979 resultados para Glioblastoma,. ABC transporters, hypoxia, Doxorubicin, Temozolomide, Pgp


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Meningioma tumor growth involves the subarachnoid space that contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Modeling tumor growth in this microenvironment has been associated with widespread leptomeningeal dissemination, which is uncharacteristic of human meningiomas. Consequently, survival times and tumor properties are varied, limiting their utility in testing experimental therapies. We report the development and characterization of a reproducible orthotopic skull-base meningioma model in athymic mice using the IOMM-Lee cell line. Localized tumor growth was obtained by using optimal cell densities and matrigel as the implantation medium. Survival times were within a narrow range of 17-21 days. The xenografts grew locally compressing surrounding brain tissue. These tumors had histopathologic characteristics of anaplastic meningiomas including high cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism, cellular pattern loss, necrosis and conspicuous mitosis. Similar to human meningiomas, considerable invasion of the dura and skull and some invasion of adjacent brain along perivascular tracts were observed. The pattern of hypoxia was also similar to human malignant meningiomas. We use bioluminescent imaging to non-invasively monitor the growth of the xenografts and determine the survival benefit from temozolomide treatment. Thus, we describe a malignant meningioma model system that will be useful for investigating the biology of meningiomas and for preclinical assessment of therapeutic agents.


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There is an increasing use of herbal medicines worldwide, and the extracts from the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza are widely used in the treatment of angina and stroke. In this study, we investigated the mechanism for the intestinal absorption of tanshinone IIB (TSB), a major constituent of S. miltiorrhiza. The oral bioavailability of TSB was about 3% in rats with less proportional increase in its maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) with increasing dosage. The time to Cmax (Tmax) was prolonged at higher oral dosage. In a single pass rat intestinal perfusion model, the permeability coefficients (Papp) based on TSB disappearance from the lumen (Plumen) were 6.2- to 7.2-fold higher (p < 0.01) than those based on drug appearance in mesenteric venous blood (Pblood). The uptake and efflux of TSB in Caco-2 cells were also significantly altered in the presence of an inhibitor for P-glycoprotein (PgP) or for multi-drug resistance associated protein (MRP1/2). TSB transport from the apical (AP) to basolateral (BL) side in Caco-2 monolayers was 3.3- to 5.7-fold lower than that from BL to AP side, but this polarized transport was attenuated by co-incubation of PgP or MRP1/2 inhibitors. The Papp values of TSB in the BL-AP direction were significantly higher in MDCKII cells over-expressing MDR1 or MRP1, but not in cells over-expressing MRP2-5, as compared with the wild-type cells. The plasma AUC0-24hr in mdr1a and mrp1 gene-deficient mice was 10.2- to 1.7-fold higher than that in the wild-type mice. Furthermore, TSB significantly inhibited the uptake of digoxin and vinblastine in membrane vesicles containing PgP or MRP1. TSB also moderately stimulated PgP ATPase activity. Taken collectively, our findings indicate that TSB is a substrate for PgP and MRP1 and that drug resistance to TSB therapy and drug interactions may occur through PgP and MRP1 modulation.


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As a glycosphingolipid that can bind to several extracellular matrix proteins, sulfatide has the potential to become an effective targeting agent for tumors overexpressing tenasin-C in their microenvironment. To overcome the dose-limiting toxicity of doxorubicin (DOX), a sulfatide-containing nanoliposome (SCN) encapsulation approach was employed to improve treatment efficacy and reduce side effects of free DOX. This study analysed in vitro characteristics of sulfatidecontaining nanoliposomal DOX (SCN-DOX) and assessed its cytotoxicity in vitro, as well as biodistribution, therapeutic efficacy, and systemic toxicity in a human glioblastoma U-118MG xenograft model. SCN-DOX was shown to achieve highest drug to lipid ratio (0.5:1) and a remarkable in vitro stability. Moreover, DOX encapsulated in SCN was shown to be delivered into the nuclei and displayed prolonged retention over free DOX in U-118MG cells. This simple two-lipid SCN- DOX nanodrug has favourable pharmacokinetic attributes in terms of prolonged circulation time, reduced volume of distribution and enhanced bioavailability in healthy rats. As a result of the improved biodistribution, an enhanced treatment efficacy of SCNDOX was found in glioma-bearing mice compared to the free drug. Finally, a reduction in the accumulation of DOX in the drug’s principal toxicity organs achieved by SCN-DOX led to the diminished systemic toxicity as evident from the plasma biochemical analyses. Thus, SCN has the potential to be an effective and safer nano-carrier for targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to tumors with elevated expression of tenascin-C in their microenvironment.


