981 resultados para Ensino do desenho
Este trabalho consiste na criação de uma relação entre uma investigação científica e um relatório da prática pedagógica, subordinados a mesmo tema. No âmbito da relação entre a sociedade e o espaço virtual, são abordadas noções referentes à cibercultura, entendendo o espaço virtual como um novo espaço social. É desenvolvida a ideia de que a opinião individual foi enfatizada pelas redes sociais e pelos blogues, que aliados ao facilitado acesso ao conhecimento, levaram à proliferação da informação. No domínio das artes visuais são abordados temas referentes à arte digital e ao desenvolvimento de práticas artísticas no espaço virtual, tal como a new media art, referindo-se trabalhos de artistas como Manfred Mohr, Charles Csuri, Gerhard Mantz, Vuk Cosic, Jodi.org e Cornelia Sollfrank. Neste campo, foi ainda, estudada a importância dos softwares para a produção artística digital e a relevância das instituições virtuais para a dinamização cultural. Por último, são estabelecidas relações entre o espaço virtual e o ensino das artes visuais, onde são analisadas questões referentes a introdução de ferramentas digitais na sala de aula, com o intuito de contribuir para a evolução do aluno e para o melhoramento da formação profissional do docente Relativamente à pratica docente nas disciplinas de Desenho B e de História das Artes, do Curso Tecnológico de Multimédia, realizada na Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco, são apresentados de forma crítica e reflexiva, os procedimentos necessários para a aplicação da componente científica, tais como as planificações, propostas de trabalho e visitas de estudo. São ainda apresentadas as restantes componentes relativas à prática letiva, tais como as atividades de Direção de Turma; o acompanhamento do projeto da Associação Companhia Contigo Teatro; e as atividades de enriquecimento curricular.
O desenvolvimento vocacional é uma das áreas da psicologia que tem sido cada vez mais valorizada em contexto educativo. Com as mudanças que têm vindo a ocorrer na conceção e construção da carreira profissional, é fundamental que os alunos sejam orientados para uma perceção realista e organizada do seu percurso escolar. É a partir da infância que as bases para o desenvolvimento dos interesses e valores são criadas, formando as atitudes que permitirão a adaptação ao meio social e laboral. Apesar de estar patente que o desenvolvimento vocacional deve ser promovido longitudinalmente, ao longo da escolaridade e antes dos momentos de tomada de decisão, são poucos os estudos que se têm focado nesta temática. Neste sentido, foi elaborado e implementado um programa de desenvolvimento vocacional destinado ao 2º ciclo do ensino básico. Este programa foi aplicado numa escola pública da Região Autónoma da Madeira, tendo participado 155 alunos do 5º e 6º anos do ensino básico e com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 15 anos. Num desenho quasi-experimental, estes estudantes foram distribuídos em dois grupos, um experimental (N = 79) e outro de controlo (N = 76), conforme participassem ou não no programa. O programa foi constituído por 10 sessões envolvendo atividades de exploração do meio, profissões, percurso de vida e autoconceito sendo que a sua avaliação foi realizada através da Escala de Consciência de Carreira na Infância (Jorge, 2011) aplicada no início e no fim do programa. Os resultados indicam que a intervenção foi eficaz ao nível da promoção da consciência de carreira nos alunos do grupo experimental, comparativamente aos do grupo de controlo. Os resultados são analisados e discutidos considerando a relevância da promoção de intervenções desta natureza em contexto escolar, de forma a consciencializar os alunos para a importância do autoconhecimento e da construção do seu percurso escolar e vida.
Em cumprimento dos requisitos da Iniciação à Prática Profissional - Ensino Supervisionado, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário do Centro de Competências de Artes e Humanidades da Universidade da Madeira, surge o presente relatório de estágio profissional. O estágio teve lugar na Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz, com a turma 11º 20 do curso Científico-Humanístico de Artes Visuais na disciplina de Desenho A. Todos os conteúdos inerentes à temática, a relação texto-imagem, foram trabalhados primeiramente com materiais riscadores e tendo como suporte o papel, e posterior num software de desenho vetorial onde o suporte passa a ser digital, valorizando e aproveitando as vantagens que este tipo de formato permite abarcar. De forma a trabalhar, ao longo da sua prática pedagógica, eficientemente a temática escolhida, a professora estagiária elaborou uma revisão bibliográfica, quer de conceitos, quer de momentos e autores que surgem durante a história da arte. Baseou-se em teorias relacionadas com o funcionamento e a relação entre grupos, e métodos de ensino para fundamentar e justificar certas posições que tomou. Este relato/reflexão da prática pedagógica encontra-se dividido em duas partes, fazendo-se corresponder à primeira parte o enquadramento geral em que a mesma se desenvolve; e à segunda parte a toda a atividade letiva, ou seja, à prática pedagógica em si.
