913 resultados para High-intensity exercise


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It has been established that Wingate-based high-intensity training (HIT) consisting of 4 to 6 x 30-s all-out sprints interspersed with 4-min recovery is an effective training paradigm. Despite the increased utilisation of Wingate-based HIT to bring about training adaptations, the majority of previous studies have been conducted over a relatively short timeframe (2 to 6 weeks). However, activity during recovery period, intervention duration or sprint length have been overlooked. In study 1, the dose response of recovery intensity on performance during typical Wingate-based HIT (4 x 30-s cycle all-out sprints separated by 4-min recovery) was examined and active recovery (cycling at 20 to 40% of V̇O2peak) has been shown to improve sprint performance with successive sprints by 6 to 12% compared to passive recovery (remained still), while increasing aerobic contribution to sprint performance by ~15%. In the following study, 5 to 7% greater endurance performance adaptations were achieved with active recovery (40%V̇O2peak) following 2 weeks of Wingate-based HIT. In the final study, shorter sprint protocol (4 to 6 x 15-s sprints interspersed with 2 min of recovery) has been shown to be as effective as typical 30-s Wingate-based HIT in improving cardiorespiratory function and endurance performance over 9 weeks with the improvements in V̇O2peak being completed within 3 weeks, whereas exercise capacity (time to exhaustion) being increased throughout 9 weeks. In conclusion, the studies demonstrate that active recovery at 40% V̇O2peak significantly enhances endurance adaptations to HIT. Further, the duration of the sprint does not seem to be a driving factor in the magnitude of change with 15 sec sprints providing similar adaptations to 30 sec sprints. Taken together, this suggests that the arrangement of recovery mode should be considered to ensure maximal adaptation to HIT, and the practicality of the training would be enhanced via the reduction in sprint duration without diminishing overall training adaptations.


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High intensity leg cycle ergometry is a widely used method of measuring muscular performance during maximal exercise. Until recently, it was deemed to be a predominantly lower body activity; however, there is now evidence to suggest that the upper body could be making a significant contribution to power output, as demonstrated by the intense electrical activity of the forearm musculature. As high intensity cycle ergometry often is used to measure performance in untrained cyclists it is important they are given at least two familiarisation trials to ensure results are both reliable and reproducible. In addition, diurnal variations exist during a single high intensity bout of exercise. It is likely these daily fluctuations are influenced by a number of biochemical and physiological variables. The purpose of this article is to outline factors that contribute to our interpretation of data following high intensity cycle ergometry.


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BACKGROUND: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may be a feasible and efficacious strategy for improving health-related fitness in young people. The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the utility of HIIT to improve health-related fitness in adolescents and to identify potential moderators of training effects. METHODS: Studies were considered eligible if they: (1) examined adolescents (13-18 years); (2) examined health-related fitness outcomes; (3) involved an intervention of ≥4 weeks in duration; (4) included a control or moderate intensity comparison group; and (5) prescribed high-intensity activity for the HIIT condition. Meta-analyses were conducted to determine the effect of HIIT on health-related fitness components using Comprehensive Meta-analysis software and potential moderators were explored (ie, study duration, risk of bias and type of comparison group). RESULTS: The effects of HIIT on cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition were large, and medium, respectively. Study duration was a moderator for the effect of HIIT on body fat percentage. Intervention effects for waist circumference and muscular fitness were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: HIIT is a feasible and time-efficient approach for improving cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in adolescent populations.


