971 resultados para Escherichia coli cells


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A célula epitelial é o primeiro contato entre os micro-organismos e o hospedeiro. Essa interação pode levar a produção de diversas citocinas, quimiocinas, moléculas inflamatórias e também estimular a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Neste trabalho avaliamos se a interação com as células HEp-2 poderia ser genotóxica para os mutantes derivados de Escherichia coli K-12 deficientes em algumas enzimas que fazem parte do sistema de reparo por excisão de base (BER). Além disto, avaliamos a expressão do sistema SOS, que é induzido pela presença de danos no genoma bacteriano. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de filamentos, na interação com células HEp-2, principalmente, no mutante xthA (BW9091) e no triplo mutante xthA nfo nth (BW535). Quando a interação foi quantificada na ausência da D-manose, observamos um aumento das bactérias aderidas. Além disto, a quantidade e o tamanho dos filamentos também aumentaram, mostrando que as adesinas manose-sensíveis estavam envolvidas na filamentação bacteriana. Para comprovar se o aumento da filamentação observada neste ensaio foram uma consequência da indução do sistema SOS, desencadeada pela interação com as células HEp-2, quantificamos a expressão do SOS, na presença e na ausência da D-manose. De fato, observamos que a indução do SOS na ausência da D-manose foi maior, quando comparada, com o ensaio realizado na presença de D-manose. Além disto, observamos que a ausência de xthA foi importante para o aumento da filamentação observada na ausência de D-manose. Diante destes resultados, verificamos se a resposta de filamentação ocorreria quando as bactérias interagiam com uma superfície abiótica como o vidro. Observamos também inúmeros filamentos nos mutantes BER, BW9091 e BW535, quando comparados a cepa selvagem AB1157. Essa filamentação foi associada à indução do SOS, em resposta a interação das bactérias com o vidro. Em parte a filamentação e a indução do SOS observadas na interação ao vidro, foram associadas à produção de ERO. Quantificamos também o número de bactérias aderidas e observamos que as nossas cepas formavam biofilmes moderados. Contudo, a formação de biofilme dependia da capacidade da bactéria induzir o sistema SOS, tanto em aerobiose como em anaerobiose. A tensão do oxigênio foi importante para interação dos mutantes BER, uma vez que os mutantes BW9091 e BW535 apresentaram uma quantidade de bactérias aderidas menor em anaerobiose. Contudo, a diminuição observada não estava vinculada a morte dos mutantes BER. Também realizamos microscopia de varredura na cepa selvagem e nos mutantes, BW9091 e BW535 e confirmamos que as três cepas formavam biofilmes tanto em aerobiose como em anaerobiose. Observamos uma estrutura sugestiva de matriz extracelular envolvendo os biofilmes da cepa selvagem AB1157 e do mutante BW9091. No entanto, a formação desta estrutura por ambas as cepas dependia da tensão de oxigênio, pois nos biofilmes formados em anaerobiose essa estrutura estava ausente. Em conclusão, mostramos que na interação das bactérias com a superfície biótica e abiótica, ocorreu lesão no genoma, com indução do SOS e a resposta de filamentação associada.


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Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal.


