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Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma 2 (PPARG2) is a nuclear hormone receptor of ligand-dependent ranscription factor involved in adipogenesis and a molecular target of the insulin sensitizers thiazolidinediones. We addressed the question of whether the 3 variants (-1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His) in the PPARG2 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its related traits in a South Indian population. The study subjects (1000 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 1000 normal glucose-tolerant subjects) were chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The variants were screened by single-stranded conformational variant, direct sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. The -1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His variants of the PPARG2 gene were not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the 2-loci analyses showed that, in the presence of Pro/Pro genotype of the Pro12Ala variant, the -1279G/A promoter variant showed increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 2.092; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-3.59; P = .008), whereas in the presence of 12Ala allele, the -1279G/A showed a protective effect against type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 0.270; 95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.49; P < .0001). The 3-loci haplotype analysis showed that the A-Ala-T (-1279G/A-Pro12Ala-His478His) haplotype was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (P < .0001). Although our data indicate that the PPARG2 gene variants, independently, have no association with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the 2-loci genotype analysis involving -1279G/A and Pro12Ala variants and the 3-loci haplotype analysis have shown a significant association with type 2 diabetes mellitus in this South Indian population. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Diabetes is a chronic disease requiring continuous medical supervision and patient education to prevent acute secondary complications. In this study, we have harnessed the inherent property of insulin to aggregate into an oligomeric intermediate on the pathway to amyloid formation, to generate a form that exhibits controlled and sustained release for extended periods. Administration of a single dose of the insulin oligomer, defined here as the supramolecular insulin assembly II (SIA-II), to experimental animals rendered diabetic by streptozotocin or alloxan, released the hormone capable of maintaining physiologic glucose levels for > 120 days for bovine and > 140 days for recombinant human insulin without fasting hypoglycemia. Moreover, the novel SIA-II described here not only improved the glycemic control, but also reduced the extent of secondary diabetic complications.


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The occurrence of gestational diabetes (GDM) during pregnancy is a powerful sign of a risk of later type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The physiological basis for this disease progression is not yet fully understood, but increasing evidence exists on interplay of insulin resistance, subclinical inflammation, and more recently, on unbalance of the autonomic nervous system. Since the delay in development of T2D and CVD after GDM ranges from years to decades, better understanding of the pathophysiology of GDM could give us new tools for primary prevention. The present study was aimed at investigating the role of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in GDM and its associations with insulin and a variety of inflammatory cytokines and coagulation and fibrinolysis markers. This thesis covers two separate study lines. Firstly, we investigated 41 women with GDM and 22 healthy pregnant and 14 non-pregnant controls during the night in hospital. Blood samples were drawn at 24:00, 4:00 and 7:00 h to determine the concentrations of plasma glucose, insulin, noradrenaline (NA) and adrenomedullin, markers of subclinical inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis variables and platelet function. Overnight holter ECG recording was performed for analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). Secondly, we studied 87 overweight hypertensive women with natural menopause. They were randomised to use a central sympatholytic agent, moxonidine (0.3mg twice daily), the β-blocking agent atenolol (50 mg once daily+blacebo once daily) for 8 weeks. Inflammatory markers and adiponectin were analysed at the beginning and after 8 weeks. Activation of the SNS (increase in NA, decreased HRV) was seen in pregnant vs. non-pregnant women, but no difference existed between GDM and normal pregnancy. However, modulation (internal rhythm) of HRV was attenuated in GDM. Insulin and inflammatory cytokine levels were comparable in all pregnant women but nocturnal variation of concentrations of C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and insulin were reduced in GDM. Levels of coagulation factor VIII were lower in GDM compared with normal pregnancy, whereas no other differences were seen in coagulation and fibrinolysis markers. No significant associations were seen between NA and the studied parameters. In the study of postmenopausal women, moxonidine treatment was associated with favourable changes in the inflammatory profile, seen as a decrease in TNFα concentrations (increase in atenolol group) and preservation of adiponectin levels (decrease in atenolol group). In conclusion, our results did not support our hypotheses of increased SNS activity in GDM or a marked association between NA and inflammatory and coagulation markers. Reduced biological variation of HRV, insulin and inflammatory cytokines suggests disturbance of autonomic and hormonal regulatory mechanisms in GDM. This is a novel finding. Further understanding of the regulatory mechanisms could allow earlier detection of risk women and the possibility of prevention. In addition, our results support consideration of the SNS as one of the therapeutic targets in the battle against metabolic diseases, including T2D and CVD.


