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PURPOSE: Outward currents were characterized from cells resembling interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) isolated from the detrusor of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ICC-like cells were studied using the whole cell patch clamp technique and K+ filled pipettes. Outward currents were evoked by stepping positively from a holding potential of -80 mV. RESULTS: ICC-like cells were distinguished from smooth muscle cells by the presence of lateral branches and an inability to contract spontaneously or when depolarized. Depolarization elicited large outward currents. Penitrem A, a blocker of large conductance, Ca activated K+ channels, significantly decreased the outward current. Its Ca dependence was demonstrated by significant inhibition with nifedipine and Ca-free solution. When large conductance, Ca activated K+ and Ca currents were blocked with penitrem A and nifedipine, a voltage dependent current was unmasked, which activated positive to -50 mV and displayed voltage dependent inactivation with half-maximal inactivation occurring at -71 mV. It was blocked in concentration dependent fashion by tetraethylammonium but unaffected by 4-aminopyridine, charybdotoxin or apamin, suggesting that small and intermediate conductance, calcium activated potassium channels, and Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 channels are unlikely to be involved. At maximal concentrations of tetraethylammonium a portion of the voltage dependent K+ current remained that was not affected by any of the blockers tested. CONCLUSIONS: ICC-like cells from the detrusor possess calcium activated and voltage dependent K+ currents.


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PURPOSE: We describe the presence of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) throughout the wall of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bladders obtained from male guinea pigs were prepared for immunohistochemical investigations using various primary antibodies, including the specific ICC marker c-kit (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, New York). Enzymatically dispersed cells with a branched morphology were identified as ICC using anti-c-kit. They were loaded with fluo-4acetoxymethyl (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon) and studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Anti-c-kit labeling demonstrated that ICC were oriented in parallel with the smooth muscle bundles that run diagonally throughout the bladder. Double labeling with anti-smooth muscle myosin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri) revealed that ICC were located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles. When anti-c-kit was used in combination with the general neuronal antibody protein gene product 9.5 (Ultraclone Ltd., Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) or anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase, it was noted that there was a close association between nerves and ICC. Enzymatic dissociation of cells from tissue pieces yielded a heterogeneous population of cells containing typical spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells and branched cells resembling ICC from other preparations. The latter could be identified immunohistochemically as ICC using anti-c-kit, whereas the majority of spindle-shaped cells were not Kit positive. Branched cells responded to the application of carbachol by firing Ca2+ waves and they were often spontaneously active. CONCLUSIONS: ICC are located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles in the guinea pig bladder. They fire Ca2+ waves in response to cholinergic stimulation and can be spontaneously active, suggesting that they could act as pacemakers or intermediaries in the transmission of nerve signals to smooth muscle cells.


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Whole-cell and inside-out patch-clamp techniques were used to assess the action of a well-known dye, Evans blue, on membrane currents in bladder isolated smooth muscle cells from sheep. In whole cells Evans blue dose-dependently increased the outward current by up to fivefold. In contrast, Evans blue had no effect on inward Ca2+ current. The effect on outward current was abolished or reduced if the cells were bathed in Ca2+-free solution, iberiotoxin (5 x 10(-8) M), or charybdotoxin (5 x 10(-8) M), but was unaffected by externally applied caffeine (5 mM) or in cells exposed to heparin (1 mg/ml) via the patch pipette. In inside-out patches bathed in a Ca2+ concentration of 5 x 10(-7) M, Evans blue (10(-4) M) increased the open probability of large-conductance (298-pS) Ca2+-dependent K+ channels (BK channels), shifting the half maximal-activation voltage by -70 mV. We conclude that Evans blue dye acts as an opener of BK channels.


