970 resultados para Ground control lines


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Las temperaturas extremas, la sequía y otros estreses abióticos limitan la producción forestal de forma significativa, causando grandes pérdidas económicas en el sector. Los árboles, al ser organismos sésiles, han desarrollado una serie de estrategias para percibir dichos factores, activando respuestas defensivas apropiadas. Entre ellas ocupa un lugar preeminente la síntesis de proteínas con actividad chaperona molecular. Las chaperonas moleculares interaccionan con proteínas desnaturalizadas total o parcialmente, promoviendo su correcto plegamiento y ensamblaje. Las chaperonas moleculares que se sintetizan de forma predominante en plantas, pero no en otros eucariotas, pertenecen a la familia sHSP (small heat-shock proteins). Se trata de una familia inusualmente compleja y heterogénea, cuyos miembros son de pequeño tamaño (16-42 kD) y poseen un dominio “alfa-cristalina” muy conservado. Estas proteínas están implicadas en protección frente a estrés abiótico mediante la estabilización de proteínas y membranas, si bien su mecanismo de acción se conoce de forma incompleta. A pesar del evidente potencial aplicado de las proteínas sHSP, son muy escasos los estudios realizados hasta el momento con un enfoque netamente biotecnológico. Por otra parte, casi todos ellos se han llevado a cabo en especies herbáceas de interés agronómico o en especies modelo, como Arabidopsis thaliana. De ahí que las sHSP de arbóreas hayan sido mucho menos caracterizadas estructural y funcionalmente, y ello a pesar del interés económico y ecológico de los árboles y de su prolongada exposición vital a múltiples factores estresantes. La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en el estudio de sHSP de varias especies arbóreas de interés económico. El escrutinio exhaustivo de genotecas de cDNA de órganos vegetativos nos ha permitido identificar y caracterizar los componentes mayoritarios de tallo en dos especies productoras de madera noble: nogal y cerezo. También hemos caracterizado la familia completa en chopo, a partir de su secuencia genómica completa. Mediante expresión heteróloga en bacterias, hemos analizado el efecto protector de estas proteínas in vivo frente a distintos tipos de estrés abiótico, relevantes para el sector productivo. Los resultados demuestran que las proteínas sHSP-CI: (i) aumentan la viabilidad celular de E.coli frente a casi todos estos factores, aplicados de forma individual o combinada; (ii) ejercen un rol estabilizador de las membranas celulares frente a condiciones adversas; (iii) sirven para mejorar la producción de otras proteínas recombinantes de interés comercial. El efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP-CI también ha sido analizado in planta, mediante la expresión ectópica de CsHSP17.5-CI en chopos. En condiciones normales de crecimiento no se han observado diferencias fenotípicas entre las líneas transgénicas y los controles, lo que demuestra que se pueden sobre-expresar estas proteínas sin efectos pleiotrópicos deletéreos. En condiciones de estrés térmico, por el contrario, los chopos transgénicos mostraron menos daños y un mejor crecimiento neto. En línea con lo anterior, las actividades biológicas de varias enzimas resultaron más protegidas frente a la inactivación por calor, corroborando la actividad chaperona propuesta para la familia sHSP y su conexión con la tolerancia al estrés abiótico. En lo que respecta a la multiplicación y propagación de chopo in vitro, una forma de cultivo que comporta estrés para las plantas, todas las líneas transgénicas se comportaron mejor que los controles en términos de producción de biomasa (callos) y regeneración de brotes, incluso en ausencia de estrés térmico. También se comportaron mejor durante su cultivo ex vitro. Estos resultados tienen gran potencial aplicado, dada la recalcitrancia de muchas especies vegetales de interés económico a la micropropagación y a la manipulación in vitro en general. Los resultados derivados de esta Tesis, aparte de aportar datos nuevos sobre el efecto protector de las proteínas sHSP citosólicas mayoritarias (clase CI), demuestran por vez primera que la termotolerancia de los árboles puede ser manipulada racionalmente, incrementando los niveles de sHSP mediante técnicas de ingeniería genética. Su interés aplicado es evidente, especialmente en un escenario de calentamiento global. ABSTRACT Abiotic stress produces considerable economic losses in the forest sector, with extreme temperature and drought being amongst the most relevant factors. As sessile organisms, plants have acquired molecular strategies to detect and recognize stressful factors and activate appropriate responses. A wealth of evidence has correlated such responses with the massive induction of proteins belonging to the molecular chaperone family. Molecular chaperones are proteins which interact with incorrectly folded proteins to help them refold to their native state. In contrast to other eukaryotes, the most prominent stress-induced molecular chaperones of plants belong to the sHSP (small Heat Shock Protein) family. sHSPs are a widespread and diverse class of molecular chaperones that range in size from 16 to 42k Da, and whose members have a highly conserved “alpha-crystallin” domain. sHSP proteins play an important role in abiotic stress tolerance, membrane stabilization and developmental processes. Yet, their mechanism of action remains largely unknown. Despite the applied potential of these proteins, only a few studies have addressed so far the biotechnological implications of this protein family. Most studies have focused on herbaceous species of agronomic interest or on model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Hence, sHSP are poorly characterized in long-lived woody species, despite their economic and ecological relevance. This Thesis studies sHSPs from several woody species of economic interest. The most prominent components, namely cytosolic class I sHSPs, have been identified and characterized, either by cDNA library screening (walnut, cherry) or by searching the complete genomic sequence (poplar). Through heterologous bacterial expression, we analyzed the in vivo protective effects of selected components against abiotic stress. Our results demonstrate that sHSP-CI proteins: (i) protect E. coli cells against different stressful conditions, alone or combined; (ii) stabilize cell membranes; (iii) improve the production of other recombinant proteins with commercial interest. The effects of CsHSP17.5-CI overexpression have also been studied in hybrid poplar. Interestingly, the accumulation of this protein does not have any appreciable phenotypic effects under normal growth conditions. However, the transgenic poplar lines showed enhanced net growth and reduced injury under heat-stress conditions compared to vector controls. Biochemical analysis of leaf extracts revealed that important enzyme activities were more protected in such lines against heat-induced inactivation than in control lines, lending further support to the chaperone mode of action proposed for the sHSP family. All transgenic lines showed improved in vitro and ex vitro performance (calli biomass, bud induction, shoot regeneration) compared to controls, even in the absence of thermal stress. Besides providing new insights on the protective role of HSP-CI proteins, our results bolster the notion that heat stress tolerance can be readily manipulated in trees through genetic engineering. The applied value of these results is evident, especially under a global warming scenario.