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A invasão de bactérias no trato urinário caracteriza a infecção do sistema urinário. A Escherichia coli é o principal microrganismo associado a esta infecção devido a sua importância em causar ITU, recebeu a denominação de UPEC (Escherichia coli uropatogênica). No presente trabalho pesquisamos em 50 cepas de UPEC, inicialmente isolados de urina de pacientes ambulatoriais com infecções sintomática ou assintomática, a presença de 7 fatores de virulência, através das técnicas de PCR simples e multiplex para verificação dos genes que codificam adesinas P (pap) , fímbria S (sfa), adesina afimbrial (afa), sideroforo (aerobactina- aer), toxinas fator necrotizante citotóxico (cnf) e alfa-hemolisinas (hly), proteína de membrana (traT); ilhas de patogenicidade (virulência) através do marcador PAI. O marcador pCVD432 de EAEC também foi pesquisado nestas amostras. O método difusão em disco foi o utilizado para a determinação dos testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos. Podemos observar duas faixas etárias de maior incidência de ITU entre as mulheres: 19 a 35 anos, e acima de 50 anos. Sessenta e oito por cento das amostras apresentaram pelo menos um fator de virulência, onde os genes traT (54%) e aer (34%) foram os mais prevalentes. A sequência pCVD432 foi detectado em 6 amostras. No entanto, no ensaio de adesão em células Hep-2, doze amostras não apresentaram aderência (NA 24%). Nas 38 cepas restantes, 24 (48%) apresentaram aderência agregativa (AA). Observamos aderência sem padrão típico (SPT) em 48% das amostras, tendo sido dividido em discreto (SPT-D 22%), moderado (SPT-M 18%) e intenso (SPT-I 8%). Notamos os seguintes perfis de resistência para os antimicrobianos testados: ampicilina (44%), gentamicina (8%), nitrofurantoína (2%), norfloxacino (18%) e sulfametozaxol-trimetoprima (34%).


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In observation of in vitro phagocytic activity against Aeromonas hydrophila isolate 34k (a virulent form) and Escherichia coli (an avirulent bacteria) of neutrophil- and monocyte-like cells of walking catfish Clarias batrachus showed phagocytosis. N eutrophils and monocytes phagocytized the avirulent form of bacterial isolate more than the virulent one. Other blood leucocytes did not show phagocytosis. Peritoneal macrophage of the fish were separated by glycogen elicitation and the macrophages were being adhered on plastic cover slips for studying their in vitro phagocytic activity. Most of the cells were alive after adherence and showed phagocytosis against the virulent and avirulent bacteria. The percent phagocytosis and phagocytic index were higher against the avirulent E. coli than the virulent A. hydrophila.


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Microcystins are a kind of cyclic hepatoxins produced by many species of cyanobacteria. The toxic effects of microcystins on animals and plants have been well studied. However, the reports about the effects of microcystins on microbial cells are very limited. In present paper, Escherichia coli was undertaken to determine the effect of microcystin-RR. These results suggested that microcystin-RR could prolong the growth of E. coli when exposed to high concentrations of microcystin-RR and cause the accumulation of ROS and induce the oxidant stress for a short time. The antioxidant system protects E. coli from oxidative damage.


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Supramolecular assemblies of liposomes (vesicles) made of diacetylenic lipids and synthetic mannoside derivative glycolipid receptors were successfully used to mimic the molecular recognition occurring between mannose and Escherichia coli. This specific molecular recognition was translated into visible blue-to-red color transition (biochromism) of the polymerized liposomes, readily quantified by UV-visible spectroscopy. Some transition metal cations (Cd2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ and Ni2+) and alkali earth metal cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+) were introduced into the system to analyze their effects on specific biochromism. Results showed that the presence of Cd2+, Ag+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ enhanced biochromisin. A possible enhancement mechanism was proposed in the process of bacterial adhesion to host cells. However, Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ exhibited inhibitory effects that cooperated with diacetylene lipid with a carboxylic group and increased the rigidity of the liposomal outer leaflet, blocking changes in the side chain conformation and electrical structure of polydiacetylene polymer during biochromism.


