898 resultados para Fe-cr-b


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P. Assun??o, N.T. Antunes, R.S. Rosales, C. Poveda, C. de la Fe, J.B. Poveda and H.M. Davey (2007). Application of flow cytometry for the determination of minimal inhibitory concentration of several antibacterial agents on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 102(4), 1132-1137. Sponsorship: Gobierno de Canarias (IDT-LP-04/016) RAE2008


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This thesis is concerned with several aspects of the chemistry of iron compounds. The preparation (with particular emphasis on coprecipitation and sol-gel techniques) and processing of ferrites are discussed. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of Ni-Zn ferrites with various compositions by three methods. These methods include coprecipitation and sol-gel techniques. The Ni-Zn ferrites were characterised by powder X-ray diffactometry (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), Mössbauer spectroscopy and resistivity measurements. The results for the corresponding ferrites prepared by each method are compared. Chapter 3 reports the sol-gel preparation of a lead borosilicate glass and its addition to Ni-Zn ferrites prepared by the sol-gel method in Chapter 2. The glass-ferrites formed were analysed by the same techniques employed in Chapter 2. Alterations in the microstructure, magnetic and electronic properties of the ferrites due to glass addition are described. Chapter 4 introduces compounds containing Fe-O-B, Fe-O-Si or B-O-Si linkages. The synthesis and characterisation of compounds containing Fe-O-B units are described. The structure of [Fe(SALEN)]2O.CH2Cl2 (17), used in attempts to prepare compounds with Fe-O-Si bonds, was determined by X-ray crystallography. Chapter 4 also details the synthesis of three new borosilicate compounds containing ferrocenyl groups, i.e. [FcBO)2(OSiBut2)2] (19), [(FcBO)2(OSiPh2)2] (20) and [FcBOSiPh3] (21). The structure of (19) was determined by X-ray Crystallographic analysis. Chapter 5 reviews the intercalation properties of the layered host compound iron oxychloride (FeOCI). Intercalation compounds prepared with the microwave dielectric heating technique are also discussed. The syntheses of intercalation compounds by the microwave method with FeOCI as host and ferrocene, ferrocenylboronic acid and 4-aminopyridine as guest species are described. Characterisation of these compounds by powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD) and M{ssbauer spectroscopy is reported. The attempted synthesis of an intercalation compound with the borosilicate compound (19) as guest species is discussed. Appendices A-E describe the theory and instrumentation involved in powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM0, vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), Mössbauer spectroscopy and electrical resistivity measurements, respectively. Appendix F details the attempted syntheses of compounds with Fe-O-B and Fe-O-Si linkages.


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The invention relates to a process for dissolving metals (e.g., Al, Cu, Fe, Cr, Sb, Ti, and W) in perhalide contg. ionic liqs. having the formula (I), and to the extn. of metals from mineral ores; the remediation of materials contaminated with heavy, toxic, or radioactive metals; and to the removal of heavy and toxic metals from hydrocarbon streams. In the formula (I), [X] comprises at least one perhalide anion selected from [I3]-, [BrI2]-, [Br2I]-, [ClI2]-, [ClBr2]-, [BrCl2]-, or [ICl2]-, [ClI3]-. The (Cat+) is a cationic species selected from: ammonium, azaannulenium, azathiazolium, benzimidazolium, benzofuranium, benzotriazolium, borolium, cinnolinium, diazabicyclodecenium, diazabicyclononenium, diazabicyclo- undecenium, dithiazolium, furanium, guanidinium, imidazolium, indazolium, indolinium, indolium, morpholinium, oxaborolium, oxaphospholium, oxazinium, oxazolium, iso-oxazolium, oxathiazolium, pentazolium, phospholium, phosphonium, phthalazinium, piperazinium, piperidinium, pyranium, pyrazinium, pyrazolium, pyridazinium, pyridinium, pyrimidinium, pyrrolidinium, pyrrolium, quinazolinium, quinolinium, isoquinolinium, quinoxalinium, selenozolium, sulfonium, tetrazolium, iso-thiadiazolium, thiazinium, thiazolium, thiophenium, thiuronium, triazadecenium, triazinium, triazolium, iso-triazolium, and uronium. [on SciFinder(R)]


