997 resultados para Feo-hifornicose
O sistema plantio direto (SPD) altera a taxa dos processos que ocorrem no solo, porém pouco se conhece sobre sua influência na mineralogia de solos tropicais e subtropicais. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do SPD na mineralogia dos óxidos de Fe pedogênicos e sua relação com a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). Amostras de solos foram coletadas em 14 profundidades da camada superficial (0 a 0,20 m) de dois Latossolos sob SPD e sistema de preparo convencional (SPC), em áreas experimentais de longa duração, no sul do Brasil (Santo Ângelo, RS) e na região do Cerrado (Dourados, MS). A identificação mineralógica foi realizada por difração de raios X (DRX), sendo determinados os teores de Fe extraídos por DCB (Fed) e por oxalato de amônio (Feo) e os teores de carbono orgânico total (COT). Nos dois solos predominaram os minerais caulinita e hematita, e o SPD não afetou os teores médios de Fed, Feo, COT e a razão Feo/Fed na camada de 0-0,20 m, em comparação ao solo em SPC. Entretanto, no Latossolo subtropical (LVdf-1), com boa distribuição de chuvas durante o ano e temperaturas mais amenas, houve aumento dos teores de COT e da fração humina na camada superficial do solo (0-0,03 m) sob SPD. Ademais, essas variáveis apresentaram relação positiva com os teores de Feo e razão Feo/Fed. Contrariamente, no Latossolo tropical (LVdf-2), com concentração das chuvas no verão (outubro a março), não houve efeito do SPD na distribuição do COT e das frações húmicas no solo. Neste solo, os teores de Feo e da razão Feo/Fed apresentaram relação positiva com a profundidade do solo e negativa com os teores de COT e da fração humina. Provavelmente esses resultados são conseqüência do reordenamento dos óxidos de Fe, possivelmente a partir da dissolução redutiva da hematita e da maghemita nas camadas mais superficiais e da neoformação de óxidos de Fe de baixa cristalinidade nas camadas mais profundas.
Podiform chromitite bodies occur in highly serpentinized peridotites at Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif (Rhodope Mountains, southeastern Bulgaria). The ultramafic body is believed to represent a fragment of Palaeozoic ophiolite mantle. The ophiolite sequence is associated with greenschist - lower-temperature amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks (biotitic gneisses hosting amphibolite). This association suggests that peridotites, chromitites and metamorphic rocks underwent a common metamorphic evolution. Chromitites at Dobromirtsi have been strongly altered. Their degree of alteration depends on the chromite/silicate ratio and to a lesser extent, on the size of chromitite bodies. Alteration is recorded in individual chromite grains in the form of optical and chemical zoning. Core to rim chemical trends are expressed by MgO- and Al2O3- impoverishment, mainly compensated by FeO and/or Fe2O3 increases. Such chemical variations correspond with three main alteration events. The first one was associated with ocean-floor metamorphism and was characterized by a lizardite replacement of olivine and the absence of chromite alteration. The second event took place during greenchist facies metamorphism. During this event, MgO- and SiO2-rich fluids (derived from low temperature serpentinization of olivine and pyroxenes) reacted with chromite to form chlorite; as a consequence, chromite became altered to a FeO- and Cr2O3-rich, Al2O3-poor chromite. The third event, mainly developed during lower temperature amphibolite facies metamorphism, caused the replacement of the primary and previously altered chromite by Fe2O3-rich chromite (ferritchromite).
