465 resultados para H1


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In recent decades, numerous studies have shown a significant increase in violence during childhood and adolescence. These data suggest the importance of implementing programs to prevent and reduce violent behavior. The study aimed to design a program of emotional intelligence (El) for adolescents and to assess its effects on variables related to violence prevention. The possible differential effect of the program on both genders was also examined. The sample comprised 148 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years. The study used an experimental design with repeated pretest-posttest measures and control groups. To measure the variables, four assessment instruments were administered before and after the program, as well as in the follow-up phase (1 year after the conclusion of the intervention). The program consisted of 20 one-hour sessions. The pretest-posttest ANCOVAs showed that the program significantly increased: (1) El (attention, clarity, emotional repair); (2) assertive cognitive social interaction strategies; (3) internal control of anger; and (4) the cognitive ability to analyze negative feelings. In the follow-up phase, the positive effects of the intervention were generally maintained and, moreover, the use of aggressive strategies as an interpersonal conflict-resolution technique was significantly reduced. Regarding the effect of the program on both genders, the change was very similar, but the boys increased assertive social interaction strategies, attention, and emotional clarity significantly more than the girls. The importance of implementing programs to promote socio-emotional development and prevent violence is discussed.


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This study revisits different experimental data sets that explore social behavior in economic games and uncovers that many treatment effects may be gender-specific. In general, men and women do not differ in "neutral" baselines. However, we find that social framing tends to reinforce prosocial behavior in women but not men, whereas encouraging reflection decreases the prosociality of males but not females. The treatment effects are sometimes statistically different across genders and sometimes not but never go in the opposite direction. These findings suggest that (i) the social behavior of both sexes is malleable but each gender responds to different aspects of the social context; and (ii) gender differences observed in some studies might be the result of particular features of the experimental design. Our results contribute to the literature on prosocial behavior and may improve our understanding of the origins of human prosociality. We discuss the possible link between the observed differential treatment effects across genders and the differing male and female brain network connectivity, documented in recent neural studies.


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Under the guidance of Ramon y Cajal, a plethora of students flourished and began to apply his silver impregnation methods to study brain cells other than neurons: the neuroglia. In the first decades of the twentieth century, Nicolas Achucarro was one of the first researchers to visualize the brain cells with phagocytic capacity that we know today as microglia. Later, his pupil Pio del Rio-Hortega developed modifications of Achucarro's methods and was able to specifically observe the fine morphological intricacies of microglia. These findings contradicted Cajal's own views on cells that he thought belonged to the same class as oligodendroglia (the so called "third element" of the nervous system), leading to a long-standing discussion. It was only in 1924 that Rio-Hortega's observations prevailed worldwide, thus recognizing microglia as a unique cell type. This late landing in the Neuroscience arena still has repercussions in the twenty first century, as microglia remain one of the least understood cell populations of the healthy brain. For decades, microglia in normal, physiological conditions in the adult brain were considered to be merely "resting," and their contribution as "activated" cells to the neuroinflammatory response in pathological conditions mostly detrimental. It was not until microglia were imaged in real time in the intact brain using two-photon in vivo imaging that the extreme motility of their fine processes was revealed. These findings led to a conceptual revolution in the field: "resting" microglia are constantly surveying the brain parenchyma in normal physiological conditions. Today, following Cajal's school of thought, structural and functional investigations of microglial morphology, dynamics, and relationships with neurons and other glial cells are experiencing a renaissance and we stand at the brink of discovering new roles for these unique immune cells in the healthy brain, an essential step to understand their causal relationship to diseases.


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Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic, biologically non-essential and highly mobile metal that has become an increasingly important environmental hazard to both wildlife and humans. In contrast to conventional remediation technologies, phytoremediation based on legume rhizobia symbiosis has emerged as an inexpensive decontamination alternative which also revitalize contaminated soils due to the role of legumes in nitrogen cycling. In recent years, there is a growing interest in understanding symbiotic legume rhizobia relationship and its interactions with Cd. The aim of the present review is to provide a comprehensive picture of the main effects of Cd in N-2-fixing leguminous plants and the benefits of exploiting this symbiosis together with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to boost an efficient reclamation of Cd-contaminated soils.


