987 resultados para Fog
Velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus L.), also known as Yorkshire fog grass, has evolved tolerance to high levels of arsenate, and this adaptation involves reduced accumulation of arsenate through the suppression of the high affinity phosphate-arsenate uptake system. To determine the role of P nutrition in arsenate tolerance, inhibition kinetics of arsenate influx by phosphate were determined. The concentration of inhibitor required to reduce maximum influx (V(max)) by 50%, K1, of phosphate inhibition of arsenate influx was 0.02 mol m-3 in both tolerant and nontolerant clones. This was compared with the concentration where influx is 50% of maximum, a K(m), for arsenate influx of 0.6 mol m-3 for tolerants and 0.025 mol m-3 for nontolerants and, therefore, phosphate was much more effective at inhibiting arsenate influx in tolerant genotypes. The high affinity phosphate uptake system is inducible under low plant phosphate status, this increasing plant phosphate status should increase tolerance by decreasing arsenate influx. Root extension in arsenate solutions of tolerant and nontolerant tillers grown under differing phosphate nutritional regimes showed that indeed, increased plant P status increased the tolerance to arsenate of both tolerant and nontolerant clones. That plant P status increased tolerance again argues that P nutrition has a critical role in arsenate tolerance. To determine if short term flux and solution culture studies were relevant to As and P accumulation in soils, soil and plant material from a range of As contaminated sites were analyzed. As predicted from the short-term competition studies, P was accumulated preferentially to As in arsenate tolerant clones growing on mine spoil soils even when acid extractable arsenate in the soils was much greater than acid extractable phosphate. Though phosphate was much more efficient at competing with arsenate for uptake, plants growing on arsenate contaminated land still accumulated considerable amounts of As. Plants from the differing habitats showed large variation in plant phosphate status, pasture plants having much higher P levels than plants growing on the most contaminated mine spoil soils. The selectivity of the phosphate-arsenate uptake system for phosphate compared with arsenate, coupled with the suppression of this uptake system enabled tolerant clones of the grass velvetgrass to grow on soils that were highly contaminated with arsenate and deficient in phosphate.
Gait disturbances are a common feature of Parkinson’s disease, one of the most severe being freezing of gait. Sensory cueing is a common method used to facilitate stepping in people with Parkinson’s. Recent work has shown that, compared to walking to a metronome, Parkinson’s patients without freezing of gait (nFOG) showed reduced gait variability when imitating recorded sounds of footsteps made on gravel. However, it is not known if these benefits are realised through the continuity of the acoustic information or the action-relevance. Furthermore, no study has examined if these benefits extend to PD with freezing of gait. We prepared four different auditory cues (varying in action-relevance and acoustic continuity) and asked 19 Parkinson’s patients (10 nFOG, 9 with freezing of gait (FOG)) to step in place to each cue. Results showed a superiority of action-relevant cues (regardless of cue-continuity) for inducing reductions in Step coefficient of variation (CV). Acoustic continuity was associated with a significant reduction in Swing CV. Neither cue-continuity nor action-relevance was independently sufficient to increase the time spent stepping before freezing. However, combining both attributes in the same cue did yield significant improvements. This study demonstrates the potential of using action-sounds as sensory cues for Parkinson’s patients with freezing of gait. We suggest that the improvements shown might be considered audio-motor ‘priming’ (i.e., listening to the sounds of footsteps will engage sensorimotor circuitry relevant to the production of that same action, thus effectively bypassing the defective basal ganglia).
