780 resultados para Enfermagem em saúde comunitária


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Trata dos resultados obtidos pela Coordenação Norte do Projeto QUALlS II Fundação Zerbini, mediante ações de saúde implementadas junto às famílias portadoras de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes melito. Aborda o comportamento das equipes de saúde da família com base na Teoria de Liderança Transformacional e aponta possível relação entre este e as mudanças obtidas no cotidiano das famílias estudadas


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Incorporar os diversos saberes locais nas políticas públicas é uma forma não apenas de garantir sua apropriação pela sociedade, mas também de promover cidadania com base na garantia de eqüidade e da diferença. Este trabalho busca analisar como os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde do Programa Saúde da Família realizam uma ponte entre os saberes locais, dos espaços e cotidianos vividos, e as políticas públicas de saúde. O trabalho retoma, primeiramente, conceitos como nova cidadania, direito à eqüidade e à diferença, espaço, território e saberes locais. Em seguida são analisadas as experiências de Sobral-CE e Londrina-PR a partir do acompanhamento do trabalho de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde nestas localidades. O objetivo é traçar algumas conclusões sobre a importância de se envolver pessoas da comunidade para que as políticas públicas promovam cidadania, acesso a serviços, direito à igualdade e à diferença e garantam melhores resultados.


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Assumindo que uma atuação centrada na Pessoa é considerada imprescindível para um bom desempenho do médico de família e comunidade, a pesquisa apresentada nesta dissertação foi realizada objetivando identificar se estão presentes na prática os componentes que caracterizam inequivocamente o Método de Abordagem Clinica Centrada na Pessoa. O corpo da pesquisa foi constituído por médicos de família e comunidade e pessoas atendidas por eles em três das Unidades da Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (SSC–GHC), considerado o principal e mais qualificado centro de assistência e formação em atenção primária do Brasil, o que constitui um recorte do conjunto de serviços de atenção primária do Brasil. A pesquisa realizada é um estudo de caso, sendo os dados coletados a partir de falas de médicos de família e falas de pessoas atendidas por estes médicos, cujos depoimentos foram registrados em fitas magnetizadas de áudio e posteriormente transcritos. A seqüência do trabalho deu-se com a análise a partir de referencial teórico composto por diversos autores, utilizando-se como metodologia o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. No primeiro momento são focadas, separadamente, as falas de médicos de família e comunidade e pessoas atendidas. E num segundo momento, de conclusão, identificam-se aspectos comuns ou contraditórios nestes discursos, e ressaltam-se aqueles que podem contribuir na reflexão sobre a formação médica, do trabalho em equipe e especialmente na especialização em Medicina de Família e Comunidade.


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Trata-se de um caso para ensino descritivo sobre o voluntariado em organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos na área da saúde. Identificado como um dos vértices da rede de governança colaborativa dos prestadores de serviço em saúde pública. No contexto do caso são apresentados conceitos de liderança voluntária e tomada de decisão em uma organização da sociedade civil sem fins Lucrativos na área da saúde. Análise de atores de governança colaborativa como complemento de qualidade na prestação de serviços para saúde pública é o foco do caso de ensino apresentado. O caso traz como pontos para reflexão e debate sobre a força motriz e o elemento de sustentação da rede colaborativa da saúde pública e a importância deste arranjo de relação Sociedade-Estado. O caso é indicado para estudantes de administração pública, políticas públicas, governança colaborativa, gestão social e áreas e afins.


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Objetivou-se caracterizar os saberes de enfermeiros sobre o Processo de Enfermagem. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de natureza exploratório-descritivo, efetivado nos meses de agosto de 2010 a junho de 2011 com 12 enfermeiros atuantes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte-Ceará. Aplicou-se uma entrevista através de um roteiro semiestruturado após a assinatura do termo de anuência pelos participantes. Resultados: Os enfermeiros percebem o Processo de Enfermagem como uma ferramenta tecnológica que permite a oferta de uma assistência de enfermagem sistemática, racional e planejada, tendo em vista o reconhecimento e atendimento das necessidades humanas básicas do ser cuidado. Conclusão: Portanto, os enfermeiros detêm uma convicção clara acerca da significação do Processo de Enfermagem e sua capacidade de satisfazer as demandas de cuidado do indivíduo, família e comunidade


