941 resultados para Elite Swimmers


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This study provides an in depth insight into the current views and opinions of elite level rugby union players regarding the use of performance analysis as a tool for improving their own playing performance and in highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of upcoming opponents. A total of seventy-three elite level rugby union players from two clubs in Great Britain completed a semi-structured questionnaire. Additionally, four players completed a semi-structured interview and following inductive content analysis, four key themes emerged: (1) the use of video for player development, (2) preparing for a match, (3) using video for player reflection in addition to other psychological tools and (4) players suggestions for improvements to the clubs current performance analysis programme. The main finding of the study concludes that players viewed performance analysis as a beneficial and useful tool to support their development and preparation. As a result the study provides an insight into the use of performance analysis within professional rugby union, enabling rugby coaches and practitioners to gain an understanding and appreciation of the players views towards the clubs current provision. Additionally, the findings help build and strengthen the on-going knowledge coaches, analysts and researchers currently have regarding how players perceive performance analysis.


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O colapso da I República Portuguesa (1910-1926) teve lugar durante a vaga de crises dos regimes democráticos europeus do pós-Primeira Guerra Mundial e foi provocado por uma coligação heterogénea de militares e civis conservadores, e não por um movimento fascista (Pinto 2002). Predominantemente republicanos de direita, os generais que dominaram a ditadura militar criada após o golpe de 1926 procuraram o apoio de elementos conservadores e das elites católicas para a criação dos primeiros governos ditatoriais. Não obstante, os militares mantiveram o controlo da maioria das pastas ministeriais e dos cargos da administração local até 1932. Sucessivas crises políticas e financeiras forçaram-nos a negociar com as elites civis vários pactos para a insti tucionalização de um novo regime.


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The aim of this article is to examine the composition and patterns of recruitment of the ministries’directors-general, as well as to assess the interconnections between bureaucracy and politics, from the beginnings of Regeneração (1851) until the breakdown of Monarchy (1910). The post of director-general was considered one of “political trust”, that might be filled by individuals from outside the civil service, and the selection and de-selection of officeholders depended exclusively on the ministers’ will. Nonetheless, most directors-general were experienced bureaucrats, boasting a steady career as civil servants, and remained in office for long terms, regardless of ministerial discontinuities. In other words, High Administration became relatively immune to party-driven politics. Due to their professional background and lengthy tenure, directors-general were usually highly skilled specialists, combining technical expertise and practical knowledge of the wheels of state bureaucracy. Hence, they were often influential actors in policy-making, playing an active (and sometimes decisive) part behind the scenes, in both designing and implementing government policies. As regards their social profile, directors-general formed a cohesive and homogeneous elite group: being predominantly drawn from urban middle class milieus, highly educated, and appointed to office in their forties.


