215 resultados para Housekeeping
Une résistance aux agents anticancéreux utilisés dans le traitement du cancer du sein est souvent associée à un échec de traitement. Des variations dans le devenir des agents anticancéreux dans l’organisme, sont des facteurs pouvant expliquer des phénomènes de résistance. Notre but était d’évaluer l’impact des isoenzymes du CYP450s, dans le métabolisme local des agents anticancéreux. Notre premier objectif était de valider un gène rapporteur pour nos analyses de PCR en temps réel. Pour ce faire, nous avons criblé l’expression de 6 gènes rapporteurs dans 23 lignées cellulaires. NUP-214 a été démontré comme étant le gène rapporteur le plus stable avec un écart-type de seulement 0.55 Ct. Notre deuxième objectif était de déterminer le niveau d’expression des ARNm de 19 isoformes du CYP450 dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires du cancer du sein. Les ARNm des CYP450s ont démontré une très grande variabilité entre les lignées cellulaires. Les isoformes CYP1B1 et CYP2J2 démontrent l’expression la plus importante pour la majorité des lignées. Notre troisième objectif était d’évaluer la corrélation entre l’expression des isoformes des CYP450s et leur activité métabolique en utilisant les substrats spécifiques du CYP1B1 et 2J2, 7-éthoxyrésorufine et ébastine, respectivement. Une forte corrélation (r2=0.99) fut observée entre l’activité métabolique vis-à-vis l’ébastine et l’expression du CYP2J2. De même, le métabolisme du 7-éthoxyrésorufine était fortement corrélé (r2=0.98) avec l’expression du CYP1B1. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent que le métabolisme local des agents anticancéreux pourrait significativement moduler le devenir des agents anticancéreux dans l’organisme, et pourrait être ainsi, une source de résistance.
L’étude que nous avons entreprise dans le cadre de notre mémoire porte sur la domesticité juvénile en Haïti. S’agissant d’une pratique où l’enfant placé en domesticité, en plus d’accomplir des travaux ménagers qui nuisent à son éducation, est généralement victime de mauvais traitements, l’objectif principal de notre recherche était de mettre en lumière les normes existant en matière d’éducation et de traitement physique des jeunes travailleurs domestiques. Inspirée du pluralisme juridique, qui s’intéresse aux divers niveaux de normes existant au sein d’une société, la démarche entreprise pour y parvenir allie recherche théorique et recherche sur le terrain. Dans un premier temps, nous présenterons les informations que notre recherche théorique nous a révélées. Après avoir précisé la notion d’« enfant domestique haïtien », dressé le profil social des acteurs impliqués dans la pratique de la domesticité et identifié les facteurs contingents les plus déterminants, nous dresserons un tableau des principales normes nationales et internationales garantissant aux enfants le droit à l’instruction scolaire et le respect de leur intégrité physique. Dans un second temps, nous exposerons les normes de conduite locales relatives à l’éducation et au traitement physique des jeunes travailleurs domestiques que notre recherche empirique en Haïti nous a permis de découvrir. Sur la base des normes applicables déterminées, nous serons mieux à même de mesurer l’importance de chacune dans la conduite des familles qui reçoivent des enfants domestiques sous leur toit et d’identifier les actions les plus susceptibles d’améliorer la qualité de vie de ceux-ci.
The Central Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has been automated by proprietary software (Adlib Library) since 2000. After 11 years, in 2011, the university authorities decided to shift to an open source software (OSS), for integrated library management system (ILMS), Koha for automating the library housekeeping operations. In this context, this study attempts to share the experiences in cataloging with both type of software. The features of the cataloging modules of both the software are analysed on the badis of certain check points. It is found that the cataloging module of Koha is almost in par with that of proven proprietary software that has been in market for the past 25 years. Some suggestions made by this study may be incorporated for the further development and perfection of Koha.
Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae represents an ever increasing entity which has mainly been described as occurring in Asia, even though, on a smaller scale, cases are being more frequently described from the USA and Europe, 13% overall mortality being reached worldwide. Affected patients are severely sick, suffering from fever, sweating, having increased acute phase reactants and risk factors such as Diabetes Mellitus, alcoholism and the inherent characteristics of the bacteria causing the disease. Objective: in this work we used a Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST), a nucleotide sequence-based method in order to characterize the genetic relationships among bacterial isolates. Materials and methods: the report is focused on three cases involving patients suffering from pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in two hospitals in Bogota, Colombia, where phenotyping and hypermucoviscosity studies were carried out, as well as the genotyping of cultured Klebsiella isolates. Reults: it was found that the isolated microorganism in cases I and II corresponded to the same K. pneumoniae strain, having 100% sequence identity for the 5 genes being studied while the strain in Case III was genotypically different. Conclusion: it is important to carry out multidisciplinary studies allowing all pyogenic liver abscess cases reported in Colombia to be complied to ascertain the frequency of microorganisms causing this pathology in our country, as well as a genotyping study of different K. pneumoniae strains to compare them and confirm clonal and pathogenicity relationships through housekeeping gene analysis.
Perspectiva de género para el análisis de la participación femenina en organizaciones ambientalistas
Based on the empirical analysis of the Organización de Mujeres Ecologistas de la Sierra de Petatlán, Gro. (Environmentalist Women of the Petatlan Sierra, Gro. organization), this article proposes an analysis scheme or the involvement of women in environmentalist non-governmental organizations, from a gender perspective, by stressing the study of the most signifi cant, but not always visible, relations that women establish as activists who carry out certain collective actions which build in favor of the environment and the ecology. These relations are expressed as: a) non housekeeping work; b) woman social condition; c) women and nature relations; and d) women and institutions relations.
Introducción: En la literatura, han aparecido reportes de neoplasia escamosa de superficie ocular (NESO) asociado con pterigio en un mismo paciente. Sin embargo, Colombia no cuenta con una estadística para ninguna de estas patologías. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de NESO en pterigios resecados, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Identificar factores de riesgo y características clínicas que predispongan a su aparición. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se realizó una clasificación prequirúrgica y estudio histopatológico de los pterigios resecados en 93 pacientes, para confirmar su coexistencia con NESO. Se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para datos demográficos y factores de riesgo asociados su aparición. Resultados: La frecuencia de NESO asociado a pterigio fue 7,07%. De estos, 28,5% identificados como sospechosos en la evaluación preoperatoria. La mayoría se presentaron en mujeres (71,4%), las ocupaciones con mayor frecuencia: labores domésticas (42,8%) y el comercio (28.5%). La exposición a derivados del petróleo y tabaquismo fue del 14,28%. No se presentaron casos asociados a infección por VIH. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas sobre la presencia de NESO al comparar los casos en edad (p=0,8), procedencia (p=0,6) tabaquismo (p=0,4), leucoplaquia (p=1,0), queratinización (p=0,137), o vasos amputados (p=0,137). Conclusiones: De los pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de NESO, un porcentaje mínimo es sospechado clínicamente. Además se encontró este diagnóstico en pacientes más jóvenes que lo reportado en la literatura. Se recomienda realizar estudios con mayor número de pacientes para una mejor identificación de factores de riesgo. Palabras clave:
In this work a new method for clustering and building a topographic representation of a bacteria taxonomy is presented. The method is based on the analysis of stable parts of the genome, the so-called “housekeeping genes”. The proposed method generates topographic maps of the bacteria taxonomy, where relations among different type strains can be visually inspected and verified. Two well known DNA alignement algorithms are applied to the genomic sequences. Topographic maps are optimized to represent the similarity among the sequences according to their evolutionary distances. The experimental analysis is carried out on 147 type strains of the Gammaprotebacteria class by means of the 16S rRNA housekeeping gene. Complete sequences of the gene have been retrieved from the NCBI public database. In the experimental tests the maps show clusters of homologous type strains and present some singular cases potentially due to incorrect classification or erroneous annotations in the database.