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This is a historically focused study with a qualitative approach whose main purpose is to investigate the trajectory of Nursing at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL) and how it associates with the teaching of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Motivation for carrying out this study is due, firstly, to a liking for history and, secondly, to the nonexistence of records on Nursing in one of the institutions with the most teaching tradition in the area of health and nursing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The objectives of the study were to analyze the historical development of Nursing at the HUOL and its association with the teaching of Nursing at the UFRN; describe the historical development of the Hospital referred to; and to establish a relationship between the development of nursing at the HUOL and the teaching of Nursing at the UFRN. Empirical investigation was carried out based on the study of historical documents such as reports, minutes, letters, by-laws, decrees and administrative directives, as well as photographs and interviews with people who lived through this history or who kept vivid memories of it. From this research it can be gathered that Nursing at the HUOL was at first closely identified with the empirical stage of the profession. Its development is a result of the institutionalization of teaching whose starting point is an authorization for running the Nursing Aid School of Natal in 1955. Since then, gradually, teaching has enabled those who practiced nursing at that institution to become professionals through a partnership between the Nursing Aid School and the Nursing Department at the Hospital whose administration had been in charge of a professor for many years. Upon the creation of the undergraduate program in Nursing in 1973, nursing at the HUOL underwent a new transformation process with new nurses being hired. Likewise, the creation of post-graduate specialization and master s degree programs in 1982 and 1996, respectively, opened the way to the growth of the academic qualifications of nurses at that institution. Therefore, it must be asserted that Nursing at the HUOL has, over the years, gone through a continuous process of qualification of its members and in such trajectory the teaching of Nursing that is carried out at different levels at the UFRN stands as a hallmark


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To understand the feelings of nursing professionals when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit is the purpose of this investigation. Motivation was triggered by the countless hardships we go through everyday, as professionals, and the scarcity of publications in this specific area of knowledge. The aim is to describe the experience of the nursing professionals and identify their feelings when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit. As a methodological procedure, this research is based on a qualitative, phenomenology-focused approach and on the following leading question addressed to the interviewed nurses and nursing technicians who work at the unit: How do you feel when you are faced with the death of a newborn baby in the ICU at which you work? Answers to this question on such phenomenon revealed a diversity of feelings, such as, loss, guilt, failure, negation, compassion, and sorrow, coupled with anguish, fear, and anxiety, resulting in an experience of the sensitive world of everyone. Theoretical support to this analysis was based on works by authors who discuss phenomenology, as well as authors who study the theme of death. An understanding of the phenomenon thus studied enables us to affirm that the death of a newborn baby is, for the nursing professional who takes care of the baby in the space of the ICU, an experience of conflicting, sometimes painful feelings, on account of their complexity. This is true not only in respect of their feelings for the baby, but for the family as well, especially the parents


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It is in the work environment that occurs the relations of production, economy, personal development and professional growth. Thus, this environment characterizes for being a propitious way to the intellectual development diligent them. In this context, this study it had as objective to analyze the possibilities and challenges of the education to consist integrant part of the process of work of the nursing, in an education hospital. One is about a research of analytical matrix and qualitative boarding, that had as collaborating fifteen professionals of the nursing, middle- and upper-level, of a hospital of education in Natal/RN. It followed the metodológicos estimated ones of the thematic verbal history, which looks for to promote the agreement or clarification of determined situations, catching experiences of made use people to say on aspects of its life, keeping a commitment with the social context. The information then had been gotten by means of a research instrument that made possible the accomplishment of interviews, which had been marked anticipatedly and counted on the assent of that in they had participated. The interviews had been recorded in proper equipment, so that you say them of the collaborators transcribing and they were analyzed with the support of pertinent literature. The content of you say them was classified in empirical categories, as the nuclei of felt that they presented. With the analysis of the data, one evidenced that the education in the process of work of the nursing is something possible to occur, but that diverse they are the challenges that the same one has that to face to promote this phenomenon in its daily one of work. The collaborators had affirmed that the worker is necessary to remain itself permanently in study so that, thus, it grows professionally and improves its assistance. They had still affirmed that she is possible to work and to study, but that this requires determination of who intends such intention. E also guarantees that the diverse forms of education directed toward the care in nursing can have resolution, since that has collective compromising of the institution. This, as education hospital, recognizes to be necessary to possess one politics of education for its workers and is if considering implementation the same one through a structuralized program already. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of changes in the current scene where if they find the workers of nursing of the institution in study. These changes can be reached through one politics of investment in the workers, allowing, beyond other benefits, the reach of new knowledge that take them to a significant learning in favor of the population, reflecting in the quality of the given assistance


