966 resultados para GATED POTASSIUM CHANNELS


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alpha-KTx toxin Tc32, from the Amazonian scorpion Tityus cambridgei, lacks the dyad motif; including Lys27, characteristic of the family and generally associated with channel blockage. The toxin has been cloned and expressed for the first time. Electrophysiological experiments, by showing that the recombinant form blocks Kv1.3 channels of olfactory bulb periglomerular cells like the natural Tc32 toxin, when tested on the Kv1.3 channel of human T lymphocytes, confirmed it is in an active fold. The nuclear magnetic resonance-derived structure revealed it exhibits an alpha/beta scaffold typical of the members of the alpha-KTx family. TdK2 and TdK3, all belonging to the same alpha-KTx 18 subfamily, share significant sequence identity with Tc32 but diverse selectivity and affinity for Kv1.3 and Kv1.1 channels. To gain insight into the structural features that may justify those differences, we used the recombinant Tc32 nuclear magnetic resonance-derived structure to model the other two toxins, for which no experimental structure is available. Their interaction with Kv1.3 and Kv1.1 has been investigated by means of docking simulations. The results suggest that differences in the electrostatic features of the toxins and channels, in their contact surfaces, and in their total dipole moment orientations govern the affinity and selectivity of toxins. In addition, we found that, regardless of whether the dyad motif is present, it is always a Lys side chain that physically blocks the channels, irrespective of its position in the toxin sequence.


