150 resultados para Globus Pallidus
La utilización de un implante orbitario es imprescindible para restaurar el volumen tras la evisceración o enucleación del globo ocular. Dicho volumen en la cavidad anoftálmica permitirá la utilización de una cascarilla que dará al paciente una mejor apariencia y simetría tras la pérdida del globo ocular. La exposición del implante orbitario es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes que nos encontramos tras evisceración o enucleación con la utilización de implante orbitario. Hay diferentes factores reconocidos que propiciarán dicha exposición, entre los que se encuentran la colonización del implante, escasez de mucosa conjuntival, tamaño y composición del implante, etc... Hay diferentes opciones de tratamiento de la exposición del implante orbitario que incluyen la utilización de tejidos por medio de injerto o flap o bien la extracción del propio implante con la consecuente afectación en la apariencia del paciente. El uso de injerto dermo-graso ha sido descrito con anterioridad, pero no hemos encontrado un estudio de una serie de casos que demuestre su utilidad. Nuestro objetivo es determinar la efectividad del injerto dermo-graso en el tratamiento de la exposición del implante orbitario en la cavidad anoftálmica. Para ello estudiamos la evolución de 15 pacientes que presentaron exposición de implante orbitario, tras enucleación o evisceración, y a los que se les ha tratado dicha exposición con un injerto dermo-graso. Se evaluan clínicamente los resultados de dicha técnica en estos pacientes, en algún caso hasta 22 meses tras la intervención.
Navegar per la World Wide Web és avui una acció rutinària per milions de persones arreu del globus terraqui. En el transcurs d'aquesta activitat cada individu deixa traces digitals a mesura que es va relacionant amb cada un dels elements que integren la Web. Aquest treball de recerca es proposa analitzar el codi font de llocs web per trobar evidències d'aquest procés latent de recollida de dades i, en la mesura del possible (i també del factible), identificar actors, establir usos potencials i cartografiar els espais de la web tenint en compte el grau de monitorització al que està sotmès l'usuari quan els visita.
Hybotinae is being recorded for the first time to Dominican Republic where the subfamily becomes represented by the genera Euhybus Coquillett, 1895, Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho, 2003 and Syneches Walker, 1852. Euhybus and Neohybos occur exclusively in the Americas, and Syneches is cosmopolitan. Six new species are described and illustrated: Euhybus martiniensis sp. nov., Neohybos cinereus sp. nov., N. longicornis sp. nov., N. pruinosus sp. nov., N. setosus sp. nov. and Syneches dominicanus sp. nov.. Identification keys are provided for the species of the three hybotine genera registered in West Indies. The following species are recorded for the first time from the Dominican Republic: Syneches inversus Curran, 1928, S. pallidus Wilder, 1974 and S. vineus Wilder, 1974. The previously unknown female of S. inversus is described.
Ectoparasites of bats (Chiroptera, Furipteridae), with a description of a new species of Synthesiostrebla Townsend (Diptera, Streblidae) from Brazil. Records of ectoparasites from furipterid bats are restricted to bat flies (Streblidae). Only three streblid species were known before this work: Trichobius pallidus (Curran, 1934), Strebla wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856, and Synthesiostrebla amorphochili Townsend, 1913. A second species of Synthesiostrebla is described here, increasing the geographical distribution of the genus to east of the Andes. Synthesiostrebla cisandina sp. nov. was found on Furipterus horrens (Cuvier, 1828) in southeastern Brazil. Anterior parts of the body, wing, tergite 7, epiproct and male genitalia are illustrated, and a key to females for species of Synthesiostrebla is provided.
O grupo das cianobactérias marinhas bentônicas vem sendo freqüentemente excluído dos levantamentos taxonômicos da costa brasileira, com exceção de alguns trabalhos para o litoral paulista. Para o ambiente de ilhas, apenas é conhecido um trabalho para a Ilha do Cardoso. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em ampliar o conhecimento da riqueza das cianobactérias marinhas bentônicas de ilhas do litoral paulista. Os resultados obtidos mostram a ocorrência de 24 espécies de cianobactérias em ilhas do litoral paulista. A ordem Oscillatoriales foi representada por 12 espécies (50%), Nostocales por 6 espécies (25%) e Chrooccoccales por seis espécies (25%). Entre as espécies identificadas, quatro são novas ocorrências para o litoral Atlântico sul: Cyanodermatium gonzaliensis H. Leon-Tejera et al., Xenococcus pallidus (Hansg.) Komárek & Anagn., Microchaete aeruginea Batters and Hydrocoryne spongiosa Bornet & Flahault e uma nova referência para o litoral brasileiro: Rivularia atra Roth. Atualizações nomenclaturais foram adotadas de acordo com o sistema de classificação mais atual de Komarek & Agnostidis.
