945 resultados para Family planning


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En este estudio se realizó una encuesta con el fin de evidenciar el conocimiento y la práctica de la Educación Sexual en adolescentes que acudieron al servicio de consulta externa de Medicina General en dos Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (IPS) de la ciudad de Bogotá, una de régimen contributivo y otra de régimen subsidiado. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, a 100 adolescentes, mujeres y hombres, a través de la aplicación de un instrumento prediseñado con un contenido de 17 preguntas donde se indagó acerca de: planificación familiar, conducta sexual, educación sexual, embarazo adolescente y conductas de riesgo en adolescentes. En relación al régimen de aseguramiento en salud que tenían los adolescentes, las diferencias encontradas en sus respuestas fueron a nivel de: educación sexual recibida, acceso a los servicios de planificación familiar de las Empresas Promotoras de Salud (EPS), presencia de embarazo adolescente y consumo de alcohol asociado a la práctica de relaciones sexuales. Tras el análisis de la información obtenida con la aplicación de la encuesta, se concluye que es indispensable crear en las instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Bogotá, una nueva herramienta metodológica a través de la cual se realice promoción de la salud y refuerzo de prácticas protectoras en educación sexual para adolescentes, pues persiste desconocimiento de la misma.


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We investigate the effect of education Conditional Cash Transfer programs (CCTs) on teenage pregnancy. Our main concern is with how the size and sign of the effect may depend on the design of the program. Using a simple model we show that an education CCT that conditions renewal on school performance reduces teenage pregnancy; the program can increase teenage pregnancy if it does not condition on school performance. Then, using an original data base, we estimate the causal impact on teenage pregnancy of two education CCTs implemented in Bogot´a (Subsidio Educativo, SE, and Familias en Acci´on, FA); both programs differ particularly on whether school success is a condition for renewal or not. We show that SE has negative average effect on teenage pregnancy while FA has a null average effect. We also find that SE has either null or no effect for adolescents in all age and grade groups while FA has positive, null or negative effects for adolescents in different age and grade groups. Since SE conditions renewal on school success and FA does not, we can argue that the empirical results are consistent with the predictions of our model and that conditioning renewal of the subsidy on school success crucially determines the effect of the subsidy on teenage pregnancy


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Even though antenatal care is universally regarded as important, determinants of demand for antenatal care have not been widely studied. Evidence concerning which and how socioeconomic conditions influence whether a pregnant woman attends or not at least one antenatal consultation or how these factors affect the absences to antenatal consultations is very limited. In order to generate this evidence, a two-stage analysis was performed with data from the Demographic and Health Survey carried out by Profamilia in Colombia during 2005. The first stage was run as a logit model showing the marginal effects on the probability of attending the first visit and an ordinary least squares model was performed for the second stage. It was found that mothers living in the pacific region as well as young mothers seem to have a lower probability of attending the first visit but these factors are not related to the number of absences to antenatal consultation once the first visit has been achieved. The effect of health insurance was surprising because of the differing effects that the health insurers showed. Some familiar and personal conditions such as willingness to have the last children and number of previous children, demonstrated to be important in the determination of demand. The effect of mother’s educational attainment was proved as important whereas the father’s educational achievement was not. This paper provides some elements for policy making in order to increase the demand inducement of antenatal care, as well as stimulating research on demand for specific issues on health.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.


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Este documento presenta los resultados del componente cuantitativo de la evaluación del Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN). Para identificar el efecto, la estrategia empírica explota la variación en la implementación del componente pedagógico del PESCC entre los colegios y la variación en el componente de fortalecimiento institucional del programa a nivel departamental. El principal hallazgo de este trabajo es que el PESCC mejora las prácticas docentes de planeación y los conocimientos de los estudiantes en servicios en salud sexual y reproductiva y en derechos humanos sexuales y reproductivos. No hay efectos significativos en otros índices de Conocimientos, Actitudes o Prácticas (CAP) de profesores o estudiantes.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer o perfil das gestantes adolescentes em consulta de enfermagem, ao primeiro atendimento da assistência ao Pré-natal na Clínica Materno Infantil em Sarandi – PR. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo no período de 23/09/2003 a 21/06/20004, avaliando o perfil das gestantes adolescentes através da investigação e análise de fichas perinatais dos prontuários de gestantes. Observamos a prevalência de evasão escolar entre as adolescentes que encontravam-se grávidas, além de iniciam o pré-natal mais cedo em relação as multíparas. Entretanto há uma preocupação em relação a idade gestacional de início do pré-natal pois podem haver fatores de risco associados e estes poderiam ser prevenidos, tornando-se evidente a importância do Programa de Agentes comunitários de Saúde de promover acessibilidade aos serviços de saúde e melhorar a qualidade da assistência no Planejamento Familiar e no Pré-natal para que os retornos destas mulheres sejam assegurados e efetivamente melhore os resultados perinatais.


