981 resultados para Graffiti artist


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Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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An artist's sketch of what the Physical Education Building was to look like.


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This r\.~et.lrch examined ho\\' ~ight \\'omen artists \\'ho t~ach at the uni versity and college level, balance thcir artistic practic~ and their institu tional responsibilities as tcachers. This thesis reprt.~ents the culmination of \\'ork for my second graduate degree. For my first degrCt! on th~ grad uat~ level, I concentratoo on d~veloping my artistic practice. This ~Iaster's Degree in Education is no k~ important to m~. In pursuing studies in the field of education I \\'anted to understand my rol~ as both an educator and an artist and in the process I uncovered the interplay of race, class, and gender at \\'ork in th~ classroom. Coming from a \\'orking-class, immigrant background \\'here higher education \vas vie\\'cd as a stepping stone that \"ould enable my siblings and me a greater spectrum of opportunities, I \\'as at last able to understand my o\\'n educational experiences, more clearly. I discovered ho\\' d\.~ply I internalized the racism, sexism and class discrimination, I submitted to in my history as a student. Becoming a\\'are about the social forc\.~ at "'ork \\'ithin my day to day life has provided me \\'ith instruments \\'hich I can usc to examine and respond to these inequities as I confront them in th~ future. This \,'ork exists as a serk'S of responses and further av~nues for investigation on some themes I first began to explor~, albeit very tentati\'~ly, during my first incarnation as a graduate student and so though the h\'o bound volum~s rna-\' one da.v sit si.d~ b\' s id~ on the bookshelf, th~\-' exist in the context of my life as a set of brackets surrounding a series of qUl'Stions about being a \\'Onlan, a teachcr and an artist.


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Graffiti, Memory and Contested Space: Mnemonic Initiatives Following Periods of Trauma and/or Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina This thesis concerns the popular articulation ofmemory following periods or incidents of trauma in Argentina. I am interested in how groups lay claim to various public spaces in the city and how they convert these spaces into mnemonic battlegrounds. In considering these spaces of trauma and places of memory, I am primarily interested in how graffiti writing (stencils, spray-paint, signatures, etchings, wall-paintings, murals and installations) is used to make these spaces transmit particular memories that impugn official versions of the past. This thesis draws on literatures focused on popular/public memory. Scholars argue that memory is socially constructed and thus actively contested. Marginal initiatives such as graffiti writing challenge the memory projects of the state as well as state projects that are perceived by citizens to be 'inadequate,' 'inappropriate,' and/or as promoting the erasure of memory. Many of these initiatives are a reaction to the proreconciliation and pro-oblivion strategies of previous governments. I outline that the history of silences and impunity, and a longstanding emphasis on reconciliation at the expense of truth and justice has created an environment of vulnerable memory in Argentina. Popular memory entrepreneurs react by aggressively articulating their memories in time and in space. As a result of this intense memory work, the built landscape in Buenos Aires is dotted with mnemonic initiatives that aim to contradict or subvert officially sanctioned memories. I also suggest that memory workers in Argentina persistently and carefially use the sites of trauma as well as key public spaces to ensure official as well as popular audiences . The data for this project was collected in five spaces in Buenos Aires, the Plaza de Mayo, Plaza Congreso, La Republica Cromanon nightclub, Avellaneda Train Station and El Olimpo, a former detention centre from the military dictatorship.