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The present study analyzes the conceptions and the nursing workers' practices about the relationship between vaccination and biosecurity in a public hospital of reference in communicable diseases in Natal/RN. It is treated, therefore, of a exploratory/descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach. They were constituted as collaborators of the research twenty-two nursing professionals, being five nurses, three auxiliary and fourteen technicians in nursing. The information were obtained through the interview technique with semi-structured route. In the quantitative approach, the information were analyzed by statistics and presented in form of tables and graphs to characterize the workers and the aspects related to the vaccination situation of the same ones; and in the qualitative approach, we used the method of content analysis. The analysis was accomplished starting from the categories empiric coming from the process of analysis of the field material, measure through inferences and interpretations based on the authors studied in the theoretical referential of the research. Starting from the analysis of the results, we verified that the nursing interviewees' workers establish in a clear way and it aims at, in your speeches, a direct relationship between vaccination and biosecurity besides attributing a meaning of great importance with relationship to the use of the vaccines in your professional lives in what refers to the control and decrease of the risks, above all the biological ones, to the which are exposed in the daily exercise of your functions. However, when analyzing those workers' vaccination situation, we verified that the vaccination covering still meets on this side of the expected for the vaccines of occupational interest, with prominence just for the vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus and to against hepatitis B, that presented coverings considered very good and above the national average. Considering that the institution, although has a service of health occupational active and offer some vaccines of occupational interest, it still presents a work of little mobilization in what refers to the consciousness and the workers' permanent education with relationship to the need and importance of the occupational vaccination, not only for your workers' protection, as well as measure in the infection control and, therefore, as safety for your patients/clients. We understood that that work type didn't still become politics guided by ministries of Health or of the Labor, however, it falls to the institutions that work for the interest of the workers' health to struggle for all and any action and mobilization that have as objective protects the workers of the risks in your work atmosphere


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The present study had the objective to identify to the Social Representations of the professionals of medicine and nursing superior level of the Program Health of the Family concerning the assistance for the gestation. The research was qualitative under the optics of the Theory of the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, of the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric and of the Analysis of Content of Laurence Bardin. We worked with the following instruments for the collection of data: Questionnaires, with social-demographic data; Free association of Words, with the inductive terms Pregnancy, Assistance for Gestation and Care; Production of mental image and half-structuralized Interview, with the following question: What does the assistance for the gestation represent for you? . We interviewed all the professionals of nursing and medicine of the Program Health of the Family in the city of Santa Cruz /RN (ten for each profession) in the period of February and March of 2007. From the analysis of the social-demographics data, we respectively identified the following percentages for nursing and medicine: the feminine sex for nursing predominated (90%); the age between 24 and 33 (70 and 60%); the religion catholic (80 and 50%) and 50% of the two groups has up to two years of formation and work in the score of the research. The analysis of the others instruments resulted in two categories: Institutionalized vision and Vision of the Common-sense. In the free association of words, the category institutionalized vision is configured as Central Nucleus and of the common sense one as nucleus Peripheral, demonstrating that the Social Representations of the assistance for the gestation attendance are in the universes consensual. In the mental images, we identified to this same construction. In the content of the interviews, the institutionalized vision is permeated by the responsibility of making and the availability of having - assistance for the gestation is recommended by the Health department and necessary genders - while the vision of the common-sense can be represented by the category sort, whose role of professionals of the assistance for the gestation is to strengthen the responsibility for the woman of a maternity socially constructed. In short, the analyzed speeches reflect that, to the knowledge acquired in the academy, are incorporated in the knowledge of the daily professional, and conducted by popular myths. Medicine and nursing recognize the importance of the attendance in such a way for the chance to educate the women for the maternity as for the possibility to prevent complications, but in its speeches they had excluded from this process the masculine figure. We conclude that the meaning of the inductive term take care, part of the common-sense and is incorporated the institutionalized speech to humanize the assistance. However, the pregnancy ceases from being seen in its natural biological direction and starts to be analyzed as a moment of fragility and predisposition the illnesses. Finally, the social nursing and the central nucleus representations for the assistance in gestation for medicine is anchored in the speeches institutionalized and of the common-sense, reflecting the concern in establishing a humanized assistance with quality


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The objective of this exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative approach was to analyze the perception of the nursing team and the pregnant women hospitalized with pre-eclampsia regarding the interactive process occurring in the care relationship. Data were collected by semi-structured interview with twenty nursing professionals that work in the high-risk ward and ten pregnant women with the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. The discourses were analyzed using the content analysis method, in the modality of thematic identification. Three categories were identified that describe the perception of the interaction by the nursing professionals: recognizing the needs of the hospitalized pregnant woman, understanding the woman with pre-eclampsia, and presenting difficulties in the interactive process. With regards to the pregnant women, four categories emerged: recognizing the clinical care, feeling the lack of information, experiencing feelings during the hospitalization, and envisioning the interaction process. The meaning of the discourses was analyzed according to the principles of symbolic interactionism. The results indicate that both, the nursing professionals and the pregnant women, have a limited perception of their interaction, suggesting a need for further reflection about this reality in the health service units and in the nursing education environment