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Nozizeptive Spinalganglienneurone detektieren mit einer Vielzahl liganden- und spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle noxische Reize, d.h. Reize, die eine Gewebeschädigung bewirken können, wandeln sie in Aktionspotenzialentladungen um und leiten sie über das Rückenmark zum Gehirn weiter, wo eine Schmerzempfindung ausgelöst wird. Die pronozizeptiven transienten Rezeptor-Potenzial-Kanäle der Vanilloidrezeptorfamilie, TRPV1 und TRPV2, sind die klassischen Transduktionsmoleküle für noxische Hitzereize in den Spinalganglien und werden von Reiztemperaturen über 43°C bzw. 52°C aktiviert. Daneben finden sich auch antinozizeptive Membranproteine, wie z.B. der metabotrope Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Er koppelt an spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanäle, die neben Natrium- und Kalziumkanälen ebenfalls an der neuronalen Erregbarkeit beteiligt sind. Von den spannungsgesteuerten Kaliumkanälen könnte der Kv1.4, der einen schnell inaktivierenden A-Strom vermittelt, an antinozizeptiven Signalwegen beteiligt sein. Um die molekulare Physiologie der Regulation von Nozizeption und Antinozizeption zu charakterisieren, wurde die Expression bzw. Ko-Expression dieser Membranproteine auf der einen als auch die funktionelle Charakterisierung von TRPV1 auf der anderen Seite im Soma der Spinalganglienneurone und im heterologen Expressionssystem untersucht. TRPV1 wurde in je einem Drittel und TRPV2 in je einem Zehntel aller Spinalganglienneurone nachgewiesen. Das Expressionsmuster veränderte sich nicht zwischen verschiedenen Präparationsmethoden, die zur Aufarbeitung der Zellen für unterschiedliche experimentelle Ansätze notwendig sind. Somit können die aus Expressionsanalysen und funktionellen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen werden. Obwohl TRPV1 und TRPV2 in unterschiedlich großen Zellen exprimiert werden, überlappen dennoch ihre Größenverteilungen. Durch Ko-Expressionsanalysen konnten hier erstmalig TRPV1-TRPV2-ko-exprimierende Neurone detektiert werden. Mit dem neu entwickelten N-terminalen Antikörper gegen TRPV1 (3C11) konnte gezeigt werden, dass für TRPV1 verschiedene Splice-Varianten existieren. Neben den bereits bekannten Splice-Varianten wurde hier die neue Variante Vr.3’sv isoliert. Diese besitzt zwischen Exon 15 und 16 eine Insertion aus 104 Basen und exprimiert daher einen veränderten C-Terminus. Trotz dieser Veränderung bildeten sich im heterologen Expressionssystem funktionelle Kanäle aus, die im Gegensatz zu den anderen Varianten immer noch durch Capsaicin aktivierbar waren. Vr.3’sv könnte als Homo- oder Heterotetramer die Eigenschaften TRPV1-positiver Neurone beeinflussen. Bei der Bestimmung der Häufigkeit von TRPV1 in einem Gewebe ist somit die Wahl des Antikörpers von entscheidender Bedeutung. Für TRPV2 dagegen gibt es hier keine Hinweise auf Splice-Varianten. TRPV1 wird durch das Vanilloid Capsaicin aktiviert, wobei diese Substanz neurotoxisch ist und eine Degeneration von Neuronen und epidermalen Nervenfasern bewirkt. Hier wurde nun gezeigt, dass unabhängig von den Splice-Varianten nicht alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone bei langer Inkubationszeit absterben. Funktionelle Untersuchungen belegten, dass auch Capsaicin-sensitive Zellen unter dem Einfluss des Agonisten überleben können. Dieser Schutzmechanismus wird möglicherweise von den verschiedenen Splice-Varianten vermittelt. Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass der spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanal Kv1.4 in nahezu allen TRPV1- aber nicht TRPV2-positiven Neuronen exprimiert wird. Desweiteren ko-exprimierten nahezu alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone auch den Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Diese fast vollständige Ko-Lokalisation von CB1 und Kv1.4 in nozizeptiven Spinalganglienneuronen spricht für eine funktionell synergistische Aktivität. Der Kaliumkanal kann unter der regulativen Kontrolle von CB1 als Vermittler von A-Typ-Kaliumströmen an der Kontrolle der repetitiven Entladungen in der Peripherie und der Transmitterausschüttung zentral beteiligt sein. Es ergeben sich daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Mit Kv1.4-Aktivatoren und/oder peripher wirkenden Cannabinoiden könnten die Nebenwirkungen der Cannabinoide im zentralen Nervensystem umgangen werden.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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The subiculum, considered to be the output structure of the hippocampus, modulates information flow from the hippocampus to various cortical and sub-cortical areas such as the nucleus accumbens, lateral septal region, thalamus, nucleus gelatinosus, medial nucleus and mammillary nuclei. Tonic inhibitory current plays an important role in neuronal physiology and pathophysiology by modulating the electrophysiological properties of neurons. While the alterations of various electrical properties due to tonic inhibition have been studied in neurons from different regions, its influence on intrinsic subthreshold resonance in pyramidal excitatory neurons expressing hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is not known. Using pharmacological agents, we show the involvement of alpha 5 beta gamma GABA(A) receptors in the picrotoxin-sensitive tonic current in subicular pyramidal neurons. We further investigated the contribution of tonic conductance in regulating subthreshold electrophysiological properties using current clamp and dynamic clamp experiments. We demonstrate that tonic GABAergic inhibition can actively modulate subthreshold properties, including resonance due to HCN channels, which can potentially alter the response dynamics of subicular pyramidal neurons in an oscillating neuronal network.


