895 resultados para Health state utilities
The lipid profile is a group of lab tests that include triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, serum non-HDL-C, Apo A-I and Apo B levels, as well as the lipids ratios (TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C and Apo B/Apo A-I), have been described as better predictors of cardiovascular diseases. Reference intervals are tools often used to help the evaluation of the people s health state. These days, Brazilian studies still use the reference intervals of lipids and lipoproteins from other countries, ignoring differences between the populations. Therefore, this study aimed to establish reference intervals for lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in adults of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Healthy individuals (96 men and 283 women) between 18 and 59years old formed the reference sample group. The samples were collected after fasting 12 to 14 hours. Information on lifestyle and dietary habits of the participants were obtained through questionnaire. The serum glucose level and renal and liver activity were evaluated by laboratory testing. The results of lipid profile were analyzed according to sex, age and mesoregion of Rio Grande do Norte, with significance level of 5% (p < 0,05). The lower and upper reference limits were identified by the 2.5 percentile and 97.5 percentile, respectively, and assurance intervals of 90% was calculated for each of these limits. Among the determinants of lipid profile analyzed, only a few significant differences were observed according to sex, but in terms of age, the groups of smaller and older ages were most likely different. When evaluated by region, the means of West region shown the most significant variations. Not many studies were useful to compare the reference intervals determined in this study. Thus, it becomes necessary to carry out similar studies in other regions of Brazil and of the world given the clinical importance of reference intervals
Despite the improvement of Brazilian s living conditions in recent decades, this improvement occurred in a polarized way between groups of better social position. Then, there is still a health inequity´s panorama in Brazil which encompasses the oral health state. This panorama instigated the attainment of this ecological study that aimed to evaluate the relationship of socioeconomic conditions, and public health policies with oral health status in Brazilian capitals. Thus, we performed factor analysis and linear regression using oral health indicators collected from SB Brasil 2010, of socioeconomic conditions from Brazilian Census 2010 and related to water´s supply fluoridation from SISAGUA. Factor analysis with indicators of living conditions revealed two common factors, economic deprivation and socio-sanitary condition. Economic deprivation showed statistically significant positive correlation with DMFT 12 years (p= 0,03) and mean missing teeth (p = 0,002) and negative correlation with caries-free population (p=0,012). Socio-sanitary negatively correlated with DMFT (p <0,0001) and a positive correlation with caries-free population (p = 0.002). Fluoridated water had a significant association with DMFT (p <0,0001), mean missing teeth (p <0,0001) and caries free population (p <0.0001). Multiple linear regression analysis for the DMFT of capital was estimated by socio-sanitary condition and fluoridation, adjusted by economic deprivation, whereas the model for the mean missing teeth was estimated only by fluoridation and economic deprivation, and finally the model the rate for the population free of caries in Brazilian capitals was estimated by economic and socio-sanitary status adjusted fluoridated water supply. Therefore, factors related to living conditions and public policies are intrinsically linked to tooth decay issues. Thus, actions, beyond dental care assistance, must be development to impact positively in social and economic conditions, especially, between the most vulnerable populations
OBJETIVO: Implantar um programa de Escola da Postura para pacientes com lombalgia crônica. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 41 sujeitos (46,81 ± 13,35 anos), de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 25-65 anos que possuíam dor lombar há mais de 6 meses. Inicialmente, foi realizado a avaliação da qualidade de vida (Medical Outcomes Study 36- Item Short-Form Health Survey- SF-36) e capacidade funcional (Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire - ODQ). em seguida, todos os sujeitos participaram de cinco encontros semanais de 60 minutos, nos quais foram desenvolvidos as capacitações teórico-práticas. Após uma semana, os sujeitos foram reavaliados. Os dados obtidos nas avaliações foram analisados utilizando o teste estatístico não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon, com nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Foi observada melhora significativa na capacidade funcional (ODQ, p<0,0001). em relação à qualidade de vida observou-se melhora significativa nos domínios capacidade funcional (p=0,0016), dor (p=0,0035), estado geral de saúde (p<0,0001), vitalidade (p<0,0001), aspectos sociais (p<0,0001) e saúde mental (p=0,0007). Nos itens aspectos físicos e aspectos emocionais não foi observada diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: O programa Escola da Postura elaborado foi capaz de melhorar a qualidade de vida e capacidade funcional dos participantes.