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In the present study, we have prepared and evaluated the physical and chemical properties and catalytic activities of various single, mixed and modified pillared montmorillonites. The single oxide pillared clays include AI-, Fe- and Cr-pillared montmorillonites. The mixed oxide pillared montmorillonites such as Fe-AI and Cr-AI pillared systems with various Fe(Cr)/Al ratios are also prepared. Modification of iron-pillared system is done by vanadia impregnation. Characterisation using various physico-chemical techniques and a detailed study of acidic properties are also carried out. Major part of our work is oriented to evaluate the catalytic activity of the pillared systems towards certain important catalytic reactions. Our samples are found to be excellent catalysts for the reactions namely Friedel-Crafts benzylation and benzoylation, methylation of aniline and catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol.


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L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és l'obtenció de nous materials nanoestructurats magnètics tous produïts mitjançant la tècnica de l'aliatge mecànic. Forma part d'un projecte més ampli de desenvolupament d'aquests tipus d'aliatges amb altres tècniques, com les de solidificació ràpida, i la seva posterior molturació i compactació per a l'aplicació a la indústria pulverimetal·lúrgica. Aquests materials tindran una estructura amorfa i/o nanocristal·lina que comportarà una millora de les seves propietats magnètiques. Els objectius particulars d'aquest treball són: - Síntesi d'aliatges de Fe-Ni-Zr-B-(Co), Fe-Nb-B-(Cu), i Fe-Ni-Nb-B mitjançant aliatge mecànic. Es parteix de precursors cristal·lins i es tracta d'obtenir un aliatge bàsicament nanocristal·lí. En concret, es pretén obtenir aliatges: ·Amb una alta estabilitat tèrmica que afavoreixi posteriors estudis de consolidació. ·Amb la presència de nanocristalls de reduïdes dimensions o d'una fase amorfa que permeti posteriors tractaments tèrmics per a produir aliatges de nanoestructura controlada. -Comparació entre les mostres produïdes per aliatge mecànic amb diferents micromolins de les mostres Fe-Nb-B. Els micromolins utilitzats són un P7 i un SPEX 8000 -Estudi de la influència dels diferents precursors i de la quantitat relativa dels mateixos que s'ha utilitzat per a cada mostra, concretament: ·La substitució en els aliatges de Fe-Nb-B de Fe per Ni, tot i que interessa que els aliatges tinguin una alta quantitat de ferro perquè tingui millors propietats magnètiques. ·La substitució en els aliatges de Fe-Ni-Zr-B de Fe per Co. ·La inclusió de Cu en les mostres Fe-Nb-B ·La comparació entre els aliatges amb Nb i amb Ni-Zr -Modelització del comportament termodinàmic d'equilibri dels compostos Fe-Nb-B, mitjançant software de minimització de l'energia lliure dels diferents elements. S'han utilitzat una sèrie de tècniques analítiques per a avaluar l'estabilitat tèrmica i realitzar la caracterització estructural dels aliatges obtinguts. Anàlisi de l'estabilitat tèrmica mitjançant anàlisi calorimètrica diferencial (DSC) i termogravimetria (TG). També s'analitzarà la cinètica de cristal·lització mitjançant tractaments isotèrmics i dinàmics. -Anàlisi morfològic de les diferents mostres per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) i caracterització estructural de les diferents fases presents i de les diferents microestructures obtingudes mitjançant difracció de raigs X XRD)i microscòpia electrònica de transmissió(TEM). S'identificaran les diferents fases presents i es calcularan els diferents paràmetres de cel·la, així com la dimensió de les microestructures. L'anàlisi microestructural es complementarà amb algunes mesures 'espectroscòpia Mössbauer de transmissió (TMS)


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A 172 cm-long sediment core was collected from a small pristine lake situated within a centripetal drainage basin in a tropical karst environment (Ribeira River valley, southeastern Brazil) in order to investigate the paleoenvironmental record provided by the lacustrine geochemistry. Sediments derived from erosion of the surrounding cambisoils contain quartz, kaolinite, mica, chlorite and goethite. Accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) (14)C dating provided the geochronological framework. Three major sedimentary units were identified based on the structure and color of the sediments: Unit III from 170 to 140 cm (1030 +/- 60-730 +/- 60 yr BP), Unit II from 140 to 90 cm (730 +/- 60-360 +/- 60 yr BP) and Unit I from 90 to 0 cm (360 +/- 60-0 yr BP). Results of major and trace element concentrations were analysed through multivariate statistical techniques. Factor analysis provided three factors accounting for 72.4% of the total variance. F1 and F2 have high positive loadings from K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, light rare earth element (LREE), Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta, and high negative loadings from Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Br and loss on ignition (LOI). F3, with positive loadings from V and non-metals As and Sb, accounts for a low percentage (9.7%) of the total variance, being therefore of little interpretative use. The profile distribution of F1 scores reveals negative values in Units I and III, and positive values in Unit II, meaning that K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, LREE, Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta are relatively more concentrated in Unit II, and Mg, Co, Cu, Zn and Br are relatively more abundant in Units I and III. The observed fluctuations in the geochemical composition of the sediments are consistent with slight variations of the erosion intensity in the catchment area as a possible response to variations of climatic conditions during the last millennium. (c) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de revestimentos protetores contra carburização em ligas HP-40Nb, utilizadas na em fornos de pirólise para produção de olefinas, e do desenvolvimento de aparatos e técnicas para o teste, avaliação e caracterização destes revestimentos em ambientes fortemente carburizantes. Foram testados vários tipos de revestimentos, podendo estes ser resumidos em três grupos: i) camada de difusão de elementos específicos para o interior do metal (Al, Cu e Sn); ii) recobrimento com liga metálica (Ni-50Cr e Ni-5Al) e iii) recobrimento cerâmico (Al2O3, Cr2O3 e Al2O3 - TiO2). Além de revestimentos e camadas de difusão, um quarto tipo de material foi testado em sua resistência à carburização: ligas do tipo Fe-Cr- Al. A fim de testar os revestimentos e materiais desenvolvidos foram testados vários meios carburizantes. O que se mostrou mais adequado foi a mistura gasosa de hidrogênio e n-hexano, a uma temperatura de 1050°C. Foi construído um aparato exclusivamente para estes ensaios de carburização, o qual também foi utilizado para realizar os tratamentos de difusão necessários para produzir alguns dos revestimentos. A avaliação da resistência a carburização dos revestimentos e materiais foi feita por medição da profundidade de avanço da zona de precipitação de carbetos causada pela carburização, feito com auxílio de microscópio ótico. Os resultados dos ensaios mostraram que as camadas de difusão de alumínio, o revestimento da liga Ni-50Cr, o revestimento cerâmico de Al2O3 e as ligas Fe-Cr-Al tiveram bom ou ótimo desempenho como barreiras contra a carburização. Os outros revestimentos ou permitiram a penetração de carbono no metal base ou causaram uma deposição exagerada de coque na superfície dos corpos de prova.


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The Vale do Ribeira, SP, main agricultural activity is the banana crop, which accounts for most of this fruit production in the State of São Paulo. The nutritional balance of the plant is one of the most important factors for the banana plant can complete the cycle and achieve high productivity. Aiming to evaluate the seasonal variation of leaf nutrient concentration in banana plants in Vale do Ribeira-SP, we used the results of 252 chemical analyses of plant tissue, collected from August 2009 to September 2010, in the 18 representative properties for the region, ten cultivated with subgroup Cavendish banana plant and eight of subgroup Prata banana plant. The largest variation between the macronutrient occurred for K and S, and among the micronutrients, especially for Fe and B. In some dates of evaluation, there was a higher leaf concentration of P, K, Ca and Zn, in subgroup Cavendish banana plants, while the subgroup Prata banana plants showed higher leaf concentration, especially of Mn, B and N. Climatic conditions, especially rain, influenced the leaf nutrient content, especially for K, N, S, B and Fe.