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This study is an analysis of opportunities and challenges of health assistance migration from hospitals to home care from the approach of the Domiciliary Internment Program (PID) in Natal / RN. The research aims to identify the ways that the multidisciplinary team act and know the stories of these professionals about the situation experienced in the transition between the instituting and instituted on home care modalities. PID has as a prior focus the elderly person in stable medical conditions, not to replace the hospital care, but to offer a therapeutic support turned to the exercise of their autonomy and coexistence with the situation of diseases. The home in their internal coexistence rules preserves own customs. As the hospital care migrates to the home care, it happens in the confrontation and rationality negotiation and becomes something new, that is going to be directed by an instituting dimension. In the view of New History, that suggests an interdisciplinary approach and interprets the problems on its time and from the technique of thematic oral history, it can be seen that working in interdisciplinary team is able to incorporate new values in the way of healthcare assistance, it longs for maintaining the maximum functional capacity of patients, it presents results as the prevention of diseases, costs reduction in connection with the Hospital Service, empowers and expands the possibilities for the patient recovery by aligning with the daily life and the opportunity of the patient being assisted by a multiprofessional team, interacting on the concrete reality. Therefore, PID is in line with the contemporary demands and as an instrument to be considered in the review of a wider concept of the health-disease process


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Descriptive and quantitative study, with the objective of review the positive and negative aspects experienced by professionals working in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) of Ceará-Mirim town, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The population included 190 healthcare professionals that integrate the family healthcare staff and the data-collection occurred in a meeting at their workplace, with the implementation of a questionnaire. Results were organized in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, with descriptive statistical analysis in tables, graphs and tables through frequencies, averages values and standard deviations. There is a predominance of females (n = 137) and higher rates in almost all professions, and higher average age (38.9%, SD = 7.8) and income wage (average = 10) in the medical category. Regarding the more developed activities, for physicians and nurses are the healthcare actions in the Unit, the oral hygiene for dentists, the immunization for auxiliary nurses (Aux-N), educational meeting for the dental office assistants (ACD), and home visitations to community-based health workers (ACS). About the easiness of work, 93.2% said to be presence of professionals with a personal profile in public healthcare; about the difficulties, 86.8% of professionals cited the unavailability of material, followed by salary range reported by nurses (80.9% ), dentists (80.0%), physicians (73.3%), ACS (83.1%), and Aux-N (90.5%). In relation to working conditions, the unavailability of materials was the most mentioned, with the exception of dentists who reported improvement in wages. We still identify among these difficulties: the drugs availability regarded as first grade obstacle by ACS and physicians, the type of contracts in second grade cited by the ACD and dentists and, in third grade, the salary range cited by dentists and auxiliary nurses. It is concluded that the difficulties and easiness faced by ESF professionals are divergent among themselves. For physicians and nurses, whose healthcare actions become directed to specific groups, the individual and the family, their difficulties relate to the unavailability of materials. For dentists, whose actions more quoted were topical application of fluoride and supervised toothbrush, their greatest difficulty is the salary range. As to the Aux-N, ACD and ACS, for all of them the unavailability of materials has hindered the implementation of their activities in ESF


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The pain is a sensuous and emotional experience unpleasant associated or related to real injury or potencial of the tissues. It is considered an individual and subjective experience generally has been described in the literature about in the neonatal stage a lot. This study has descriptive and exploratory character with a qualitative approach. The study has with objectives to analyze the performance of the nursing technicians working with newborns admitted in the ITUN, seeking to describe the perception of the nursing technicians about the pain, identify the parameters used for the detection and evaluation of pain in them, trying to describe the ons of this team about the pain in the newborns in ITUN. The subjects are nine nursing technicians of the ITU of the Parenting School Januário Cicco in Natal-RN, engaged in direct assistance to newborns in the ITU, on the turn of the morning, which was prepared to participate in the search. The collection of the data was conducted through a structured interview with tree questions; through a non-participatory observation with a structured roadmap and were used to record and pass on call was also as a way of obtaining data. The start of the collection made after the assent of the Ethics Committee / UFRN in November, 2007. The speakings have been transcribed and data read extensively to obtain categories.The analysis of the content made in terms of Bardin. Emerged three main categories of significance: Perceptioning of pain in newborns; Caring for the newborns with pain; Registering the pain in the newborns. A nursing technicians identifies the pain in the newborns, for the most part, so empirical, using signs of behavioral or physiological changes in isolation, giving little emphasis to the environment and to respect that the newborns is inserted. It was found that the attitudes cited by subjects of the search before the newborns with pain, are for the most part non-pharmacological actions such as sucking nutrient not, a proper positioning and measures of comfort, however pharmacological actions have also been reported.These is also the absence of records of nursing records in the report of pain and actions to minimize them and, in records and for the passage of call. With this study we understand the role of the nursing technicians, and seek to contribute to subsidies for the practice of professionals involved in caring for this age group, and also in the search for a humane assistance to the newborns