Desenvolvimento de uma sobremesa probiótica mista de tofu e extrato hidrossolúvel de soja fermentado
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Incluye Bibliografía
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
O Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) é a endocrinopatia mais comum da infância e adolescência e impacta negativamente na qualidade de vida (QV). O EuroQol é um instrumento que afere o estado de saúde e vem sendo utilizado na grande maioria dos estudos multicêntricos mundiais em diabetes e tem se mostrado uma ferramenta extremamente útil e confiável. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a QV de pacientes com DM1 do Brasil, país de proporções continentais, por meio da análise do EuroQol. Para isso, realizou-se estudo retrospectivo e transversal, no qual foram analisados questionários de pacientes com DM1, respondidos no período de dezembro de 2008 a dezembro de 2010, em 28 centros de pesquisa de 20 cidades das quatro regiões do país (sudeste, norte/nordeste, sul e centro-oeste). Foram também coletados dados sobre complicações crônicas micro e macrovasculares e perfil lipídico. A avaliação da qualidade de vida pelo EuroQol mostra que a nota média atribuída ao estado geral de saúde é nitidamente menor que a encontrada em dois outros estudos populacionais com DM1 realizados na Europa (EQ-VAS da Alemanha, Holanda e Brasil foram de 82,1 ± 14; 81 ± 15 e 72 ± 22, respectivamente). O EuroQol demonstra que a região Norte-Nordeste apresenta melhor índice na avaliação do estado geral de saúde quando comparada a região Sudeste e menor frequência de ansiedade-depressão autorreferidas, quando comparada às demais regiões do país (Norte-Nordeste = 1,53 ± 0,6, Sudeste = 1,65 ± 0,7, Sul = 1,72 ± 0,7 e Centro-Oeste = 1,67 ± 0,7; p <0,05). Adicionalmente, diversas variáveis conhecidas (idade, duração do DM, prática de atividade física, HbA1c, glicemia de jejum e presença de complicações crônicas se correlacionaram com a QV (r = -0,1, p <0,05; r = -0,1, p <0,05; r = -0,1, p <0,05; r = -0,2, p <0,05; r = -0,1, p <0,05 e r= -0,1, p <0,05, respectivamente). Esse é o primeiro estudo a avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com DM1 a nível populacional no hemisfério sul. Nossos dados indicam uma pior qualidade de vida dos pacientes com DM 1 no Brasil quando comparado a dados de países europeus. Apesar de ter sido encontrado uma inferior duração do DM e menor presença de complicações microvasculares na região Norte/ Nordeste, quando comparada à outras regiões, nossos dados sugerem a existência de elementos adicionais responsáveis pela melhor QV e menor presença de ansiedade/depressão encontradas nesta região. Novos estudos são necessários para identificar esses possíveis fatores.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We developed a stochastic lattice model to describe the vector-borne disease (like yellow fever or dengue). The model is spatially structured and its dynamical rules take into account the diffusion of vectors. We consider a bipartite lattice, forming a sub-lattice of human and another occupied by mosquitoes. At each site of lattice we associate a stochastic variable that describes the occupation and the health state of a single individual (mosquito or human). The process of disease transmission in the human population follows a similar dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model (SIR), while the disease transmission in the mosquito population has an analogous dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model (SIS) with mosquitos diffusion. The occurrence of an epidemic is directly related to the conditional probability of occurrence of infected mosquitoes (human) in the presence of susceptible human (mosquitoes) on neighborhood. The probability of diffusion of mosquitoes can facilitate the formation of pairs Susceptible-Infected enabling an increase in the size of the epidemic. Using an asynchronous dynamic update, we study the disease transmission in a population initially formed by susceptible individuals due to the introduction of a single mosquito (human) infected. We find that this model exhibits a continuous phase transition related to the existence or non-existence of an epidemic. By means of mean field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the epidemic threshold and the phase diagram in terms of the diffusion probability and the infection probability.