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With the objective of evaluating the progress of absorption of macro and micronutrients in cauliflower cultivated in substrate, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, in Jaboticabal, Brazil. The experimental desing used was randomized blocks, with six treatments and five replicates. The treatments comprised times of sampling (20; 30; 40; 50; 60 and 70 days after the transplant). The composition and accumulation of the macro and micronutrients of the shoot and root were evaluated. The biggest demand of nutrient happened in the period of 60 to 70 (DAT) for macro and micronutrients. The decreasing order of the macronutrients accumulated by the cauliflower was K, N, S, P, Mg and Ca and for micronutrients Fe, Zn, B, Mn and Cu.


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In the North of Minas Gerais it is cultivated basically 'Prata-Ana' banana, a cultivar that requires mainly Zn. The possibility of zinc supply, without this nutrient getting in contact with the soil, it is important for the region, since several factors take to the low availability of the element supplied by the soil, as: elevated organic matter content on the surface (from cultural residues); maintenance of high pH of the soil - above 6,00 - as strategy contrary to the proliferation of the causal agent of the Fusarium Wilt; frequent fertilizations with potassium and magnesium that, besides converting the medium into base, they reduce the participation of Zn in the balance cation/anion of the soil, hindering the absortion of this micronutrient by the plant. For determining the distribution of biomass and minerals in the Prata-Ana" banana, cultivated under irrigation in the North of Minas Gerais, when the zinc was supplied through thinned sprout, an experiment was carried out in the Irrigated Perimeter of Jaiba. The plants were fertilized with 0,00; 1,66 and 3,33 g.family-(1) of Zn, through thinned sprout. One month after the fertilizations from October 2007 and February 2008, the production of fresh mass (FM) and dry mass (DM) were evaluated, the contents and meanings of minerals in all the bananas "family" bodies composed by mother-plant with bunch + tall daughter-plant + granddaughter-plant. The doses of Zn did not influence on the production of FM and DM of the plants in the first evaluation, while in the second evaluation positive effect of the treatment was observed just for MF accumulated in the inferior leaves, in the portions of the medium third and inferior of the pseudostem, and in the mother-plant's rhizome. As much the content as the accumulation of nutrients in the mother-plants presented the following decreasing order: K > N > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > Zn > B > Cu. The Zn contents were affected by the dose of that micronutrient in the most of the studied situations. The zinc supplied through thinned sprout increased in the mother-plant, and then it was redistributed in the banana's "family".


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Teak is a forest species of high commercial value, but the little knowledge on the behavior of this species in relation to soil acidity is an important factor that may limit its cultivation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high base saturation on the soil on the initial development of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in plastic containers with capacity of 50 liters. The experimental design was randomized, with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of: natural saturation of the soil and the other treatments with 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of saturation. Correcting the soil favored the growth characteristics of all evaluated plant teak. The liming positively affected the uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Fe, and the nutritional requirements of the species had the following order: N > Ca > K > Mg > P > S > Fe > Mn > B > Zn > Cu. Base saturations above 70 % showed higher plant development.