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Objective: To assess the perspectives of couples who requested vasectomy in a public health service on the use of male participation contraceptive methods available in Brazil: male condoms, natural family planning/calendar, coitus interruptus and vasectomy. Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was held with 20 couples who had requested vasectomy at the Human Reproduction Unit of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Data analysis was carried out through thematic content analysis. Findings: The couples did not, in general, know any effective contraceptive options for use by men and/or participating in their use, except for vasectomy. The few methods with male participation that they knew of were perceived to interfere in spontaneity and in pleasure of intercourse. Men accepted that condom use in extra-conjugal relations offered them protection from sexually transmitted diseases; that their wives might also participate in extra-marital relationships was not considered. Discussion: The few contraceptive options with male participation lead to difficulty in sharing responsibilities between men and women. On the basis of perceived gender roles, women took the responsibility for contraception until the moment when the situation became untenable, and they faced the unavoidable necessity of sterilization. Conclusion: Specific actions are necessary for men to achieve integral participation in relation to reproductive sexual health. These include education and discussions on gender roles, leading to greater awareness in men of the realities of sexual and reproductive health.


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Objective: To describe some of the characteristics of men who underwent a vasectomy in the public health network of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A descriptive study including 202 men randomly selected from a list of all the men vasectomized between 1998 and 2004 in the public health network. Results: Most of the men were 30 years of age or older when vasectomized, had completed elementary school and had two or more children of both sexes. Most of the men came from the lowest income segment of the population: 47.6% in 1998-1999 and 61.3% in 2003-2004. Although the men knew various contraceptive methods, 51.2% reported that their partners were using combined oral contraceptives at the time of surgery. Most men initially sought information on vasectomy at health-care clinics where care was provided by a multidisciplinary team; most received counselling, however, 47.9% of the men waited more than 4 months for the vasectomy. Conclusions: The profile of the vasectomized men in this study appears to indicate that the low-income population from Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil has access to vasectomy; however, the waiting time for vasectomy reveals that difficulties exist in obtaining this contraceptive method in the public health service.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur kvinnor och män upplevde naturlig familjeplanering (NFP) samt vilken kunskap sjuksköterskan hade om NFP och när hon kunde använda sig av den i sin profession. Artiklar valdes ut från databaserna Elin, Pub Med och Blackwell synergy. De sökord som användes var NFP, Catholic, Satisfaction, Awareness, Odeblad, Billing, Billings, Nurse, Pregnancy, Birthcontrol, Family, Mucus, Family planning, Natural family planning och Ovulation. Sammanlagt valdes 18 artiklar ut varav 14 användes i resultatet. Två artiklar till resultatet söktes manuellt och beställdes. Artiklarna kom från Nigeria, USA, Ungern, Peru, Filippinerna, Sri Lanka, Brasilien, Nya Zeeland, Tyskland, Canada och Iran. Några artiklar från Sverige eller de nordiska länderna hittades inte under sökningen. Resultatet visade att många var nöjda med NFP som metod. Det som var bland det mest positiva var att metoden inte gav några bieffekter och att kvinnorna lärde känna sin kropp. Det negativt med metoden var att användarna tyckte att det var svårt att avhålla sig från samlag under den fertila perioden samt att det fanns brister i metodens säkerhet. Många av dem som använde sig av metoden var katoliker. Många sjusköterskor var dåligt pålästa om metoden och skulle inte rekommendera den. Sjuksköterskan skulle kunna använda sig av metoden då kvinnan ville bli gravid, i fattiga länder och där religion sätter stopp för traditionella preventivmedel.


