994 resultados para Eric Bishop


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The exploitation of Islander pearl divers in Torres Strait and the Queensland Government's control of divers' wages was the major cause of a strike by 400 divers in 1936. The strike was also fuelled by overall discontent with the Queensland Government's rule and a desire to be free of the Queensland Protectors. An address in 1935 by Stephen Davies, Bishop of Carpentaria, urging the Commonwealth of Australia to strip Queensland and other states of management of Island and Aboriginal affairs provided the catalyst. Davies's Torres Strait Island clergy played a pivotal role in the resistance to state control. One lasting effect of the strike lay in the introduction of elected Islander councils in 1937, but what happened subsequently allowed the perpetuation of Queensland control through the new Department of Native Affairs. The results of the strike fell short of the complete transfer to the Commonwealth that the Torres Strait pearl divers and clergy had envisaged.


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Joan Davies’s relationship with her husband challenges the view that women performed in the merely private and subservient realm. Joan and her husband did not for long remain embedded in a domestic relationship of dominance and subordination. This Australian clergy marriage of the 1930s shows the development of a smooth harmony of interests, with the wife gaining from an experienced husband a new role and becoming his counsellor and organiser.


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The thesis examines the life and times of former union organiser and Tasmanian ALP Premier, Eric Reece. It analyses the historical and biographical forces shaping state Labor politics in twentieth century Australia and investigates the ideologies of development, progress and environmentalism in Tasmania.


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In 1859 English public health nurse Florence Nightingale decided to conduct a study of the mortality rates in ‘native schools’ in Britain’s colonies. Since the 1837 publication of the House of Commons Report on the impact of British settlement on native people’s, there had been a speculative discourse about the decline of the Aboriginal populations in the colonies; concerns about Aboriginal health and welfare were debated frequently. New Norcia was included in Nightingale’s study and played a big part in Nightingale’s conclusions.
This paper will discuss the study and New Norcia’s participation in it, with particular attention to the correspondence, questionnaires and reports that travelled between Salvado and Nightingale. This unique archive reveals not only Nightingale’s concern about the relationship between civilizing and Aboriginal ill-health in the colonies, but also shed’s light on Salvado’s remarkable insight into this delicate and fraught relationship. By analysing Salvado’s statistical collections and reports for Nightingale’s study on New Norcia’s Aboriginal residents, it is possible to understand that Salvado evaluated and repudiated the influential theory that the Aborigines were inevitably a dying race.


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 An interactive exhibition, which recreates the Max Gallery and re-interprets two of Geelong's most renowned paintings (View of Geelong and A Bush Burial) through digital animation


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Eric Hiariej is an Indonesia who studied at the Australian National University on two occasions; in 2001-2003 and in 2005-2009. He completed his Masters degree in the first period of study, and his PhD in the second. Both degrees were in International Relations. The interview was conducted in English by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University on 27 May 2014. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photo.


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We live in denial of the foreigner within due to the (often feigned) dexterous self-regard we bring to our social and spatial encounters. You, as the literal foreign body in your own work, inviting the participant to pump, breath, hold, slide or catch, deny that self-assurance, not only to the viewer but also to yourself. Framed at a psychosocial level the denial of the foreigner within plays out in all kinds of ways in our treatment of those others who are seen to breach our borders, at a personal, political and national level. The work you create, in this context, may be seen as an interrogation of the western subject’s conventional experience of territories, from the body, to the museum and to the nation. As you suggest, the physical and cognitive thresholds you give to the participant invite the unguarded moment, the other side of which prompts the viewer to ponder their physical relations to others, as fragmented, fragile beings. But key to this is you, the artist, who presents as partial and foreign inside these objects. How are these objects extensions of your own body, and your own athleticism?


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Hipertrofia ventricular esquerda é um importante fator de risco em doença cardiovascular e pode ser responsável por parte do elevado risco cardiovascular associado a diabetes. Apesar de que o estresse hemodinâmico seja classicamente indicado como causa da injúria miocárdica que leva ao remodelamento, a injúria associada aos fatores neuro-humorais e a sinalização celular através da ativação imuno-inflamatória também desempenham um papel, acompanhando os mecanismos recentemente descritos na síndrome metabólica, particularmente na obesidade, onde a ativação do sistema imune inato leva a uma resposta inadequada crônica mediada por citocinas em diversos sistemas corpóreos. A ecocardiografia tem sido usada para identificar anormalidades da estrutura cardíaca, porém, variações metodológicas e os diversos ajustes para os determinantes da massa ventricular como idade, sexo, tamanho corporal e outros correlatos clínicos são motivo de debate, assim como a definição dos estados de anormalidade, tanto para hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, como para outras medidas da estrutura ventricular. Em uma amostra populacional de 1479 Afro- Americanos do Estudo ARIC, investigamos de forma estratificada e multivariada as associações independentes entre diabetes e as alterações estruturais do ventrículo esquerdo, definidas por hipertrofia ventricular, aumento da espessura relativa e padrões geométricos anormais. Encontramos prevalências elevadas dea alterações estruturais nos indivíduos com diabetes. Diabetes associou-se com hipertrofia ventricular em ambos os sexos e com espessura parietal aumentada e padrões geométricos anormais nas mulheres. Na maior parte dos modelos, as associações com diabetes foram minimizadas com os ajustes para obesidade, sugerindo que o impacto da obesidade sobre as alterações estruturais vistas em diabetes pode ser mediado por fatores outros do que a hiperglicemia. Essas novas evidências estão em sintonia com o conhecimento contemporâneo descrito.