RESUME Nous rapportons l'étude d'une famille de 49 membres sur 5 générations. Parmi 35 membres étudiés, 18 sont atteints d'Osteolyse Expansive Familiale (OEF). L'OEF est une dysplasie osseuse génétique rare, autosomique dominante, dont les altérations locales et générales du squelette ont une distribution périphérique prédominante qui devient manifeste à partir de la deuxième décennie de vie. Une résorption ostéoclastique progressive, accompagnée d'une faible activité ostéoblastique, est à l'origine d'une expansion médullaire osseuse. Cette dernière est caractérisée par une raréfaction de la moelle osseuse qui est remplacée par du tissu fibreux et de la graisse. L'amincissement de la moelle osseuse aboutit à des déformations invalidantes, sévères et douloureuses du squelette, avec tendance aux fractures spontanées. La première manifestation clinique de la maladie est une surdité de transmission très précoce résultant d'une lyse de la chaîne ossiculaire. Radiologiquement, il existe toujours une pneumatisation marquée de la mastoïde et du rocher. Les dents montrent des signes importants de résorption osseuse au niveau de la région apicale et/ou du collet, dont l'aspect est caractéristique et unique. La phosphatase alcaline sérique, l'hydroxyproline et la deoxypiridoline urinaire sont élevées à des taux variables. Le taux de calcium et d'hormone parathyroïdienne est normal. Le traitement par les diphosphonates, la calcitonine et la vitamine D est inefficace. Histologiquement, l'OEF présente des similitudes avec la maladie de Paget, mais l'âge de début, la distribution des lésions osseuses, les altérations dentaires et de l'oreille moyenne, ainsi que la progression clinique sont différents. Il en va de même pour la dysplasie fibreuse, l'ostéite fibro-kystique et l'ostéogénèse imparfaite. Le gêne responsable de la maladie se localise dans la région du chromosome 18q21-22. Récemment, des mutations du TNFRSF 11A, gêne qui codifie le RANK, ont été identifiées comme étant la cause de l'OEF. La duplication de la 18ème paire de base au niveau de l'exon 1 suggère qu'il correspond au site de l'anomalie. La technique chirurgicale et les résultats audiométriques à court et long terme de 13 interventions chez 8 patients sont présentés. ABSTRACT Objectives: Familial Expansive Osteolysis (EEO) is a rare autosomal dominant bone dys¬plasia. The disease can show general and focal skeletal alterations, the latter having a pre¬dominantly peripheral distribution. Onset occurs after the second decade of life. Patients and methods: We present the study, of 30 years, of a family consisting of 49 members covering five generations. Results: Among the 35 members studied, 18 have familial expansive osteolysis (FEO). The first clinical sign of the condition is transmission deafness at an early age. The features of the teeth has a unique and characteristic appearance. Thinning of the corti¬cal bone leads to severe, painful, disabling deformities. Serum alkaline phosphatase, and urinary hydroxyproline and deoxipyridinoline are elevated. Calcium and parathyroid hor¬mone are normal. Treatment with diphosphonates, calcitonin and vitamin D has been unsuccessful. We present the surgical technology and the results to short and long term of 13 interventions on 8 patients. Conclusion: Progressive osteoclastic reabsorption accompanied by weak osteoblastic activ¬ity results in medullary expansion characterized by rarefaction of the bone marrow, which is replaced by fibrous tissue and fat. FE0 is histologically similar to Paget disease, but the age of onset, the distribution of the bone lesions, the dental and middle ear alterations, and the clin¬ical progression are different. These features also differentiate FE0 from fibrous dysplasia, fibrocystic osteitis and imperfect osteogenesis. The gene responsible for EEO is located in the 18q21-22 chromosome region. Mutations in TNFRSF11A, the gene encoding receptor activa¬tor of nuclear factor-kappa-B (RANK), has been recently identified as the cause of FEO. A duplication of 18 base pairs in exon 1 of the TNFRSF11A gene suggests that this corresponds to the site of the anomaly and can be considered a "hot spot" for mutations.
This study reassesses the development of compositional layering during the growth of granitic plutons, with emphasis on fractional crystallization and its interaction with both injection and inflation-related deformation. The Dolbel batholith (SW Niger) consists of 14, kilometre-sized plutons emplaced by pulsed magma inputs. Each pluton has a coarse-grained core and a peripheral layered series. Rocks consist of albite (An(<= 11)), K-feldspar (Or(96 99), Ab(1) (4)), quartz, edenite (X(Mg)=0337-0.55), augite (X(Mg)=0.65-0.72) and accessories (apatite, titanite and Fe-Ti-oxides). Whole-rock compositions are metaluminous, sodic (K(2)O/Na(2)O=0.49-0.62) and iron-rich [FeO(tot)/(FeO(tot)+MgO)=0.65-0.82]. The layering is present as size-graded and modally graded, sub-vertical, rhythmic units. Each unit is composed of three layers, which are, towards the interior: edenite +/- plagioclase (C(a/p)), edenite+plagioclase+augite+quartz (C(q)), and edenite+plagioclase+augite+quartz+K-feldspar (C(k)). All phases except quartz show zoned microstructures consisting of external intercumulus overgrowths, a central section showing oscillatory zoning and, in the case of amphibole and titanite, complexly zoned cores. Ba and Sr contents of feldspars decrease towards the rims. Plagioclase crystal size distributions are similar in all units, suggesting that each unit experienced a similar thermal history. Edenite, characteristic of the basal C(a/p) layer, is the earliest phase to crystallize. Microtextures and phase diagrams suggest that edenite cores may have been brought up with magma batches at the site of emplacement and mechanically segregated along the crystallized wall, whereas outer zones of the same crystals formed in situ. The subsequent C(q) layers correspond to cotectic compositions in the Qz-Ab-Or phase diagram at P(H2O)=5 kbar. Each rhythmic unit may therefore correspond to a magma batch and their repetition to crystallization of recurrent magma recharges. Microtextures and chemical variations in major phases allow four main crystallization stages to be distinguished: (1) open-system crystallization in a stirred magma during magma emplacement, involving dissolution and overgrowth (core of edenite and titanite crystals); (2) in situ fractional crystallization in boundary layers (C(a/p) and C(q) layers); (3) equilibrium `en masse' eutectic crystallization (C(k) layers); (4) compaction and crystallization of the interstitial liquid in a highly crystallized mush (e. g. feldspar intercumulus overgrowths). It is concluded that the formation of the layered series in the Dolbel plutons corresponds principally to in situ differentiation of successive magma batches. The variable thickness of the Ck layers and the microtextures show that crystallization of a rhythmic unit stops and it is compacted when a new magma batch is injected into the chamber. Therefore, assembly of pulsed magma injections and fractional crystallization are independent, but complementary, processes during pluton construction.
In the main report concerning the role that magnesium may have in highway concrete aggregate, over 20,000 electron microprobe data were obtained, primarily from automated scans, or traverses, across dolomite aggregate grains and the adjacent cement paste. Representative traverses were shown in figures and averages of the data were presented in Table II. In this Appendix, detailed representative and selected analyses of carbonate aggregate only are presented. These analyses were not presented in the main report because they would be interesting to only a few specialists in dolomite· rocks. In this Appendix, individual point analyses of mineral compositions in the paste have been omitted along with dolomite compositions at grain boundaries and cracks. Clay minerals and quartz inclusions in the aggregate are also not included. In the analyses, the first three column headings from left to right show line number, x-axis, and y-axis (Line number is an artifact of the computer print-out for each new traverse. Consecutive line numbers indicate a continuous traverse with distances between each point of 1.5 to a few μ-m. X-axis and y-axis are coordinates on the electron microscope stage). The next columns present weight percent oxide content of FeO, K20, CaO, Si02, Al203, MgO, SrO, BaO, MnO, Na20, and C02 (calculated assuming the number of moles of C02 is equal to the sum of moles of oxides, chiefly CaO and MgO), TOTAL (the sum of all oxides), and total (sum of all oxides excluding COi). In many of the analyses total is omitted.
Nota sobre les conseqüències de la invasió del mol·lusc d'aigua dolça, Anodonta woodiana, a la Península Ibèrica
Background: Since barrier protection measures to avoid contact with allergens are being increasingly developed, we assessed the clinical efficacy and tolerability of a topical nasal microemulsion made of glycerol esters in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: Randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre, multinational clinical trial in which adult patients with allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis due to sensitization to birch, grass or olive tree pollens received treatment with topical microemulsion or placebo during the pollen seasons. Efficacy variables included scores in the mini-RQLQ questionnaire, number and severity of nasal, ocular and lung signs and symptoms, need for symptomatic medications and patients" satisfaction with treatment. Adverse events were also recorded. Results: Demographic characteristics were homogeneous between groups and mini-RQLQ scores did not differ significantly at baseline (visit 1). From symptoms recorded in the diary cards, the ME group showed statistically significant better scores for nasal congestion (0.72 vs. 1.01; p = 0.017) and mean total nasal symptoms (0.7 vs. 0.9; p = 0.045). At visit 2 (pollen season), lower values were observed in the mini-RQLQ in the ME group, although there were no statistically significant differences between groups in both full analysis set (FAS) and patients completing treatment (PPS) populations. The results obtained in the nasal symptoms domain of the mini-RQLQ at visit 2 showed the highest difference (−0.43; 95% CI: -0.88 to 0.02) for the ME group in the FAS population. The topical microemulsion was safe and well tolerated and no major discomforts were observed. Satisfaction rating with the treatment was similar between the groups. Conclusions: The topical application of the microemulsion is a feasible and safe therapy in the prevention of allergic symptoms, particularly nasal congestion.
In this study, electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) was thermally modified at different temperatures under H2 flow or charcoal in order to obtain reduced iron phases (Fe3O4, FeO and Fe0). The formation of these phases was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction. The tests performed for reducing Cr (VI) using resultant materials obtained after thermal treatment of the EAFD showed excellent results, with PAE600H (EAFD reduced at 600 ºC under H2 flow) decreasing around 100% of the Cr (VI) in only 10 minutes of reaction. These results indicate the possibility of adding value to the residue, obtaining materials that offer great potential for environmental applications.
A hydrometallurgical method for the recovery of rare earth metals, cobalt, nickel, iron, and manganese from the negative electrodes of spent Ni - MH mobile phone batteries was developed. The rare earth compounds were obtained by chemical precipitation at pH 1.5, with sodium cerium sulfate (NaCe(SO4)2.H2O) and lanthanum sulfate (La2(SO4)3.H2O) as the major recovered components. Iron was recovered as Fe(OH)3 and FeO. Manganese was obtained as Mn3O4.The recovered Ni(OH)2 and Co(OH)2 were subsequently used to synthesize LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and CoO, for use as cathodes in ion-Li batteries. The anodes and recycled materials were characterized by analytical techniques.
Sequestration of carbon dioxide in mineral rocks, also known as CO2 Capture and Mineralization (CCM), is considered to have a huge potential in stabilizing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One of the CCM routes is the ex situ indirect gas/sold carbonation of reactive materials, such as Mg(OH)2, produced from abundantly available Mg-silicate rocks. The gas/solid carbonation method is intensively researched at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU ), Finland because it is energetically attractive and utilizes the exothermic chemistry of Mg(OH)2 carbonation. In this thesis, a method for producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks for CCM was investigated, and the process efficiency, energy and environmental impact assessed. The Mg(OH)2 process studied here was first proposed in 2008 in a Master’s Thesis by the author. At that time the process was applied to only one Mg-silicate rock (Finnish serpentinite from the Hitura nickel mine site of Finn Nickel) and the optimum process conversions, energy and environmental performance were not known. Producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks involves a two-staged process of Mg extraction and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. The first stage extracts Mg and other cations by reacting pulverized serpentinite or olivine rocks with ammonium sulfate (AS) salt at 400 - 550 oC (preferably < 450 oC). In the second stage, ammonia solution reacts with the cations (extracted from the first stage after they are leached in water) to form mainly FeOOH, high purity Mg(OH)2 and aqueous (dissolved) AS. The Mg(OH)2 process described here is closed loop in nature; gaseous ammonia and water vapour are produced from the extraction stage, recovered and used as reagent for the precipitation stage. The AS reagent is thereafter recovered after the precipitation stage. The Mg extraction stage, being the conversion-determining and the most energy-intensive step of the entire CCM process chain, received a prominent attention in this study. The extraction behavior and reactivity of different rocks types (serpentinite and olivine rocks) from different locations worldwide (Australia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal) was tested. Also, parametric evaluation was carried out to determine the optimal reaction temperature, time and chemical reagent (AS). Effects of reactor types and configuration, mixing and scale-up possibilities were also studied. The Mg(OH)2 produced can be used to convert CO2 to thermodynamically stable and environmentally benign magnesium carbonate. Therefore, the process energy and life cycle environmental performance of the ÅAU CCM technique that first produces Mg(OH)2 and the carbonates in a pressurized fluidized bed (FB) were assessed. The life cycle energy and environmental assessment approach applied in this thesis is motivated by the fact that the CCM technology should in itself offer a solution to what is both an energy and environmental problem. Results obtained in this study show that different Mg-silicate rocks react differently; olivine rocks being far less reactive than serpentinite rocks. In summary, the reactivity of Mg-silicate rocks is a function of both the chemical and physical properties of rocks. Reaction temperature and time remain important parameters to consider in process design and operation. Heat transfer properties of the reactor determine the temperature at which maximum Mg extraction is obtained. Also, an increase in reaction temperature leads to an increase in the extent of extraction, reaching a maximum yield at different temperatures depending on the reaction time. Process energy requirement for producing Mg(OH)2 from a hypothetical case of an iron-free serpentine rock is 3.62 GJ/t-CO2. This value can increase by 16 - 68% depending on the type of iron compound (FeO, Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) in the mineral. This suggests that the benefit from the potential use of FeOOH as an iron ore feedstock in iron and steelmaking should be determined by considering the energy, cost and emissions associated with the FeOOH by-product. AS recovery through crystallization is the second most energy intensive unit operation after the extraction reaction. However, the choice of mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) over the “simple evaporation” crystallization method has a potential energy savings of 15.2 GJ/t-CO2 (84 % savings). Integrating the Mg(OH)2 production method and the gas/solid carbonation process could provide up to an 25% energy offset to the CCM process energy requirements. Life cycle inventory assessment (LCIA) results show that for every ton of CO2 mineralized, the ÅAU CCM process avoids 430 - 480 kg CO2. The Mg(OH)2 process studied in this thesis has many promising features. Even at the current high energy and environmental burden, producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicates can play a significant role in advancing CCM processes. However, dedicated future research and development (R&D) have potential to significantly improve the Mg(OH)2 process performance.
