988 resultados para Global citizenship


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This chapter explores some of the connections (causal and other) between the decline in active citizenship, the displacement of citizenship by consumer identities and interests, and the shift to a transactional mode of democratic politics and how and in what ways these are connected with “actually existing unsustainability.” It proposes an account of “green republican citizenship” as an appropriate theory and practice of establishing a link between the practices of democracy and the processes of democratization in the transition from unsustainability. The chapter begins from the (not uncontroversial) position that debt-based consumer capitalism (and especially its more recent neoliberal incarnation) is incompatible with a version of democratic politics and associated norms and practices of green citizenship required for a transition from unsustainable development. It outlines an explicitly “green republican” conception of citizenship as an appropriate way to integrate democratic citizenship and creation of a more sustainable political and socio-ecological order.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia para o 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Neoliberalism is having a significant and global impact on political, social and economic life across spaces. This work illustrates how neoliberalism is attempting to change the ways in which the urban poor - particularly those that participate in street vending - use urban spaces in Lima, Peru. Using municipal policies, newspaper articles and local academic texts I argue that there is a changing marginality in Lima that is being experienced by street vendors, and currently in los canas of Lima. In particular, I discuss formalization, a neoliberal strategy in street vending policy, which is used with eradication and social assistance strategies in attempts to re-regulate street vendors.


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Esta serie presenta un contenido adaptado a la materia de Educación para la Ciudadanía para alumnos de más de catorce años y está concebida para fomentar en las escuelas la cultura política, la responsabilidad social y moral y, la participación en la vida comunitaria. Este texto ayuda a los estudiantes a conocer el concepto y las características de la globalización y a entender la vida en una sociedad que cambia de forma muy rápida. Se acompaña de un material-recurso para el profesor.


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Este recurso ayuda al profesor a explicar el contenido de la materia de Educación para la Ciudadanía a los alumnos de la etapa 4 del curriculo nacional inglés (key stage 4) y del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Dispone de actividades fotocopiables que apoyan y complementan a los cinco libros del estudiante; también incorpora fuentes adicionales de información para fomentar en los estudiantes habilidades de investigación.


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Cumple con todos los requisitos exigidos por el curriculum nacional inglés de 2008 para la materia de Ciudadanía en el primer curso de secundaria (year 7). Su contenido se divide en tres temas básicos: uno, normas y justicia, derechos y responsabilidades, dos, comunidades e identidades y tres, ciudadanía global, para cumplir con los objetivos de: conocimiento y comprensión, desarrollo de habilidades básicas y de iniciativas en los alumnos, que luego puedan incorporar a su propia comunidad escolar. Este libro del alumno está apoyado en un recurso para el profesor.


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Cumple con todos los requisitos exigidos por el curriculum nacional inglés de 2008 para la materia de Ciudadanía en el segundo curso de secundaria (year 8). Su contenido se divide en tres temas básicos: uno, normas y justicia, derechos y responsabilidades, dos, comunidades locales y gobierno local y tres, derechos humanos en una comunidad global, para cumplir con los objetivos de: conocimiento y comprensión, desarrollo de habilidades básicas y de iniciativas en los alumnos, que luego puedan incorporar a su propia comunidad escolar. Este libro del alumno está apoyado en un recurso para el profesor.