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Current physical activity and fitness levels among adolescents are low, increasing the risk of chronic disease. Although the efficacy of high intensity interval training (HIIT) for improving metabolic health is now well established, it is not known if this type of activity can be effective to improve adolescent health. The primary aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of embedding HIIT into the school day. A 3-arm pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted in one secondary school in Newcastle, Australia. Participants (n = 65; mean age = 15.8(0.6) years) were randomized into one of three conditions: aerobic exercise program (AEP) (n = 21), resistance and aerobic exercise program (RAP) (n = 22) and control (n = 22). The 8-week intervention consisted of three HIIT sessions per week (8-10 min/session), delivered during physical education (PE) lessons or at lunchtime. Assessments were conducted at baseline and post-intervention to detect changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (multi-stage shuttle-run), muscular fitness (push-up, standing long jump tests), body composition (Body Mass Index (BMI), BMI-z scores, waist circumference) and physical activity motivation (questionnaire), by researchers blinded to treatment allocation. Intervention effects for outcomes were examined using linear mixed models, and Cohen's d effect sizes were reported. Participants in the AEP and RAP groups had moderate intervention effects for waist circumference (p = 0.024), BMI-z (p = 0.037) and BMI (not significant) in comparison to the control group. A small intervention effect was also evident for cardiorespiratory fitness in the RAP group.


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PURPOSE: Emerging literature suggests that physical activity and fitness may have a positive impact on cognitive and mental health for adolescents. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of two high intensity interval training (HIIT) protocols for improving cognitive and mental health outcomes (executive function, psychological wellbeing, psychological distress and physical self-concept) in adolescents.

METHODS: Participants (n=65; mean age=15.8±0.6) were randomized to three conditions: aerobic exercise program (AEP; n=21), resistance and aerobic exercise program (RAP; n=22) and control (n=22). HIIT sessions (8-10min/session) were delivered during physical education lessons or at lunchtime three times/week for 8-weeks. Assessments were conducted at baseline and immediate post-intervention to detect changes in executive function (Trail Making Test, TMT), psychological wellbeing, psychological distress and physical self-description, by researchers blinded to treatment allocation. Intervention effects were examined using linear mixed models. Cohen's d effect sizes and clinical inference were also calculated.

RESULTS: Small improvements in executive function (d=-0.32, 95%CI -9.12 to 9.77; p=0.386) and psychological wellbeing (d=0.34, 95%CI -1.73 to 2.37; p=0.252) were evident in the AEP group. Moderate improvements in executive function (d=-0.51, 95% CI -8.92 to 9.73; p=0.171), and small improvements in wellbeing (d=0.35, 95%CI -1.46 to 2.53; p=0.219) and perceived appearance (d=0.35, 95%CI -0.74 to 0.41; p=0.249), were observed for the RAP group. Mean feelings state scores improved from pre-workout to post-post workout in both HIIT conditions, with significant results for the AEP (p=0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the potential of embedding HIIT within the school day for improving cognitive and mental health among adolescents.


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The phenomenon post activation potentiation (PAP) can be defined as an increase in muscle performance following a heavy contraction of a movement that utilizes the same muscle group (i.e. improved 20m sprint following a high intensity squat). However, research has yet to examine if heavy squats elicit PAP on the squat itself. Further, past studies have not yet analyzed if PAP is elicited at a moderate intensity (i.e. 60% one-repetition maximum-1RM).


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We examined the influence of 3 consecutive days of high-intensity cycling on blood and urinary markers of oxidative stress. Eight highly-trained male cyclists (VO2 max 76 +/- 4 mL.kg-1.min-1; mean +/- SD) completed an interval session (9 exercise bouts lasting 30 s each, at 150% peak power output) on day 1, followed by 2 laboratory-simulated 30 km time trials on days 2 and 3. The cyclists also completed a submaximal exercise trial matched to the interval session for oxygen consumption. Blood was collected pre- and post-exercise for the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant status (TAS), vitamin E, and the antioxidant enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, while urine was collected for the determination of allantoin. There were significant increases in plasma MDA concentrations (p < 0.01), plasma TAS (p < 0.01), and urinary allantoin excretion (p < 0.01) following the high-intensity interval session on day 1, whereas plasma vitamin E concentration significantly decreased (p = 0.028). Post-exercise changes in plasma MDA (p = 0.036), TAS concentrations (p = 0.039), and urinary allantoin excretion (p = 0.031) were all significantly attenuated over the 3 consecutive days of exercise, whereas resting plasma TAS concentration was elevated. There were no significant changes in plasma MDA, TAS, or allantoin excretion following submaximal exercise and there were no significant changes in antioxidant enzyme activity over consecutive days of exercise or following submaximal exercise. Consecutive days of high-intensity exercise enhanced resting plasma TAS concentration and reduced the post-exercise increase in plasma MDA concentrations.


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The increasing prevalence of obesity in society has been associated with a number of atherogenic risk factors such as insulin resistance. Aerobic training is often recommended as a strategy to induce weight loss, with a greater impact of high-intensity levels on cardiovascular function and insulin sensitivity, and a greater impact of moderate-intensity levels on fat oxidation. Anaerobic high-intensity (supramaximal) interval training has been advocated to improve cardiovascular function, insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation. However, obese individuals tend to have a lower tolerance of high-intensity exercise due to discomfort. Furthermore, some obese individuals may compensate for the increased energy expenditure by eating more and/or becoming less active. Recently, both moderate- and high-intensity aerobic interval training have been advocated as alternative approaches. However, it is still uncertain as to which approach is more effective in terms of increasing fat oxidation given the issues with levels of fitness and motivation, and compensatory behaviours. Accordingly, the objectives of this thesis were to compare the influence of moderate- and high-intensity interval training on fat oxidation and eating behaviour in overweight/obese men. Two exercise interventions were undertaken by 10-12 overweight/obese men to compare their responses to study variables, including fat oxidation and eating behaviour during moderate- and high-intensity interval training (MIIT and HIIT). The acute training intervention was a methodological study designed to examine the validity of using exercise intensity from the graded exercise test (GXT) - which measured the intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation (FATmax) - to prescribe interval training during 30-min MIIT. The 30-min MIIT session involved 5-min repetitions of workloads 20% below and 20% above the FATmax. The acute intervention was extended to involve HIIT in a cross-over design to compare the influence of MIIT and HIIT on eating behaviour using subjective appetite sensation and food preference through the liking and wanting test. The HIIT consisted of 15-sec interval training at 85 %VO2peak interspersed by 15-sec unloaded recovery, with a total mechanical work equal to MIIT. The medium term training intervention was a cross-over 4-week (12 sessions) MIIT and HIIT exercise training with a 6-week detraining washout period. The MIIT sessions consisted of 5-min cycling stages at ±20% of mechanical work at 45 %VO2peak, and the HIIT sessions consisted of repetitive 30-sec work at 90 %VO2peak and 30-sec interval rests, during identical exercise sessions of between 30 and 45 mins. Assessments included a constant-load test (45 %VO2peak for 45 mins) followed by 60-min recovery at baseline and the end of 4-week training, to determine fat oxidation rate. Participants’ responses to exercise were measured using blood lactate (BLa), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and were measured during the constant-load test and in the first intervention training session of every week during training. Eating behaviour responses were assessed by measuring subjective appetite sensations, liking and wanting and ad libitum energy intake. Results of the acute intervention showed that FATmax is a valid method to estimate VO2 and BLa, but is not valid to estimate HR and RPE in the MIIT session. While the average rate of fat oxidation during 30-min MIIT was comparable with the rate of fat oxidation at FATmax (0.16 ±0.09 and 0.14 ±0.08 g/min, respectively), fat oxidation was significantly higher at minute 25 of MIIT (P≤0.01). In addition, there was no significant difference between MIIT and HIIT in the rate of appetite sensations after exercise, but there was a tendency towards a lower rate of hunger after HIIT. Different intensities of interval exercise also did not affect explicit liking or implicit wanting. Results of the medium-term intervention indicated that current interval training levels did not affect body composition, fasting insulin and fasting glucose. Maximal aerobic capacity significantly increased (P≤0.01) (2.8 and 7.0% after MIIT and HIIT respectively) during GXT, and fat oxidation significantly increased (P≤0.01) (96 and 43% after MIIT and HIIT respectively) during the acute constant-load exercise test. RPE significantly decreased after HIIT greater than MIIT (P≤0.05), and the decrease in BLa was greater during the constant-load test after HIIT than MIIT, but this difference did not reach statistical significance (P=0.09). In addition, following constant-load exercise, exercise-induced hunger and desire to eat decreased after HIIT greater than MIIT but were not significant (p value for desire to eat was 0.07). Exercise-induced liking of high-fat sweet (HFSW) and high-fat non-sweet (HFNS) foods increased after MIIT and decreased after HIIT (p value for HFNS was 0.09). The intervention explained 12.4% of the change in fat intake (p = 0.07). This research is significant in that it confirmed two points in the acute study. While the rate of fat oxidation increased during MIIT, the average rate of fat oxidation during 30-min MIIT was comparable with the rate of fat oxidation at FATmax. In addition, manipulating the intensity of acute interval exercise did not affect appetite sensations and liking and wanting. In the medium-term intervention, constant-load exercise-induced fat oxidation significantly increased after interval training, independent of exercise intensity. In addition, desire to eat, explicit liking for HFNS and fat intake collectively confirmed that MIIT is accompanied by a greater compensation of eating behaviour than HIIT. Findings from this research will assist in developing exercise strategies to provide obese men with various training options. In addition, the finding that overweight/obese men expressed a lower RPE and decreased BLa after HIIT compared with MIIT is contrary to the view that obese individuals may not tolerate high-intensity interval training. Therefore, high-intensity interval training can be advocated among the obese adult male population. Future studies may extend this work by using a longer-term intervention.