O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo desenvolver e avaliar o desempenho de um sistema de monitorização da corrosão no betão armado. Para tal foram construídos dois provetes de classe 20/25, e outros dois de classe 30/35. Dentro desses quatro provetes foram instalados sensores de corrosão designados por Monicorr. Para cada classe de betão utilizaram-se dois tipos diferentes de contaminação, designadas por A e B. A contaminação do tipo A é feita adicionando durante a amassadura do betão uma solução aquosa de cloreto de cálcio a 4% em massa de cimento e sujeitando esses provetes a ciclos de condensação de 50h, durante um período de 1000h. A contaminação do tipo B é feita sujeitando os outros dois provetes de classes diferentes a ciclos de 100h de nevoeiro salino a 3% em massa de água, durante um período de 2000h. Para avaliar o desempenho do sistema de monitorização Monicorr foram comparados os valores da velocidade de corrosão instantânea por LPR, a resistividade do betão e o potencial de corrosão da armadura, obtidos pelo sistema Monicorr, com os obtidos por aparelhos utilizados para o mesmo efeito em laboratório. Paralelamente, estudou-se também a variação do potencial de corrosão da armadura em função da área oxidada. Para além disso desenvolveu-se um conjunto de pseudo referências de grafite dopada com diferentes percentagens de cimento e avaliou-se a sua estabilidade relativamente ao eléctrodo de calomelanos e óxido de managanês manganês em soluções de hidróxido de cálcio saturada e de betão armado contaminado com sais cloreto. Finalmente foram ainda desenvolvidas duas tarefas, a primeira relacionada com os resultados obtidos na medição da resistividade do betão armado pelas técnicas de dois pinos e quatro pinos, e a segunda com o desenvolvimento de um método rápido de contaminação do betão armado com dióxido de enxofre. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que: - o sistema de monitorização Monicorr apresenta um comportamento muito semelhante aos utilizados em laboratório para medir grandezas como o potencial de corrosão da armadura, resistividade do betão e velocidade de corrosão instantânea por LPR; - a monitorização das três grandezas atrás referidas pode ser uma ferramenta importante para permitir saber qual é o desenvolvimento corrosivo de uma estrutura de betão armado; os eléctrodos de grafite dopada com cimento apresentam uma elevada estabilidade nos meios testados tendo um desempenho muito semelhante à referência de manganês óxido de manganês para os mesmos meios. Relativamente à influência da área oxidada no potencial de corrosão da armadura não foi possível tirar conclusões. Foi possível, também, concluir que existe uma clara concordância entre as medições da resistividade do betão utilizando o método dos dois pinos e o método dos quatro pinos. Finalmente pode-se concluir que a metodologia desenvolvida para contaminar provetes de betão com iões sulfato obtém bons resultados ao fim de, apenas, 48h de contaminação.
Electrical gas discharges have been the subject of numerous investigations from the last century due to their growing interest in technological and fundamental applications. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a gas discharge result into a change in electrical impedance due to a significant perturbations in the steady state population of excited levels and the degree of ionization. This change in impedance produced by resonant absorption of radiation is known as optogalvanic COG) effect. where as that is produced by injecting electrons in to the discharge by photoelectric emission is usually known as photoemission optogalvanic (FOG) effect. With the development of lasers and sophisticated electronic equipment. these effects have established their importance in analytical and spectroscopic measurements. The present thesis deals with the work carried out by the author in the field optogalvanic effect during the past few years at the Department of Physics in Cochin University of Science| and "Fechnology. The results and the observation are summarized in nine chapters and the references to the literature is made at the end of each chapter
NGOs werden von einem idealtypischen, perfektionistischen, Homogenität vermittelnden Schleier umgeben, der es schwer macht, die eigentlichen definitorischen Strukturen des NGO-Begriffs zu erfassen. In meiner Dissertation konnte ich dieses in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit vorherrschende Image beiseite schieben und erlangte somit einen Blick auf die eigentlichen Strukturen der NGOs. Im weiteren Verlauf versuchte ich die Verortung der NGOs in der Gesellschaft zu lokalisieren. Dies stellte sich sowohl im theoretischen als auch im empirischen Teil, in dem ich Interviews ausgewertet habe, die ich zuvor mit Experten verschiedenster deutscher und brasilianischer NGOs durchführte, als äußerst schwieriges Unterfangen dar. Dies lag zum einem daran, dass abseits der von der UN 1996 aufgestellten NGO-Kriterien keine allgemeingültigen, obligatorisch normativen NGO Definitionen existieren und zum anderen, dass die NGOs und deren Arbeitsfelder so heterogen sind, dass es nahezu unmöglich ist, Definitionskriterien aufzustellen, die allen NGOs gerecht werden könnten. NGOs erbringen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Interessenvertretung sowie zum Zusammenschluss von Benachteiligten, damit diese ihre (Bürger-) Rechte wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Veränderungen bewirken können. Anhand von Kompetenzaufbau, Ermittlung der Ursachen der Ausgrenzung und deren Beseitigung wird versucht, die Veränderungen aktiv zu gestalten. NGOs fördern somit die Selbstorganisation und bündeln die Belange der Betroffenen. Festzuhalten ist, dass die NGOs ein immens wichtiges Element in der Zivilgesellschaft darstellen. Sie sind Ausdruck des politischen, sozialen und solidarischen Wollens von Menschen, die an der Gemeinschaft teilhaben, ihre Rechte geltend machen und den Istzustand des Systems nicht mehr einfach ohne Gegenwehr hinnehmen wollen. Das zivilgesellschaftliche Engagement ist, so zeigt die wachsende Bedeutung von NGOs, ungebrochen stark. Aber es ist aufgrund seiner großen Vielfalt weder begrifflich noch organisatorisch auf einen einzigen Nenner zu bringen. Das ist offenbar die Stärke eines zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements, das die Schwächen eines gesellschaftlichen Systems aufnimmt: Staat und Markt sind nicht die einzigen Akteure, von denen gesellschaftlicher Wandel und sozialer Friede zugleich begünstigt werden können.
