925 resultados para Early autism intervention


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La pratique infirmière en contexte de parentalité précoce et de vulnérabilité sociale auprès de mères âgées de moins de 20 ans et leurs bébés comporte des défis pour les infirmières qui éprouvent des difficultés à établir des liens avec les jeunes pères. Leur pratique d’accompagnement est orientée principalement vers la dyade mère-enfant, tandis qu’elles se sentent peu outillées pour accompagner les jeunes pères dans leur rôle paternel. Des études récentes suggèrent de considérer le genre dans la compréhension de l’espace relationnel entre des pères et des infirmières, notamment dans des services de première ligne. Cette étude a pour but de décrire, selon une perspective sensible au genre, les représentations identitaires qui configurent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le cadre des Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE). Partant d’une recherche évaluative multicentrique du Programme de soutien aux jeunes parents (PSJP) des SIPPE, cette recherche qualitative interprétative présente une analyse secondaire de 34 entretiens semi-dirigés complétés auprès de jeunes pères et d’infirmières. L’analyse croisée du discours des participants et la modélisation systémique ont permis de représenter des conceptions identitaires et des dynamiques contextuelles qui composent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le PSJP/SIPPE. Cette relation prend principalement forme autour de l’échange d’informations axées sur les soins de l’enfant. De plus, elle est marquée par des représentations différenciées de l’identité parentale du jeune père (père présent et soignant vs père peu compétent), de son engagement dans les responsabilités afférentes à son rôle et par une dynamique de vigie-surveillance exercée par les infirmières. Cette relation peut se transformer à travers le temps, où le père conçu responsable et protecteur devient un allié pour l’infirmière, tout en demeurant sous surveillance. Parmi les contributions de cette recherche, nous signalons l’importance du soutien émotionnel en plus du soutien informationnel pour les pères qu’il importe de considérer à part entière dans l’accompagnement auprès de familles vivant en situation de vulnérabilité sociale. Enfin, cette recherche souligne la pertinence d’une perspective sensible au genre pour concevoir l’espace relationnel du soin et développer la pratique infirmière d’accompagnement.


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La pratique infirmière en contexte de parentalité précoce et de vulnérabilité sociale auprès de mères âgées de moins de 20 ans et leurs bébés comporte des défis pour les infirmières qui éprouvent des difficultés à établir des liens avec les jeunes pères. Leur pratique d’accompagnement est orientée principalement vers la dyade mère-enfant, tandis qu’elles se sentent peu outillées pour accompagner les jeunes pères dans leur rôle paternel. Des études récentes suggèrent de considérer le genre dans la compréhension de l’espace relationnel entre des pères et des infirmières, notamment dans des services de première ligne. Cette étude a pour but de décrire, selon une perspective sensible au genre, les représentations identitaires qui configurent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le cadre des Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE). Partant d’une recherche évaluative multicentrique du Programme de soutien aux jeunes parents (PSJP) des SIPPE, cette recherche qualitative interprétative présente une analyse secondaire de 34 entretiens semi-dirigés complétés auprès de jeunes pères et d’infirmières. L’analyse croisée du discours des participants et la modélisation systémique ont permis de représenter des conceptions identitaires et des dynamiques contextuelles qui composent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le PSJP/SIPPE. Cette relation prend principalement forme autour de l’échange d’informations axées sur les soins de l’enfant. De plus, elle est marquée par des représentations différenciées de l’identité parentale du jeune père (père présent et soignant vs père peu compétent), de son engagement dans les responsabilités afférentes à son rôle et par une dynamique de vigie-surveillance exercée par les infirmières. Cette relation peut se transformer à travers le temps, où le père conçu responsable et protecteur devient un allié pour l’infirmière, tout en demeurant sous surveillance. Parmi les contributions de cette recherche, nous signalons l’importance du soutien émotionnel en plus du soutien informationnel pour les pères qu’il importe de considérer à part entière dans l’accompagnement auprès de familles vivant en situation de vulnérabilité sociale. Enfin, cette recherche souligne la pertinence d’une perspective sensible au genre pour concevoir l’espace relationnel du soin et développer la pratique infirmière d’accompagnement.


