909 resultados para English, aviation, air travel, communication, structure, importance, language, phraseology


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The book consists of an Introduction and four articles published both in Finland and abroad, written in English or Russian. They present the studies of eight Finnish and Russian idiomatic constructions that appear in the following examples: Ikkuna rikki — Окно сломано, lit.: ‘the window broken’, Äiti täällä — Мама здесь, lit.: ‘mother here’, Kaikki myymälöihin! — Все в магазин, lit.: ‘all to the shops’, Пить так пить! ≈ ‘When I drink, I drink (a lot)!’, etc. The aim of the studies is to reconstruct the origins and to trace the development of the above-mentioned constructions up to their modern usages. To this end, the constructions are investigated both from historical and from comparative perspectives. Finally, the case studies provide a possibility to develop more general bases of development of these 'ungrammatical' items. By attempting to answer the question why such constructions develop even though they destroy the harmonious structure of а language, some principles of idiomatization are postulated in the Conclusion.


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National anniversaries such as independence days demand precise coordination in order to make citizens change their routines to forego work and spend the day at rest or at festivities that provide social focus and spectacle. The complex social construction of national days is taken for granted and operates as a given in the news media, which are the main agents responsible for coordinating these planned disruptions of normal routines. This study examines the language used in the news to construct the rather unnatural idea of national days and to align people in observing them. The data for the study consist of news stories about the Fourth of July in the New York Times, sampled over 150 years and are supplemented by material from other sources and other countries. The study is multidimensional, applying concepts from pragmatics (speech acts, politeness, information structure), systemic functional linguistics (the interpersonal metafunction and the Appraisal framework) and cognitive linguistics (frames, metaphor) as well as journalism and communications to arrive at an interdisciplinary understanding of how resources for meaning are used by writers and readers of the news stories. The analysis shows that on national anniversaries, nations tend to be metaphorized as persons having birthdays, to whom politeness should be shown. The face of the nation is to be respected in the sense of identifying the nation's interests as one's own (positive face) and speaking of citizen responsibilities rather than rights (negative face). Resources are available for both positive and negative evaluations of events and participants and the newspaper deftly changes footings (Goffman 1981) to demonstrate the required politeness while also heteroglossically allowing for a certain amount of disattention and even protest - within limits, for state holidays are almost never construed as Bakhtinian festivals, as they tend to reaffirm the hierarchy rather than invert it. Celebrations are evaluated mainly for impressiveness, and for the essentially contested quality of appropriateness, which covers norms of predictability, size, audience response, aesthetics, and explicit reference to the past. Events may also be negatively evaluated as dull ("banal") or inauthentic ("hoopla"). Audiences are evaluated chiefly in terms of their enthusiasm, or production of appropriate displays for emotional response, for national days are supposed to be occasions of flooding-out of nationalistic feeling. By making these evaluations, the newspaper reinforces its powerful position as an independent critic, while at the same time playing an active role in the construction and reproduction of emotional order embodied in "the nation's birthday." As an occasion for mobilization and demonstrations of power, national days may be seen to stand to war in the relation of play to fighting (Bateson 1955). Evidence from the newspaper's coverage of recent conflicts is adduced to support this analysis. In the course of the investigation, methods are developed for analyzing large collections of newspaper content, particularly topical soft news and feature materials that have hitherto been considered less influential and worthy of study than so-called hard news. In his work on evaluation in newspaper stories, White (1998) proposed that the classic hard news story is focused on an event that threatens the social order, but news of holidays and celebrations in general does not fit this pattern, in fact its central event is a reproduction of the social order. Thus in the system of news values (Galtung and Ruge 1965), national holiday news draws on "ground" news values such as continuity and predictability rather than "figure" news values such as negativity and surprise. It is argued that this ground helps form a necessary space for hard news to be seen as important, similar to the way in which the information structure of language is seen to rely on the regular alternation of given and new information (Chafe 1994).