The 1988 Constitution was the legal marc to define changes in Brazilian State with major importance to the layout of public politician. In that moment of redefinitions e openness to new ways the redemocratization, participation and decentralization of public school had as their starter the elementary school. This work focus on the manage of FUNDESCOLA, particularly one of its politics called PDE (Educational Development Plan) wich purpose is guarantee a better quality in teaching and spread out democracy throughout its methodology. It was chosen two public schools: Professor Ulisses de Góis and Antonio Campos. The theoretical and methodological orientation is based on the theory of participative democracy developed by authors such as Putnam and Pateman. They says that a cultural background precedes individual participation in society. The collected data (educational legislation, surveys with all sectors of schools and technicians of Natal educational secretary, and relevant documents of de institutions) showed that PDE. Implementation had opposite runnings in the schools studied. In one, as a consequence of bad preparations of its teachers to absorve its methodology, PDE failed. In another way, PDE achieved its goals, especially helping the structure of action plans of the school and the administrative organization making possible several pedagogic activities planned. The work concludes that the main factor the failure or success of PDE relies on the organizational (both political and pedagogical) structure of each school. This discovery implies three important guidelines when comes to formulation of public politicians: a) Constitution of school; b) the local actors who manages the actions; c) the colletive interest in taking part of decisions
Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.
To think about a school that is for everyone has been a challenge for many people connected to education worldwide demanding from researchers of each level of knowledge an association to such effort. The study presented on this paper unites itself to the voices, movements and researches of these scholars, seeking to contribute on building possibilities on which mathematics can be thought and worked on schools in order for every student to learn, whether they have some sort of deficiency, disorders, syndromes or not. This essay has the goal to investigate the possibilities of inclusive pedagogical practices mediated by math games with rules, developed and used throughout the Universal Design perspective; a qualitative research took place with a collaborative methodology that involved managers, teachers and students from a public school situated on the city of Natal/Brazil. On the investigation math games with rules were developed and made according to the Universal Design concept, starting from initial studies which articulated theoretical groundings to the reality of school and the teacher s conceptions. After that, classes using these tools were planned collectively which oriented inclusive pedagogical practices of classes from the 1st to the 4th year of elementary school. Throughout the process many instruments such as: tape recording, video footages, notes from the researcher; the teachers and the students were used for constant work evaluation and also to record the research data. In the end, the data indicated effective contributions of the mediated pedagogical practices by games with rules under the perspective of Universal Design for Inclusive Mathematics Education
Nowadays, technology has a direct influence on the relationship student and teacher have with language. The internet is a powerful tool in helping work with the language and, through it, the knowledge comes to the student easily and intensely. Furthermore, this facility has enhanced and made visible what has been called, within the University community, "plagiarism generation." This work assumes that this generation has, in their written texts, symbolic movements similar to those of "copy and paste" applied to research work carried out by high school students. Taking this as starting point, this dissertation aims to analyze how high school students of the 1st year from a school in Natal (RN) construct texts, under the movements known as "Ctrl + c" and "Ctrl + v", with reference to the text of the "other". More specific issues are behind the general objective, namely: 1. how the student appropriates the source-text when he copies and pastes? 2. What are the categories of analysis that allow us to look analytically and theoretically for the "ctrl + c / ctrl + v" practice made by the student? 2. how the studies developed in the fields of "Genetic Criticism" (Grésillon, 1987), the "school manuscripts" (Calil, 2004) and "paraphrase" (Fuchs, 1982) may help in working with writing in the classroom standing as a possible way to minimize the copy and paste effects in the students texts? Thus, we observe the categories of analysis that allow us to look, theoretically and analytically, for the symbolic ritual of the "ctrl + c" (copy) and "ctrl + v" (paste) in high school. Our study shows that the student text is a "hybrid body" whose writing is a drawing entanglement because of the presence of the foreign text, verbatim, and the presence of linguistic elements to paraphrase the original text.This textual embodiment has, behind it, certain operations, namely: replacing, moving, adding and deleting statements. Given the specificity of the data and the research objectives, this study aligns with qualitative research methods (SILVERMAN, 2009) and falls within the knowledge field of Applied Linguistics, which is characterized especially by investigating problems, phenomena in which language in a real situation is taken as central (BRUMFIT, 1995).Theoretically, our work follows the approach of studies on the paraphrase (Fuchs, 1982, 1994a, 1994b; DAUNAY, 1997, 1999, 2002a, 2002b), the studies developed in the field of Genetic Criticism (Grésillon, 1987, 1994, 1992, 2008 ) and those developed by Eduardo Calil (2004) on "school manuscripts"
Cartographical representations (maps, charters and plans) are taken as didactic resources in Geography classes in the 5th grade of the municipal public schools in São José de Ribamar through a methodological approach taking into consideration the use of those resources is still worries an important part of the teachers of the Maranhão State public schools who teach in this level. Papers related to the theme, most of the time, are non accessible to the teachers of the maranhense public schools, mainly because the education instilutions, which use those resources, do it in a very incipient way. So this research proposes from the drawings of magnetccoursein the school courtyards, together with maps, charts, plans among others representation used in the classroom environment, motivate the students to a deeper interests in participating in Geography learning process in the 5th grade. Interviews, analyses of socialcultural questionnaires of the families involved in the process; observations of classes, trainings, geocartographical orientations, application of pre and posttests, discussions about the usage of cartographic representations, proposed and effectivated tasks in the classroom, as well as around the school, were the basis of the researched population. As a result of this process, it was produced a was complement didatical material showing, among others, the space in which students, for sure, will contribute in an effective way to a better teaching practice in the chain of maranhense public schools, having in mind that these geographic subjects may be taught in the level we focused our study
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC