growing interest in solar twins is motivated by the possibility of comparing them directly to the Sun. To carry on this kind of analysis, we need to know their physical characteristics with precision. Our first objective is to use asteroseismology and interferometry on the brightest of them: 18 Sco. We observed the star during 12 nights with HARPS for seismology and used the PAVO beam-combiner at CHARA for interferometry. An average large frequency separation 134.4+/-0.3 mu Hz and angular and linear radiuses of 0.6759 +/- 0.0062 mas and 1.010 +/- 0.009 R(circle dot) were estimated. We used these values to derive the mass of the star, 1.02 +/- 0.03 M(circle dot).
Context. A sample of 27 sources, cataloged as pre-main sequence stars by the Pico dos Dias Survey (PDS), is analyzed to investigate a possible contamination by post-AGB stars. The far-infrared excess due to dust present in the circumstellar envelope is typical of both categories: young stars and objects that have already left the main sequence and are suffering severe mass loss. Aims. The two known post-AGB stars in our sample inspired us to seek for other very likely or possible post-AGB objects among PDS sources previously suggested to be Herbig Ae/Be stars, by revisiting the observational database of this sample. Methods. In a comparative study with well known post-AGBs, several characteristics were evaluated: (i) parameters related to the circumstellar emission; (ii) spatial distribution to verify the background contribution from dark clouds; (iii) spectral features; and (iv) optical and infrared colors. Results. These characteristics suggest that seven objects of the studied sample are very likely post-AGBs, five are possible post-AGBs, eight are unlikely post-AGBs, and the nature of seven objects remains unclear.
Context. It is debated whether the Milky Way bulge has characteristics more similar to those of a classical bulge than those of a pseudobulge. Detailed abundance studies of bulge stars are important when investigating the origin, history, and classification of the bulge. These studies provide constraints on the star-formation history, initial mass function, and differences between stellar populations. Not many similar studies have been completed because of the large distance and high variable visual extinction along the line-of-sight towards the bulge. Therefore, near-IR investigations can provide superior results. Aims. To investigate the origin of the bulge and study its chemical abundances determined from near-IR spectra for bulge giants that have already been investigated with optical spectra. The optical spectra also provide the stellar parameters that are very important to the present study. In particular, the important CNO elements are determined more accurately in the near-IR. Oxygen and other alpha elements are important for investigating the star-formation history. The C and N abundances are important for determining the evolutionary stage of the giants and the origin of C in the bulge. Methods. High-resolution, near-infrared spectra in the H band were recorded using the CRIRES spectrometer mounted on the Very Large Telescope. The CNO abundances are determined from the numerous molecular lines in the wavelength range observed. Abundances of the alpha elements Si, S, and Ti are also determined from the near-IR spectra. Results. The abundance ratios [O/Fe], [Si/Fe], and [S/Fe] are enhanced to metallicities of at least [Fe/H] = -0.3, after which they decline. This suggests that the Milky Way bulge experienced a rapid and early burst of star formation similar to that of a classical bulge. However, a similarity between the bulge trend and the trend of the local thick disk seems to be present. This similarity suggests that the bulge could have had a pseudobulge origin. The C and N abundances suggest that our giants are first-ascent red-giants or clump stars, and that the measured oxygen abundances are those with which the stars were born. Our [C/Fe] trend does not show any increase with [Fe/H], which is expected if W-R stars contributed substantially to the C abundances. No ""cosmic scatter"" can be traced around our observed abundance trends: the measured scatter is expected, given the observational uncertainties.
We report optical observations of the luminous blue variable (LBV) HR Carinae which show that the star has reached a visual minimum phase in 2009. More importantly, we detected absorptions due to Si lambda lambda 4088-4116. To match their observed line profiles from 2009 May, a high rotational velocity of nu(rot) similar or equal to 150 +/- 20 km s(-1) is needed (assuming an inclination angle of 30 degrees), implying that HR Car rotates at similar or equal to 0.88 +/- 0.2 of its critical velocity for breakup (nu(crit)). Our results suggest that fast rotation is typical in all strong-variable, bona fide galactic LBVs, which present S-Dor-type variability. Strong-variable LBVs are located in a well-defined region of the HR diagram during visual minimum (the ""LBV minimum instability strip""). We suggest this region corresponds to where nu(crit) is reached. To the left of this strip, a forbidden zone with nu(rot)/nu(crit) > 1 is present, explaining why no LBVs are detected in this zone. Since dormant/ex LBVs like P Cygni and HD 168625 have low nu(rot), we propose that LBVs can be separated into two groups: fast-rotating, strong-variable stars showing S-Dor cycles (such as AG Car and HR Car) and slow-rotating stars with much less variability (such as P Cygni and HD 168625). We speculate that supernova (SN) progenitors which had S-Dor cycles before exploding (such as in SN 2001ig, SN 2003bg, and SN 2005gj) could have been fast rotators. We suggest that the potential difficulty of fast-rotating Galactic LBVs to lose angular momentum is additional evidence that such stars could explode during the LBV phase.