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Phycobiliprotein is a photosynthetic antenna pigment found in cyanobacteria, rhodophytes, cryptophytes and certain dinoflagellates, which has been found to have anti-oxidative and anti-tumour activities. In this paper, a recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC) had been expressed in Escherichia coli for anti-tumour effect. E. coli cells were cultured using glucose fed-batch method to achieve high cell densities. The biomass of rAPC was up to 3.52 g/L broth. The rAPC was purified from soluble E. coli cell lysate employing hydrophobic interaction chromatographic (HIC) method developed at the bench scale using 20 mL column. The process was performed at the pilot scale using 500 mL column for evaluation of scale-up. An amylose affinity column was used to improve the purity of final product in pilot scale purification. The purification process resulted in greater than 98% pure product and yielded up to 2.0 g/kg wet cells at the bench scale and 1.2 g/kg wet cells at the pilot scale. Peptide mapping was used to prove the identity of rAPC purified from bench scale and pilot scale process. Purified rAPC at the pilot scale was found to have remarkable inhibition on S-180 carcinoma in mice. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A recombinant allophycocyanin (rAPC), used for treatment of tumors, has been expressed in E. coli which was grown in glucose fed-batch culture in a 30 l fermentor. Recombinant allophycocyanin was purified from soluble E. coli cell lysate using hydrophobic interaction chromatography followed by chromatography using amylose affinity column. The purity of product was greater than 98% and yielded an average of 5.5 g kg(-1) dry cells. Recombinant allophycocyanin significantly inhibited H-22 hepatoma (p (0.01) in mice with inhibition rates ranging from 36% to 62% with doses from 6.25 to 50 mg kg(-1) d(-1).


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Crohn's Disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Recent work has shown that a new pathotype of Escherichia coli, Adherent Invasive E. coli (AIEC) may be associated with CD. AIEC has been shown to adhere to and invade epithelial cells and to replicate within macrophages (together this is called the AIEC phenotype). In this thesis, the AIEC phenotype of 84 E. coli strains were determined in order to identify the prevalence of this phenotype within the E. coli genus. This study showed that a significant proportion of E. coli strains (approx. 5%) are capable of adhering to and invading epithelial cells and undergoing intramacrophage replication. Moreover, the results presented in this study indicate a correlation between survival in macrophage and resistance to grazing by amoeba supporting the coincidental evolution hypothesis that resistance to amoebae could be a driving force in the evolution of pathogenicity in some bacteria, such as AIEC. In addition, this study has identified an important regulatory role for the CpxA/R two component system (TCS) in the invasive abilities of AIEC HM605, a colonic mucosa-associated CD isolate. A mutation in cpxR was shown to be defective in the invasion of epithelial cells and this defect was shown to be independent of motility or the expression of Type 1 fimbriae, factors that have been shown to be involved in the invasion of another strain of AIEC, isolated from a patient with ileal CD, called LF82. The CpxA/R TCS responds to disturbances in the cell envelope and has been implicated in the virulence of a number of Gram negative pathogens. In this study it is shown that the CpxA/R TCS regulates the expression of a potentially novel invasin called SinH. SinH is found in a number of invasive strains of E. coli and Salmonella. Moreover work presented here shows that a critical mechanism underpinning AIEC persistence in macrophages is the repair of DNA bases damaged by macrophage oxidants. Together these findings provide evidence to suggest that AIEC are a diverse group of E. coli and possess diverse molecular mechanisms and virulence factors that contribute to the AIEC phenotype. In addition, AIEC may have gone through different evolutionary histories acquiring various molecular mechanisms ultimately culminating in the AIEC phenotype. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract harbors a diverse microbiota; most are symbiotic or commensal however some bacteria have the potential to cause disease (pathobiont). The work presented here provides evidence to support the model that AIEC are pathobionts. AIEC strains can be carried as commensals in healthy guts however, when the intestinal homeostasis is disrupted, such as in the compromised gut of CD patients, AIEC may behave as opportunistic pathogens and cause and/or contribute to disease by driving intestinal inflammation.