The McArthur Township area in the Archean Abitibi Belt of northeast Ontario contains northwesterly trending volcanic rocks which are located on a limb of a large syncline. The axial trace of the syncline passes through the adjacent Douglas Township. The Archean volcanic rocks and associated sedimentary rocks are intruded and deformed by two large plutons and a few smaller hypabyssal intrusions. A petrographic and geochemical study of the Precambrian rocks exposed 1n the study area was undertaken in order to investigate the metamorphic grade and geochemical characteristics of the rocks. All the samples were studied with the microscope and analysis of 20 major and trace elements were determined on a selection of the less altered specimens by x-ray fluorescence. Three different periods of igneous activity have occurred in the study area. The first two periods were dominated by volcanic extrusive rocks accompanied by gabbroic sills. The third cycle is the diapiric intrusion of the granitic plutons and subsequent metamorphism of the older rocks to the low to medium grade. Two periods of sedimentation are also recognized in the study area which occurred after the first and second cycle of volcanism. Chemically, the lavas are subdivided into three main associations: (1) The komatiitic association is characterized by high MgO, high Ni, low Ti02 and a low FeO*/(FeO* + MgO) ratio. They occupy the base of each volcanic cycle and some of the flows exhibit spinifex textures. (2) The tholeiitic association displays distinct iron and titanium enrichment trends in the intermediate membersor -i r (3) The calc-alkaline association contains low FeO* and TI02 and high Ni contents relative to modern calc-alkaline types. They are formed at the end of each cycle of volcanism and overlie the tholeiitic flows. All three associations of the first volcanic cycle are exposed in the study area, while the second cycle is represented by a komatiltic sequence. The volcanic rocks were possibly formed by multiple partial melting of the Archean mantle to produce parental magmas under various P - T conditions.
Core samples of postglacial sediments and sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake on the Bruce Peninsula, Harts Lake on the Canadian Shield, and two cores from Georgian Bay (core P-l in the western deep part and core P-7 in the eastern shallow part) have been analyzed for pH, grain size distribution, water content, bulk density, loss on ignition at 4500C and 11000 C, major oxides (Si02 ,A1203,!FeO,MgO,CaO, Na20,K20,Ti02 ,MnO and P205) and trace elements (Ba,Zr,Sr,y,S, Zn,Cu,Ni,Ce and Rb). The sediment in Georgian Bay are generally fine grained (fine silt to very fine silty clay) and the grain size decreases from the Canadian Shield (core p-7) towards the Bruce Peninsula (core P-l) along the assumed direction of sediment transport. This trend coincides with a decrease in sorting coefficient and an increase in roundness. Other physical characteristics, such as water content, bulk density and loss on ignition are positively correlated with the composition of sediments and their compaction, as well as with the energy of the depositional environment. Analyses of sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake and Harts Lake indicate the influence of bedrock and surficial deposits in the watershed on pH condition that is also influenced by the organic matter content and probably I ! I man's activities. Organic matter content increases significantly in the surface sediment in these small lakes as a result of either natural eutrophication or anthropogenic organic loading. The extremely high organic matter content in Shepherd Lake sediment indicates rapid natural eutrophication in this closed basin and high biological productivity during postglacial time, probably due to high nutrient levels and shallow depth. The chemical composition of the Canadian Shield bedrock is positively correlated with the chemical characteristics of predominantly inorganic lake sediments that were derived from the Shield rocks by glacial abrasion and by postglacial weathering and erosion of both bedrock and surficial deposits. High correlation coefficients were found between organic matter in lake sediments and major oxides (Si02,AI203,.