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Les canaux ioniques dépendants du voltage sont responsables de l'initiation et de la propagation des potentiels d'action dans les cellules excitables. De nombreuses maladies héréditaires (channelopathies) sont associées à un contrôle défectueux du voltage par ces canaux (arythmies, épilepsie, etc.). L’établissement de la relation structure-fonction exacte de ces canaux est donc crucial pour le développement de nouveaux agents thérapeutiques spécifiques. Dans ce contexte, le canal procaryote dépendant du voltage et sélectif au potassium KvAP a servi de modèle d’étude afin d’approfondir i) le processus du couplage électromécanique, ii) l’influence des lipides sur l’activité voltage-dépendante et iii) l’inactivation de type closed-state. Afin de pallier à l’absence de données structurales dynamiques du côté cytosolique ainsi que de structure cristalline dans l’état fermé, nous avons mesuré le mouvement du linker S4-S5 durant le gating par spectroscopie de fluorescence (LRET). Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé une technique novatrice du contrôle de l’état conformationnel du canal en utilisant les lipides (phospholipides et non phospholipides) au lieu du voltage. Un modèle dans l’état fermé a ainsi été produit et a démontré qu’un mouvement latéral modeste de 4 Å du linker S4-S5 est suffisant pour mener à la fermeture du pore de conduction. Les interactions lipides - canaux jouent un rôle déterminant dans la régulation de la fonction des canaux ioniques mais ne sont pas encore bien caractérisées. Nous avons donc également étudié l’influence de différents lipides sur l’activation voltage - dépendante de KvAP et mis en évidence deux sites distincts d’interactions menant à des effets différents : au niveau du senseur de voltage, menant au déplacement de la courbe conductance-voltage, et du côté intracellulaire, influençant le degré de la pente de cette même courbe. Nous avons également démontré que l’échange de lipides autour de KvAP est extrêmement limité et affiche une dépendance à l’état conformationnel du canal, ne se produisant que dans l’état ouvert. KvAP possède une inactivation lente particulière, accessible depuis l'état ouvert. Nous avons étudié les effets de la composition lipidique et de la température sur l'entrée dans l'état inactivé et le temps de récupération. Nous avons également utilisé la spectroscopie de fluorescence (quenching) en voltage imposé afin d'élucider les bases moléculaires de l’inactivation de type closed-state. Nous avons identifié une position à la base de l’hélice S4 qui semble impliquée à la fois dans le mécanisme responsable de ce type d'inactivation et dans la récupération particulièrement lente qui est typique du canal KvAP.


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The application of antibodies to living cells has the potential to modulate the function of specific proteins by virtue of their high specificity. This specificity has proven effective in determining the involvement of many proteins in neuronal function where specific agonists and antagonists do not exist, e.g. ion channel subunits. We discuss a way to utilise subunit specific antibodies to target individual channel subunits in electrophysiological experiments to determine functional roles within native neurones. Utilising this approach, we have investigated the role of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv3.1b subunit within a region of the brainstem important in the regulation of autonomic function. We provide some useful control experiments in order to help validate this method. We conclude that antibodies can be extremely valuable in determining the functions of specific proteins in living neurones in neuroscience research.


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Type II Bartter's syndrome is a hereditary hypokalemic renal salt-wasting disorder caused by mutations in the ROMK channel (Kir1.1; Kcnj1), mediating potassium recycling in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) and potassium secretion in the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct (CCT). Newborns with Type II Bartter are transiently hyperkalemic, consistent with loss of ROMK channel function in potassium secretion in distal convoluted tubule and CCT. Yet, these infants rapidly develop persistent hypokalemia owing to increased renal potassium excretion mediated by unknown mechanisms. Here, we used free-flow micropuncture and stationary microperfusion of the late distal tubule to explore the mechanism of renal potassium wasting in the Romk-deficient, Type II Bartter's mouse. We show that potassium absorption in the loop of Henle is reduced in Romk-deficient mice and can account for a significant fraction of renal potassium loss. In addition, we show that iberiotoxin (IBTX)-sensitive, flow-stimulated maxi-K channels account for sustained potassium secretion in the late distal tubule, despite loss of ROMK function. IBTX-sensitive potassium secretion is also increased in high-potassium-adapted wild-type mice. Thus, renal potassium wasting in Type II Bartter is due to both reduced reabsorption in the TAL and K secretion by max-K channels in the late distal tubule. © 2006 International Society of Nephrology.


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The ether A go-go (Eag) gene encodes the voltage-gated potassium (K+) ion channel Kv10.1, whose function still remains unknown. As dopamine may directly affect K+ channels, we evaluated whether a nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesion induced by the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) would alter Eag1-K+ channel expression in the rat basal ganglia and related brain regions. Male Wistar rats received a microinjection of either saline or 6-OHDA (unilaterally) into the medial forebrain bundle. The extent of the dopaminergic lesion induced by 6-OHDA was evaluated by apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity. The 6-OHDA microinjection caused a partial or complete lesion of dopaminergic cells, as well as a reduction of Eag1+ cells in a manner proportional to the extent of the lesion. In addition, we observed a decrease in TH immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral striatum. In conclusion, the expression of the Eag1-K+-channel throughout the nigrostriatal pathway in the rat brain, its co-localization with dopaminergic cells and its reduction mirroring the extent of the lesion highlight a physiological circuitry where the functional role of this channel can be investigated. The Eag1-K+ channel expression in dopaminergic cells suggests that these channels are part of the diversified group of ion channels that generate and maintain the electrophysiological activity pattern of dopaminergic midbrain neurons.