Background. Brazil conducted mass immunization of women of childbearing age in 2001 and 2002. Surveillance was initiated for vaccination of women during pregnancy to monitor the effects of rubella vaccination on fetal outcomes. Methods. Women vaccinated while pregnant or prior to conception were reported to the surveillance system. Susceptibility to rubella infection was determined by anti-rubella immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG immunoassays. Susceptible women were observed through delivery. Live-born infants were tested for anti-rubella IgM antibody; IgM-seropositive newborns were tested for viral shedding and observed for 12 months for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Incidence of congenital rubella infection was calculated using data from 7 states. Results. A total of 22 708 cases of rubella vaccination during pregnancy or prior to conception were reported nationwide, 20 536 (90%) of which were from 7 of 27 states in Brazil. Of these, 2332 women were susceptible to rubella infection at vaccination. Sixty-seven (4.1%) of 1647 newborns had rubella IgM antibody (incidence rate, 4.1 congenital infections per 100 susceptible women vaccinated during pregnancy [95% confidence interval, 3.2–5.1]). None of the infants infected with rubella vaccine virus was born with congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. As rubella elimination goals are adopted worldwide, evidence of rubella vaccine safety aids in planning and implementation of mass adult immunization.
Environmental decay in porous masonry materials, such as brick and mortar, is a widespread problem concerning both new and historic masonry structures. The decay mechanisms are quite complex dependng upon several interconnected parameters and from the interaction with the specific micro-climate. Materials undergo aesthetical and substantial changes in character but while many studies have been carried out, the mechanical aspect has been largely understudied while it bears true importance from the structural viewpoint. A quantitative assessment of the masonry material degradation and how it affects the load-bearing capacity of masonry structures appears missing. The research work carried out, limiting the attention to brick masonry addresses this issue through an experimental laboratory approach via different integrated testing procedures, both non-destructive and mechanical, together with monitoring methods. Attention was focused on transport of moisture and salts and on the damaging effects caused by the crystallization of two different salts, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. Many series of masonry specimens, very different in size and purposes were used to track the damage process since its beginning and to monitor its evolution over a number of years Athe same time suitable testing techniques, non-destructive, mini-invasive, analytical, of monitoring, were validated for these purposes. The specimens were exposed to different aggressive agents (in terms of type of salt, of brine concentration, of artificial vs. open-air natural ageing, …), tested by different means (qualitative vs. quantitative, non destructive vs. mechanical testing, punctual vs. wide areas, …), and had different size (1-, 2-, 3-header thick walls, full-scale walls vs. small size specimens, brick columns and triplets vs. small walls, masonry specimens vs. single units of brick and mortar prisms, …). Different advanced testing methods and novel monitoring techniques were applied in an integrated holistic approach, for quantitative assessment of masonry health state.
Goal: The Halex is an indicator of health status that combines self-rated health and activity limitations, which has been used by NCHS to predict future years of healthy life. The scores for each health state were developed based on strong assumptions, notably that a person in excellent health with ADL disabilities is as healthy as a person in poor health with no disabilities. Our goal was to examine the performance of the Halex as a longitudinal measure of health for older adults, and to improve the scoring if necessary. Methods: We used data from the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) to compare the relationship of baseline health to health 2 years later. Subject ages ranged from 65 to 103 (mean age 75). A total of 40,827 transitions were available for analysis. We examined whether Halex scores at time 0 were related monotonically to scores two years later, and iterated the original scores to improve the fit over time. Findings: The original Halex scores were not consistent over time. Persons in excellent health with ADL limitations were much healthier 2 years later than people in poor health with no limitations, even though they had been assumed to have identical health. People with ADL limitations had higher scores than predicted. The assumptions made in creating the Halex were not upheld in the data. Conclusions: The new iterated scores are specific to older adults, are appropriate for longitudinal data, and are relatively assumption-free. We recommend the use of these new scores for longitudinal studies of older adults that use the Halex health states.