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Previously, we reported that nucleophosmin (NPM) was increased in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). NPM is a phosphoprotein related to apoptosis, ribosome biogenesis, mitosis, and DNA repair, but details about its function remain unclear. We treated U87MG and A172 cells with small interference RNA (siRNA) and obtained a reduction of 80% in NPM1 expression. Knockdown at the protein level was evident after the 4th day and was maintained until the 7th day of transfection that was investigated by quantitative proteomic analysis using isobaric tags. The comparison of proteomic analysis of NPM1-siRNA against controls allowed the identification of 14 proteins, two proteins showed increase and 12 presented a reduction of expression levels. Gene ontology assigned most of the hypoexpressed proteins to apoptosis regulation, including GRP78. NPM1 silencing did not impair cell proliferation until the 7th day after transfection, but sensitized U87MG cells to temozolomide (TMZ), culminating with an increase in cell death and provoking at a later period a reduction of colony formation. In a large data set of GBM patients, both GRP78 and NPM1 genes were upregulated and presented a tendency to shorter overall survival time. In conclusion, NPM proved to participate in the apoptotic process, sensitizing TMZ-treated U87MG and A172 cells to cell death, and in association with upregulation of GRP78 may be helpful as a predictive factor of poor prognosis in GBM patients.


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is accompanied by changes in blood and skeletal muscle acid-base control. We hypothesized that the underlying mechanisms include altered protein expression of transport systems and the enzymes involved in lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes in skeletal muscle and erythrocytes. Immunoblotting was used to quantify densities of the transport systems and enzymes. Muscle and erythrocyte samples were obtained from eight Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 2 and 8 weeks at 4100 m (Bolivia). For comparison, samples were obtained from eight Bolivian natives. In muscle membranes there were no changes in fibre-type distribution, lactate dehydrogenase isoforms, Na+,K+-pump subunits or in the lactate-H+ co-transporters MCT1 and MCT4. The Na+-H+ exchanger protein NHE1 was elevated by 39 % in natives compared to lowlanders. The Na+-HCO3- co-transporter density in muscle was elevated by 47-69 % after 2 and 8 weeks at altitude. The membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) IV in muscle increased in the lowlanders by 39 %, whereas CA XIV decreased by 23-47 %. Levels of cytosolic CA II and III in muscle and CA I and II in erythrocytes were unchanged. The erythrocyte lactate-H+ co-transporter MCT1 increased by 230-405 % in lowlanders and was 324 % higher in natives. The erythrocyte inorganic anion exchanger (Cl--HCO3- exchanger AE1) was increased by 149-228 %. In conclusion, chronic hypoxia induces dramatic changes in erythrocyte proteins, but only moderate changes in muscle proteins involved in acid-base control. Together, these changes suggest a hypoxia-induced increase in the capacity for lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes from muscle to blood and from blood to erythrocytes.