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ABSTRACT Bakhshandeh, Soheila. Periodontal and dental health and oral self-care among adults with diabetes mellitus. Department of Oral Public Health, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. 2011. 49 pp. ISBN 978-952-10-7193-5(paperback). The aim of the present study was to assess oral health and treatment needs among Iranian adults with diabetes according to socio-demographic status, oral hygiene, diabetes related factors, and to investigate the relation between these determinants and oral health. Moreover, the effect of an educational oral health promotion intervention on their oral health and periodontal treatment needs was studied. The target population comprised adults with diabetes in Tehran, Iran. 299 dentate patients with diabetes, who were regular attendants to a diabetic clinic, were selected as the study subjects. Data collection was performed through a clinical dental examination and self-administered structured questionnaire. The questionnaire covered information of the subject s social background, medical history, oral health behaviour and smoking. The clinical dental examinations covered the registration of caries experience (DMFT), community periodontal index (CPI) and plaque index (PI). The intervention provided the adults with diabetes dental health education through a booklet. Reduction in periodontal treatment needs one year after the baseline examination was used as the main outcome. A high prevalence of periodontal pockets among the study population was found; 52% of the participants had periodontal pockets with a pocket depth of 4 to 5 mm and 35% had periodontal pockets with pocket depth of 6 mm or more. The mean of the DMFT index was 12.9 (SD=6.1), being dominated by filled teeth (mean 6.5) and missing teeth (mean 5.0). Oral self-care among adults with diabetes was inadequate and poor oral hygiene was observed in more than 80% of the subjects. The educational oral health promotion decreased periodontal treatment needs more in the study groups than in the control group. The poor periodontal health, poor oral hygiene and insufficient oral self-care observed in this study call for oral health promotion among adult with diabetes. An educational intervention showed that it is possible to promote oral health behaviour and to reduce periodontal treatment needs among adults with diabetes. The simplicity of the model used in this study allows it to be integrated to diabetes programmes in particular in countries with a developing health care system.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: Medicinal plants have played an important role in treating and preventing a variety of diseases throughout the world. Khampti tribal people living in the far-flung Lohit district of the Eastern Arunachal Himalaya, India still depend on medicinal plants and most of them have a general knowledge of medicinal plants which are used for treating a variety of ailments. This survey was undertaken in Lohit district in order to inventory the medicinal plants used in folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods: Field investigations were conducted in seventeen remote villages of Lohit district starting from April 2002 to May 2004 through interviews among 251 key informants who were selected randomly during our household survey. To elucidate community domains and determine differences in indigenous traditional knowledge of medicinal plants with anti-diabetic efficacy, we repeated our field survey starting from April 2008 to May 2010 with one hundred traditional healers locally called as ``Chau ya'' in Khampti of Lohit district. ``Chau ya'' traditional healers who know and use medicinal plants for treating diabetes mellitus were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: This study reports an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh reputed for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Forty-six plant species were identified in the study area to treat diabetes mellitus by the Khamptis ``Chau ya'' traditional healers. Comparative published literature survey analysis of this study with other ethnobotanical surveys of plants used traditionally in treating diabetes mellitus suggests that eleven plant species make claims of new reports on antidiabetic efficacy. These plant species are Begonia roxburghii, Calamus tenuis, Callicarpa arborea, Cuscuta reflexa, Dillenia indica, Diplazium esculentum, Lectuca gracilis, Millingtonia hortensis, Oxalis griffithii, Saccharum spontaneum, and Solanum viarum. Some of the plants reported in this study have an antidiabetic effect on rodent models but none have sufficient clinical evidence of effectiveness. Conclusions: The wide variety of medicinal plants that are used to treat diabetes mellitus in this area supports the importance of plants in the primary healthcare system of the rural people of Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh. The finding of new plant uses in the current study reveals the importance of the documentation of such ethnobotanical knowledge. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Standard or 'traditional' human insulin preparations such as regular soluble insulin and neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin have shortcomings in terms of their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that limit their clinical efficacy. Structurally modified insulin molecules or insulin 'analogs' have been developed with the aim of delivering insulin replacement therapy in a more physiological manner. In the last 10 years, five insulin analog preparations have become commercially available for clinical use in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: three 'rapid' or fast-acting analogs (insulin lispro, aspart, and glulisine) and two long-acting analogs (insulin glargine and detemir). This review highlights the specific pharmacokinetic properties of these new insulin analog preparations and focuses on their potential clinical advantages and disadvantages when used in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The fast-acting analogs specifically facilitate more flexible insulin injection timing with regard to meals and activities, whereas the long-acting analogs have a more predictable profile of action and lack a peak effect. To date, clinical trials in children and adolescents have been few in number, but the evidence available from these and from other studies carried out in adults with type 1 diabetes suggest that they offer significant benefits in terms of reduced frequency of nocturnal hypoglycemia, better postprandial blood glucose control, and improved quality of life when compared with traditional insulins. In addition, insulin detemir therapy is unique in that patients may benefit from reduced risk of excessive weight, particularly during adolescence. Evidence for sustained long-term improvements in glycosylated hemoglobin, on the other hand, is modest. Furthermore, alterations to insulin/insulin-like growth factor I receptor binding characteristics have also raised theoretical concerns that insulin analogs may have an increased mitogenic potential and risk of tumor development, although evidence from both in vitro and in vivo animal studies do not support this assertion. Long-term surveillance has been recommended and further carefully designed prospective studies are needed to evaluate the overall benefits and clinical efficacy of insulin analog therapy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.


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A obesidade e o Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 se tornaram importantes problemas de saúde pública nos últimos anos. O aumento da prevalência do diabetes está intimamente relacionado ao aumento da prevalência da obesidade. As cirurgias bariátricas surgiram nos últimos cinqüenta anos e vêm se popularizando como uma opção terapêutica efetiva para a redução do peso e controle ou reversão do diabetes no paciente obeso. Dentre as técnicas cirúrgicas disponíveis, o Sleeve gástrico, que era utilizado como parte integrante da técnica de derivação bílio-pancreática ou como primeiro estágio, em pacientes de alto risco, a fim de prepará-los para a cirurgia definitiva, tem sido adotado, por alguns grupos de cirurgiões, como técnica definitiva. Como é recente sua utilização como procedimento bariátrico definitivo, faltam estudos que avaliem sua efetividade. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o Sleeve gástrico, para o controle ou reversão do Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, no paciente obeso. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática. A busca na literatura resultou em 698 títulos e resumos. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão foram recuperados 96 textos completos e incluídos, na revisão sistemática, sete artigos com ensaios clínicos controlados. Foi possível realizar metanálise entre estudos comparando o Sleeve gástrico à derivação gástrica com Y de Roux e com a bandagem gástrica. Foram avaliados os desfechos glicemia de jejum e hemoglobina glicosilada. O resultado da metanálise foi favorável ao Sleeve gástrico, em comparação ao Y de Roux, para o desfecho redução pós-operatória da hemoglobina glicosilada. O Sleeve gástrico se apresenta como mais uma opção terapêutica para a obesidade e correção das co-morbidades associadas. Porém, os resultados são bastante preliminares, e ensaios clínicos controlados, de boa qualidade metodológica, são necessários para melhor avaliação.


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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a diverse range of pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of diabetes-related complications, the prevalence of coexistent chronic conditions and to report multimorbidity in people with type 2 diabetes living in the Basque Country. Methods: Administrative databases, in four cross sections (annually from 2007 to 2011) were consulted to analyse 149,015 individual records from patients aged >= 35 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data observed were: age, sex, diabetes-related complications (annual rates of acute myocardial infarction, major amputations and avoidable hospitalisations), diabetes-related pathologies (prevalence of ischaemic heart disease, renal failure, stroke, heart failure, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcers and diabetic retinopathy) and other unrelated pathologies (44 diseases). Results: The annual incidence for each condition progressively decreased during the four-year period: acute myocardial infarction (0.47 to 0.40%), major amputations (0.10 to 0.08%), and avoidable hospitalisations (5.85 to 5.5%). The prevalence for diabetes-related chronic pathologies was: ischaemic heart disease (11.5%), renal failure (8.4%), stroke (7.0%), heart failure (4.3%), peripheral neuropathy (1.3%), foot ulcers (2.0%) and diabetic retinopathy (7.2%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 90.4%. The highest prevalence for other chronic conditions was 73.7% for hypertension, 13.8% for dyspepsia and 12.7% for anxiety. Conclusions: In the type 2 diabetes mellitus population living in the Basque Country, incidence rates of diabetes complications are not as high as in other places. However, they present a high prevalence of diabetes related and unrelated diseases. Multimorbidity is very common in this group, and is a factor to be taken into account to ensure correct clinical management.