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The objective of exercise training is to initiate desirable physiological adaptations that ultimately enhance physical work capacity. Optimal training prescription requires an individualized approach, with an appropriate balance of training stimulus and recovery and optimal periodization. Recovery from exercise involves integrated physiological responses. The cardiovascular system plays a fundamental role in facilitating many of these responses, including thermoregulation and delivery/removal of nutrients and waste products. As a marker of cardiovascular recovery, cardiac parasympathetic reactivation following a training session is highly individualized. It appears to parallel the acute/intermediate recovery of the thermoregulatory and vascular systems, as described by the supercompensation theory. The physiological mechanisms underlying cardiac parasympathetic reactivation are not completely understood. However, changes in cardiac autonomic activity may provide a proxy measure of the changes in autonomic input into organs and (by default) the blood flow requirements to restore homeostasis. Metaboreflex stimulation (e.g. muscle and blood acidosis) is likely a key determinant of parasympathetic reactivation in the short term (0–90 min post-exercise), whereas baroreflex stimulation (e.g. exercise-induced changes in plasma volume) probably mediates parasympathetic reactivation in the intermediate term (1–48 h post-exercise). Cardiac parasympathetic reactivation does not appear to coincide with the recovery of all physiological systems (e.g. energy stores or the neuromuscular system). However, this may reflect the limited data currently available on parasympathetic reactivation following strength/resistance-based exercise of variable intensity. In this review, we quantitatively analyse post-exercise cardiac parasympathetic reactivation in athletes and healthy individuals following aerobic exercise, with respect to exercise intensity and duration, and fitness/training status. Our results demonstrate that the time required for complete cardiac autonomic recovery after a single aerobic-based training session is up to 24 h following low-intensity exercise, 24–48 h following threshold-intensity exercise and at least 48 h following high-intensity exercise. Based on limited data, exercise duration is unlikely to be the greatest determinant of cardiac parasympathetic reactivation. Cardiac autonomic recovery occurs more rapidly in individuals with greater aerobic fitness. Our data lend support to the concept that in conjunction with daily training logs, data on cardiac parasympathetic activity are useful for individualizing training programmes. In the final sections of this review, we provide recommendations for structuring training microcycles with reference to cardiac parasympathetic recovery kinetics. Ultimately, coaches should structure training programmes tailored to the unique recovery kinetics of each individual.


