938 resultados para Fiction by physicians.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Smoking is a crucial environmental factor in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, knowledge on patient characteristics associated with smoking, time trends of smoking rates, gender differences and supportive measures to cease smoking provided by physicians is scarce. We aimed to address these questions in Swiss IBD patients. METHODS: Prospectively obtained data from patients participating in the Swiss IBD cohort study was analysed and compared to the general Swiss population (GSP) matched by age, sex and year. RESULTS: Among a total of 1770 IBD patients analysed (49.1% male), 29% are current smokers. More than twice as many patients with Crohn's disease (CD) are active smokers compared to ulcerative colitis (UC, 39.6% vs. 15.3%, p<0.001). In striking contrast to the GSP, significantly more women than men with CD smoke (42.8% vs. 35.8%, p=0.025), with also an overall significantly increased smoking rate compared to the GSP in women but not men. The vast majority of smoking IBD patients (90.5%) claim to never have received any support to achieve smoking cessation, significantly more in UC compared to CD. We identify a significantly negative association of smoking and primary sclerosing cholangitis, indicative of a protective effect. Psychological distress in CD is significantly higher in smokers compared to non-smokers, but does not differ in UC CONCLUSIONS: Despite well-established detrimental effects, smoking rates in CD are alarmingly high with persistent and stagnating elevations compared to the GSP, especially in female patients. Importantly, there appears to be an unacceptable underuse of supportive measures to achieve smoking cessation.
Objective The present study was aimed at estimating the doses received by physicians and patients during cerebral angiography procedures in a public hospital of Recife, PE, Brazil. Materials and Methods The study sample included 158 adult patients, and during the procedures the following parameters were evaluated: exposure parameters (kV, mAs), number of acquired images, reference air kerma value (Ka,r) and air kerma-area product (PKA). Additionally, the physicians involved in the procedures were evaluated as for absorbed dose in the eyes, thyroid, chest, hands and feet. Results The results demonstrated that the doses to the patients' eyes region were relatively close to the threshold for cataract occurrence. As regards the physicians, the average effective dose was 2.6 µSv, and the highest effective dose recorded was 16 µSv. Conclusion Depending on the number of procedures, the doses received by the physicians may exceed the annual dose limit for the crystalline lenses (20 mSv) established by national and international standards. It is important to note that the high doses received by the physicians are due to the lack of radiation protection equipment and accessories, such as leaded curtains, screens and protective goggles.
We studied the ability of patients not experienced in the use of peak expiratory flow meters to assess the severity of their asthma exacerbations and compared it to the assessment of experienced clinicians. We also evaluated which data of physical examination and medical history are used by physicians to subjectively evaluate the severity of asthma attacks. Fifty-seven adult patients (15 men and 42 women, with a mean (± SD) age of 37.3 ± 14.5 years and 24.0 ± 17.9 years of asthma symptoms) with asthma exacerbations were evaluated in a University Hospital Emergency Department. Patients and physicians independently evaluated the severity of the asthma attack using a linear scale. Patient score, physician score and forced expiratory volume at the first second (FEV1) were correlated with history and physical examination variables, and were also considered as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models. FEV1 correlated significantly with the physician score (rho = 0.42, P = 0.001), but not with patient score (rho = 0.03; P = 0.77). Use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity were the explanatory variables in the FEV1 regression model and were also present in the physician score model. We conclude that physicians evaluate asthma exacerbation severity better than patients and that physician's scoring of asthma severity correlated significantly with objective measures of airway obstruction (FEV1). Some variables (the use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity) persisted as explanatory variables in physician score and FEV1 regression models, and should be emphasized in medical schools and emergency settings.
Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most prevalent bacterial infection among children. Tympanometry and spectral gradient acoustic reflectometry (SG-AR) are adjunctive diagnostic tools to pneumatic otoscopy. The aim was to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and success rates of tympanometry and SG-AR performed by physicians and nurses. The study populations comprised 515 (I-II), 281 (III), and 156 (IV) outpatients (6-35 months). Physicians performed 4246 tympanometric (I) and SG-AR (II) examinations. Nurses performed 1782 (III) and 753 (IV) examinations at symptomatic and asymptomatic visits, respectively. Pneumatic otoscopy by the physician was the diagnostic standard. The accuracy of test results by physicians or nurses (I-IV) and the proportion of visits with accurate exclusive test results from both ears (III-IV) were analyzed. Type B tympanogram and SG-AR level 5 (<49˚) predicted middle ear effusion (MEE). At asymptomatic visits, type A and C1 tympanograms (peak pressure > -200 daPa) and SG-AR level 1 (>95˚) indicated healthy middle ear. Negative predictive values of type A and C1 tympanograms by nurses in excluding AOM at symptomatic and MEE at asymptomatic visits were 94% and 95%, respectively. Nurses obtained type A or C1 tympanogram from both ears at 94/459 (20%) and 81/196 (41%) of symptomatic and asymptomatic visits, respectively. SG-AR level 1 was rarely obtained from both ears. Type A and C1 tympanograms were accurate in excluding AOM at symptomatic and MEE at asymptomatic visits. However, nurses obtained these tympanograms from both ears only at one fifth of symptomatic visits and less than half of asymptomatic visits.
Introduction: The potential risks related to drug exposure during pregnancy represent a vast chapter in modern obstetrics and data regarding the safety of antihypertensive drugs during pregnancy are relatively scarce. Case report: A 37-year-old patient discovered her fifth pregnancy at our hospital after 26 weeks and 4 days of gestation. She reported a history of hypertension and was currently being treated with Losartan. Hospitalization was recommended for the patient and further evaluation of fetal vitality was performed. On the fourth day an ultrasound was performed, resulting in a severe oligohydramnios, fetal centralization and abnormal ductus venosus. After 36 hours, the newborn died. Pathologic evaluation: At autopsy, the skullcap had large fontanels and deficient ossification. The kidneys were slightly enlarged. A microscopic examination detected underdevelopment of the tubules and the presence of some dilated lumens. Immunohistochemical detection of epithelial membrane antigen was positive. Immunoreactivity of CD 15 was also assayed to characterize the proximal tubules, and lumen collapse was observed in some regions. Discussion: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARAs) are among the most widely prescribed drugs for hypertension. They are often used by hypertensive women who are considering become pregnant. While their fetal toxicity in the second or third trimesters has been documented, their teratogenic effect during the first trimester has only recently been demonstrated. Conclusion: Constant awareness by physicians and patients should be encouraged, particularly in regard to the prescription of antihypertensive drugs in women of childbearing age who are or intend to become pregnant.
La problématique du consentement éclairé en santé mentale demeure au coeur des préoccupations des cliniciens, médecins spécialistes et médecins experts. Le travail auprès des cérébrolésés ou des patients souffrant de troubles mentaux graves, tout comme les questions qui me sont adressées depuis près de 20 ans par les médecins spécialistes, juristes ou résidents en psychiatrie, m’ont amenée à y réfléchir davantage. J’ajouterais que le constat personnel d’une compréhension des comportements, attitudes, motivations et jugements des patients vulnérables qui s’est modifiée au fil des ans, et le constat de l’importance de la notion du consentement vs le flou de sa définition et la fragilité des paramètres établis pour l’évaluer et la définir ont ravivé cette réflexion. La présente étude n’a aucunement pour but d’élaborer quelque règle de conduite que ce soit, ni de définir ce que devrait être le consentement éclairé en psychiatrie, mais plutôt d’explorer les dilemmes éthiques et les questionnements cliniques auxquels sont confrontés les médecins psychiatres afin de raviver une réflexion éthique qui semble s’estomper au profit de procédures juridiques et administratives.
The vast areas of derelict swamps covered by macrophyton and swarmed by insects scattered in different parts of India are at present either under total negligence or utilized as waste disposal dumps. Eventhough Indian subcontinent is ranked among the first ten fish producing countries in the world, the fish production is not at par with the increasing need of protein in the average Indian diet. So the water areas which become unusable for conventional human activities like the swamps could be used for fish culture which would increase the availability of protein in the form of fish flesh, thus providing new opportunities to the fishermen. But the conversion of swamps for fish culture would entail considerable expenditure. Hence the significance of a group of fresh water fishes which have made their favourable abode the muddy swamps of tropics depending partly on accessory _respiration to survive in the inimical environment. The homeostasis achieved in such a hostile, hypoxic medium make them excellent choices for culture in the derelict freshwater bodies of India. These air breathing fishes form an economically important group which are highly esteemed as food fishes in many parts of South Asia and Africa. Though their natural habitat seems to be the marshes, they have also conquered other freshwater bodies like ponds, tanks, rivers and flooded paddy fields. They can also tolerate slightly brackish waters. They are known for their nutritive, invigorating and therapeutic qualities and are recommended by physicians as diet during convalescence (Jhingran, 1982)
A set of podcasts made for physicians, by physicians and for patients, by patients. It aims to inform about the latest developments and insights into heart rhythm disorders cardiovascular diseases, their diagnosis and their treatment. The files are available to download as QuickTime or Flash movies, you can subscribe via iTunes, watch from the webpage or subscribe to email alerts.