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This paper presents an overview of the 6th ALTA shared task that ran in 2015. The task was to identify in English texts all the potential cognates from the perspective of the French language. In other words, identify all the words in the English text that would acceptably translate into a similar word in French. We present the motivations for the task, the description of the data and the results of the 4 participating teams. We discuss the results against a baseline and prior work.


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In order to bring insight into the emerging concept of relationship communication, concepts from two research traditions will be combined in this paper. Based on those concepts a new model, the dynamic relationship communication model, will be presented. Instead of a company perspective focusing on the integration of outgoing messages such as advertising, public relations and sales activities, it is suggested that the focus should be on factors integrated by the receiver. Such factors can be historical, future, external and internal factors. Thus, the model put a strong focus on the receiver in the communication process. The dynamic communication model is illustrated empirically using it as a tool on 78 short stories about communication. The empirical findings show that relationship communication occurs in some cases; in some cases it does not occur. The model is a useful tool in displaying relationship communication and how it differs from other communication. The importance of the time dimension, historical and future factors, in relationship communications is discussed. The possibility of reducing communications costs by the notion of relationship communication is discussed in managerial implications.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Na última década, inúmera literatura sobre temas de saúde, principalmente abordando a Segurança do Doente, foca a necessidade e a importância do conceito de trabalho em equipa e da sua implementação na atividade dos profissionais de saúde. É também referido, como exemplo a seguir, por analogia e com a devida adaptação, o conceito e a metodologia do Crew Resource Management (CRM) da aviação civil, em que vários autores reviram a evidência da sua aplicação à medicina e concluíram que era uma ferramenta útil em formação não-técnica para a prática da cirurgia segura. Porquê esta analogia entre a saúde e a aviação civil? Porquê este despertar na saúde para o trabalho em equipa e, principalmente, baseando-se na metodologia do CRM da aviação civil? Qual a importância da formação não-técnica e como pode esta ser adaptada à atividade dos profissionais da saúde, nomeadamente no bloco operatório? São estas as principais questões que irão ser investigadas e analisadas ao longo deste estudo. Objetivos: Na aviação civil, a segurança é uma das prioridades desta indústria e um dos pilares da sua sustentabilidade. Sendo a indústria da aviação civil, como a saúde, uma atividade complexa importa em primeiro lugar compreender como a segurança deve ser abordada nas organizações complexas. Depois de compreendermos os quatro pilares da segurança (política, risco, garantia e promoção) aplicados na aviação civil, analisaremos a necessidade da formação não-técnica, explicando a importância da metodologia do CRM na aviação civil e a possibilidade da “importação” dos seus conceitos pela saúde. Metodologia: Para aferirmos a necessidade de formação não-técnica pelos profissionais da saúde foi desenvolvido um inquérito aos alunos finalistas dos Cursos de Enfermagem e dos Cursos de Medicina e outro inquérito a profissionais da saúde, Enfermeiros e Médicos (Anestesista e Cirurgião) com funções no Bloco Operatório, para responderem às seguintes inquietações:  Tiveram os profissionais de saúde formação formal na sua licenciatura ou pós-graduação em temas sobre comunicação, trabalho em equipa, gestão do erro, gestão do stress, liderança, atitudes e comportamentos para um trabalho em equipa eficiente e seguro?  Tiveram formação inicial no início da sua carreira e formação recorrente equivalente sobre estes temas ao longo da sua carreira?  Estão os profissionais de saúde preparados, com conhecimentos obtidos em formação formal, para trabalhar em equipa? Pretendeu-se igualmente, através de inquérito, saber se os alunos finalistas das licenciaturas acima identificadas consideram importante para a sua futura atividade como profissionais de saúde possuírem competências não-técnicas para o trabalho em equipa para evitarem os eventos adversos. No referido inquérito será também questionado quais as matérias a abordar nas licenciaturas (ou em outra etapa da formação), consideradas necessárias para se obterem competências de trabalho em equipa e qual a opinião sobre a frequência da formação recorrente sobre estes temas. Conclusão: O trabalho ficará concluído com uma proposta de conteúdos programáticos para a formação não-técnica dos profissionais de saúde, para a sua formação inicial e para a formação recorrente ao longo da carreira, baseada na metodologia do CRM da aviação civil. Objetivo final: Como objetivo final do estudo pretende-se contribuir, através da aplicação de formação não-técnicas aos profissionais de saúde, para a melhoria da Segurança do Doente nos cuidados em saúde.


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In 2004, Lost debuted on ABC and quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Its postmodem take on the classic Robinson Crusoe desert island scenario gestures to a variety of different issues circulating within the post-9II1 cultural consciousness, such as terrorism, leadership, anxieties involving air travel, torture, and globalization. Lost's complex interwoven flashback and flash-forward narrative structure encourages spectators to creatively hypothesize solutions to the central mysteries of the narrative, while also thematically addressing archetypal questions of freedom of choice versus fate. Through an examination of the narrative structure, the significance of technological shifts in television, and fan cultures in Lost, this thesis discusses the tenuous notion of consumer agency within the current cultural context. Furthermore, I also explore these issues in relation to the wider historical post-9/II context.


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An official program from the 9th Annual All Woman Transcontinental Air Race, July 2-6 1955, Long Beach, California - Springfield, Massachusetts. Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling is number 36 in the program. Many of the female pilots have signed their profiles in the program for Mrs. Rungeling.


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Les systèmes Matériels/Logiciels deviennent indispensables dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. La présence croissante de ces systèmes dans les différents produits et services incite à trouver des méthodes pour les développer efficacement. Mais une conception efficace de ces systèmes est limitée par plusieurs facteurs, certains d'entre eux sont: la complexité croissante des applications, une augmentation de la densité d'intégration, la nature hétérogène des produits et services, la diminution de temps d’accès au marché. Une modélisation transactionnelle (TLM) est considérée comme un paradigme prometteur permettant de gérer la complexité de conception et fournissant des moyens d’exploration et de validation d'alternatives de conception à des niveaux d’abstraction élevés. Cette recherche propose une méthodologie d’expression de temps dans TLM basée sur une analyse de contraintes temporelles. Nous proposons d'utiliser une combinaison de deux paradigmes de développement pour accélérer la conception: le TLM d'une part et une méthodologie d’expression de temps entre différentes transactions d’autre part. Cette synergie nous permet de combiner dans un seul environnement des méthodes de simulation performantes et des méthodes analytiques formelles. Nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme de vérification temporelle basé sur la procédure de linéarisation des contraintes de type min/max et une technique d'optimisation afin d'améliorer l'efficacité de l'algorithme. Nous avons complété la description mathématique de tous les types de contraintes présentées dans la littérature. Nous avons développé des méthodes d'exploration et raffinement de système de communication qui nous a permis d'utiliser les algorithmes de vérification temporelle à différents niveaux TLM. Comme il existe plusieurs définitions du TLM, dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous avons défini une méthodologie de spécification et simulation pour des systèmes Matériel/Logiciel basée sur le paradigme de TLM. Dans cette méthodologie plusieurs concepts de modélisation peuvent être considérés séparément. Basée sur l'utilisation des technologies modernes de génie logiciel telles que XML, XSLT, XSD, la programmation orientée objet et plusieurs autres fournies par l’environnement .Net, la méthodologie proposée présente une approche qui rend possible une réutilisation des modèles intermédiaires afin de faire face à la contrainte de temps d’accès au marché. Elle fournit une approche générale dans la modélisation du système qui sépare les différents aspects de conception tels que des modèles de calculs utilisés pour décrire le système à des niveaux d’abstraction multiples. En conséquence, dans le modèle du système nous pouvons clairement identifier la fonctionnalité du système sans les détails reliés aux plateformes de développement et ceci mènera à améliorer la "portabilité" du modèle d'application.


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En tant que moyen de communication qui détermine les structures de base des langues, la métaphore se classe parmi les enjeux les plus importants du domaine de la traductologie, d’où la complexité de la rendre traduisible. La nature indirecte de la métaphore étant problématique, celle-ci exige une étude approfondie, surtout vis-à-vis le transfert de la culture d’une langue à une autre. Un survol de la littérature académique traitant des théories et des approches différentes en traductologie révèle une façon de rendre possible la traduction de la métaphore. Cette étude traite de la traduction des métaphores du perse aux sous-titres anglais. Elle indique également les approches et les stratégies appliquées à la traduction des expressions linguistiques métaphoriques telles que proposées par Newmark (1988). En se fondant sur des exemples authentiques tirés des textes sources (deux films perses bien connus) et leurs traductions anglaises, cette étude démontre la façon dont certains traducteurs iraniens traduisent des expressions métaphoriques en se servant d’une des sept stratégies proposées par Newmark. Elle explique également comment certains éléments (par ex. les difficultés de la traduction) ont été influents sur leurs conclusions, tout en soutenant l’hypothèse que la reproduction d’une même image d’une langue source dans une langue cible ainsi que l’effacement sont respectivement la plus fréquente et la moins fréquente des stratégies employées par les sous-titreurs iraniens.


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The characteristics of the monsoon boundary layer are imperative to understand in the perception of the tropical regions. The southwest monsoon is associated with a strong wind in the lower troposphere near 1.5 km and is referred to as Low Level Jet stream (LLJ). The boundary layer structure associated with the LLJ during monsoon can be studied using L-band Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radar. This L-band wind profiler-commonly referred as lower atmospheric wind profiler (LAWP), was installed at NARL, Gadanki. Zonal, meridional and vertical wind components are used to understand the diurnal variation of the wind in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) and associated features. From the analysis during non rainy days of the southwest monsoon, it is found that the LLJ has maximum strength during the early morning hours at lower level and the height increases as day progresses. The vertical wind shows the transfer of momentum from the LLJ towards the surface, indicating the sinking motion during the daytime. Vertical gradient of the wind shear shows the intensity of clear air turbulence is moderate and no severe clear air turbulence is noticed during the monsoon period