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Libro dirigido a profesores que imparten la asignatura de educación para la ciudadanía en relación con el área de Geografía en el nivel Key Stage 3 (enseñanza secundaria de primer ciclo). Está estructurado en cinco unidades basadas cada una en un tema clave: identidad, cohesión de la comunidad y sentimiento británico; recorrido de los alimentos, la huella del carbono y la interdependencia global; derechos humanos e influencia de los consumidores; campañas en torno a proyectos de desarrollo; sostenibilidad y reciclaje . Incluye un CD-Rom con material de apoyo.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Nos cenários da globalização e da revitalização do credo neoliberal, importa salientar as principais alterações assumidas pelo modelo estatal (desnacionalização do Estado, desestatização dos regimes políticos e internacionalização do Estado Nacional) na intersecção com a emergência de poderosos mecanismos de regulação transnacional protagonizados por agências globalizadoras, como a OCDE e a União Europeia. Neste artigo, a autora, a partir das perspectivas críticas e do sistema mundial moderno, analisa a emergência dos modos de governação e de regulação do campo educativo. Em contraponto às lógicas hegemónicas da governação global, metaforizadas nos sete pecados – vaidade, soberba, inveja, preguiça, gula, avareza, ira – a autora mobiliza os principais contributos da epistemologia e do ideário ético-pedagógico freiriano, patentes na riqueza axial de conceitos fundamentais legados pelo educador, tais como: historicidade, dialogicidade, conscientização, emancipação, autonomia, liberdade e esperança. A autora reflecte, por último, sobre os principais contributos da pedagogia freiriana para a recontextualização dos paradigmas tradicionais de pensar a educação e para a construção de sentidos emancipatórios que enformem a reinvenção dos contextos democráticos.


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In this article we focus on the dual identities of relatively young Trinidadians who have decided to return to the island of their birth, or of their parents, while still in their thirties and forties. Highly-educated professional transnational migrants mostly make tip our sample of 36; 26 possess dual citizenship. We focus on our informants' narratives about their transnational experiences, self-appraisals of their dual identities and how they value dual citizenship. More generally, we ask does transnationalism supplant nationalism among our returning informants? Unsurprisingly, the diverse responses we document do not support the commonly held explanatory relationship between return adaptations, 'national belonging' and the expected dominance of 'transnational belonging'. Family, relations intervene significantly, both to encourage transnationalism and to strengthen nationalism. Feelings of notional belonging often accompany transnationalism. Notably, we view dual citizenship strategically and pragmatically as advantageous to the continuation of transnational practices.


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Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations reflects on the tensions and contradictions that arise within debates on social inclusion, arguing that both the concept of social inclusion and policy surrounding it need to incorporate visions of citizenship that value ethnic diversity. Presenting the latest empirical research from Australia and engaging with contemporary global debates on questions of identity, citizenship, intercultural relations and social inclusion, this book unsettles fixed assumptions about who is included as a valued citizen and explores the possibilities for engendering inclusive visions of citizenship in local, national and transnational spaces.


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The unanticipated rise of religious diversity and the re-entry of religion to the public sphere have radically increased the need and demand for education about religions – how they contribute to social and cultural capital – and about the management of religious diversity. The global movement of people and cultures has brought religious diversity to nearly every major city. With diversity has come a renewed interest in the religious identity of others and how to incorporate religious diversity in ways that produce social cohesion. Religious diversity has also raised interest in a values discourse where once atheistic secularity prevailed, made faith-based social and health service delivery both more appealing to governments and more difficult to deliver, and has challenged societies to accommodate a wider range of religious needs and lifestyles. Policies designed to promote social justice and peace have little chance of success without taking seriously the religious dimensions to the issues involved. This context makes clear the need for opportunities to learn about the religions in a society at all levels of education – opportunities that include direct experience of the ‘other’, curricula that appreciate the worlds of faith, spirituality and religion rather than demeaning them, education that provides both historical depth and local reality. Some of this education will be in school, some in remedial work required for a generation or two of leaders who have been raised in ignorance of religion, or trained to despise it.


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The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management values the dignity of the individual; human rights; and equal opportunity. Its Code of Ethics declares a professional’s duty to broader society. The code advocates education to reinforce this ethical outlook. This paper contributes a specific approach towards the practitioner’s ethical understanding. It enlists the critique of Alasdair MacIntyre who strongly criticises much conventional ethical theory. MacIntyre’s teleological approach is joined with a notion of a hierarchy of narratives of ethical expectations in an argument which counsels that public relations must always operate at the highest level of these narratives.