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ZusammenfassungDer humane kationische Aminosäure-Transporter hCAT-1 (CAT für cationic amino acid transporter) gehört zur Familie der Na+- und pH-unabhängigen Transporter für basische Aminosäuren (BAS). Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten des hCAT-1-vermittelten Transportes, die in zwei Teilabschnitten behandelt werden. Im ersten Abschnitt wurden die Transporteigenschaften von hCAT-1-exprimierenden X. laevis-Oozyten mit Hilfe von elektrophysiologischen Methoden untersucht und mit denen der Isoformen hCAT-2A und -2B verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass es durch die Expression von hCAT-2A und -2B in Oozyten zur Bildung eines BAS-Potentiales kommt, jedoch nicht durch die Expression von hCAT-1. Hierfür dürfte die hohe Transstimulierbarkeit des hCAT-1-Proteins verantwortlich sein. Obwohl das Membranpotential einer Zelle die Akkumulation von BAS durch die hCAT-Proteine beeinflusst, war bei sehr hohen extrazellulären BAS-Konzentrationen die Akkumulation durch hCAT-1 und -2B im Gegensatz zu hCAT-2A nicht vom Membranpotential abhängig, da unter diesen Bedingungen der Efflux limitierend wirkte. Mit Hilfe der voltage clamp-Methode wurden die L-Arginin-induzierten Maximalströme (Vmax) und die Leitfähigkeiten der hCAT-Proteine bestimmt. Die so ermittelten Vmax-Werte sind nur halb so groß wie die durch Flux-Studien bestimmten. Daher muss von einem Gegentransport an positiver Ladung (Substrat) ausgegangen werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die hCAT-Isoformen zwei unterschiedliche Leitfähigkeitszustände für BAS besitzen, die von der intrazellulären BAS-Konzentration abhängig sind. Eine Leitfähigkeitszunahme durch Zugabe von extrazellulärem L-Arginin konnte bei allen hCAT-Isoformen in depletierten Oozyten beobachtet werden. In BAS-beladenen Oozyten führte die Zugabe von L-Arginin dagegen zu keiner (hCAT-1 und hCAT-2B) bzw. zu einer geringen (hCAT-2A) Zunahme der Leitfähigkeit der Transporter. Im Substratgleichgewicht jedoch nahm die Leitfähigkeit der drei untersuchten hCAT-Isoformen in Abhängigkeit von der Substratkonzentration zu. Überraschenderweise wurden für die untersuchten hCAT-Isoformen Leck-Ströme in Abwesenheit von BAS nachgewiesen. An hCAT-2B-exprimierenden Oozyten wurde eine erhöhte Leitfähigkeit für K+-Ionen gezeigt. Die physiologische Bedeutung dieser Kanalfunktion ist jedoch noch völlig ungeklärt. Im zweiten Abschnitt wurde der Mechanismus der Proteinkinase C (PKC)-vermittelten Inhibition der hCAT-1-Transportaktivität untersucht. Hierfür wurden hCAT-1.EGFP-Konstrukte in Oozyten und in U373MG Glioblastom-Zellen exprimiert. Mit Hilfe konfokaler Mikroskopie und Western-Blot-Analysen von biotinylierten Zelloberflächen-Proteinen wurde gezeigt, dass die PKC-vermittelte Reduktion der hCAT-1-Transportaktivität auf einer Reduktion der hCAT-Expression an der Zelloberfläche beruht. Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden auch mit dem endogen in humanen DLD-1 Kolonkarzinom-Zellen exprimierten hCAT-1 erzielt. Der PKC-Effekt war auch noch nach Entfernung der putativen PKC-Erkennungsstellen am hCAT-1-Protein vorhanden. Daher reguliert die PKC die hCAT-1-Transportaktivität vermutlich über einen indirekten Mechanismus, d. h. nicht über eine direkte Phosphorylierung des hCAT-1-Proteins. Die Veränderung der Zelloberflächenexpression stellt einen neuen Regulationsmechanismus für die CAT-Proteine dar, der erklären kann, warum sich Modifikationen in der CAT-Proteinexpression oft nicht in entsprechenden Veränderungen der Transportaktivität widerspiegeln.


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PURPOSE: Glioblastomas are notorious for resistance to therapy, which has been attributed to DNA-repair proficiency, a multitude of deregulated molecular pathways, and, more recently, to the particular biologic behavior of tumor stem-like cells. Here, we aimed to identify molecular profiles specific for treatment resistance to the current standard of care of concomitant chemoradiotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gene expression profiles of 80 glioblastomas were interrogated for associations with resistance to therapy. Patients were treated within clinical trials testing the addition of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide to radiotherapy. RESULTS: An expression signature dominated by HOX genes, which comprises Prominin-1 (CD133), emerged as a predictor for poor survival in patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (n = 42; hazard ratio = 2.69; 95% CI, 1.38 to 5.26; P = .004). This association could be validated in an independent data set. Provocatively, the HOX cluster was reminiscent of a "self-renewal" signature (P = .008; Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) recently characterized in a mouse leukemia model. The HOX signature and EGFR expression were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis, adjusted for the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status, a known predictive factor for benefit from temozolomide, and age. Better outcome was associated with gene clusters characterizing features of tumor-host interaction including tumor vascularization and cell adhesion, and innate immune response. CONCLUSION: This study provides first clinical evidence for the implication of a "glioma stem cell" or "self-renewal" phenotype in treatment resistance of glioblastoma. Biologic mechanisms identified here to be relevant for resistance will guide future targeted therapies and respective marker development for individualized treatment and patient selection.