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O propósito do presente trabalho é analisar o acesso da mulher no parlamento moçambicano, e tentar explicar a razão do bom desempenho em atingir um alto número de deputadas e qual é o grau da sua participação na política. Nos últimos vinte anos, em consequência da democracia que se fez sentir em todos os cantos do mundo, tem-se assistido ao alargamento do espaço para uma maior participação política dos cidadãos nos processos de tomada de decisão em todos os níveis. Igualmente, assistiu-se a integração de novas perspectivas de participação política do cidadão, dentro as quais, a perspectiva orientada para factores de género, como uma maneira de entender a relação e interacção entre homens e mulheres na esfera política. Os diferentes processos de transição política que marcaram o continente africano nos finais dos anos 80 e início dos anos 90, possibilitaram a abertura para uma maior participação do cidadão nos processos políticos, económicos, sociais, porém, alguns estudos, indicam que tal abertura ainda não está a produzir mudanças no que concerne à eliminação das desigualdades entre homens e mulheres na participação política. Os homens ainda continuam a ocupar lugares de destaque nos centros de tomada de decisão em relação às mulheres, o que nos permite concluir que ainda existem discrepâncias nas relações entre homens e mulheres, bem como no espaço de tomada de decisão. O número crescente de mulheres a cargos de direcção e chefia, bem como, o seu envolvimento e participação na tomada de decisões a vários níveis, fazem parte dos resultados das acções empreendidas pelo governo e pela sociedade civil para o avanço da mulher e equilíbrio das relações de género. O que permite perceber o reconhecimento da importância de envolver as mulheres nos processos de tomada de decisão a todos os níveis. VI Moçambique tem uma alta percentagem de mulheres parlamentares (39,2%), cenário que de acordo com Agência Sueca de Desenvolvimento Internacional (ASDI) 2005, um dos motivos deve-se ao sistema de quotas adoptado pelo partido FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) que prevê que a mulher deve perfazer um terço das candidaturas. Factor este que em 2005, fez com que Moçambique atingisse 30% nos órgãos de decisão conforme o recomendado pela Commonwealth. O acesso ao poder e a participação da mulher no parlamento moçambicano contribui para trazer mudanças nas relações de género, assim como na definição de políticas e estratégias que visam uma maior emancipação da mulher. No entanto, este reconhecimento não se expressa ainda num real acesso e exercício político por parte das mulheres, pois estas ainda enfrentam uma série de barreiras a nível familiar, comunitário e institucional para aceder ao espaço político. Mesmo nos cenários em que elas acedem ao espaço político não fazem o uso devido de modo a influenciar os processos e agendas políticas para a necessidade de incorporar aspectos de género, ou orientados para o esforço das capacidades de participação das mulheres. A participação da mulher no parlamento não pode ser medida apenas em termos do número de mulheres que fazem parte do parlamento, esses números, não podem ser tomados como sinónimo de melhoria generalizada dos direitos e oportunidades das mulheres.


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During the 1980s and 1990s, Canadian political authority orientations underwent a significant transformation. Canadians are no longer deferential towards their political elites. Instead, they are autonomous, challenging, and increasingly participatory, and this continuing trend has brought the procedural legitimacy of the Canadian political process into question. The following study of elite-mass relations within Canadian democracy attempts to provide insight into the meaning of this change and how it should be addressed. An attitudinalbehavioural analysis ofthe electorate presents evidence that popular cynicism and alienation is rooted more deeply in a dissatisfaction with political institutions and traditions than with politicians. A structural analysis of the elected political elite reveals the failure of consociational traditions to provide effective representation as well as the minimal impact which the aforementioned orientation shift has had upon this elite. An event-decisional analysis, or case study, ofelite-mass relations in the arena of constitutional politics augments these complementary profiles and illustrates how the transformed electorate has significantly restricted the elected political elite's role in constitutional reform. The study concludes that the lack ofresponsiveness, representativeness, and inclusiveness ofCanada's elected political elite, political institutions, and political traditions has substantially eroded the procedural legitimacy of Canadian democracy during the 1980s and 1990s. Remedying these three deficiencies in the political system, which are the objects of increasing public demand, may restore legitimacy, but the likelihood that such reforms will be adopted is presently uncertain in the face of formidable difficulties and obstacles.


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The purpose of this study was to compare bone speed of sound (SOS) measured by quantitative ultrasound, circulating levels of IGF- 1 and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pre- (Pr) and post-menarcheal (Po) synchronized swimmers (SS) and controls (NS). Seventy participants were recruited: 8 PrSS, 22 PoSS, 20 PrNS, and 20 PoNS. Anthropometric measures of height, weight, skeletal maturity and percent body fat were taken, and dietary intake evaluated using 24-hour recall. Bone SOS was measured at the distal radius and mid-tibia and blood samples analyzed for IGF-1, osteocalcin, NTx, and 25-OH vitamin D. Results demonstrated maturational effects on bone SOS, IGF-1 and bone turnover (p<0.05), with no differences observed between SS and NS. Main effects were observed for a reduced caloric intake in SS compared to NS (p<0.05). Therefore, SS does not offer additive affects on bone strength but imparts no adverse affects to skeletal health in these athletes.