El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo el Estado del arte acerca de la discusión teórica de la repercusión de la unión monetaria en el principio de soberanía nacional, específicamente el caso de Gran Bretaña, ya que éste es el único país que expresa abiertamente su incertidumbre referente a algún tipo de amenaza a su soberanía. Se pretende precisar si existen criterios concluyentes, o por el contrario determinar si no hay claridad con respecto al futuro de Gran Bretaña como miembro de la unión monetaria.A partir de lo anterior, se plantean como sus propósitos particulares construir un marco conceptual acerca de la soberanía. Este estado del arte se inicia con citas de los principales autores de finales de siglo XVII y XVIII y finaliza con las posiciones conceptuales aportadas por los teóricos modernos motivados por el nacimiento de la Unión Europea como un nuevo orden político. Entre las que se citan: modelo centrico o intergubernamentalista, modelo de gobernabilidad multi-nivel, modelo neo-funcionalista y modelo federalista. Igualmente, el trabajo, busca desarrollar un marco conceptual sobre Unión Monetaria y su evolución hasta el logro de una unión fiscal europea en el periodo de 1950-2010, establecer las relaciones teóricas entre Soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria y por último realizar un análisis histórico hermenéutico de la Unión Europea y el caso del Reino Unido de acuerdo a las relaciones evidenciadas en los apartados teóricos entre soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria.
Introducción: La atención de calidad en urgencias sólo es posible si los médicos han recibido una enseñanza de alta calidad. La escala PHEEM (Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure) es un instrumento válido y fiable, utilizado internacionalmente para medir el entorno educativo, en la formación médica de posgrado. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte trasversal que utilizó la escala PHEEM versión en español para conocer el entorno educativo de los programas de urgencias. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach se calculó para determinar la consistencia interna. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva a nivel global, por categorías e ítems de la escala PHEEM y se compararon resultados por sexo, año de residencia y programa. Resultados: 94 (94%) residentes llenaron el cuestionario. La puntuación media de la escala PHEEM fue 93,91 ± 23,71 (58,1% de la puntuación máxima) que se considera un ambiente educativo más positivo que negativo, pero con margen de mejora. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la percepción del ambiente educativo entre los programas de residencia (p =0,01). El instrumento es altamente confiable (alfa de Cronbach = 0,952). La barrera más frecuente en la enseñanza fue el hacinamiento y la evaluación fue percibida con el propósito de cumplir normas. Discusión: Los resultados de este estudio aportaron evidencia sobre la validez interna de la escala PHEEM en el contexto colombiano. Este estudio demostró cómo la medición del ambiente educativo en una especialidad médico-quirúrgica, con el uso de una herramienta cuantitativa, puede proporcionar información en relación a las fortalezas y debilidades de los programas.
El proyecto parte de la Apropiación Social de la Ciencia y la Tecnología para abordar los conceptos de pertinencia, rigurosidad y crítica alrededor del periodismo científico y la salud. El resultado es la aplicación práctica en www.elestetoscopio.com
Snow in the UK is generally associated with synoptic or mesoscale weather systems, thus snowfall during quiescent anticyclonic conditions is surprising and might not even be forecast. Consequently it could present a hazard. Snowfall during anticyclonic freezing fog conditions at Didcot and Hereford in December 2006 is investigated here. These two snowfalls seem to present circumstances in which anthropogenically-produced aerosols could have provided ice nuclei within the freezing fog, and therefore might provide characteristic examples of Anthropogenic Snowfall Events (ASEs).