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Freshly dispersed cells from sheep urinary bladder were voltage clamped using the whole cell and inside-out patch-clamp technique. Cibacron and Basilen blue increased outward current in a dose-dependent manner with a half-maximal response at 10(-5) M. Suramin, in concentrations to 10(-3) M, had no such effect. The Cibacron blue response was abolished in Ca2+-free physiological salt solution, suggesting that it was acting on a Ca2+-dependent current. Similarly, the Cibacron blue-sensitive current was significantly attenuated by charybdotoxin. Cibacron blue did not modulate inward current nor were its effects modified by caffeine or heparin, suggesting that its effect on outward current was not secondary to an increase in intracellular Ca2+. Application of 10(-4) M Cibacron blue to the inside membrane of excised patches caused a rapid increase in open probability of a large-conductance (300 pS) K+ channel. These results suggest that Cibacron blue is a potent activator of a Ca2+-dependent outward current in bladder smooth muscle cells in addition to its action as a purinergic blocker.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To describe the clinical implementation of dynamic multileaf collimation (DMLC). Custom compensated four-field treatments of carcinoma of the bladder have been used as a simple test site for the introduction of intensity modulated radiotherapy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Compensating intensity modulations are calculated from computed tomography (CT) data, accounting for scattered, as well as primary radiation. Modulations are converted to multileaf collimator (MLC) leaf and jaw settings for dynamic delivery on a linear accelerator. A full dose calculation is carried out, accounting for dynamic leaf and jaw motion and transmission through these components. Before treatment, a test run of the delivery is performed and an absolute dose measurement made in a water or solid water phantom. Treatments are verified by in vivo diode measurements and real-time electronic portal imaging. RESULTS: Seven patients have been treated using DMLC. The technique improves dose homogeneity within the target volume, reducing high dose areas and compensating for loss of scatter at the beam edge. A typical total treatment time is 20 min. CONCLUSIONS: Compensated bladder treatments have proven an effective test site for DMLC in an extremely busy clinic.


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Acetylcholine released from parasympathetic excitatory nerves activates contraction in detrusor smooth muscle. Immunohistochemical labeling of guinea pig detrusor with anti-c-Kit and anti-VAChT demonstrated a close structural relationship between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and cholinergic nerves. The ability of guinea pig bladder detrusor ICC to respond to the acetylcholine analog, carbachol, was investigated in enzymatically dissociated cells, loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator fluo 4AM. ICC fired Ca(2+) transients in response to stimulation by carbachol (1/10 microM). Their pharmacology was consistent with carbachol-induced contractions in strips of detrusor which were inhibited by 4-DAMP (1 microM), an M(3) receptor antagonist, but not by the M(2) receptor antagonist methoctramine (1 microM). The source of Ca(2+) underlying the carbachol transients in isolated ICC was investigated using agents to interfere with influx or release from intracellular stores. Nifedipine (1 microM) or Ni(2+) (30-100 microM) to block Ca(2+) channels or the removal of external Ca(2+) reduced the amplitude of the carbachol transients. Application of ryanodine (30 microM) or tetracaine (100 microM) abolished the transients. The phospholipase C inhibitor, U-73122 (2.5 microM), significantly reduced the responses. 2-Aminoethoxydiethylborate (30 microM) caused a significant reduction and Xestospongin C (1 microM) was more effective, almost abolishing the responses. Intact in situ preparations of guinea pig bladder loaded with a Ca(2+) indicator showed distinctively different patterns of spontaneous Ca(2+) events in smooth muscle cells and ICC. Both cell types responded to carbachol by an increase in frequency of these events. In conclusion, guinea pig bladder detrusor ICC, both as isolated cells and within whole tissue preparations, respond to cholinergic stimulation by firing Ca(2+) transients. PMID: 18171995 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Tachykinins are among the most widely-studied families of regulatory peptides characterized by a highly-conserved C-terminal -Phe-X-Gly-Leu-Met.amide motif, which also constitutes the essential bioactive core. The amphibian skin has proved to be a rich source of these peptides with physalaemin from the skin of Physalaemus fuscomaculatus representing the archetypal aromatic tachykinin (X = Tyr or Phe) and kassinin from the skin of Kassina senegalensis representing the archetypal aliphatic tachykinin in which X = Val or Ile. Despite the primary structures of both mature peptides having been known for at least 30 years, neither the structures nor organizations of their biosynthetic precursors have been reported. Here we report the structure and organization of the biosynthetic precursor of kassinin deduced from cDNA cloned from a skin secretion library. In addition, a second precursor cDNA encoding the novel kassinin analog (Thr2, Ile9)-kassinin was identified as was the predicted mature peptide in skin secretion. Both transcripts exhibited a high degree of nucleotide sequence similarity and of open-reading frame translated amino acid sequences of putative precursor proteins. The translated preprotachykinins each consisted of 80 amino acid residues encoding single copies of either kassinin or its site-substituted analog. Synthetic replicates of each kassinin were found to be active on rat urinary bladder smooth muscle at nanomolar concentrations. The structural organization of both preprotachykinins differs from that previously reported for those of Odorrana grahami skin indicating a spectrum of diversity akin to that established for amphibian skin preprobradykinins.