There is a dense serotonergic projection from nucleus raphe pallidus and nucleus raphe obscurus to the trigeminal motor nucleus and serotonin exerts a strong facilitatory action on the trigeminal motoneurons. Some serotonergic neurons in these caudal raphe nuclei increase their discharge during feeding. The objective of the present study was to investigate the possibility that the activity of these serotonergic neurons is related to activity of masticatory muscles. Cats were implanted with microelectrodes and gross electrodes. Caudal raphe single neuron activity, electrocorticographic activity, and splenius, digastric and masseter electromyographic activities were recorded during active behaviors (feeding and grooming), during quiet waking and during sleep. Seven presumed serotonergic neurons were identified. These neurons showed a long duration action potential (>2.0 ms), and discharged slowly (2-7 Hz) and very regularly (interspike interval coefficient of variation <0.3) during quiet waking. The activity of these neurons decreased remarkably during fast wave sleep (78-100%). Six of these neurons showed tonic changes in their activity positively related to digastric and/or masseter muscle activity but not to splenius muscle activity during waking. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that serotonergic neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei play an important role in the control of jaw movements
Involvement of the caudal raphe nuclei (raphe pallidus, RPa; raphe magnus, RMg, and raphe obscurus, ROb) in feeding behavior of adult rats was studied by measuring c-Fos protein expression, in animals submitted to the "meal-feeding" model of food restriction in which the rats were fed ad libitum only from 7:00 to 9:00 h, for 15 days. The experimental groups submitted to chronic fasting, named 'search for food' (SF), 'ingestion of food' (IF) and 'satiety of food' (SaF) were scheduled after a previous study in which the body weight and the general and feeding behaviors were evaluated by daily monitoring. Acute, 48-h fasting (AF) was used as control. In the chronic group, the animals presented a 16% reduction in body weight in the first week, followed by a continuous, slow rise in weight over the subsequent days. Entrainment of the sleep-wake cycle to the schedule of food presentation was also observed. The RPa was the most Fos immunopositive nucleus in the chronic fasting group, followed by the RMg. The ANOVA and Tukey test (P<0.05) confirmed these results. The IF group was significantly different from the other three groups, as also was the number of labeled cells in the RPa in SF and IF groups. Nevertheless, no significant difference was observed between RMg and RPa, or RMg and ROb in the SaF and AF. However, it is interesting to observe that the groups in which the animals were more active, searching for or ingesting food, presented a larger number of labeled cells. These results suggest a different involvement of the caudal raphe nuclei in the somatic and autonomic events of feeding behavior, corroborating the functions reported for them earlier.
We investigated the behavioral correlates of the activity of serotonergic and non-serotonergic neurons in the nucleus raphe pallidus (NRP) and nucleus raphe obscurus (NRO) of unanesthetized and unrestrained cats. The animals were implanted with electrodes for recording single unit activity, parietal oscillographic activity, and splenius, digastric and masseter electromyographic activities. They were tested along the waking-sleep cycle, during sensory stimulation and during drinking behavior. The discharge of the serotonergic neurons decreased progressively from quiet waking to slow wave sleep and to fast wave sleep. Ten different patterns of relative discharge across the three states were observed for the non-serotonergic neurons. Several non-serotonergic neurons showed cyclic discharge fluctuations related to respiration during one, two or all three states. While serotonergic neurons were usually unresponsive to the sensory stimuli used, many non-serotonergic neurons responded to these stimuli. Several non-serotonergic neurons showed a phasic relationship with splenius muscle activity during auditory stimulation. One serotonergic neuron showed a tonic relationship with digastric muscle activity during drinking behavior. A few non-serotonergic neurons exhibited a tonic relationship with digastric and/or masseter muscle activity during this behavior. Many non-serotonergic neurons exhibited a phasic relationship with these muscle activities, also during this behavior. These results suggest that the serotonergic neurons in the NRP and NRO constitute a relatively homogeneous population from a functional point of view, while the non-serotonergic neurons form groups with considerable functional specificity. The data support the idea that the NRP and NRO are implicated in the control of somatic motor output.