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CONTRIBUTION OF ECTODOMAIN MUTATIONS IN EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR TO SIGNALING IN GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME Publication No._________ Marta Rojas, M.S. Supervisory Professor: Oliver Bögler, Ph.D. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has conducted a comprehensive analysis of a large tumor cohort and has cataloged genetic alterations involving primary sequence variations and copy number aberrations of genes involved in key signaling pathways in glioblastoma (GBM). This dataset revealed missense ectodomain point mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), but the biological and clinical significance of these mutations is not well defined in the context of gliomas. In our study, we focused on understanding and defining the molecular mechanisms underlying the functions of EGFR ectodomain mutants. Using proteomic approaches to broadly analyze cell signaling, including antibody array and mass spectrometry-based methods, we found a differential spectrum of tyrosine phosphorylation across the EGFR ectodomain mutations that enabled us to stratify them into three main groups that correlate with either wild type EGFR (EGFR) or the long-studied mutant, EGFRvIII. Interestingly, one mutant shared characteristics of both groups suggesting a continuum of behaviors along which different mutants fall. Surprisingly, no substantial differences were seen in activation of classical downstream signaling pathways such as Akt and S6 pathways between these classes of mutants. Importantly, we demonstrated that ectodomain mutations lead to differential tumor growth capabilities in both in vitro (anchorage independent colony formation) and in vivo conditions (xenografts). Our data from the biological characterization allowed us to categorize the mutants into three main groups: the first group typified by EGFRvIII are mutations with a more aggressive phenotype including R108K and A289T; a second group characterized by a less aggressive phenotype exemplified by EGFR and the T263P mutation; and a third group which shared characteristics from both groups and is exemplified by the mutation A289D. In addition, we treated cells overexpressing the mutants with various agents employed in the clinic including temozolomide, cisplatin and tarceva. We found that cells overexpressing the mutants in general displayed resistance to the treatments. Our findings yield insights that help with the molecular characterization of these mutants. In addition, our results from the drug studies might be valuable in explaining differential responses to specific treatments in GBM patients.


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The integrin antagonist cilengitide has been explored as an adjunct with anti-angiogenic properties to standard of care temozolomide chemoradiotherapy (TMZ/RT → TMZ) in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Preclinical data as well as anecdotal clinical observations indicate that anti-angiogenic treatment may result in altered patterns of tumor progression. Using a standardized approach, we analyzed patterns of progression on MRI in 21 patients enrolled onto a phase 2 trial of cilengitide added to TMZ/RT → TMZ in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Thirty patients from the experimental treatment arm of the EORTC/NCIC pivotal TMZ trial served as a reference. MRIcro software was used to map location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of both groups into the same stereotaxic space which were then analyzed using an automated tool of image analysis. Clinical and outcome data of the cilengitide-treated patients were similar to those of the EORTC/NCIC trial except for a higher proportion of patients with a methylated O(6)-methylguanyl-DNA-methyltransferase gene promoter. Analysis of recurrence pattern revealed neither a difference in the size of the recurrent tumor nor in the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location between groups. Overall frequencies of distant recurrences were 20 % in the reference group and 19 % (4/21 patients) in the cilengitide group. Compared with TMZ/RT → TMZ alone, the addition of cilengitide does not alter patterns of progression. This analysis does not support concerns that integrin antagonism by cilengitide may induce a more aggressive phenotype at progression, but also provides no evidence for an anti-invasive activity of cilengitide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.


