973 resultados para Financial Instruments
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira
The past several years have seen the surprising and rapid rise of Bitcoin and other “cryptocurrencies.” These are decentralized peer-to-peer networks that allow users to transmit money, tocompose financial instruments, and to enforce contracts between mutually distrusting peers, andthat show great promise as a foundation for financial infrastructure that is more robust, efficientand equitable than ours today. However, it is difficult to reason about the security of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is a complex system, comprising many intricate and subtly-interacting protocol layers. At each layer it features design innovations that (prior to our work) have not undergone any rigorous analysis. Compounding the challenge, Bitcoin is but one of hundreds of competing cryptocurrencies in an ecosystem that is constantly evolving. The goal of this thesis is to formally reason about the security of cryptocurrencies, reining in their complexity, and providing well-defined and justified statements of their guarantees. We provide a formal specification and construction for each layer of an abstract cryptocurrency protocol, and prove that our constructions satisfy their specifications. The contributions of this thesis are centered around two new abstractions: “scratch-off puzzles,” and the “blockchain functionality” model. Scratch-off puzzles are a generalization of the Bitcoin “mining” algorithm, its most iconic and novel design feature. We show how to provide secure upgrades to a cryptocurrency by instantiating the protocol with alternative puzzle schemes. We construct secure puzzles that address important and well-known challenges facing Bitcoin today, including wasted energy and dangerous coalitions. The blockchain functionality is a general-purpose model of a cryptocurrency rooted in the “Universal Composability” cryptography theory. We use this model to express a wide range of applications, including transparent “smart contracts” (like those featured in Bitcoin and Ethereum), and also privacy-preserving applications like sealed-bid auctions. We also construct a new protocol compiler, called Hawk, which translates user-provided specifications into privacy-preserving protocols based on zero-knowledge proofs.
Em Portugal, apesar de haver registos históricos da reprodução desta espécie um pouco por todo o país, o francelho (Falco naumanni, Fleischer 1818) desapareceu de quase todo o território nacional estando actualmente restrito à região do Alentejo. Em 2005, 80% da população encontrava-se nas ZPE´s de Castro Verde e Vale do Guadiana (62% e 18% da população nacional, respectivamente (Catry et al. 2005). Ao longo dos últimos anos têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos trabalhos de investigação com o objectivo de conhecer as necessidades ecológicas da espécie nas diferentes colónias, de forma a tentar conciliar a prática de uma agricultura economicamente viável com a conservação de uma espécie que está dependente das práticas agrícolas tradicionais. Os conflitos entre conservação e alteração das práticas agrícolas levam a desafios na gestão deste tipo de habitats. A população de francelho da ZPE Évora, após um período de 12 anos de ausência da espécie como reprodutora na região, tem vindo a aumentar em número de casais reprodutores, desde 1995. A distribuição da espécie na ZPE de Évora, a sua evolução e os principais factores que afectam a sua reprodução foram por nós estudados no ano de 2007. Foi ainda analisada a disponibilidade de habitat de caça para o francelho na área que envolve a principal colónia de Évora de modo a poderem ser sugeridas medidas de gestão adequadas à sua conservação. Concluiu-se que a manutenção de áreas de caça e a conservação dos locais de nidificação existentes e a criação de novos locais passa inevitavelmente pela sensibilização e informação dos proprietários sobre as medidas a aplicar. O recurso a instrumentos de financiamento neste sentido será primordial; ABSTRACT: In Portugal, although there are historical records of the reproduction of this species all over the country, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) disappeared from almost all the national territory being currently restricted to the Alentejo region. In 2005, 80% of the population was in Castro Verde and Vale do Guadiana SPA (62% and 18% of the national population, respectively) (Catry et al. 2005). Over the past few years have been developed research in order to meet the ecological needs of the species in the different colonies, trying to reconcile the practice of an economically viable agriculture and the conservation of a species that is dependent on traditional farming practices. The conflicts between conservation and changing farming practices lead to challenges in managing this type of habitat. The lesser kestrel population of the Évora SPA, after a 12 year absence of the species as breeding in the region, has being increasing in the number of breeding pairs, since 1995. The distribution of the species in the SPA of Évora, its evolution and the main factors affecting their reproduction were studied in 2007. It was also analyzed the availability of hunting habitat for the kestrel in the area surrounding the main colony of Évora so that appropriate management measures can be suggested to their conservation. It was concluded that maintaining hunting areas and conservation of existing nesting sites and the creation of new local inevitably passes through the awareness and information of the owners on the measures to be implemented. The use of financial instruments and the in this direction will be paramount.
Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais
El presente artículo intentará dar un alcance hacia los impactos que se visualizan en la aplicación de normas internacionales de contabilidad en el tratamiento de los aportes sociales de las cooperativas, para Bogotá. En nuestro sistema cooperativo, en función de proteger al socio, incluso frente al riesgo de amenazar la estabilidad de la cooperativa, se ha reconocido un derecho al reembolso de los aportes sociales, que la cooperativa tiene que atender aunque esto signifique reducir el capital estatutario o incluso la disolución de la organización. El artículo muestra la importancia de analizar el impacto de nuevos estándares contables para revelar la situación financiera de la empresa y la forma en que estos afectaran no solo el patrimonio que es el capital de la empresa sino la figura de este tipo de organizaciones. De igual manera hace un análisis de las ventajas y desventajas de esta aplicación y finalmente una comparación de los estados financieros de una cooperativa antes y después de la implementación. Palabras Clave Cooperativa, capital social, Instrumentos financieros, Normas internacionales de contabilidad y patrimonio.