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A double-blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over design was used to investigate sodium citrate dihydrate (Na-CIT) supplementation improve 200m swimming performance. Ten well-trained, male swimmers (14.9 ± 0.4y; 63.5 ± 4kg) performed four 200m time trials: acute (ACU) supplementation (0.5g/kg), acute placebo (PLC-A), chronic (CHR) (0.1g/kg for 3 days and 0.3g/kg on the 4th day pre-trial), and chronic placebo (PLC-C). Na-CIT was administered 120min pre-trial in solution with 500mL of flavored water; placebo was flavored water. Blood lactate, base excess (BE), bicarbonate, pH, and PCO2 were analyzed at basal, 100min post-ingestion, and 3min post-trial via finger prick. Time, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion were not different between trials. BE and bicarbonate were significantly higher for the ACU and CHR trials compared to placebo. “Responders” improved by 1.03% (P=0.043) and attained significantly higher post-trial lactate concentrations in the ACU versus PLC-A trials and compared to non-responders in the ACU and CHR trials.


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The purpose of this study was to identify elite triathlon coaches’ beliefs and practices as they pertain to motivating world-class triathletes. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four elite triathlon coaches operating out of three different training groups. Furthermore, the athletes within these groups completed questionnaires assessing their motivational profiles, basic psychological needs, and perceived autonomy support. The interviews were analyzed deductively according to the Motivational Model of the Coach-Athlete Relationship (Mageau & Vallerland, 2003). The data revealed that coaches predominantly used an autonomy-supportive coaching style while also providing structure and involvement. The coaches emphasized an individualized approach for each athlete to best meet their needs. Athletes’ responses to the questionnaires provide support for the coaches’ philosophies and perceived behaviours. The findings of this study provide valuable direction for elite and developing coaches looking to enhance their communication skills in order to optimize athlete needs and motivation.


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El neurofeedback es una técnica no invasiva en la que se pretende corregir, mediante condicionamiento operante, ondas cerebrales que se encuentren alteradas en el electroencefalograma. Desde 1967, se han conducido numerosas investigaciones relacionadas con los efectos de la técnica en el tratamiento de alteraciones psicológicas. Sin embargo, a la fecha no existen revisiones sistemáticas que reúnan los temas que serán aquí tratados. El aporte de este trabajo es la revisión de 56 artículos, publicados entre los años 1995 y 2013 y la evaluación metodológica de 29 estudios incluidos en la revisión. La búsqueda fue acotada a la efectividad del neurofeedback en el tratamiento de depresión, ansiedad, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC), ira y fibromialgia. Los hallazgos demuestran que el neurofeedback ha tenido resultados positivos en el tratamiento de estos trastornos, sin embargo, es una técnica que aún está en desarrollo, con unas bases teóricas no muy bien establecidas y cuyos resultados necesitan de diseños metodológicamente más sólidos que ratifiquen su validez.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es implementar el sistema ELITE en laempresa EMTELSA de la ciudad de Manizales (Departamento de Caldas enColombia) para reemplazar el software de facturación que se tiene actualmente.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: El deporte de élite y sus repercusiones


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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This article examines the problems of elite capture in community driven development (CDD). Drawing on two case studies of non-governmental organisation (NGO) intervention in rural Mozambique, the authors consider two important variables – 1) the diverse and complex contributions of local elites to CDD in different locations, and 2) the roles that non-elites play in monitoring and controlling leader activities – to argue that donors should be cautious about automatically assuming the prevalence of malevolent patrimonialism and its ill-effects in their projects. This is because the ‘checks and balances’ on elite behaviour that exist within locally-defined and historically-rooted forms of community-based governance are likely to be more effective than those introduced by the external intervener.