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Diffusely infiltrating gliomas are among the most prognostically discouraging neoplasia in human. Temozolomide (TMZ) in combination with radiotherapy is currently used for the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) patients, but less than half of the patients respond to therapy and chemoresistance develops rapidly. Epigenetic silencing of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) has been associated with longer survival in GBM patients treated with TMZ, but nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)-mediated survival signaling and TP53 mutations contribute significantly to TMZ resistance. Enhanced NF-κB is in part owing to downregulation of negative regulators of NF-κB activity, including Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3 (TNFAIP3) and NF-κB inhibitor interacting RAS-like 2 (NKIRAS2). Here we provide a novel mechanism independent of TP53 and MGMT by which oncogenic miR-125b confers TMZ resistance by targeting TNFAIP3 and NKIRAS2. GBM cells overexpressing miR-125b showed increased NF-κB activity and upregulation of anti-apoptotic and cell cycle genes. This was significantly associated with resistance of GBM cells to TNFα- and TNF-related inducing ligand-induced apoptosis as well as resistance to TMZ. Conversely, overexpression of anti-miR-125b resulted in cell cycle arrest, increased apoptosis and increased sensitivity to TMZ, indicating that endogenous miR-125b is sufficient to control these processes. GBM cells overexpressing TNFAIP3 and NKIRAS2 were refractory to miR-125b-induced apoptosis resistance as well as TMZ resistance, indicating that both genes are relevant targets of miR-125b. In GBM tissues, high miR-125b expression was significantly correlated with nuclear NF-κB confirming that miR-125b is implicated in NF-κB signaling. Most remarkably, miR-125b overexpression was clearly associated with shorter overall survival of patients treated with TMZ, suggesting that this microRNA is an important predictor of response to therapy.


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Despite moderate improvements in outcome of glioblastoma after first-line treatment with chemoradiation recent clinical trials failed to improve the prognosis of recurrent glioblastoma. In the absence of a standard of care we aimed to investigate institutional treatment strategies to identify similarities and differences in the pattern of care for recurrent glioblastoma. We investigated re-treatment criteria and therapeutic pathways for recurrent glioblastoma of eight neuro-oncology centres in Switzerland having an established multidisciplinary tumour-board conference. Decision algorithms, differences and consensus were analysed using the objective consensus methodology. A total of 16 different treatment recommendations were identified based on combinations of eight different decision criteria. The set of criteria implemented as well as the set of treatments offered was different in each centre. For specific situations, up to 6 different treatment recommendations were provided by the eight centres. The only wide-range consensus identified was to offer best supportive care to unfit patients. A majority recommendation was identified for non-operable large early recurrence with unmethylated MGMT promoter status in the fit patients: here bevacizumab was offered. In fit patients with late recurrent non-operable MGMT promoter methylated glioblastoma temozolomide was recommended by most. No other majority recommendations were present. In the absence of strong evidence we identified few consensus recommendations in the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma. This contrasts the limited availability of single drugs and treatment modalities. Clinical situations of greatest heterogeneity may be suitable to be addressed in clinical trials and second opinion referrals are likely to yield diverging recommendations.


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The membrane assembly of polytopic membrane proteins is a complicated process. Using Chinese hamster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as a model protein, we investigated this process previously and found that Pgp expresses more than one topology. One of the variations occurs at the transmembrane (TM) domain including TM3 and TM4: TM4 inserts into membranes in an Nin-Cout rather than the predicted Nout-Cin orientation, and TM3 is in cytoplasm rather than the predicted Nin-Cout orientation in the membrane. It is possible that TM4 has a strong activity to initiate the Nin-Cout membrane insertion, leaving TM3 out of the membrane. Here, we tested this hypothesis by expressing TM3 and TM4 in isolated conditions. Our results show that TM3 of Pgp does not have de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity whereas TM4 initiates the Nin-Cout membrane insertion regardless of the presence of TM3. In contrast, TM3 and TM4 of another polytopic membrane protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), have a similar level of de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity and TM4 of CFTR functions only as a stop-transfer sequence in the presence of TM3. Based on these findings, we propose that 1) the membrane insertion of TM3 and TM4 of Pgp does not follow the sequential model, which predicts that TM3 initiates Nin-Cout membrane insertion whereas TM4 stops the insertion event; and 2) “leaving one TM segment out of the membrane” may be an important folding mechanism for polytopic membrane proteins, and it is regulated by the Nin-Cout membrane insertion activities of the TM segments.