The pPT23A plasmid family of Pseudomonas syringae contains members that contribute to the ecological and pathogenic fitness of their P. syringae hosts. In an effort to understand the evolution of these plasmids and their hosts, we undertook a comparative analysis of the phylogeny of plasmid genes and that of conserved chromosomal genes from P. syringae. In total, comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses were done utilizing 47 pPT23A family plasmids (PFPs) from 16 pathovars belonging to six genomospecies. Our results showed that the plasmid replication gene (repA), the only gene currently known to be distributed among all the PFPs, had a phylogeny that was distinct from that of the P. syringae hosts of these plasmids and from those of other individual genes on PFPs. The phylogenies of two housekeeping chromosomal genes, those for DNA gyrase B subunit (gyrB) and primary sigma factor (rpoD), however, were strongly associated with genomospecies of P. syringae. Based on the results from this study, we conclude that the pPT23A plasmid family represents a dynamic genome that is mobile among P. syringae pathovars.
The expression of two metallothionein genes (Mt-I and Mt-II) in the liver, kidney, and gonad of bank voles collected at four metal-contaminated sites (Cd, Zn, Pb, and Fe) were measured using the quantitative real-time PCR method (QPCR). Relative Mt gene expression was calculated by applying a normalization factor (NF) using the expression of two housekeeping genes, ribosomal 18S and beta-actin. Relative Mt expression in tissues of animals from contaminated sites was up to 54.8-fold higher than those from the reference site for Mt-I and up to 91.6-fold higher for Mt-II. Mt-II gene expression in the livers of bank voles from contaminated sites was higher than Mt-I gene expression. Inversely, Mt-II expression in the kidneys of voles was lower than Mt-I expression. Positive correlations between cadmium levels in the tissues and Mt-I were obtained in all studied tissues. Zinc, which undergoes homeostatic regulation, correlated positively with both Mt-I and Mt-II gene expression only in the kidney. Results showed that animals living in chronically contaminated environments intensively activate detoxifying mechanisms such as metallothionein expression. This is the first time that QPCR techniques to measure MT gene expression have been applied to assess the impact of environmental metal pollution on field collected bank voles.
The expression of two metallothionein genes (Mt-I and Mt-II) in the liver, kidney, and gonad of bank voles collected at four metal-contaminated sites (Cd, Zn, Pb, and Fe) were measured using the quantitative real-time PCR method (QPCR). Relative Mt gene expression was calculated by applying a normalization factor (NF) using the expression of two housekeeping genes, ribosomal 18S and beta-actin. Relative Mt expression in tissues of animals from contaminated sites was up to 54.8-fold higher than those from the reference site for Mt-I and up to 91.6-fold higher for Mt-II. Mt-II gene expression in the livers of bank voles from contaminated sites was higher than Mt-I gene expression. Inversely, Mt-II expression in the kidneys of voles was lower than Mt-I expression. Positive correlations between cadmium levels in the tissues and Mt-I were obtained in all studied tissues. Zinc, which undergoes homeostatic regulation, correlated positively with both Mt-I and Mt-II gene expression only in the kidney. Results showed that animals living in chronically contaminated environments intensively activate detoxifying mechanisms such as metallothionein expression. This is the first time that QPCR techniques to measure MT gene expression have been applied to assess the impact of environmental metal pollution on field collected bank voles.
Of the three classes of true phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinases, the class II subdivision, which consists of three isoforms, PI3K-C2alpha, PI3K-C2beta and PI3K-C2gamma, is the least well understood. There are a number of reasons for this. This class of PI 3-kinase was identified exclusively by PCR and homology cloning approaches and not on the basis of cellular function. Like class I PI 3-kinases, class II PI 3-kinases are activated by diverse receptor types. To complicate the elucidation of class II PI 3-kinase function further, their in vitro substrate specificity is intermediate between the receptor activated class I PI 3-kinases and the housekeeping class III PI 3-kinase. The class II PI 3-kinases are inhibited by the two commonly used PI 3-kinase family selective inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, and there are no widely available, specific inhibitors for the individual classes or isoforms. Here the current state of understanding of class II PI 3-kinase function is reviewed, followed by an appraisal as to whether there is enough evidence to suggest that pharmaceutical companies, who are currently targeting the class I PI 3-kinases in an attempt to generate anticancer agents, should also consider targeting the class II PI 3-kinases.
Acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) is a housekeeping protein and is an essential protein in human cell lines and in Trypanosoma brucei. The ACBP of Moniliophthora perniciosa is composed of 104 amino acids and is possibly a non-classic isoform exclusively from Basidiomycetes. The M. perniciosa acbp gene was cloned, and the protein was expressed and purified. Acyl-CoA ester binding was analyzed by isoelectric focusing, native gel electrophoresis and isothermal titration calorimetry. Our results suggest an increasing affinity of ACBP for longer acyl-CoA esters, such as myristoyl-CoA to arachidoyl-CoA, and best fit modeling indicates two binding sites. ACBP undergoes a shift from a monomeric to a dimeric state, as shown by dynamic light scattering, fluorescence anisotropy and native gel electrophoresis in the absence and presence of the ligand. The protein`s structure was determined at 1.6 angstrom resolution and revealed a new topology for ACBP, containing five a-helices instead of four. alpha-helices 1, 2, 3 and 4 adopted a bundled arrangement that is unique from the previously determined four-helix folds of ACBP, while alpha-helices 1, 2, 4 and 5 formed a classical four-helix bundle. A MES molecule was found in the CoA binding site, suggesting that the CoA site could be a target for small compound screening. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plasmodium falciparum is distributed throughout the tropics and is responsible for an estimated 230 million cases of malaria every year, with a further 1.4 billion people at risk of infection [1-3]. Little is known about the genetic makeup of P. falciparum populations, despite variation in genetic diversity being a key factor in morbidity, mortality, and the success of malaria control initiatives. Here we analyze a worldwide sample of 519 P. falciparum isolates sequenced for two housekeeping genes (63 single nucleotide polymorphisms from around 5000 nucleotides per isolate). We observe a strong negative correlation between within-population genetic diversity and geographic distance from sub-Saharan Africa (R(2) = 0.95) over Africa, Asia, and Oceania. In contrast, regional variation in transmission intensity seems to have had a negligible impact on the distribution of genetic diversity. The striking geographic patterns of isolation by distance observed in P. falciparum mirror the ones previously documented in humans [4-7] and point to a joint sub-Saharan African origin between the parasite and its host. Age estimates for the expansion of P. falciparum further support that anatomically modern humans were infected prior to their exit out of Africa and carried the parasite along during their colonization of the world.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada como exigência para obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração - Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral implantar um programa de produção mais limpa e prevenção à poluição na disciplina de análise química do curso técnico de química de escola de nível médio. O foco do estudo foi análise química quantitativa por métodos clássicos de volumetria e gravimetria, desenvolvido com 3 turmas de alunos. Para isto, a literatura foi revisada, buscando-se os conceitos de Produção mais Limpa (PML), good housekeeping, Prevenção à Poluição (P2), Planos Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), Constituição Federal e Estadual e implicações de assuntos ambientais e de segurança no ensino da química. A seguir efetuou-se um plano de trabalho e realizou-se a implementa-ção de medidas. Foram estabelecidas como medidas a minimização de reagentes, insumos e resíduos, a reutilização e reciclagem dos mesmos e a conscientização dos alunos sobre sua responsabilidade ambiental em 2 turmas de alunos, mantendo-se a outra como turma controle. Para avaliação de resultados foram usados indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos como quantidades de reagentes, insumos (água potável, detergente e papel toalha) e resí-duos, análise estatística dos resultados analíticos através teste Q, teste F, teste de t student e coeficiente de variação, análise de custos e postura dos estudantes frente a assuntos ambi-entais medidos através de suas atitudes. Os resultados mostraram que houve redução de 50% de reagentes, 55% de insumos, 50% de compostos químicos nos resíduos destinados para a estação de tratamento de efluentes em um volume 31% menor, superando as expec-tativas. Não houve diferença significativa nos resultados analíticos encontrados. A postura dos estudantes mostrou o nível de conscientização esperado. Verificou-se que, com as de-vidas adaptações, é possível aplicar um programa de produção mais limpa e prevenção à poluição em análise química e também em outras disciplinas.