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El cambio hoy se reconoce como el principal reto que enfrentan las empresas. Desde diversas ciencias como la biología, la psicología y la dirección se vienen estudiando las diferentes variables que tienen relación con los procesos de ajuste y adaptación que los individuos y las organizaciones desarrollan cuando disrupciones de diverso tipo se materializan en el entorno. En las últimas décadas se ha contemplado el estudio de la resiliencia como una característica que pueden desarrollar las organizaciones. Por ello, es un tema de estudio interesante, tanto desde los individuos como desde las organizaciones. Se revisan en este artículo los conceptos de resiliencia, resiliencia individual y organizacional, así como las relaciones que surgen entre dichos conceptos para explicar el desempeño organizacional.


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Autism is a developmental disorder that is characterized by abnonnal social interactions and communications as well as repetitive and restricted activities and interests. There is evidence of a genetic component, as 5% of younger siblings are diagnosed if their older sibling has been diagnosed. Autism is generally not diagnosed until age 3 at the earliest, yet it has been shown that early intervention for children with autism can greatly increase their functioning. Because of this, it is important that symptoms of autism are identified as early as possible so that diagnosis can occur as soon as possible to allow these children the earliest intervention. This thesis was divided into two parts. The first looked at the psychometrics of two proposed measures, the Parent Observation Checklist (POC), administered monthly, and the Infant Behavior Summary Evaluation (mSE), administered bimonthly, to see if they can be used with the infant population to identify autistic symptoms in infants who are at high risk for autism or related problems because they have an older sibling with autism. Study 1 reported acceptable psychometric properties of both the POC and IBSE in terms of test-retest reliability, internal consistency, construct validity and predictive validity. These results provide preliminary evidence that parent report measures can help to detect early symptoms of ASD in infants. The POC was shown to differentiate infants who were diagnosed from a matched group that was not diagnosed by 3 years of age. The second part of this thesis involved a telephone interview of parents who reported developmental and/or behavior problems in their high-risk infants that may be early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). During the interview, a service questionnaire was administered to see what interventions (including strategies recommended by the researchers) their at risk infants and affected older siblings were receiving, how satisfied the parents were with them and how effective they felt the interventions were. 3 Study 2 also yielded promising results. Parents utilized a variety of services for at risk infants and children with ASD. The interventions included empirically validated early intervention (e.g., ABA) to non-empirically validated treatments (e.g., diet therapy). The large number of nonempirically validated treatments parents used was surprising, yet parents reported being involved and satisfied, and thought that the services were effective. Parents' perceptions of their stress levels went down slightly and feelings of competence rose when they accessed services for their infants. Overall, the results of this thesis provide new evidence that parent-report methods hold promise as early detection instruments for ASD in at-risk infants. More research is needed to further validate these instruments as well as to understand the variables related to the parents' choice of early intervention for their at risk and affected children.


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We describe TOBY Playpad, an early intervention program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). TOBY teaches the teacher - the parent - during the crucial period following diagnosis, which often coincides with no access to formal therapy. We reflect on TOBY's evolution from tabletop aid for flashcards to an iPad app covering a syllabus of 326 activities across 51 skills known to be deficient for ASD children, such imitation, joint attention and language. The design challenges unique to TOBY are the need to adapt to marked differences in each child's skills and rate of development (a trait of ASD) and teach parents unfamiliar concepts core to behavioural therapy, such as reinforcement, prompting, and fading. We report on three trials that successively decrease oversight and increase parental autonomy, and demonstrate clear evidence of learning. TOBY's uniquely intertwined Natural Environment Tasks are found to be effective for children and popular with parents. Copyright 2013 ACM.