La eficiencia en la gestión clínica de los médicos generales es un pilar fundamental en el control de los recursos en salud y puede generar un impacto positivo en la reducción de gastos innecesarios en el sistema. Se realiza un estudio analítico en donde se diseña una encuesta transversal para identificar las principales variables que puedan influir en la toma de decisiones de los médicos generales en una IPS de Bogotá, y se aplicó a 20 médicos. Los resultados encontrados fueron contrastados con la literatura actual. Se agruparon los resultados con variables como: relación profesional de la salud, organización y costo médico; pertinencia en la remisión a especialistas y formulación de medicamentos y paraclínicos, formación en pregrado de administración en salud, número de trabajos, cansancio físico, y finalmente, se analiza la influencia de la edad con otras variables descritas. Los resultados evidenciaron falta de conciencia por parte de los médicos con relación al control de los recursos que se relacionan con la mala derivación de los pacientes a los especialistas y la formulación de exámenes paraclínicos sin pertinencia adecuada. Sobre los factores descritos influyen características como la edad del médico, la adherencia a las guías de manejo, el cansancio físico y las características del paciente. Por otro lado hay una clara división con relación a la dirección y los médicos, no hay seguimiento a su desempeño, tampoco incentivos que promuevan la prestación del servicio con calidad, capacitación permanente, ni una remuneración adecuada. Finalmente, identificados dichos factores se plantean estrategias de intervención, y con esto generar un impacto adecuado en la optimización del recurso y mejoría de las condiciones laborales.
Background Arboviruses have overlapping geographical distributions and can cause symptoms that coincide with more common infections. Therefore, arbovirus infections are often neglected by travel diagnostics. Here, we assessed the potential of syndrome-based approaches for diagnosis and surveillance of neglected arboviral diseases in returning travelers. Method To map the patients high at risk of missed clinical arboviral infections we compared the quantity of all arboviral diagnostic requests by physicians in the Netherlands, from 2009 through 2013, with a literature-based assessment of the travelers’ likely exposure to an arbovirus. Results 2153 patients, with travel and clinical history were evaluated. The diagnostic assay for dengue virus (DENV) was the most commonly requested (86%). Of travelers returning from Southeast Asia with symptoms compatible with chikungunya virus (CHIKV), only 55% were tested. For travelers in Europe, arbovirus diagnostics were rarely requested. Over all, diagnostics for most arboviruses were requested only on severe clinical presentation. Conclusion Travel destination and syndrome were used inconsistently for triage of diagnostics, likely resulting in vast under-diagnosis of arboviral infections of public health significance. This study shows the need for more awareness among physicians and standardization of syndromic diagnostic algorithms
A presente dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia Social e da Personalidade caracterizou-se por um Estudo Piloto concernente aos aspectos psicológicos relacionados a Artrite Reumatóide (AR), realizado através de uma investigação exploratória de campo no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF), Ambulatório de Reumatologia, na qual treze (13) pacientes reumatóides foram entrevista dos. O grupo amostral foi constituído de dez (lO) casos do sexo feminino e três (3) do sexo masculino com diagnóstico apenas desse tipo de patologia. O foco de interesse desta pesquisa foram os aspectos psicológicos que precederam e desempenharam algum tipo de influência no começo e progressão da AR, a partir do ponto de vista psicossomático. Os resultados obtidos parecem evidenciar um background psicodinâmico, uma vez que os relatos de história de vida giraram em torno de temas que sugeriram uma influência parental restritiva na primeira infância; hostilidade e agressividade contidas; inibição; auto-estima baixa; sentimentos de inferioridade e tendência a repressão e controle dos sentimentos. A nível manifesto essas pessoas procuram demonstrar externa mente o oposto do que são ou como se sentem internamente (‘necessidade se serem ativos'). Assim, parece existir uma relação psicodinâmica entre os aspectos somáticos e psíquicos influenciando o processo da Artrite Reumatóide. Os efeitos psicológicos advindos da doença, tais como: grande preocupação acerca do processo da enfermidade em si e de suas consequências; ansiedade gerada pelo desconhecimento parcial do real significado da doença; menor comunicação tanto no meio intra como extra familiar, também foram enfatizados. Os resultados deste estudo não são conclusivos e o pesquisa dor admite que o grupo amostral foi muito reduzido e o método empregado diferiu dos comumente aplicados a este tipo de pesquisa. Entre tanto, os mesmos pouco divergiram dos de outras investigações.