Context. Tight binaries discovered in young, nearby associations are ideal targets for providing dynamical mass measurements to test the physics of evolutionary models at young ages and very low masses. Aims. We report the binarity of TWA22 for the first time. We aim at monitoring the orbit of this young and tight system to determine its total dynamical mass using an accurate distance determination. We also intend to characterize the physical properties (luminosity, effective temperature, and surface gravity) of each component based on near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations. Methods. We used the adaptive-optics assisted imager NACO to resolve the components, to monitor the complete orbit and to obtain the relative near-infrared photometry of TWA22 AB. The adaptive-optics assisted integral field spectrometer SINFONI was also used to obtain medium-resolution (R(lambda) = 1500-2000) spectra in JHK bands. Comparison with empirical and synthetic librairies were necessary for deriving the spectral type, the effective temperature, and the surface gravity for each component of the system. Results. Based on an accurate trigonometric distance (17.5 +/- 0.2 pc) determination, we infer a total dynamical mass of 220 +/- 21 M(Jup) for the system. From the complete set of spectra, we find an effective temperature T(eff) = 2900(-200)(+200) K for TWA22A and T(eff) = 2900(-100)(+200) for TWA22 B and surface gravities between 4.0 and 5.5 dex. From our photometry and an M6 +/- 1 spectral type for both components, we find luminosities of log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.11 +/- 0.13 dex and log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.30 +/- 0.16 dex for TWA22 A and B, respectively. By comparing these parameters with evolutionary models, we question the age and the multiplicity of this system. We also discuss a possible underestimation of the mass predicted by evolutionary models for young stars close to the substellar boundary.
An optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the slowly-evolving type IIn SN 2007rt is presented, covering a duration of 481 days after discovery. Its earliest spectrum, taken approximately 100 days after the explosion epoch, indicates the presence of a dense circumstellar medium, with which the supernova ejecta is interacting. This is supported by the slowly-evolving light curve. A notable feature in the spectrum of SN 2007rt is the presence of a broad He I 5875 line, not usually detected in type IIn supernovae. This may imply that the progenitor star has a high He/H ratio, having shed a significant portion of its hydrogen shell via mass-loss. An intermediate resolution spectrum reveals a narrow H(alpha) P-Cygni profile, the absorption component of which has a width of 128 km s (1). This slow velocity suggests that the progenitor of SN 2007rt recently underwent mass-loss with wind speeds comparable to the lower limits of those detected in luminous blue variables. Asymmetries in the line profiles of H and He at early phases bears some resemblance to double-peaked features observed in a number of Ib/c spectra. These asymmetries may be indicative of an asymmetric or bipolar outflow or alternatively dust formation in the fast expanding ejecta. In addition, the late time spectrum, at over 240 days post-explosion, shows clear evidence for the presence of newly formed dust.
Context. Mass-loss occurring in red supergiants (RSGs) is a major contributor to the enrichment of the interstellar medium in dust and molecules. The physical mechanism of this mass loss is however relatively poorly known. Betelgeuse is the nearest RSG, and as such a prime object for high angular resolution observations of its surface (by interferometry) and close circumstellar environment. Aims. The goal of our program is to understand how the material expelled from Betelgeuse is transported from its surface to the interstellar medium, and how it evolves chemically in this process. Methods. We obtained diffraction-limited images of Betelgeuse and a calibrator (Aldebaran) in six filters in the N band (7.76 to 12.81 mu m) and two filters in the Q band (17.65 and 19.50 mu m), using the VLT/VISIR instrument. Results. Our images show a bright, extended and complex circumstellar envelope at all wavelengths. It is particularly prominent longwards of approximate to 9-10 mu m, pointing at the presence of O-rich dust, such as silicates or alumina. A partial circular shell is observed between 0.5 and 1.0 '' from the star, and could correspond to the inner radius of the dust envelope. Several knots and filamentary structures are identified in the nebula. One of the knots, located at a distance of 0.9 '' west of the star, is particularly bright and compact. Conclusions. The circumstellar envelope around Betelgeuse extends at least up to several tens of stellar radii. Its relatively high degree of clumpiness indicates an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the material lost by the star. Its extension corresponds to an important intermediate scale, where most of the dust is probably formed, between the hot and compact gaseous envelope observed previously in the near infrared and the interstellar medium.
We present a new estimate of the mass of the Milky Way based on the escape velocity of a sample of distant stars, about 12 kpc from the Galactic centre and about 5 kpc from the plane of the Galaxy. Our sample is very different from previous escape-velocity studies, being compiled from an all-object spectroscopic survey of a region of sky. The derived mass within 12 kpc of the Galactic centre is (1.3 +/- 0.3) x 10(11) M-circle dot.
BACKGROUND: Alcoholic beverages may have protective cardiovascular effects but are known to increase the plasma levels of triglycerides (TG). Both TG and the ratio of TO to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (TG/HDL-cholesterol) are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. OBJECTIVES: To determine the predictive factors for variations in plasma levels of TO and the TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio in patients after they had consumed red wine for 14 days. METHODS: Forty-two subjects (64% men, 46 +/- 9 years, baseline body mass index [BMI] 25.13 +/- 2.76 kg/m(2)) were given red wine (12% or 12.2% alc/vol, 250 mL/day with meals). Plasma concentration of lipids and glucose were measured before and after red wine consumption. Blood was collected after 12 hours of fast and alcohol abstention. RESULTS: Red wine increased plasma levels of TO from 105 +/- 42 mg/dL to 120 +/- 56 mg/dL (P = .001) and the TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio from 2.16 +/- 1.10 to 2.50 +/- 1.66 (P = .014). In a multivariate linear regression model that included age, baseline BMI, blood pressure, lipids, and glucose, only BMI was independently predictive of the variation in plasma TO after red wine (beta coefficient 0.592, P < .001). BMI also predicted the variation in TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio (beta coefficient 0.505, P = .001, adjusted model). When individuals were divided into three categories, according to their BMI, the average percentage variation in TG after red wine was -4%, 17%, and 33% in the lower (19.60-24.45 kg/m(2)), intermediate, and greater (26.30-30.44 kg/m(2)) tertiles, respectively (P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with higher BMI, although nonobese, might be at greater risk for elevation in plasma TO levels and the TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio after short-term red wine consumption. (C) 2011 National Lipid Association. All rights reserved.