Land use has become a force of global importance, considering that 34% of the Earth’s ice-free surface was covered by croplands or pastures in 2000. The expected increase in global human population together with eminent climate change and associated search for energy sources other than fossil fuels can, through land-use and land-cover changes (LUCC), increase the pressure on nature’s resources, further degrade ecosystem services, and disrupt other planetary systems of key importance to humanity. This thesis presents four modeling studies on the interplay between LUCC, increased production of biofuels and climate change in four selected world regions. In the first study case two new crop types (sugarcane and jatropha) are parameterized in the LPJ for managed Lands dynamic global vegetation model for calculation of their potential productivity. Country-wide spatial variation in the yields of sugarcane and jatropha incurs into substantially different land requirements to meet the biofuel production targets for 2015 in Brazil and India, depending on the location of plantations. Particularly the average land requirements for jatropha in India are considerably higher than previously estimated. These findings indicate that crop zoning is important to avoid excessive LUCC. In the second study case the LandSHIFT model of land-use and land-cover changes is combined with life cycle assessments to investigate the occurrence and extent of biofuel-driven indirect land-use changes (ILUC) in Brazil by 2020. The results show that Brazilian biofuels can indeed cause considerable ILUC, especially by pushing the rangeland frontier into the Amazonian forests. The carbon debt caused by such ILUC would result in no carbon savings (from using plant-based ethanol and biodiesel instead of fossil fuels) before 44 years for sugarcane ethanol and 246 years for soybean biodiesel. The intensification of livestock grazing could avoid such ILUC. We argue that such an intensification of livestock should be supported by the Brazilian biofuel sector, based on the sector’s own interest in minimizing carbon emissions. In the third study there is the development of a new method for crop allocation in LandSHIFT, as influenced by the occurrence and capacity of specific infrastructure units. The method is exemplarily applied in a first assessment of the potential availability of land for biogas production in Germany. The results indicate that Germany has enough land to fulfill virtually all (90 to 98%) its current biogas plant capacity with only cultivated feedstocks. Biogas plants located in South and Southwestern (North and Northeastern) Germany might face more (less) difficulties to fulfill their capacities with cultivated feedstocks, considering that feedstock transport distance to plants is a crucial issue for biogas production. In the fourth study an adapted version of LandSHIFT is used to assess the impacts of contrasting scenarios of climate change and conservation targets on land use in the Brazilian Amazon. Model results show that severe climate change in some regions by 2050 can shift the deforestation frontier to areas that would experience low levels of human intervention under mild climate change (such as the western Amazon forests or parts of the Cerrado savannas). Halting deforestation of the Amazon and of the Brazilian Cerrado would require either a reduction in the production of meat or an intensification of livestock grazing in the region. Such findings point out the need for an integrated/multicisciplinary plan for adaptation to climate change in the Amazon. The overall conclusions of this thesis are that (i) biofuels must be analyzed and planned carefully in order to effectively reduce carbon emissions; (ii) climate change can have considerable impacts on the location and extent of LUCC; and (iii) intensification of grazing livestock represents a promising venue for minimizing the impacts of future land-use and land-cover changes in Brazil.
Resumen del vídeo en catalán
This paper describes a prototype grid infrastructure, called the eMinerals minigrid, for molecular simulation scientists. which is based on an integration of shared compute and data resources. We describe the key components, namely the use of Condor pools, Linux/Unix clusters with PBS and IBM's LoadLeveller job handling tools, the use of Globus for security handling, the use of Condor-G tools for wrapping globus job submit commands, Condor's DAGman tool for handling workflow, the Storage Resource Broker for handling data, and the CCLRC dataportal and associated tools for both archiving data with metadata and making data available to other workers.
Information services play a crucial role in grid environments in that the state information can be used to facilitate the discovery of resources and the services available to meet user requirements, and also to help tune the performance of a grid system. However, the large size and dynamic nature of the grid brings forth a number of challenges for information services. This paper presents PIndex, a grouped peer-to-peer network that can be used for scalable grid information services. PIndex builds on Globus MDS4, but introduces peer groups to dynamically split the large grid information search space into many small sections to enhance its scalability and resilience. PIndex is subsequently modeled with Colored Petri Nets for performance evaluation. The simulation results show that PIndex is scalable and resilient in dealing with a large number of peer nodes.