Este estudo foi desenvolvido em um hospital privado, no Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de demonstrar o valor de uma biblioteca médica digital, como ferramenta de suporte para fundamentação científica das condutas assistenciais adotadas pela equipe médica, que resultaram em glosas técnicas e perda de faturamento para a instituição. Para isso, por meio do método revisão integrativa, foi coletada a literatura clínica referente às glosas, ocorridas durante o período de janeiro a setembro de 2014, e analisada sob a perspectiva do modelo conceitual apresentado pela Cochrane (LEFEBVRE et al., 2011) que identifica o nível da evidência científica e estabelece o seu grau de recomendação para a prática clínica. Durante a análise de conteúdo, considerando as técnicas propostas por Bardin (1977), foram identificadas as evidências científicas que conferem valor à prática assistencial, conforme proposto pelo modelo conceitual. Além disso, o valor dos itens glosados foi incluído na análise dos resultados, reforçando a tendência do estudo para a validação do modelo conceitual que recomenda a prática clínica baseada em evidências científicas para geração de resultados mais efetivos e de melhor custo/benefício na saúde. Com base nos achados, são discutidas as implicações teóricas e práticas, assim como sugestões para futuros estudos sobre o tema.
Background: In this study we evaluated the rehabilitation profile of Brazilian soccer players which underwent lower limb muscle lesions.Methods: This is a descriptive investigation. We evaluated 139 professional soccer players (1724 years old). We evaluated the following variables: muscle lesion diagnosis, symptoms, non steroidal anti-inflammatory used, physiotherapy treatment, which physiotherapy recourses was used if treated and train adaptation.Results: In great part of the athletes muscle lesion remained between 2 weeks and 1 month. Around 54% were diagnosed by a physician; the other part was diagnosed by a physical therapist. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory were prescribed by physicians in 42% of the cases; in 7% the physical therapist prescribed the medication while in 49% of the cases the masseur prescribed the drug. More than 1/4 of the athletes received physiotherapy treatement between 48 hours and 5 days. Isometric exercise therapy was applied in 15% of the cases. 63% were not accompanied by the physiotherapist on their return to the field. 48% received massages immediately after injury.Conclusion: We presented discrepancy between the recommended theory described by several researches and the practice. We indicate the necessity of recycling in a general context the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.
INTRODUCTION: Informatics and automation are important tools for the reduction of work, errors and costs in a hospital pharmacy. OBJECTIVES: To describe the structuring and function of an informatized system for the dispensing of medications and to assess its effect on nursing and pharmacy services during the period from 1997 to 2003. MATERIALS and METHODS: In this descriptive and retrospective study, we performed an analysis of documents addressing the structuring and implementation of the informatized medication dispensing system. In addition, we analyzed the perceptions of nurses, pharmacists and pharmacy assistants who participated in the structuring phase of the system when interviewed about the effect of informatization on administrative aspects (e.g., requisition of medications, presentation of the dispensed medication and system operationalization). RESULTS: The major advantages provided by the new system were 1) the elimination of manual transcripts for prescribed medications, 2) increased speed, 3) better identification of the doses prescribed by physicians, 4) medication labels containing all necessary identification and 5) practicality and safety of optical bar code-based verification of the requested and dispensed medications. CONCLUSIONS: The great majority of the interviewees considered the informatized medication supply system to be of good quality. Analysis of the data provided information that could contribute to the expansion and refinement of the system, provide support for studies regarding the utilization of medications and offer new perspectives for work and productivity.