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Background Pregnancy outcomes in the general population are important public health indicators. Purpose The overall aim of this study was to investigate the outcomes of reported pregnancies within a well-defined population, to identify risk groups for adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to suggest preventive measures. Method A prospective population-based cohort study of pregnant women in Bavi district, Vietnam between 1 January 1999 and 30 June 2004. Results Pregnancy outcome was reported for 5,259 cases; 4,152 (79%) resulted in a live birth, 67 (1.3%) in a stillbirth, 733 (14%) in an induced abortion, and 282 (5.4%) in a spontaneous abortion. There was an increased risk of home delivery for women from ethnic minorities (OR?=?1.85; 95%CI?=?1.06–3.24) or with less than 6 years of schooling (OR?=?7.36; 95%CI?=?3.54–15.30). The risk of stillbirth was increased for ethnic minorities (OR?=?6.34; 95%CI?=?1.33–30.29) and women delivering at home (OR?=?6.81; 95%CI?=?2.40–19.30). The risk of induced abortion increased with maternal age. Conclusion Our findings emphasize the public health significance of access to adequate family planning, counselling, and maternal health care for all women. Policies should specifically target women from high-risk groups.


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This study investigates the determinants of the fertility rate in China over the 1952-2000 period. Consistent with theory, the key explanatory variables in our fertility model are real per capita income, infant mortality rate, female illiteracy and female labour force participation rates. The long-run results and the test for cointegration are based on the Johansen (1988) and Johansen & Juselius (1990) approach. Our long-run results conform to theory in that all variables appear with their expected signs, and the dummy variable used to capture the effects of the family planning policy indicates that in the years of the policy, fertility rates have been falling by around 10-12%. Our results suggest that socio-economic development - consistent with the traditional structural hypothesis - played a key role in China's fertility transition.


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This paper reviews attempts made in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5: Improve Maternal Health and its two targets: (1) to reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio and (2) to achieve universal access to reproductive health. It will be shown that significant strides have been made in relation to both the targets, especially in the province of Xayaboury where the contraceptive prevalence rate is the highest and maternal mortality is the lowest in the country. That said, it is unlikely that either target will be realised by 2015 for the nation as a whole. Some of the reasons for this are canvassed such as problems with the existing health infrastructure and its personnel, the cost of health care, the demographic profile and cultural expectations of women of childbearing age, geographic barriers, the absence of communication and transport infrastructure and the influence of international donors on how monies are expended. As discussions now begin to set the framework for the post-MDG compact of the international community to address poverty and well-being, it would be valuable to consider the multiplicity of factors which directly impact maternal and infant mortality rates (such as family planning, age at first birth, access to antenatal care and government expenditure on maternal health care) and explain what causes change, over non-contextualised statistics that simply report changes.


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O presente relatório apresenta os resultados de pesquisa sobre a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero por políticas públicas promovidas por governos subnacionais no Brasil. Analisam-se não apenas programas que se dirigem especificamente à mulher, mas também iniciativas governamentais em diversas áreas e setores, procurando verificar em que medida a questão de gênero foi integrada aos programas de governo. Utilizou-se como material empírico banco de dados do Gestão Pública e Cidadania, programa de premiação e disseminação de iniciativas inovadoras de governos subnacionais, relativo ao Ciclo de 1996, o qual inclui atividades e programas governamentais nas mais diversas áreas. A análise sugere que, no caso de iniciativas dirigidas especificamente à mulher, ao lado de programas tradicionais - sobretudo os de saúde materno-infantil - tem surgido uma série de iniciativas e respondem a demandas de movimentos de mulheres relativas a temas críticos como violência doméstica, prostituição infantil, planejamento familiar, geração de trabalho e renda, sexualidade entre outros. No caso das demais políticas, há duas observações a fazer: a)em que pese a inexistência de preocupação com a temática de gênero no início dos programas, ocorre, em algumas iniciativas, a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero, ao longo da implantação da política; b) parte significativa dos programas que incorporam gênero responde a questões postas por movimentos de gênero ou por mulheres que integram a clientela dos programas, constituindo, portanto, respostas a uma agenda formulada com a participação das mulheres.


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EMOND, Alan et al. The effectiveness of community-based interventions to improve maternal and infant health in the Northeast of Brazil. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/ Pan American Journal of Public Health , v.12, n.2, p.101-110, 2002


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