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Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract of humans, of which there is currently no cure. The precise etiology of CD is unknown, although it has become widely accepted that it is a multifactorial disease which occurs as a result of an abnormal immune response to commensal enteric bacteria in a genetically susceptible host. Recent studies have shown that a new group of Escherichia coli, called Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) are present in the guts of CD patients at a higher frequency than in healthy subjects, suggesting that they may play a role in the initiation and/or maintenance of the inflammation associated with CD. Two phenotypes define an AIEC and differentiate them from other groups of E. coli. Firstly, AIEC can adhere to and invade epithelial cells; and secondly, they can replicate in macrophages. In this study, we use a strain of AIEC which has been isolated from the colonic mucosa of a CD patient, called HM605, to examine the relationship between AIEC and the macrophage. We show, using a systematic mutational approach, that while the Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the glyoxylate pathway, the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, the Pentose Phosphate (PP) pathway and gluconeogenesis are dispensable for the intramacrophagic growth of HM605, glycolysis is an absolute requirement for the ability of this organism to replicate intracellularly. We also show that HM605 activates the inflammasome, a major driver of inflammation in mammals. Specifically, we show that macrophages infected with HM605 produce significantly higher levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β than macrophages infected with a non-AIEC strain, and we show by immunoblotting that this is due to cleavage of caspase-1. We also show that macrophages infected with HM605 exhibit significantly higher levels of pyroptosis, a form of inflammatory cell death, than macrophages infected with a non-AIEC strain. Therefore, AIEC strains are more pro-inflammatory than non-AIEC strains and this may have important consequences in terms of CD pathology. Moreover, we show that while inflammasome activation by HM605 is independent of intracellular bacterial replication, it is dependent on an active bacterial metabolism. Through the establishment of a genetic screen aimed at identifying mutants which activate the inflammasome to lower levels than the wild-type, we confirm our observation that bacterial metabolism is essential for successful inflammasome activation by HM605 and we also uncover new systems/structures that may be important for inflammasome activation, such as the BasS/BasR two-component system, a type VI secretion system and a K1 capsule. Finally, in this study, we also identify a putative small RNA in AIEC strain LF82, which may be involved in modulating the motility of this strain. Overall this works shows that, in the absence of specialised virulence factors, the ability of AIEC to metabolise within the host cell may be a key determinant of its pathogenesis.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), encompasses a range of chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory disorders that are usually classified under two major relapsing conditions, Crohn’s Disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Extensive studies in the last decades have suggested that the etiology of IBD involves environmental and genetic factors that lead to dysfunction of epithelial barrier with consequent deregulation of the mucosal immune system and inadequate responses to gut microbiota.Over the last decade, the microbial species that has attracted the most attention, with respect to CD etiology, is Eschericia coli. In CD tissue, E. coli antigens have also been identified in macrophages within the lamina propria, granulomas, and in the germinal centres of mesenteric lymph nodes of patients. They have been shown to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells whilst also being able to extensively replicate within macrophages. Through the work of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), there is growing evidence to suggest that the microbial imbalance between commensal and pathogenic bacteria in the gut is aided by a defect in the innate immune system. Autophagy represents a recently investigated pathway that is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of CD, with studies identified a variant of the autophagy gene, ATG16L1, as a susceptibility gene. The aim of my thesis was to study the cellular and molecular mechanism promoted by E.coli strains in epithelial cells and to assess their contribution to IBD pathology. To achieve this we focused on developing both an in vitro and in vivo model of AIEC infection. This allowed us to further our knowledge on possible mechanisms utilised by AIEC that promoted their survival, as well as developing a better understanding of host reactions. We demonstrate a new survival mechanism promoted by E.coli HM605, whereby it induces the expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL and BCL2, all of which is exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system. We have also demonstrated the presence of AIEC-induced inflammasome responses in epithelial cells which are exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system and expression of NOD-like receptors (NLRs) which might mediate inflammasome responses in vivo. Finally, we used the Citrobacter rodentium model of infectious colitis to identify Pellino3 as an important mediator in the NOD2 pathway and regulator of intestinal inflammation. In summary, we have developed robust and versatile models of AIEC infection as well as provide new insights into AIEC mediated survival pathways. The collected data provides a new perception into why AIEC bacteria are able to prosper in conditions associated with Crohn’s disease patients with a defect in autophagy.