To analyze the differential recruitment of the raphe nuclei during different phases of feeding behavior, rats were subjected to a food restriction schedule (food for 2 h/day, during 15 days). The animals were submitted to different feeding conditions, constituting the experimental groups: search for food (MFS), food ingestion (MFI), satiety (MFSa) and food restriction control (MFC). A baseline condition (BC) group was included as further control. The MFI and MFC groups, which presented greater autonomic and somatic activation, had more FOS-immunoreactive (FOS-IR) neurons. The MFI group presented more labeled cells in the linear (LRN) and dorsal (DRN) nuclei; the MFC group showed more labeling in the median (MRN), pontine (PRN), magnus (NRM) and obscurus (NRO) nuclei; and the MFSa group had more labeled cells in the pallidus (NRP). The BC exhibited the lowest number of reactive cells. The PRN presented the highest percentage of activation in the raphe while the DRN the lowest. Additional experiments revealed few double-labeled (FOS-IR+ 5-HT-IR) cells within the raphe nuclei in the MFI group, suggesting little serotonergic activation in the raphe during food ingestion. These findings suggest a differential recruitment of raphe nuclei during various phases of feeding behavior. Such findings may reflect changes in behavioral state (e.g., food-induced arousal versus sleep) that lead to greater motor activation, and consequently increased FOS expression. While these data are consistent with the idea that the raphe system acts as gain setter for autonomic and somatic activities, the functional complexity of the raphe is not completely understood. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Com a intenção de conhecer a identidade e a diversidade da araneofauna relacionada com a cultura do arroz e as áreas entorno da lavoura, foi realizado um inventário, na Estação Experimental do Arroz (EEA), do Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz (IRGA), Cachoeirinha, RS (50o58’21’’W; 29o55’30’’S), procurando contribuir com o conhecimento deste agroecossistema. Procurou-se avaliar a riqueza de espécies, abundância e similaridade da fauna de aranhas entre as formações e períodos escolhidos para a amostragem. Foram realizadas saídas de 20/10/2004 a 6/6/2005; o local de estudo (EEA) foi dividido em três áreas; a primeira um campo, que durante muitos anos foi utilizado para o cultivo do arroz, mas atualmente está “desativado” (em pousio), a segunda área a lavoura de arroz, subdividida em duas subáreas (arroz 1 e 2), e por fim, a terceira área na borda de um fragmento de mata próximo ao campo. Em cada área foram efetuadas coletas em transectos, dois em cada área, totalizando oito a cada coleta. Nos transectos foram realizadas coletas matinais utilizando a metodologia de rede de varredura (35 cm de diâmetro), para amostrar a araneofauna da vegetação herbácea e subarbustiva, tanto na cultura do arroz, no campo e na borda da mata. Em cada transecto foram efetuados 50 golpes com a rede em movimentos de avanço pendulares. Três períodos foram avaliados: antes do arroz ser semeado, durante o desenvolvimento do arroz e após a colheita. Foram coletadas um total de 2717 aranhas, incluindo jovens e adultos. A partir do exame de todas as amostragens realizadas, houve uma maior abundância de aranhas no campo, diferindo significativamente das outras áreas. A comunidade de aranhas das áreas estudadas constitui-se de 85 morfoespécies, pertencentes a 15 famílias, predominando, no geral, Oxyopidae, Araneidae e Tetragnathidae; no campo e borda ocorreu predomínio de Oxyopidae e no arroz (1 e 2) foi Araneidae. O grupo funcional com maior abundância de aranhas, que prevaleceu em todas as áreas, foi das caçadoras emboscadoras, seguido das construtoras de teias orbiculares. Entre as morfoespécies as mais abundantes foram: Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845, Alpaida veniliae (Keyserling, 1865) e Misumenops pallidus (Keyserling, 1880). A família que registrou o maior número de morfoespécies foi Linyphiidae. A única morfoespécie registrada em todos os períodos amostrais foi Oxyopes salticus, sendo a mais abundante no campo e borda; no arroz foi Alpaida veniliae. A maioria das morfoespécies foram raras, ocorrendo em somente uma ou duas coletas. Dos estimadores de riqueza de espécies o que mais se aproximou da riqueza observada foi Bootstrap nas áreas de campo (estimando 30,55 espécies; 85,1% das espécies amostradas), arroz 1 (31,41; 82,8%) e borda (79,02; 78,5%); no arroz 2 foi Chao 1 (39; 82,1%). Abundância e riqueza foram significativamente diferentes entre as áreas e os períodos. Ocorreu predomínio expressivo de aranhas jovens (imaturas). Entre as aranhas adultas, não existiu diferença significativa nos tamanhos médios entre as espécies das diferentes áreas. Dos fatores abióticos, somente a temperatura teve relação com a maior abundância na borda. Houve diferença significativa para a similaridade entre as áreas e os períodos. São apresentados aspectos da fenologia das morfoespécies mais abundantes registradas nesta pesquisa e outros resultados encontrados sugerem a importância de estudos da biodiversidade nos agroecossistemas.