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Autonomous landing is a challenging and important technology for both military and civilian applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this paper, we present a novel online adaptive visual tracking algorithm for UAVs to land on an arbitrary field (that can be used as the helipad) autonomously at real-time frame rates of more than twenty frames per second. The integration of low-dimensional subspace representation method, online incremental learning approach and hierarchical tracking strategy allows the autolanding task to overcome the problems generated by the challenging situations such as significant appearance change, variant surrounding illumination, partial helipad occlusion, rapid pose variation, onboard mechanical vibration (no video stabilization), low computational capacity and delayed information communication between UAV and Ground Control Station (GCS). The tracking performance of this presented algorithm is evaluated with aerial images from real autolanding flights using manually- labelled ground truth database. The evaluation results show that this new algorithm is highly robust to track the helipad and accurate enough for closing the vision-based control loop.


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Autonomous landing is a challenging and important technology for both military and civilian applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this paper, we present a novel online adaptive visual tracking algorithm for UAVs to land on an arbitrary field (that can be used as the helipad) autonomously at real-time frame rates of more than twenty frames per second. The integration of low-dimensional subspace representation method, online incremental learning approach and hierarchical tracking strategy allows the autolanding task to overcome the problems generated by the challenging situations such as significant appearance change, variant surrounding illumination, partial helipad occlusion, rapid pose variation, onboard mechanical vibration (no video stabilization), low computational capacity and delayed information communication between UAV and Ground Control Station (GCS). The tracking performance of this presented algorithm is evaluated with aerial images from real autolanding flights using manually- labelled ground truth database. The evaluation results show that this new algorithm is highly robust to track the helipad and accurate enough for closing the vision-based control loop.


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The mobility of elements within plants contributes to a plant species' tolerance of nutrient deficiencies in the soil. The genetic manipulation of within-plant nutrient movement may therefore provide a means to enhance plant growth under conditions of variable soil nutrient availability. In these experiments tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was engineered to synthesize sorbitol, and the resultant effect on phloem mobility of boron (B) was determined. In contrast to wild-type tobacco, transgenic tobacco plants containing sorbitol exhibit a marked increase in within-plant B mobility and a resultant increase in plant growth and yield when grown with limited or interrupted soil B supply. Growth of transgenic tobacco could be maintained by reutilization of B present in mature tissues or from B supplied as a foliar application to mature leaves. In contrast, B present in mature leaves of control tobacco lines could not be used to provide the B requirements for new plant growth. 10B-labeling experiments verified that B is phloem mobile in transgenic tobacco but is immobile in control lines. These results demonstrate that the transgenic enhancement of within-plant nutrient mobility is a viable approach to improve plant tolerance of nutrient stress.