Abstract Foggy air and clear air have appreciably different electrical conductivities. The conductivity gradient at horizontal droplet boundaries causes droplet charging, as a result of vertical current flow in the global atmospheric electrical circuit. The charging is poorly known, as both the current flow through atmospheric water droplet layers and the air conductivity are poorly characterised experimentally. Surface measurements during three days of continuous fog using new instrument techniques show that a shallow (of order 100 m deep) fog layer still permits the vertical conduction current to pass. Further, the conductivity in the fog is estimated to be approximately 20% lower than in clear air. Assuming a fog transition thickness of one metre, this implies a vertical conductivity gradient of order 10 fS m−2 at the boundary. The actual vertical conductivity gradient at a cloud boundary would probably be greater, due to the presence of larger droplets in clouds compared to fog, and cleaner, more conductive clear air aloft.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Terrestrial plant test is often used for the ecological risk assessment of contaminated land. However, its origins in plant protection product testing mean that the species recommended in the OECD guidelines are unlikely to occur on contaminated land. Six alternative species were tested on contaminated soils from a former Zn smelter and a metal fragmentizer with elevated concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The response of the alternative species was compared to two species recommended by the OECD; Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and Trifolium pratense (red clover). Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) and Poa annua (annual meadow-grass) had low emergence rates in the control soil so may be considered unsuitable. Festuca rubra (chewings fescue), Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog), Senecio vulgaris (common groundsel), and Verbascum thapsus (great mullein) offer good alternatives to the OECD species. In particular, H. lanatus and S. vulgaris were more sensitive to the soils with moderate concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn than the OECD species.
An electrical current of the order one picoamp per metre squared flows vertically in the Earth's atmosphere, between the ionosphere at approximately 50km altitude and the surface. This current is generated by global thunderstorm activity and is modulated by galactic cosmic rays and atmospheric aerosol. In fair weather conditions, this current cause a vertical atmospheric electric field, commonly measured as a potential gradient. For circumstances other than fair weather conditions, the potential gradient varies, from small steady enhancements in fog to large fluctuations in thunderstorms. The atmospheric potential gradient is continuously monitored at the Reading University Atmospheric Observatory. An account of the variability of the potential gradient on a variety of time scales will be presented.
Temperature is a key variable for monitoring global climate change. Here we perform a trend analysis of Swiss temperatures from 1959 to 2008, using a new 2 × 2 km gridded data-set based on carefully homogenised ground observations from MeteoSwiss. The aim of this study is twofold: first, to discuss the spatial and altitudinal temperature trend characteristics in detail, and second, to quantify the contribution of changes in atmospheric circulation and local effects to these trends. The seasonal trends are all positive and mostly significant with an annual average warming rate of 0.35 °C/decade (∼1.6 times the northern hemispheric warming rate), ranging from 0.17 in autumn to 0.48 °C/decade in summer. Altitude-dependent trends are found in autumn and early winter where the trends are stronger at low altitudes (<800 m asl), and in spring where slightly stronger trends are found at altitudes close to the snow line. Part of the trends can be explained by changes in atmospheric circulation, but with substantial differences from season to season. In winter, circulation effects account for more than half the trends, while this contribution is much smaller in other seasons. After removing the effect of circulation, the trends still show seasonal variations with higher values in spring and summer. The circulation-corrected trends are closer to the values simulated by a set of ENSEMBLES regional climate models, with the models still tending towards a trend underestimation in spring and summer. Our results suggest that both circulation changes and more local effects are important to explain part of recent warming in spring, summer, and autumn. Snow-albedo feedback effects could be responsible for the stronger spring trends at altitudes close to the snow line, but the overall effect is small. In autumn, the observed decrease in fog frequency might be a key process in explaining the stronger temperature trends at low altitudes.
Denna undersöknings syfte är att via en kvalitativ studie av ett exempelföretag utforska huruvida relationsmarknadsföring är applicerbart på offentliga verksamheter.Syftet ämnas att besvaras via en driveranalys av ett exempelföretag, vilket medför en starkt teoretiskt förankrad vetenskaplig utgångspunkt.Undersökningen fann för Dalatrafik givet driveranalysen fog för att påstå att Dalatrafik har förutsättningar för att implementera RM, men att vissa faktorer behöver beaktas om implementeringen skall få genomslagskraft. För RM inom offentlig verksamhet undersökningen ett antal variabler som indikerar att RM och offentliga organisationer inte är helt inkompatibla, men att vissa karaktäristiska problem genererar ytterliggare utmaningar jämfört med aktörer inom privat verksamhet.