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Distinct potassium, anion, and calcium channels in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane of plant cells have been identified and characterized by patch clamping. Primarily owing to advances in Arabidopsis genetics and genomics, and yeast functional complementation, many of the corresponding genes have been identified. Recent advances in our understanding of ion channel genes that mediate signal transduction and ion transport are discussed here. Some plant ion channels, for example, ALMT and SLAC anion channel subunits, are unique. The majority of plant ion channel families exhibit homology to animal genes; such families include both hyperpolarization- and depolarization-activated Shaker-type potassium channels, CLC chloride transporters/channels, cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, and ionotropic glutamate receptor homologs. These plant ion channels offer unique opportunities to analyze the structural mechanisms and functions of ion channels. Here we review gene families of selected plant ion channel classes and discuss unique structure-function aspects and their physiological roles in plant cell signaling and transport.


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Availability of voltage-gated calcium channels (Cav) at the plasma membrane is paramount to maintaining the calcium homeostasis of the cell. It is proposed that the ubiquitylation/de-ubiquitylation balance regulates the density of ion channels at the cell surface. Voltage-gated calcium channels Cav1.2 have been found to be ubiquitylated under basal conditions both in vitro and in vivo. In a previous study, we have shown that Cav1.2 channels are ubiquitylated by neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally downregulated 4 (Nedd4-1) ubiquitin ligases, but the identity of the counterpart de-ubiquitylating enzyme remained to be elucidated. Regarding sodium and potassium channels, it has been reported that the action of the related isoform Nedd4-2 is counteracted by the ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 2-45. In this study, we show that USP 2-45 also de-ubiquitylates Cav channels. We co-expressed USPs and Cav1.2 channels together with the accessory subunits β2 and α2δ-1, in tsA-201 and HEK-293 mammalian cell lines. Using whole-cell current recordings and surface biotinylation assays, we show that USP2-45 specifically decreases both the amplitude of Cav currents and the amount of Cav1.2 subunits inserted at the plasma membrane. Importantly, co-expression of the α2δ-1 accessory subunit is necessary to support the effect of USP2-45. We further show that USP2-45 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits. Remarkably, α2δ-1, but not Cav1.2 nor β2, co-precipitated with USP2-45. These results suggest that USP2-45 binding to α2δ-1 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits, in order to regulate the expression of Cav1.2 channels at the plasma membrane.


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Illumination of vertebrate rod photoreceptors leads to a decrease in the cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. Except for Ca2+, which plays a negative feedback role in adaptation, and 11-cis-retinal, supplied by the retinal pigment epithelium, all of the biochemical machinery of phototransduction is thought to be contained within rod outer segments without involvement of extrinsic regulatory molecules. Here we show that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a paracrine factor released from the retinal pigment epithelium, alters phototransduction by rapidly increasing the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. The IGF-I-signaling pathway ultimately involves a protein tyrosine phosphatase that catalyzes dephosphorylation of a specific residue in the α-subunit of the rod CNG channel protein. IGF-I conjointly accelerates the kinetics and increases the amplitude of the light response, distinct from events that accompany adaptation. These effects of IGF-I could result from the enhancement of the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. Hence, in addition to long-term control of development and survival of rods, growth factors regulate phototransduction in the short term by modulating CNG channels.