The euro crisis has forced member states and the EU institutions to create a series of new instruments to safeguard macro-financial stability of the Union. This study describes the status of existing instruments, the role of the European Parliament and how the use of the instruments impinges on the EU budget also through their effects on national budgets. In addition, it presents a survey of other possible instruments that have been proposed in recent years (e.g. E-bonds and eurobonds), in order to provide an assessment of how EU macro-financial stability assistance could evolve in the future and what could be its impact on EU public finances.
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Within the QUT Business School (QUTBS)– researchers across economics, finance and accounting depend on data driven research. They analyze historic and global financial data across a range of instruments to understand the relationships and effects between them as they respond to news and events in their region. Scholars and Higher Degree Research Students in turn seek out universities which offer these particular datasets to further their research. This involves downloading and manipulating large datasets, often with a focus on depth of detail, frequency and long tail historical data. This is stock exchange data and has potential commercial value therefore the license for access tends to be very expensive. This poster reports the following findings: •The library has a part to play in freeing up researchers from the burden of negotiating subscriptions, fundraising and managing the legal requirements around license and access. •The role of the library is to communicate the nature and potential of these complex resources across the university to disciplines as diverse as Mathematics, Health, Information Systems and Creative Industries. •Has demonstrated clear concrete support for research by QUT Library and built relationships into faculty. It has made data available to all researchers and attracted new HDRs. The aim is to reach the output threshold of research outputs to submit into FOR Code 1502 (Banking, Finance and Investment) for ERA 2015. •It is difficult to identify what subset of dataset will be obtained given somewhat vague price tiers. •The integrity of data is variable as it is limited by the way it is collected, this occasionally raises issues for researchers(Cook, Campbell, & Kelly, 2012) •Improved library understanding of the content of our products and the nature of financial based research is a necessary part of the service.
L’intérêt principal de l’analyse du cadre des investissements miniers et pétroliers chinois en Afrique est la détermination du chantier juridique résultant de la cohabitation de deux cultures juridiques en vue de l’émergence d’une lex mercatoria dans les investissements sino-africains. Elle comprend deux parties principales. D’abord, l’étude se penche sur l’origine des fonds chinois investis sur le continent africain qui sont les fonds souverains. La problématique des fonds souverains est celle de savoir s’il s’agit d’instruments politiques ou financiers. Néanmoins, cette inquiétude ne freine pas la force opérationnelle grandissante des fonds souverains chinois sur le continent africain. Rentrant dans l’encadrement et le contenu du contrat proprement dit, l’analyse des figures contractuelles usitées dans l’industrie pétrolière et minière sino-africaine séparément dans les contextes chinois et africains révèle l’inadéquation des contrats et de la législation africaine aux besoins économiques et technologiques du continent. En outre, l’examen particulier des clauses de choix de la loi applicable et de règlement des différends dans les contextes chinois et africain permet de soulever quelques options possibles pour le contexte sino-africain. Ensuite, l’analyse se penche sur les mécanismes mis en place pour favoriser les investissements chinois miniers et pétroliers sur le continent africain avant de relever les conséquences dans les domaines sociaux et environnementaux desdits investissements. Il ressort donc que des avantages fiscaux et douaniers sont mis en place en faveur des investissements chinois en Afrique ainsi que des traités bilatéraux signés entre la Chine et de nombreux pays africains. Cependant, sur le plan social, l’on s’interroge sur la place accordée à la lutte contre la corruption et la promotion de la transparence dans l’industrie extractive africaine avec ses relations avec la Chine. L’on constate également que l’absence de transfert de technologie influe négativement sur le développement économique et technologique, la concurrence et l’emploi local du pays hôte. De même, la protection de l’environnement dans le contexte sino-africain semble être reléguée au dernier plan. L’environnement africain court donc le risque de connaître une crise comme celle de la chine causée par l’industrialisation du pays. La société civile nous apparaît donc au regard de ces effets peu glorieux des investissements chinois en Afrique dans les domaines miniers et pétroliers comme une troisième partie de cette relation qui devra être la médiatrice ou régulatrice entre les deux autres.
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Unless a direct hedge is available, cross hedging must be used. In such circumstances portfolio theory implies that a composite hedge (the use of two or more hedging instruments to hedge a single spot position) will be beneficial. The study and use of composite hedging has been neglected; possibly because it requires the estimation of two or more hedge ratios. This paper demonstrates a statistically significant increase in out-of-sample effectiveness from the composite hedging of the Amex Oil Index using S&P500 and New York Mercantile Exchange crude oil futures. This conclusion is robust to the technique used to estimate the hedge ratios, and to allowance for transactions costs, dividends and the maturity of the futures contracts.
Brazil was frequently criticized for its interventionist and heavy financial regulation up until the 2008‐09 world financial crisis. According to the neo‐liberal or pro‐market view that predominated in academic and financial circles during the early 2000s, economic development came together with financial deepening, which in its turn could only be achieved through financial liberalization and deregulation. The currency crises of the 1990s notwithstanding, by the mid‐2000s Brazil’s segmented financial market and its restrictive reserve and capital requirements were seen as a symbol of inefficiency and backwardness by most financial specialists. To the luck of the Brazilian population, most of the advices of such specialists were ignored by the Brazilian authorities, so that, when the 2008 financial crisis hit the world economy, Brazil still had powerful and efficient instruments to deal with the problem. The objective of this note is to present the mains aspects of the Brazilian financial regulation and how they helped the economy to deal with the consequences of 2008‐09 financial meltdown.
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Insurance underwriter or financial development fund: what role for reserve pooling in Latin America?
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