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We present a study of nanostructured magnetic multilayer systems in order to syn- thesize and analyze the properties of periodic and quasiperiodic structures. This work evolved from the deployment and improvement of the sputtering technique in our labora- tories, through development of a methodology to synthesize single crystal ultrathin Fe (100) films, to the final goal of growing periodic and quasiperiodic Fe/Cr multilayers and investi- gating bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling between ferromagnetic layer dependence for each generation. Initially we systematically studied the related effects between deposition parameters and the magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe films, grown by DC magnetron sput- tering on MgO(100) substrates. We modified deposition temperature and film thickness, in order to improve production and reproduction of nanostructured monocrystalline Fe films. For this set of samples we measured MOKE, FMR, AFM and XPS, with the aim of investi- gating their magnocrystalline and structural properties. From the magnetic viewpoint, the MOKE and FMR results showed an increase in magnetocrystalline anisotropy due to in- creased temperature. AFM measurements provided information about thickness and surface roughness, whereas XPS results were used to analyze film purity. The best set of parame- ters was used in the next stage: investigation of the structural effect on magnetic multilayer properties. In this stage multilayers composed of interspersed Fe and Cr films are deposited, following the Fibonacci periodic and quasiperiodic growth sequence on MgO (100) substrates. The behavior of MOKE and FMR curves exhibit bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling between the ferromagnetic layers. By computationally adjusting magnetization curves, it was possible to determine the nature and intensity of the interaction between adjacent Fe layers. After finding the global minimum of magnetic energy, we used the equilibrium an- gles to obtain magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. The results observed over the course of this study demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of the sputtering technique in the synthesis of ultrathin films and high-quality multilayers. This allows the deposition of magnetic nanostructures with well-defined magnetization and magnetoresistance parameters and possible technological applications


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We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature


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Although there are many studies on urban dust contamination by heavy metals in developed countries, little attention has been paid to this type of study in developing countries, including Brazil. Therefore, a series of investigations were performed to provide signatures of heavy metals in urban dust and assess the potential sources in the city of Natal - RN-Brazil. The fraction of these sediments was studied to pass through a sieve of 63 micrometers. For the study analyzed two groups of samples, one collected in September 2009 at the end of the rainy season (9 samples) and one collected in January 2010 in the dry season (21 samples). So in all, thirty sediment samples were collected from the street. Then, in Fluorescence Spectrometry X-rays were determined major elements SiO2, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, MgO, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, TiO2 and CaO, and trace Rb, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr and Pb by an ICPOES was determined Zn, V, Na, K, Ni, Mn, Mg, P, Fe, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ba, Ca and Al from leaching HCl 0.5 mol L-1 . The results of the concentrations of elements show that the greater presence of these occurs in the dry season, except for Si which is higher in the rainy season. Analyses by geoaccumulation Index (IGEO) Enrichment Factor (EF), Contamination Factor (CF), analysis correlation and Hierarchical Cluster, confirm that Zn, Cu and Pb is anthropogenic character. Zinc may be derived from various sources related to motor vehicles or the road signs and street grids. The elements Na, K, Mg and Ca may be related to droplets suspended in air containing cations and anions present in seawater (salty), common in Christmas throughout the year, brought by winds SE-NW. The elements Na, Mg, Ca and K are the most abundant in seawater and were analyzed in this study. This indicates that the source of these additional elements detected by analyzing the contamination factor may be the very sea. Moreover, Ni, Fe, Cr and Ba can be either as a source of anthropogenic geogênica. The source of Ca is different, because it comes in lime and paint (painting guides of buildings and streets) in construction materials, but may also be present in sediments in the fragments of shells or carbonate bioclasts common in the coastal area


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Com o objetivo de determinar os sintomas visuais de carência e os efeitos da omissão de micronutrientes na produção de materia seca e crescimento em altura de mudas de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis e Pinus caribea var. cavibaea realizou-se um experimente com vasos, em casa de vegetação, em Piracicaba,SP. Foram empregados os-tratamentos: completo, com omissão de boro, com omissão de ferro, com omissão de manganês. e com omissão de zinco. Usou-se silica lavada como substrato, irrigando-se as plantas duas vezes ao dia com as soluções correspondentes. Após o estabelecimento dos sintomas de carência as plantas foram colhidas e separadas em acículas, ramos e raízes, secas a 75°C e pesadas. Descreveram-se os sintomas de carência, sendo bastante característicos os de Fe e B para as três variedades e os de cobre para P. caribaea var. hondurensis e P. caribaea var. bahamensis. A deficiência de cobre reduziu severamente a produção de matéria seca de P. caribaea var. bahamensis e P. caribaea var. caribaea. A deficiência de boro reduziu a produção de matéria seca de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea e a de ferro a de P. caribaea var. hondurensis. A deficiência de boro limitou preponderantemente o crescimento em altura de P. caribaea var. hondurensis.