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O Sistema de Secreção do Tipo VI (SST6), o mais recente maquinário de secreção descrito em bactérias Gram-negativas, é amplamente distribuído entre as diversas espécies deste grupo de microrganismos. Esse aparato de secreção é capaz de injetar efetores proteicos em células alvo, eucarióticas e procarióticas. Estudos sobre o papel do SST6 na virulência microbiana revelaram que este sistema secretório participa ativamente do estabelecimento de infecções, contribuindo para a sobrevivência das bactérias no interior de fagócitos. O genoma da cepa PAO1 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa apresenta três loci que codificam aparatos de SST6, denominados de H1-SST6, H2-SST6 e H3-SST6, Porém, pouco se sabe sobre a participação do SST6 na patogênese de infecções por P. aeruginosa. Assim, o presente estudo investigou o papel de H1-SST6, H2-SST6 e H3-SST6 durante a infecção pulmonar aguda de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos C57/BL6 foram infectados com diferentes doses de bactérias da cepa selvagem PAO1 ou das cepas mutantes PAO1∆H1, PAO1∆H2, PAO1∆H3 ou PAO1∆H1∆H2∆H3. Após 24 horas, os lavados broncoalveolares (LBAs) de animais controle e infectados foram recuperados para a contagem de leucócitos totais e polimorfonucleares e para a quantificação, por ELISA, da quimiocina para neutrófilos, KC, e das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1β e TNF-α. Em outros experimentos, os pulmões, fígados, baços e rins dos animais foram macerados para a pesquisa da carga bacteriana e da disseminação sistêmica das bactérias. A citotoxicidade do SST6 foi determinada, in vitro, em neutrófilos humanos, pela marcação com iodeto de propídeo (PI) e anexina-V seguida da análise em citometria de fluxo. Os resultados mostraram que a inativação dos três SST6 reduziu significativamente a concentração de neutrófilos nos LBAs quando os animais foram infectados com 107 Unidades Formadoras de Colônias de P. aeruginosa. Nesta dose, foi observado que as medianas do número de bactérias detectadas nos animais infectados com as mutantes no SST6 foram menores do que as detectadas nos animais infectados com a cepa parental PAO1. As mutações no SST6 não afetaram a disseminação sistêmica da bactéria. A pesquisa da secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias mostrou que, embora tenha sido observada uma redução nas medianas das concentrações de TNF-α nos LBAs de camundongos infectados com a cepa PAO1∆H1∆H2∆H3, em relação aos LBAs de camundongos infectados com a cepa parental, essa diferença não foi significativa. Como a pesquisa de IL-1β e KC não contribuiu para a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na redução da concentração de neutrófilos nos LBAs dos camundongos infectados pela cepa tripla mutante, foi pesquisado o possível efeito do SST6 na morte de neutrófilos humanos. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferenças significativas quando as diferentes amostras de células infectadas foram comparedas entre si. Em conclusão, os resultados do presente estudo mostraram que o SST6 pode interferir na resposta de neutrófilos durante a pneumonia aguda, mas estudos adicionais são necessários para determinar o papel deste mecanismo de secreção na patogênese de P. aeruginosa.


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麻黄属(Ephedra)起源较早,该属植物的形态性状极度退化或简化,可用于经典分类学的有价值的性状非常有限。分布于青藏高原的藏麻黄(E. saxatilis)和丽江麻黄(E. likiangensis)二者间形态相似,性状变异连续,很难分辨,但被《中国植物志》中、英文版作两个种处理。 本文对藏麻黄和丽江麻黄的七个居群、151个个体的叶、雌球花和节间长等形态学性状进行了分析,发现各性状的变异情况在群体间无明显差异。同时我们还对154个个体的叶绿体DNA trnT-trnF和 trnS-trnfM区进行了序列分析,两个片段的联合矩阵长1382bp,共有29个变异位点,其中有9个碱基变异和2个indel,可划分为H1、H2和H3三种单倍型。这3种单倍型在丽江麻黄中均有分布,但藏麻黄仅含H1和H2。 综合来自形态学和分子方面的证据,我们发现藏麻黄和丽江麻黄的关系非常近缘,因此建议予以合并。同时本文还以膜果麻黄(E. przewalskii)为外类群,从谱系生物地理学角度探讨了三种叶绿体单倍型的进化关系,发现H2最原始,分布最广;H1与其它两种单倍型间的序列差异较大,可能是较进化的类型。此外,无性克隆的繁殖方式可能是导致Ephedra单倍型非常简单的重要原因之一。