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O diabetes mellitus(DM) e as disfunções tireoidianas(DT) são as duas desordens endocrinológicas mais comuns na prática clínica. A DT não reconhecida pode interferir no controle metabólico e adicionar mais risco a um cenário predisponente à doença cardiovascular. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência da DT em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e tipo 2 (DM1 e DM2) e avaliar o risco cardiovascular em pacientes com DM2 com e sem DT utilizando parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Trata-se de um estudo observacional de corte transversal. Foram avaliados 304 pacientes com DM2 e 82 pacientes com DM1. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um inquérito clínico-demográfico e avaliação laboratorial para determinação do perfil lipídico, glicídico e da função tireoidiana. Os pacientes com DM2 tiveram seus escores de risco cardiovascular em 10 anos determinados pelas equações de Framingham e do UKPDS risk engine. A frequência de disfunção tireoidiana entre os 386 pacientes foi de 14,7%, sendo de 13% nos que não possuíam disfunção prévia. A disfunção mais frequente encontrada foi de hipotireoidismo subclínico, com 13% no DM1 e de 12% no DM2. A prevalência de anticorpos anti-tireoperoxidase (TPO) positivos foi de 10,8%, sendo de14,6% em pacientes com DM1.Foram diagnosticados 44 (11,2%) novos casos de disfunção tireoidiana em pacientes que negavam ou desconheciam terem DT prévia.Destes novos casos, 12,8% em DM1 e 13,1% em DM2.Dos 49 pacientes com DT prévia, 50% dos DM1e 76% dos DM2 estavam compensados. Não foi observada diferença entre as médias do escore de risco de Framingham entre os pacientes DM2 com eutireoidismo e com hipotireoidismo subclínico. Observou-se uma associação entre o hipotireoidismo subclínico e risco cardiovascular nos pacientes com DM2 demonstrado pela diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias do escore UKPDS para doença coronariana não-fatal e fatal, acidente vascular cerebral fatal entre os dois grupos (p=0,007; 0,005;0,027 respectivamente). As demais funções tireodianas (hipotireoidismo clínico, hipertireoidismo clínico e subclínico) encontradas não foram analisadas devido ao pequeno número de pacientes em cada grupo.Concluímos que o rastreio da doença tireoidiana entre os pacientes com diabetes mellitus deve ser realizado rotineiramente considerando-se a prevalência de novos casos de DT diagnosticados e o fato de que os pacientes com DM2 e com hipotireoidismo subclínico avaliados possuírem um risco cardiovascular maior. Todavia, concluímos que estudos prospectivos e com maior número de pacientes são necessários para o esclarecimento do impacto da doença tireoidiana no risco cardiovascular do paciente com DM.


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A new method for prolidase (PLD, EC activity assay was developed based on the determination of proline produced from enzymatic reaction through capillary electrophoresis (CE) with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(11) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] electrochemiluminescence detection (ECL). A detection limit of 12.2 fmol (S/N = 3) for proline, corresponding to 1.22 x 10(-8) units of prolidase catalyzing for 1 min was achieved. PLD activity determined by CE-ECL method was in agreement with that obtained from the classical Chinard's one. CE-ECL showed its powerful resolving ability and selectivity as no sample pretreatmentwas needed and no interference existed. The clinical utility of this method was successfully demonstrated by its application to assay PLD activity in the serum of diabetic patients in order to evaluate collagen degradation in diabetes mellitus (DM). The results indicated that enhanced collagen degradation occurred in DM.