~FeO, MgO,CaO,K20 and MnO) , as well as some trace elements (Ba,Y, S,Zn,Cu,Ni and Rb). The chemical composition of sediments in Harts Lake and core P-7 in Georgian Bay on the Canadian Shield differs from the chemistry of sediments in Shepherd Lake and core P-l in Georgian Bay on the Bruce Peninsula. The difference between cores P-l and P-7 is indicated by values of Si02 , AI203 ,:LFeo,Mgo,CaO,Ba,Zr,Sr,y and S, and also by the organic matter content. This study indicates that the processes of sediment transport, depositional environment, weathering of the rocks and surficial deposits in the watershed, as well as chemical composition of source rocks all affect the chemical characteristics of lake sediments. The stratigraphic changes and variations in lake sediment chemistry with regard to major oxides, trace elements, and organic matter content are probably related to the history of glacial and postglacial lake stages of the Georgian Bay Region and, therefore, the geochemical data can make a useful contribution to a better understanding of the Late-Quaternary history of the Great Lakes.
nerv5o-HusT s ryescteempto. rTshaer oeb pjercetdiovme oinfa tnhtilsy s ltoucdaytewd ains ttoh ein bvreasitnig aanted tahree rionlveo olvf ehdy ipno tphaanlacrmeiact i5c- fHuTn,c t5i-oHn TaInAd acneldl p5r-HolTif2ercatrieocnepttohrr obuingdh isnygm apnadt hgeetniec pphtrqsHehepayaxuTevnepnpa cecIocnrhAirarettfyehilies pfceaasaai tdiolnetaoiae tcddnndmhc tr etab5aiueoncly-ggsamHr oermeHnndiaTasPeuituse2s rsLremdtca id oC tn[orri 3fegoa.5d H c n7t5-epseH.]2l- a mpHro nThtefeoTcv IsprrApeIueaAralga nesnaeterccninrdgrcrdeei e erntc aae5oeeettxg -pie.npHc ectTe rnotrTahoereersme2 rgas acseeiisthosnsxienaaoeprdmynrer a eicr wniestani pstalot iestrhsonov.aen r ted5u shloo-sm..yHifn nT pOe5RTgoh -u bINtH6iAhrys0AT a r%saluIe ta neussA mdxupidn plauya5tgnrnss - ei csHdssospr u sfT5teeg hia-s2cogHehticneef aT fisc.rmc it2teTr oacsc htmot gehr eppoteey oentc 5oh. rei -iarysTpdHsttpthee oTwonde[rt3I ,t ehp AgiH7rfaaeey2 ]lnnaa8 ce5nhmd-r O- doweaiHw caHn5atTnds-i sDc H I-ea7rAPrnT reodaA eg2atalguoyTncyelnz dan.sr eete5 ee5drrp-cdg a-HaebH itincpyTino Tc tr2nRore2cterThccaswee-r trpPe eahecctgCscyoet eRoeperpnmv tpo.feo autt5i rohlsen-ueraxHacdalpstaTtigsremor aeedcanynsuot asbs esnwli.y. o t er5e Ran5ex-nsgTH-pt Hudi-rTnPlwoeTa Csncatt sciohesRioo n oehnb ntna i ey7tgdn ne i huaundntel rs tywartii,nshn y ai5igngesss-
Acicular FeC~O4-2H20 was precipitated from glycerol and starch media. Thermal decomposition of this oxalate in dry and moist nitrogen yielded primarily FeO and Fe 3Oa respectively. Characterization was attempted through DTA, TG, x-ray diffraction, TEM and magnetization studies. It was found that the oxalate can be completely decomposed to FeaO~ in moist nitrogen (PH~o ,"-" 35 torr) at 775 K and then oxidised by dry air to acicular "/-Fe~Oa at 575 K. The resulting material has saturation magnetization (,-,., 70 emu/g), coercive field (N300 Oe) and squareness ratio ( ,~, 0-60-0-65), which values art comparable with those of the commercial samples
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas para desarrollar proyectos de convivencia, Gobierno de Arag??n 2008-09