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Systeme von parallel arbeitenden und miteinander kommunizierenden Restart-Automaten (engl.: systems of parallel communicating restarting automata; abgekürzt PCRA-Systeme) vorgestellt und untersucht. Dabei werden zwei bekannte Konzepte aus den Bereichen Formale Sprachen und Automatentheorie miteinander vescrknüpft: das Modell der Restart-Automaten und die sogenannten PC-Systeme (systems of parallel communicating components). Ein PCRA-System besteht aus endlich vielen Restart-Automaten, welche einerseits parallel und unabhängig voneinander lokale Berechnungen durchführen und andererseits miteinander kommunizieren dürfen. Die Kommunikation erfolgt dabei durch ein festgelegtes Kommunikationsprotokoll, das mithilfe von speziellen Kommunikationszuständen realisiert wird. Ein wesentliches Merkmal hinsichtlich der Kommunikationsstruktur in Systemen von miteinander kooperierenden Komponenten ist, ob die Kommunikation zentralisiert oder nichtzentralisiert erfolgt. Während in einer nichtzentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur jede Komponente mit jeder anderen Komponente kommunizieren darf, findet jegliche Kommunikation innerhalb einer zentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur ausschließlich mit einer ausgewählten Master-Komponente statt. Eines der wichtigsten Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass zentralisierte Systeme und nichtzentralisierte Systeme die gleiche Berechnungsstärke besitzen (das ist im Allgemeinen bei PC-Systemen nicht so). Darüber hinaus bewirkt auch die Verwendung von Multicast- oder Broadcast-Kommunikationsansätzen neben Punkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikationen keine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke. Desweiteren wird die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen untersucht und mit der von PC-Systemen von endlichen Automaten und mit der von Mehrkopfautomaten verglichen. PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten besitzen bekanntermaßen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke wie Einwegmehrkopfautomaten und bilden eine untere Schranke für die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen mit Einwegkomponenten. Tatsächlich sind PCRA-Systeme auch dann stärker als PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten, wenn die Komponenten für sich genommen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke besitzen, also die regulären Sprachen charakterisieren. Für PCRA-Systeme mit Zweiwegekomponenten werden als untere Schranke die Sprachklassen der Zweiwegemehrkopfautomaten im deterministischen und im nichtdeterministischen Fall gezeigt, welche wiederum den bekannten Komplexitätsklassen L (deterministisch logarithmischer Platz) und NL (nichtdeterministisch logarithmischer Platz) entsprechen. Als obere Schranke wird die Klasse der kontextsensitiven Sprachen gezeigt. Außerdem werden Erweiterungen von Restart-Automaten betrachtet (nonforgetting-Eigenschaft, shrinking-Eigenschaft), welche bei einzelnen Komponenten eine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke bewirken, in Systemen jedoch deren Stärke nicht erhöhen. Die von PCRA-Systemen charakterisierten Sprachklassen sind unter diversen Sprachoperationen abgeschlossen und einige Sprachklassen sind sogar abstrakte Sprachfamilien (sogenannte AFL's). Abschließend werden für PCRA-Systeme spezifische Probleme auf ihre Entscheidbarkeit hin untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass Leerheit, Universalität, Inklusion, Gleichheit und Endlichkeit bereits für Systeme mit zwei Restart-Automaten des schwächsten Typs nicht semientscheidbar sind. Für das Wortproblem wird gezeigt, dass es im deterministischen Fall in quadratischer Zeit und im nichtdeterministischen Fall in exponentieller Zeit entscheidbar ist.


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El presente trabajo investigativo constituye una herramienta de consulta para las personas y organizaciones interesadas en conocer el panorama actual de la situación comercial entre China y Colombia en busca de toma de decisiones acertadas en materia de negocios entre ambas naciones. En él se analizan en detalle cada una de las veintidós provincias de la República Popular China; en cuanto a panorama general; logística aérea, terrestre y marítima; partidas arancelarias y Top 10 de los productos importados por cada una de ellas desde Colombia. Este trabajo está enfocado en el estudio del comercio desde Colombia hacia China, actualizado al año 2012 y busca enseñar los productos líderes de importación, al igual que aquellos productos potenciales; de acuerdo a la información de su valor en dólares, su porcentaje de participación en el total importado y su comportamiento histórico en los últimos tres años. Así mismo se analizan los principales países proveedores de cada provincia y las diferentes partidas arancelarias a profundidad. Finalmente, se espera que el presente trabajo abra las puertas a un nuevo panorama acerca de oportunidades de negocio y alternativas comerciales a productos colombianos en China.


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Este es un estudio sobre la estrategia de guerra estadounidense en Medio Oriente basada en el uso sistemático de drones durante el periodo comprendido entre 2009 y 2013. Se busca explicar de qué manera puede considerarse el uso de este tipo de armamento como una práctica basada en la proyección de poder sin mayor vulnerabilidad. Los casos de Pakistán y Yemen son abordados, ya que evidencian las características de las operaciones selectivas por las que ha abogado el Presidente Obama. El estudio se inscribe dentro del realismo ofensivo, haciendo también referencia a sus limitaciones explicativas. Empero, se afirma que las dinámicas y consecuencias de la utilización de drones son intrínsecas a la necesidad estadounidense de combatir actores no estatales mediante prácticas que garanticen su seguridad y pretensiones hegemónicas a pesar de las implicaciones políticas , legales y sociales en las que puede incurrir.