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1/2-meter resolution 1:5,000 orthophoto image of the Boston region from April 2001. This datalayer is a subset (covering only the Boston region) of the Massachusetts statewide orthophoto image series available from MassGIS. It consists of 23 orthophoto quads mosaicked together (MassGIS orthophoto quad ID: 229890, 229894, 229898, 229902, 233886, 233890, 233894, 233898, 233902, 233906, 233910, 237890, 237894, 237898, 237902, 237906, 237910, 241890, 241894, 241898, 241902, 245898, 245902). These medium resolution true color images are considered the new "basemap" for the Commonwealth by MassGIS and the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA). MassGIS/EOEA and the Massachusetts Highway Department jointly funded the project. The photography for the mainland was captured in April 2001 when deciduous trees were mostly bare and the ground was generally free of snow. The geographic extent of this dataset is the same as that of the MassGIS dataset: Boston, Massachusetts Region LIDAR First Return Elevation Data, 2002 [see cross references].


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Contract no DA-44-009 Eng. 2435, Department of the Army Project no. 8-35-11-101.


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Structure from Motion (SfM) is a new form of photogrammetry that automates the rendering of georeferenced 3D models of objects using digital photographs and independently surveyed Ground Control Points (GCPs). This project seeks to quantify the error found in Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) produced using SfM. I modeled a rockslide found at the Cadman Quarry (Monroe, Washington) because the surface is vegetation-free, which is ideal for SfM and Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner (TLS) surveys. By using SfM, TLS, and GPS positioning at the same time, I attempted to find the deviation in the SfM model from the TLS model and GPS points. Using the deviation, I found the Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) between the SfM DEM and GPS positions. The RMSE of the SfM model when compared to surveyed GPS points is 17cm. I propagated the uncertainty of the GPS points with the RMSE of the SfM model to find the uncertainty of the SfM model compared to the NAD 1984 datum. The uncertainty of the SfM model compared to the NAD 1984 is 27cm. This study did not produce a model from the TLS that had sufficient resolution on horizontal surfaces to compare to surveyed GPS points.


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This research develops a low cost remote sensing system for use in agricultural applications. The important features of the system are that it monitors the near infrared and it incorporates position and attitude measuring equipment allowing for geo-rectified images to be produced without the use of ground control points. The equipment is designed to be hand held and hence requires no structural modification to the aircraft. The portable remote sensing system consists of an inertia measurement unit (IMU), which is accelerometer based, a low-cost GPS device and a small format false colour composite digital camera. The total cost of producing such a system is below GBP 3000, which is far cheaper than equivalent existing systems. The design of the portable remote sensing device has eliminated bore sight misalignment errors from the direct geo-referencing process. A new processing technique has been introduced for the data obtained from these low-cost devices, and it is found that using this technique the image can be matched (overlaid) onto Ordnance Survey Master Maps at an accuracy compatible with precision agriculture requirements. The direct geo-referencing has also been improved by introducing an algorithm capable of correcting oblique images directly. This algorithm alters the pixels value, hence it is advised that image analysis is performed before image georectification. The drawback of this research is that the low-cost GPS device experienced bad checksum errors, which resulted in missing data. The Wide Area Augmented System (WAAS) correction could not be employed because the satellites could not be locked onto whilst flying. The best GPS data were obtained from the Garmin eTrex (15 m kinematic and 2 m static) instruments which have a highsensitivity receiver with good lock on capability. The limitation of this GPS device is the inability to effectively receive the P-Code wavelength, which is needed to gain the best accuracy when undertaking differential GPS processing. Pairing the carrier phase L1 with the pseudorange C/A-Code received, in order to determine the image coordinates by the differential technique, is still under investigation. To improve the position accuracy, it is recommended that a GPS base station should be established near the survey area, instead of using a permanent GPS base station established by the Ordnance Survey.


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The paper in hand presents a mobile testbed –namely the Heavy Duty Planetary Rover (HDPR)– that was designed and constructed at the Automation and Robotics Laboratories (ARL) of the European Space Agency to fulfill the lab’s internal needs in the context of long range rover exploration as well as in order to provide the means to perform in situ testing of novel algorithms. We designed a rover that: a) is able to reliably perform long range routes, and b) carries an abundant of sensors (both current rover technology and futuristic ones). The testbed includes all the additional hardware and software (i.e. ground control station, UAV, networking, mobile power) to allow the prompt deployment on the field. The reader can find in the paper the description of the system as well as a report on our experiences during our first experiments with the testbed.


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Abstract : Images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide data with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution for three-dimensional (3D) modeling. Solutions developed for this purpose are mainly operating based on photogrammetry concepts, namely UAV-Photogrammetry Systems (UAV-PS). Such systems are used in applications where both geospatial and visual information of the environment is required. These applications include, but are not limited to, natural resource management such as precision agriculture, military and police-related services such as traffic-law enforcement, precision engineering such as infrastructure inspection, and health services such as epidemic emergency management. UAV-photogrammetry systems can be differentiated based on their spatial characteristics in terms of accuracy and resolution. That is some applications, such as precision engineering, require high-resolution and high-accuracy information of the environment (e.g. 3D modeling with less than one centimeter accuracy and resolution). In other applications, lower levels of accuracy might be sufficient, (e.g. wildlife management needing few decimeters of resolution). However, even in those applications, the specific characteristics of UAV-PSs should be well considered in the steps of both system development and application in order to yield satisfying results. In this regard, this thesis presents a comprehensive review of the applications of unmanned aerial imagery, where the objective was to determine the challenges that remote-sensing applications of UAV systems currently face. This review also allowed recognizing the specific characteristics and requirements of UAV-PSs, which are mostly ignored or not thoroughly assessed in recent studies. Accordingly, the focus of the first part of this thesis is on exploring the methodological and experimental aspects of implementing a UAV-PS. The developed system was extensively evaluated for precise modeling of an open-pit gravel mine and performing volumetric-change measurements. This application was selected for two main reasons. Firstly, this case study provided a challenging environment for 3D modeling, in terms of scale changes, terrain relief variations as well as structure and texture diversities. Secondly, open-pit-mine monitoring demands high levels of accuracy, which justifies our efforts to improve the developed UAV-PS to its maximum capacities. The hardware of the system consisted of an electric-powered helicopter, a high-resolution digital camera, and an inertial navigation system. The software of the system included the in-house programs specifically designed for camera calibration, platform calibration, system integration, onboard data acquisition, flight planning and ground control point (GCP) detection. The detailed features of the system are discussed in the thesis, and solutions are proposed in order to enhance the system and its photogrammetric outputs. The accuracy of the results was evaluated under various mapping conditions, including direct georeferencing and indirect georeferencing with different numbers, distributions and types of ground control points. Additionally, the effects of imaging configuration and network stability on modeling accuracy were assessed. The second part of this thesis concentrates on improving the techniques of sparse and dense reconstruction. The proposed solutions are alternatives to traditional aerial photogrammetry techniques, properly adapted to specific characteristics of unmanned, low-altitude imagery. Firstly, a method was developed for robust sparse matching and epipolar-geometry estimation. The main achievement of this method was its capacity to handle a very high percentage of outliers (errors among corresponding points) with remarkable computational efficiency (compared to the state-of-the-art techniques). Secondly, a block bundle adjustment (BBA) strategy was proposed based on the integration of intrinsic camera calibration parameters as pseudo-observations to Gauss-Helmert model. The principal advantage of this strategy was controlling the adverse effect of unstable imaging networks and noisy image observations on the accuracy of self-calibration. The sparse implementation of this strategy was also performed, which allowed its application to data sets containing a lot of tie points. Finally, the concepts of intrinsic curves were revisited for dense stereo matching. The proposed technique could achieve a high level of accuracy and efficiency by searching only through a small fraction of the whole disparity search space as well as internally handling occlusions and matching ambiguities. These photogrammetric solutions were extensively tested using synthetic data, close-range images and the images acquired from the gravel-pit mine. Achieving absolute 3D mapping accuracy of 11±7 mm illustrated the success of this system for high-precision modeling of the environment.


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Nos dias de hoje, com o contínuo desenvolvimento e inovação no campo dos UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehciles), o mundo já tem como adquiridos os benefícios que estes sistemas podem fornecer. Os benefícios obtidos com a aplicação destes sistemas abrange tanto as forças armadas como industrias e organizações civis. Todas as nações e indústrias querem ter uma cota parte no futuro desta tecnologia. Diferentes UAVs foram desenvolvidos, mas estes, diferem em termos de arquitetura e protocolos de comunicação. Protocolos como o STANAG 4586, MAVLink, JAUS e ROS são só alguns exemplos. A proliferação de informação através destes sistemas e as suas consolas de comando e controlo é uma das principais preocupações, principalmente pelas forças armadas. Uma das principais prioridades é combinar forças de diferentes nações, principalmente pelos membros NATO. A necessidade de uma consola para cada tipo de sistema devido à falta de padronização apresenta assim um problema. É conhecida a necessidade de uma padronização em termos de arquitetura por camadas e de comunicação tendo em vista a interoperabilidade entre estes sistemas. Não existe nenhuma que esteja a ser implementada como documento padrão. Pretende-se que o STANAG 4586 seja o documento padrão para os membros NATO e, por conseguinte, todos os esforços estão direcionados em desenvolver sistemas que o consigam implementar. Os diferentes UAVs já existentes possuem o seu próprio protocolo de comunicação e a alteração de toda a sua estrutura não é fácil. A ideia de fazer uma conversão de linguagens como alternativa surge como uma solução teórica ótima. Utilizando um piloto automático que comunica com a sua consola através da linguagem MAVLink esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver um programa computacional que converta as mensagens MAVLink em STANAG 4586 e estudar se o tempo de conversão é operacionalmente válido tendo em conta os requisitos operacionais dos sistemas.


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The truss bolt reinforcement system has been used in controlling the stability of underground excavations in severe ground conditions and cutter roof failure in layered rocks especially in coal mines. In spite of good application reports, working mechanism of this system is largely unknown and truss bolts are predominantly designed based on past experience and engineering judgement. In this study, the reinforcing effect of the truss bolt system on an underground excavation in layered rock is studied using non-linear finite element analysis. Different indicators are defined to evaluate the reinforcing effects of the truss bolt system. Using these indicators one can evaluate the effects of a reinforcing system on the deformation, loosened area, failure prevention, horizontal movement of the immediate layer, shear crack propagation and cutter roof failure of underground excavations. Effects of truss bolt on these indicators reveal the working mechanism of the truss bolt system. To illustrate the application of these indicators, a comparative study is conducted between three different truss bolt designs. It is shown that the design parameters of truss bolt systems, including tie-rod span, length, and angle of the bolts can have significant effects on the reinforcing capability of the system.


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An extension of Rizk's analysis to cover any type of switching is presented for calculating the residual current and recovery voltage in a singlephase switched transmission system. Equations for the determination of the current and voltage are shown, and the method has been used for the analysis of a series- and shunt-compensated line.Three possible switching methods for the effective control of the recovery voltage and residual current are discussed: normal switching, switching at the ends of the line and switching of the series capacitors.


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VHF nighttime scintillations, recorded during a high solar activity period at a meridian chain of stations covering a magnetic latitude belt of 3°–21°N (420 km subionospheric points) are analyzed to investigate the influence of equatorial spread F irregularities on the occurrence of scintillation at latitudes away from the equator. Observations show that saturated amplitude scintillations start abruptly about one and a half hours after ground sunset and their onset is almost simultaneous at stations whose subionospheric points are within 12°N latitude of the magnetic equator, but is delayed at a station whose subionospheric point is at 21°N magnetic latitude by 15 min to 4 hours. In addition, the occurrence of postsunset scintillations at all the stations is found to be conditional on their prior occurrence at the equatorial station. If no postsunset scintillation activity is seen at the equatorial station, no scintillations are seen at other stations also. The occurrence of scintillations is explained as caused by rising plasma bubbles and associated irregularities over the magnetic equator and the subsequent mapping of these irregularities down the magnetic field lines to the F region of higher latitudes through some instantaneous mechanism; and hence an equatorial control is established on the generation of postsunset scintillation-producing irregularities in the entire low-latitude belt.


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This paper is concerned with the influence of different levels of complexity in modelling various constituent subsystems on the dynamic stability of power systems compensated by static var systems (SVS) operating on pure voltage control. The system components investigated include thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) transients, SVS delays, network transients, the synchronous generator and automatic voltage regulator (AVR). An overall model is proposed which adequately describes the system performance for small signal perturbations. The SVS performance is validated through detailed nonlinear simulation on a physical simulator.