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Local anesthetics, commonly used for treating cardiac arrhythmias, pain, and seizures, are best known for their inhibitory effects on voltage-gated Na+ channels. Cardiovascular and central nervous system toxicity are unwanted side-effects from local anesthetics that cannot be attributed to the inhibition of only Na+ channels. Here, we report that extracellular application of the membrane-permeant local anesthetic bupivacaine selectively inhibited G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channels (GIRK:Kir3) but not other families of inwardly rectifying K+ channels (ROMK:Kir1 and IRK:Kir2). Bupivacaine inhibited GIRK channels within seconds of application, regardless of whether channels were activated through the muscarinic receptor or directly via coexpressed G protein Gβγ subunits. Bupivacaine also inhibited alcohol-induced GIRK currents in the absence of functional pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins. The mutated GIRK1 and GIRK2 (GIRK1/2) channels containing the high-affinity phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) domain from IRK1, on the other hand, showed dramatically less inhibition with bupivacaine. Surprisingly, GIRK1/2 channels with high affinity for PIP2 were inhibited by ethanol, like IRK1 channels. We propose that membrane-permeant local anesthetics inhibit GIRK channels by antagonizing the interaction of PIP2 with the channel, which is essential for Gβγ and ethanol activation of GIRK channels.


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Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are Ca(2+)-permeable, nonspecific cation channels that can be activated through direct interaction with cAMP and/or cGMP. Recent electrophysiological evidence for these channels in cultured hippocampal neurons prompted us to investigate the expression of CNG channel genes in hippocampus. PCR amplification detected the expression of transcripts for subunit 1 of both the rod photoreceptor (RCNGC1) and the olfactory receptor cell (OCNGC1) subtype of CNG channel in adult rat hippocampus. In situ hybridization detected expression of both channel subtypes in most principal neurons, including pyramidal cells of the CA1 through CA3 regions and granule cells of the dentate gyrus. From the hybridization patterns, we conclude that the two genes are colocalized in individual neurons. Comparison of the patterns of expression of type 1 cGMP-dependent protein kinase and the CNG channels suggests that hippocampal neurons can respond to changes in cGMP levels with both rapid changes in CNG channel activity and slower changes induced by phosphorylation. Future models of hippocampal function should include CNG channels and their effects on both electrical responses and intracellular Ca2+ levels.


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Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels present a unique model for studying the molecular mechanisms of channel gating. We have studied the mechanism of potentiation of expressed rod CNG channels by Ni2+ as a first step toward understanding the channel gating process. Here we report that coordination of Ni2+ between histidine residues (H420) on adjacent channel subunits occurs when the channels are open. Mutation of H420 to lysine completely eliminated the potentiation by Ni2+ but did not markedly alter the apparent cGMP affinity of the channel, indicating that the introduction of positive charge at the Ni(2+)-binding site was not sufficient to produce potentiation. Deletion or mutation of most of the other histidines present in the channel did not diminish potentiation by Ni2+. We studied the role of subunit interactions in Ni2+ potentiation by generating heteromultimeric channels using tandem dimers of the rod CNG channel sequence. Injection of single heterodimers in which one subunit contained H420 and the other did not (wt/H420Q or H420Q/wt) resulted in channels that were not potentiated by Ni2+. However, coinjection of both heterodimers into Xenopus oocytes resulted in channels that exhibited potentiation. The H420 residues probably occurred predominantly in nonadjacent subunits when each heterodimer was injected individually, but, when the two heterodimers were coinjected, the H420 residues could occur in adjacent subunits as well. These results suggest that the mechanism of Ni2+ potentiation involves intersubunit coordination of Ni2+ by H420. Based on the preferential binding of Ni2+ to open channels, we suggest that alignment of H420 residues of neighboring subunits into the Ni(2+)-coordinating position may be associated with channel opening.


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The calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that follows trains of action potentials is responsible for controlling action potential firing patterns in many neuronal cell types. We have previously shown that the slow AHP contributes to spike frequency adaptation in pyramidal neurons in the rat lateral amygdala. In addition, a dendritic voltage-gated potassium current mediated by Kv1.2-containing channels also suppresses action potential firing in these neurons. In this paper we show that this voltage-gated potassium current and the slow AHP act together to control spike frequency adaptation in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons. The two currents have similar effects on action potential number when firing is evoked either by depolarizing current injections or by synaptic stimulation. However, they differ in their control of firing frequency, with the voltage-gated potassium current but not the slow AHP determining the initial frequency of action potential firing. This dual mechanism of controlling firing patterns is unique to lateral amygdala neurons and is likely to contribute to the very low levels of firing seen in lateral amygdala neurons in vivo.