816 resultados para Girl Scouts


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Los juegos para niños son un producto multimedia para niños menores de 14 años. Aunque no está cuantificada la importancia de este sector de usuarias, las grandes empresas norteamericanas son conscientes de la demanda de productos adaptados a unas necesidades distintas a las estándar.Presentan un software para niñas creado por Purple Moon dónde las niñas pueden crear sus propios personajes, a diferencia de otros productos de la empresa Mattel, dedicado a la muñeca Barbie donde aparecen estreotipos femeninos de manera acusada.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Se presentan algunas experiencias del tiempo libre para la transformación social.


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El objetivo de esta serie es desarrollar en los niños las habilidades para la lectura y la comprensión de textos, a lo largo de doce niveles y mediante la narración de una historia distinta en cada uno de los libros que la componen. Se refuerza el vocabulario relacionado con el contenido de la historia y se acompaña de distintas actividades. En ésta, se narra el cuento de la Sirenita, y se incluye en el nivel diez.


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Premio Educación y Sociedad 1995 en la modalidad de Material Didáctico no editado


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Monográfico con el título: 'Sobre vídeojuegos y aprendizaje'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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This paper analyses acarological evidence from a 130-year-old forensic investigation. It was the first case in forensic acarology, i.e., the first case where mites provided substantial information to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). In 1878, the mites found in the mummified body of a newborn baby girl in Paris, France, were studied by acarologist and forensic entomologist Jean Pierre M,gnin. M,gnin estimated around 2.4 million mites in the skull and identified them as Tyroglyphus longior (Gervais), a junior synonym of Tyrophagus longior. He suggested that the arrival of these mites at the corpse would have occurred by phoresy on carrier insects, roughly 5 months before the autopsy. There is no doubt about the identification of the mites, M,gnin was a highly respected acarologist. However, two main factors affecting the biology of Tyrophagus mites were not included in the original analysis. First, M,gnin stated that the mites were phoretic. However, he probably did not have access to information about the natural history of the species, because as a rule Tyrophagus mites are non-phoretic. Considering the omnipresence of Tyrophagus mites in soil, most likely the mites will have arrived almost immediately after death. Second, temperature was not taken into account during the estimations of the mite population growth rate. The new analysis is based on current knowledge of Tyrophagus biology and includes temperature, estimated following a handful of weather reports of the years 1877 and 1878. The new projections indicate that non-phoretic mites may have colonised the body just after death and the colony would have built up over 8 months, contrary to the 5 months proposed by M,gnin. This new lapse of time agrees with the PMI proposed by Brouardel: on 15 January 1878 he postulated the death of the newborn to have occurred some 8 months before the autopsy.


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This short article explores the life and work of Ethel Carnie Holdsworth, the first working-class woman in Britain to publish full-length novels. It assesses her politics and her literacy legacy and is part of the Women's History Network's series, 'Reclaiming Women's Histories'.


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This article draws upon Karen Lury's definitions of 'space' and 'place' in relation to the BBC children's programme Blue Peter (1958–present). Through an analysis of the Blue Peter studio over the past 53 years, Amanda Beauchamp highlights its evolution from a 'space' to a 'place' within the history of children's television. Her article considers how the Blue Peter studio's 'infinite nature' was achieved, alongside the role it played in creating the programme institution. She addresses the impact of major changes in the studio layout since 2005, when the studio went from being 'tardis-like' to a 'cosy cubbyhole'. Amanda concludes by questioning the impact that this change has had on programme identity and whether the 'place' that pre-2005 Blue Peter took 47 years to create has been compromised.


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Mobius sequence is a congenital facial and abducens nerve palsy, frequently associated to abnormalities of extremities. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital is defined as a congenital fixation of multiple joints seldom of neurogenic origin. Both sequences must have a genetic origin, but usually are sporadic cases related to environmental factors such as drugs exposition and maternal trauma. A 5-year-old girl and a 1-year-old boy were born with Mobius sequence and arthrogryposis multiplex congenital, respectively. During pregnancies, the mother had vaginal bleeding at 7 weeks and used crack (free-based cocaine) in the first trimester, respectively. The girl also has equinovarus talipes and autistic behavior. The boy has arthrogryposis with flexion contractures of the feet and knees. A vascular disruption, due to hemorrhage and cocaine exposure, causing a transient ischemic insult to embryos in a critical period of development may be responsible for distinct phenotypes in these cases.


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Young people’s participation in online digital culture is one of the most efficient means by which they become proficient in the management of Information and Communications Technologies and the new literacies emerging there. This paper reports on a small project investigating the
gendered dimensions of teenagers’ engagement in and out of school with stand-alone and multiplayer computer games. The study explored the game playing practices of a group of students in an English curriculum unit and the social and game playing practices of a group of young women of South East Asian backgrounds in a LAN café who had formed their own Counterstrike clan. It found that expertise is not just a matter of specific skills, strategies and familiarity, but is more broadly located within the complex dynamics of in- and out-of-school discourses and contexts that need to be factored in to the construction of gender-equitable pedagogy and curriculum.


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