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the relationships between creativity and the working artist/teacher employed by an art college. The topic emerged from my job as an instructor at The Ontario College of Art which was used as the primary data resource and provided the highest caliber of professionals to chose from. Existent data were used to facilitate the study generated by the research of Cawelti, Rappaport, and Wood (1992). The data were generated by a group of 5 faculty members from The University of Northern Iowa, recognized for their expertise in the arts (a painter, a poet, a sculptor, a novelist, and a photographer). They were asked to respond to the following statement: "In as much detail as you like, list the things that you did, thought, or felt the last time you created an artistic product. II Cawelti, Rappaport, and Wood (1992) produced three models of the creative process, each building on the previous, with the resultant third,being in my opinion, an excellent illustration (text/visual) of the creative process. Model three (Appendix D) presented a "multi-dimensional view of the creative process: time, space, observatility, and consciousnessll (p. 90). Model three utilized a visual mapping device along the bottom of the page linked to text segments above. Both the visual and the text were interrelated so that they harmonized into a comprehensive "picture." The parti'cipants of this qualitative study were asked to consider model three from their professional perspective as artist/teachers. The interpretive sciences directed the methodology. The hermeneutic circle of continuous reflection from the whole to the part and back to the whole was an important aspect of the data analyses. Four members of the Foundation Department at The Ontario College of Art were the key participants. A series of conversational interviews was the primary source of data collection, this was augmented by observation, fie,ldnotes, and follow up telephone interviews. Transcripts of interviews were returned to participants for reflection and the telephone was used to discuss any additional -points raised. Analysis consisted of coding and organizing data according to emerging themes. These themes formed the basis for the narrative stories. The text of the narrative stories were given back to each participant for further comment. Revisions were made until both the researcher and the participants felt that the stories reflected reality. The resultant whole was critiqued from the researcher's perspective. The significance of this study was discussed as it pertains to the working artist/teacher and areas in need of further study are pointed out.


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An advertisement addressed to the "celebration committees" for May 24th and July 1st. William Hand details his services for fireworks and other lighting. Price ranges are included and reviews/comments quoted from several newspapers.


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While the influence of computer technology has been widely studied in a variety of contexts, the drawing teaching studio is a particularly interesting context because of the juxtaposition of traditional medium and computer technology. For this study, 5 Canadian postsecondary teachers engaged in a 2-round Delphi interview process to discuss their responses to computer technology on their drawing pedagogy. Data sources included transcribed interviews. Findings indicated that artist teachers are both cautious to embrace and curious to explore appropriate use of computer technology on their drawing pedagogy. Artist teachers are both critical and optimistic about the influence of computer technology.


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'The problem of the graphic artist' is a small example of applying elementary mathematics (divisibility of natural numbers) to a real problem which we ourselves have actually experienced. It deals with the possibilities for partitioning a sheet of paper into strips. In this contribution we report on a teaching unit in grade 6 as well as on informal tests with students in school and university. Finally we analyse this example methodologically, summarise our observations with pupils and students, and draw some didactical conclusions.


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OVERVIEW es una agencia que promueve y comercializa entretenimiento mediante la integración de servicios y personas pertenecientes a la industria a través de un portafolio que incluye músicos, artistas, productores y profesionales en temas enfocados al mundo del Entretenimiento, Marketing, Imagen y Servicios Corporativos.


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El interés de esta monografía es realizar un análisis del arte callejero o graffiti desde la teoría política de Jacques Rancière. Para ello se tomaron como unidades de análisis tres graffitis de la ciudad de Bogotá: El Beso de los Invisibles, País de Mierda de Jaime Garzón y Las Victimas, que, por sus características, permiten la aplicación de las categorías fundamentales de la esthesis política del autor. Los puntos de partida que guían a esta monografía se centra en la transformación de la ciudad a partir del arte urbano y en cómo los graffitis se han convertido en una forma de comunicación alternativa que se presenta en la ciudad. También se establece como premisa fundamental la importancia de ver otras maneras del hacer político, ya que muestra cómo a través del arte callejero se puede crear una transgresión, una subversión del sentido original para llegar así a la reivindicación de nuevos sujetos políticos