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青藏高原为冷杉属(Abies)的多度中心,共分布有10种,9变种和4亚种。其中苍山冷杉复合体(Abies delavayi complex)包括3种,5变种和2亚种。它们的形态性状变异较小,且分布区重叠。迄今对该复合体的遗传多样性水平、分化程度以及进化历史仍缺乏了解。 本研究对苍山冷杉复合体的14个居群、302个个体进行取样,并对193个个体的母系遗传线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区和276个个体的父系遗传的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区进行了序列分析。该复合体的线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区的序列为675bp,其中有4个单碱基变异和1个插入/缺失,可分为6种线粒体单倍型。这14个居群的线粒体总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00114,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.627,居群间的遗传变异(FST)高达84.034%。叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区的序列排列后为718bp,共有8个单碱基变异和4个插入/缺失,可分为12种叶绿体单倍型。这14个居群的总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00116,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.590,居群间的遗传变异(FST)为65.830%。以上结果显示苍山冷杉复合体居群间已经产生了强烈的遗传分化。叶绿体的3种主导单倍型(H1、H2和 H3)在YLXS、SKXS、GS和WX 4个居群中都有分布;而其它居群则只有主导单倍型(除SJLS外)中的1种或2种。造成边缘居群(如JZS)多样性较低的主要原因是冰期后群体在迁移过程中的遗传漂变和奠基者效应。根据谱系关系线粒体H1型和叶绿体H3型均为较古老的单倍型,线粒体和叶绿体的谱系关系均支持上述分析。 本研究初步推测青藏高原的东南部—横断山区(包括YLXS、SKXS、GS、WX、BMXS、ELS和EMS)可能为苍山冷杉复合体的冰期避难所,群体存在冰期后向西和向南扩张的过程。间冰期群体隔离和扩张过程中的奠基者效应是形成目前居群分化和遗传多样性分布格局的重要因素。


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青藏高原是我国植物多样性和特有性最高的地区,其中横断山区由于复杂的地质变迁历史和独特的地貌已成为研究物种多样性的一个热点。全缘叶绿绒蒿是分布于青藏高原及其周边地区的高山植物,该物种的谱系生物地理学研究不仅有助于揭示横断山区的物种分化机制及地理分布格局的形成过程,而且有助于探讨青藏高原隆升及新生代晚期气候变化对横断山区物种遗传结构的影响。 本研究对全缘叶绿绒蒿的12 个群体、153 个个体的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnfM片段进行了序列测定,比对校正后该片段的长度为877-962 bp,其中含6 个突变位点和5 个插入缺失(两个7 bp,两个39 bp,一个6 bp)。根据这些变异,可分为12 种叶绿体单倍型(H1-H12)。全缘叶绿绒蒿在物种水平上的核苷酸多态性分别为π = 0.00152 和θ = 0.00122,单倍型多样性为HE 为0.791,群体之间的遗传分化系数FST 为0.46579。中性检测结果显示无论在物种水平还是在群体水平,都没有显著偏离中性模式,说明该物种近期没有经历明显的瓶颈效应或奠基者效应等历史事件。我们从地理上将全缘叶绿绒蒿的群体分为四个地区,即云南、川西、川北和青海地区。AMOVA 分析显示群体间的遗传分化系数FST为0.46579,大多数的核苷酸多态性来自群体内(53.42%),其次来自于地区内的群体间(40.44%),而四个地区之间的分化非常小,仅占6.14%。失配分析显示在整个物种的分布范围内呈现单峰式样(r = 0.0475, P = 0.07924),这种分布虽然是不显著的,但P 值接近显著的临界,说明可能存在不明显的扩散,但在各个地区内的群体都没有扩散的迹象。 比较单倍型的地理分布和单倍型之间的进化关系,发现川西和川北地区存在明显差异,这两个地区都拥有比较古老的单倍型,也具有地区特异的稀有单倍型,因此很可能是全缘叶绿绒蒿在冰期时的避难所。云南地区只具有一个古老单倍型H1,这种分布可能是由川西和川北避难所的南迁造成的,也可能该地区自身就是古老单倍型H1 的发源地。青海地区只有两种古老的单倍型,由于冰期后物种有往高纬度迁移的趋势,因此这个地区的单倍型可能是在冰期后由川西和川北迁移过去的。全缘叶绿绒蒿在横断山区单倍型的片段化分布及多个避难所的存在可能与该地区独特的高山低谷相间地貌以及受多次冰期影响有密切关系。


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Two groups of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from skin secretions of Bombina maxima. Peptides in the first group, named maximins 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, are structurally related to bombinin-like peptides (BLPs). Unlike BLPs, sequence variations in maximins occurred all through the molecules. In addition to the potent antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity against tumor cells and spermicidal action of maximins, maximin 3 possessed a significant anti-HIV activity. Maximins 1 and 3 were toxic to mice with LD50 values of 8.2 and 4.3 mg/kg, respectively. Peptides in the second group, termed maximins H1, H2, H3 and H4, are homologous with bombinin H peptides. cDNA sequences revealed that one maximin peptide plus one maximin H peptide derived from a common larger protein. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The human D2 dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) plays a central role in the neuromodulation of appetitive behaviors and is implicated in having a possible role in susceptibility to alcoholism. We genotyped an SNP in DRD2 Exon 8 in 251 nonalcoholic, unrelated, healthy controls and 200 alcoholic Mexican Americans. The DRD2 haplotypes were analyzed using the Exon 8 genotype in combination with five other SNP genotypes, which were obtained from our previous study. The ancestral origins of the DRD2 polymorphisms have been determined by sequencing the homologous region in other higher primates. Twenty DRD2 haplotypes, defined as H1 to H20 based on their frequency from high to low, were obtained in this major minority population. The ancestral haplotype "I-132-G-C-G-A1" and two one-step mutation haplotypes were absent in our study population. The haplotype H1, "I-B1-T-C-A-A1", with the highest frequency in the population, is a three-step mutation from the ancestral form. The first five or eight major haplotypes make up 87% or 95% of the entire population, respectively. The prevalence of the haplotype H1+ (H1/H1 and H1/Hn genotypes) is significantly higher in alcoholics and alcoholic subgroups, including early onset drinkers and benders, than in their respective control groups. The Promoter -141C allele is in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with five other loci in the nonalcoholic group, but not in the alcoholic group. All of the other five loci are in LD in both the alcoholic and control groups. The DRD2 TaqI B allele is in complete LD with the allele located in intron 6. Five SNPs, Promoter -141C, TaqI B (or Intron 6), Exon 7, Exon 8, and TaqI A, are sufficient to define the DRD2 haplotypes in Mexican Americans. Our data indicate that the DRD2 haplotypes are associated with alcoholism in Mexican Americans. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present research, investigations were carried out for structure elucidation of natural compounds and also for studing biological and teratogenical effects of two Genus of soft corals named as " Echinogorgia cf. indica" and "Sinularia erecta" in Persian Gulf. First, 350 gr Echinogorgia was extracted by Acetone, then, the extract was separated by ether from aqueos phase to give 4.5 gr oil. The oil eluted with Petrol - ether Et2 o (9:1) which was recovered Linderazulene and it's derivative as purple Cristals (350 mg/ca 0.1 %). In order to determine molecular structure, the Samples were used for spectroscopic method as: H1- NMR , C13- NMR and 2D NMR. Also, for extraction and structure elucidation of natural compounds, the soft coral " sinularia erecta " were used 1187/37 gr and extracted by Aceton. The extract was concentrated and resulting aqueous suspension and extracted by using ether to give 8.41 gr oil. The oil , was Chromatographed on a column of silica gel and some different fractions were gathered. Initial fraction (1-11) which were nonpolar compounds were seprated by GC/MS. Mass spectrum were prepared and much compounds were recognized.


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In this study, the immunoglobulin M heavy chain gene of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) was cloned and analyzed. The full-length cDNA of the IgM heavy chain gene (GenBank accession no. EF062515) has 2089 nucleotides encoding a putative protein of 581 amino acids. The IgM heavy chain was composed of leader peptide (L), variable domain (VH), CH1, CH2. Hinge, CH3, CH4, and C-terminus and two novel continuous putative N-glycosylation sites were found close to the second cysteine of CH3 in A. anguilla-H1 and A. anguilla-H2. The deduced amino acid sequence of the European eel IgM heavy chain constant region shared similarities to that of the Ladyfish (Elops saurus). Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Grass carp (Ctenopharingodon idella), Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and the orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) with the identity of 46.1%, 39.7%, 38.9%, 32.4%, 32.3%, 31.7%, and 30.7%, respectively. The highest level of IgM gene expression was observed in the kidney, followed by the spleen, gills, liver, muscle and heart in the apparently healthy European eels. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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