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Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are ubiquitously secreted from the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria. These heterogeneous structures are composed of OM filled with periplasmic content from the site of budding. By analyzing mutants that have vesicle production phenotypes, we can gain insight into the mechanism of OMV budding in wild-type cells, which has thus far remained elusive. In this study, we present data demonstrating that the hypervesiculation phenotype of the nlpI deletion mutant of Escherichia coli correlates with changes in peptidoglycan (PG) dynamics. Our data indicate that in stationary phase cultures the nlpI mutant exhibits increased PG synthesis that is dependent on spr, consistent with a model in which NlpI controls the activity of the PG endopeptidase Spr. In log phase, the nlpI mutation was suppressed by a dacB mutation, suggesting that NlpI regulates penicillin-binding protein 4 (PBP4) during exponential growth. The data support a model in which NlpI negatively regulates PBP4 activity during log phase, and Spr activity during stationary phase, and that in the absence of NlpI, the cell survives by increasing PG synthesis. Further, the nlpI mutant exhibited a significant decrease in covalent outer membrane (OM-PG) envelope stabilizing cross-links, consistent with its high level of OMV production. Based on these results, we propose that one mechanism wild-type Gram-negative bacteria can use to modulate vesiculation is by altering PG-OM cross-linking via localized modulation of PG degradation and synthesis.


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It is estimated that approximately 1.1 billion people globally drink unsafe water. We previously reported both a novel copper-alginate bead, which quickly reduces pathogen loading in waste streams and the incorporation of these beads into a novel swirl flow bioreactor (SFB), of low capital and running costs and of simple construction from commercially available plumbing pipes and fittings. The purpose of the present study was to trial this system for pathogen reduction in waste streams from an operating Dewats system in Hinjewadi, Pune, India and in both simulated and real waste streams in Seattle, Washington, USA. The trials in India, showed a complete inactivation of coliforms in the discharged effluent (Mean Log removal Value (MLRV) = 3.51), accompanied by a total inactivation of E. coli with a MLRV of 1.95. The secondary clarifier effluent also showed a 4.38 MLRV in viable coliforms during treatment. However, the system was slightly less effective in reducing E. coli viability, with a MLRV of 1.80. The trials in Seattle also demonstrated the efficacy of the system in the reduction of viable bacteria, with a LRV of 5.67 observed of viable Raoultella terrigena cells (100%).


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Although the bactericidal effect of copper has been known for centuries, there is a current resurgence of interest in the use of this element as an antimicrobial agent. During this study the use of dendritic copper microparticles embedded in an alginate matrix as a rapid method for the deactivation of Escherichia coli ATCC 11775 was investigated. The copper/alginate produced a decrease in the minimum inhibitory concentration from free copper powder dispersed in the media from 0.25 to 0.065 mg/ml. Beads loaded with 4% Cu deactivated 99.97% of bacteria after 90 minutes, compared to a 44.2% reduction in viability in the equivalent free copper powder treatment. There was no observed loss in the efficacy of this method with increasing bacterial loading up to 10(6) cells/ml, however only 88.2% of E. coli were deactivated after 90 minutes at a loading of 10(8) cells/ml. The efficacy of this method was highly dependent on the oxygen content of the media, with a 4.01% increase in viable bacteria observed under anoxic conditions compared to a >99% reduction in bacterial viability in oxygen tensions above 50% of saturation. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the beads indicated that the dendritic copper particles sit as discrete clusters within a layered alginate matrix, and that the external surface of the beads has a scale-like appearance with dendritic copper particles extruding. E. coli cells visualised using SEM indicated a loss of cellular integrity upon Cu bead treatment with obvious visible blebbing. This study indicates the use of microscale dendritic particles of Cu embedded in an alginate matrix to effectively deactivate E. coli cells and opens the possibility of their application within effective water treatment processes, especially in high particulate waste streams where conventional methods, such as UV treatment or chlorination, are ineffective or inappropriate.