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Analizar los graffiti que se encuentran grabados en los aseos de las Escuelas y Facultades universitarias de Murcia capital y del Campus de Espinardo, aplicando las teor??as de an??lisis de contenido y transaccional. Los graffiti como manifestaci??n de parte de la cultura universitaria y de las caracter??sticas psicoevolutivas de universitarios murcianos de ambos sexos y edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 25 a??os aproximadamente. Total de expresiones escritas analizadas: 478. Despu??s del marco te??rico referido a las t??cnicas utilizadas para el an??lisis de contenido y transaccional, se presenta la investigaci??n propiamente dicha. Para la recogida de la informaci??n (de texto, ??nicamente) se confeccionaron unas hojas de registro con instrucciones. Previo a la recogida, se establecieron unidades de an??lisis y categor??as para poder codificar la informaci??n recogida. Cada categor??a se situ?? en el ??mbito de una de las variables del estudio, estas fueron: centro, ??rea, sexo, tema, forma, car??cter, soporte, huellas y encadenamiento. El an??lisis transaccional ha demostrado su utilidad tanto como marco te??rico para el establecimiento de categor??as de car??cter psicol??gico que permiten el an??lisis de contenido de las comunicaciones, como para la realizaci??n de inferencias en torno a las mismas. El an??lisis factorial confirma la coherencia del sistema de variables establecido en el estudio, esto es, validez interna que descansa en la existencia de una relaci??n l??gica entre indicadores, categor??as y resultados. Muchos de los mensajes escritos expresan ideas, creencias y comportamientos no aceptados socialmente. Los aseos constituyen un espacio p??blico en el que pueden dialogar las opiniones extremas de los alumnos. Es positivo conocer tales conductas y creencias por el grado de violencia pasiva que la sociedad ejercita sobre los pensamientos y actitudes de algunas personas. Cuando el n??mero de mensajes extremos crece, la salud social est?? en peligro y se puede esperar la aparici??n de conflictos continuos bajo otras formas aceptadas socialmente, que son s??lo un reflejo de las ideas y actitudes expresadas en los aseos.


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Este estudio responde al deseo de leer y explorar diferentes estrategias textuales (graffitis y crónicas) a través de las cuales un ciudadano común se autoriza a intervenir en el escenario urbano de la comunicación verbal. La autora considera estas escrituras como si fueran huellas que hacen visible el desplazamiento de un sujeto ciudadano, en su esfuerzo por dotar de sentidos a espacios urbanos que sustentan su vida cotidiana, y por dialogar con la ciudad. En esas escrituras halla un esfuerzo por hacer habitable una ciudad que se muestra como un espacio conflictivo en el que se advierten operaciones de territorialización, intercambio de marcas culturales entre el centro y la periferia, comunidades que se imaginan portadoras de verdad y justicia social, en medio de otras marcas que hablan de un imaginario social ligado al cuerpo, desde donde irrumpe una risa que propone un diálogo irreverente con el territorio de la ley. En el graffiti y en las crónicas indaga por escrituras que los usuarios de una ciudad inventan y leen para establecer relaciones entre el espacio y las prácticas significantes: escrituras que conforman la inmensa red simbólica urbana al incorporar los diferentes discursos de la ciudad, aquellos que hablan de ella y desde ella, que se escriben en su propio cuerpo para maquillarla e incorporar entre sus pliegues las lecturas, la memoria, las fantasías y el recorrido azaroso de sus caminantes que responde a deseos y necesidades de la vida cotidiana.


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A finales del siglo XX, se asiste a una nueva etapa del desarrollo de la estética urbana, marcada por la aplicación y presencia de las nuevas tecnologías y la aparición de nuevos agentes sociales como el escritor de grafiti, el artista de la calle o el activista contracultural. El grafiti, entendido como práctica cultural tradicionalmente urbana, se encuentra sujeto a las transformaciones que manifiestan la sociedad y el espacio de la ciudad, adaptándose continuamente y desde diferentes formatos a la realidad social. En esta práctica se observa un modo de reafirmar identidades, criticar y proponer proyectos de ciudad posibles. Además, las intervenciones de calle producidas por escritores de grafiti, artistas urbanos o activistas culturales, sociales y políticos contribuyen a la construcción y definición de la imagen pública de una determinada área urbana, subrayando o alterando la imagen tradicional de dichos espacios. En esa línea de ideas, la investigación analizará el graffiti en los aspectos correspondientes a los actores que ejecutan las intervenciones, el contexto político y coyuntural en el que nacen estas iniciativas, el contenido visual y lingüístico de los mismos, así como el espacio geográfico en el que se plasman, entendiendo que cada uno de ellos brinda una espesor interpretativo que enriquece el trabajo desarrollado. Por lo tanto, el estudio del grafiti en la ciudad de Quito es relevante en cuanto permite evaluar, en términos cualitativos: la vitalidad ciudadana del área metropolitana, la pluralidad de sus agentes culturales, sus pretensiones, su carácter crítico, su nivel de pensamiento y formación, el grado de conciencia y participación en la transformación social.