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Since World War I, explosions have accounted for over 70% of all injuries in conflict. With the development of improved personnel protection of the torso, improved medical care and faster aeromedical evacuation, casualties are surviving with more severe injuries to the extremities. Understanding the processes involved in the transfer of blast-induced shock waves through biological tissues is essential for supporting efforts aimed at mitigating and treating blast injury. Given the inherent heterogeneities in the human body, we argue that studying these processes demands a highly integrated approach requiring expertise in shock physics, biomechanics and fundamental biological processes. This multidisciplinary systems approach enables one to develop the experimental framework for investigating the material properties of human tissues that are subjected to high compression waves in blast conditions and the fundamental cellular processes altered by this type of stimuli. Ultimately, we hope to use the information gained from these studies in translational research aimed at developing improved protection for those at risk and improved clinical outcomes for those who have been injured from a blast wave.


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Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) is bound to apolipoprotein B-100 by disulfide linkage and is associated in the upper density range of low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Persons with elevated concentrations of Lp(a) are regarded as having an increased risk for premature coronary artery disease. Although many studies exist evaluating the effects of a single session of exercise on lipids and lipoproteins, little information is available concerning the effects of exercise on Lp(a). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a single exercise session on plasma Lp(a). Twelve physically active men completed two 30-min submaximal treadmill exercise sessions: low intensity (LI, 50% VO2max) and high intensity (HI, 80% VO2max). Blood samples were obtained immediately before and after exercise. Total cholesterol (LI: before 4.22 +/- 0.26, after 4.24 +/- 0.28; HI: before 4.24 +/- 0.31, after 4.11 +/- 0.28 mmol . l(-1), mean +/- SE) and triglyceride (LI: before 1.14 +/- 0.16, after 1.06 +/- 0.16; HI: before 1.12 +/- 0.19, after 1.21 +/- 0.19 mmol . l(-1)) concentrations did not differ immediately after either exercise session, nor did Lp(a) concentrations differ immediately after either exercise session (LI: before 4.1 +/- 2.2, after 4.0 +/- 2.1; HI: before 3.9 +/- 2.2, after 3.7 +/- 2.0 mg . dl(-1)). These results suggest that neither a low nor a high intensity exercise session lasting 30 min in duration has an immediate effect on plasma Lp(a).


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Degenerate pump-probe reflectivity experiments have been performed on a single crystal of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) as a function of sample temperature (3 K to 296 K) and pump intensity using similar to 50 femtosecond laser pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. The time-resolved reflectivity data show two coherently generated totally symmetric A(1g) modes at 1.85 THz and 3.6 THz at 296 K which blue-shift to 1.9 THz and 4.02 THz, respectively, at 3 K. At high photoexcited carrier density of similar to 1.7 x 10(21) cm(-3), the phonon mode at 4.02 THz is two orders of magnitude higher positively chirped (i.e the phonon time period decreases with increasing delay time between the pump and the probe pulses) than the lower-frequency mode at 1.9 THz. The chirp parameter, beta is shown to be inversely varying with temperature. The time evolution of these modes is studied using continuous-wavelet transform of the time-resolved reflectivity data. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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This paper presents computational and experimental results on a new burner configuration with a mild combustion concept with heat release rates up to 10 MW/m(3). The burner configuration is shown to achieve mild combustion by using air at ambient temperature at high recirculation rates (similar to250%-290%) both experimentally and computationally. The principal features of the configuration are: (1) a burner with forward exit for exhaust gases; (2) injection of gaseous fuel and air as multiple, alternate, peripheral highspeed jets at the bottom at ambient temperature, thus creating high enough recirculation rates of the hot combustion products into fresh incoming reactants; and (3) use of a suitable geometric artifice-a frustum of a cone to help recirculation. The computational studies have been used to reveal the details of the flow and to optimize the combustor geometry based on recirculation rates. Measures, involving root mean square temperature fluctuations, distribution of temperature and oxidizer concentration inside the proposed burner, and a classical turbulent diffusion jet flame, are used to distinguish between them quantitatively. The system, operated at heat release rates of 2 to 10 MW/m(3) (compared to 0.02 to 0.32 MW/m(3) in the earlier studies), shows a 10-15 dB reduction in noise in the mild combustion mode compared to a simple open-top burner and exhaust NOx emission below 10 ppm for a 3 kW burner with 10% excess air. The peak temperature is measured around 1750 K, approximately 300 K lower than the peak temperature in a conventional burner.