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This thesis is the first to address the problems of early intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder through the lens of machine learning and data analytics. The key contribution is the establishment of large datasets in this domain for the first time together with a systematic data-based approach to extract knowledge relevant to Autism.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence for early intensive behavioural interventions (EIBI) by therapists as an effective treatment for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is growing. High-intensity and sustained delivery of quality EIBI is expensive. The TOBY (Therapy Outcomes by You) Playpad is an App-based platform delivering EIBI to facilitate learning for young children with ASD, while enabling parents to become co-therapists. Intervention targets include increasing joint attention, imitation and communication of children with ASD. The primary aim of the study presented in this protocol is to determine the effectiveness of the TOBY App in reducing ASD symptoms when used as a complement to conventional EIBI. The secondary aim is to examine parental attributes as a result of TOBY App use.

METHODS AND DESIGN: Children aged less than 4;3 years diagnosed with ASD and parents will be recruited into this single-blind, randomised controlled trial using a pragmatic approach. Eligible participants will be randomised to the treatment group 'TOBY therapy + therapy as usual' or, the control group 'therapy as usual' for six months. The treatment will be provided by the TOBY App and parent where a combination of learning environments such as on-iPad child only (solo), partner (with parent) and off-iPad - Natural Environment (with parent) Tasks will be implemented. Parents in the treatment group will participate in a TOBY training workshop. Treatment fidelity will be monitored via an App-based reporting system and parent diaries. The primary outcome measure is the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist. The secondary outcome measures involve diagnostics, functional and developmental assessments, including parent questionnaires at baseline (T0), three months (T1) and six months (T2).

DISCUSSION: This trial will determine the effectiveness of the TOBY App as a therapeutic complement to other early interventions children with ASD receive. The trial will also determine the feasibility of a parent delivered early intervention using the iPad as an educational platform, and assess the impact of the TOBY App on parents' self-efficacy and empowerment in an effort to reduce children's ASD symptoms. The outcomes of this trial may have EIBI services implications for newly diagnosed children with ASD and parents.


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We demonstrate an open multimedia-based system for delivering early intervention therapy for autism. Using exible multi-touch interfaces together with principled ways to access rich content and tasks, we show how a syllabus can be translated into stimulus sets for early intervention. Media stimuli are able to be presented agnostic to language and media modality due to a semantic network of concepts and relations that are fundamental to language and cognitive development, which enable stimulus complexity to be adjusted to child performance. Being open, the system is able to assemble enough media stimuli to avoid children over-learning, and is able to be customised to a specific child which aids with engagement. Computer-based delivery enables automation of session logging and reporting, a fundamental and time-consuming part of therapy.


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This article builds on the argument of a link between behaviours observed in persons with autism spectrum disorders and persons with anorexia nervosa. In describing these behaviours, a link is made between deficits in social cognition, lack of flexible and creative thinking, theory of mind, and deficits in early pretend play ability. Early pretend play ability is a strong avenue to the development and strengthening of social cognition, problem solving, language, logical sequential thought, and understanding social situations. Currently, there is no literature on the pretend play ability of persons who develop anorexia nervosa. This article argues for research into this area which may potentially contribute to developments in new intervention strategies for these persons.


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Group-based social skills training (SST), is a common treatment for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - a condition characterised by social impairments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an 8-week SST intervention with a play component (unstructured versus semi-structured) for children with ASD. Forty-five children aged 8 to 12 years participated in the study. Data were collected from a parent, teacher and the child at pre-test, post-test and at 3-month follow-up. Compared to a waitlist control group, children who participated in the SST intervention showed significant gains in social skills and social competence and they exhibited a reduction in social worries and emotional distress over time. Observational data during SST sessions, however, revealed that those in the unstructured play environment exhibited lower levels of social participation and engagement with peers compared to children assigned to semi-structured play.


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Over the last decade, brief intervention for alcohol problems has become a well-validated and accepted treatment, with bried interventions frequently showing equivalence in terms of outcome to more extended treatments (Bien et al, 1993). A recent review of this studies found that heavy drinkers who received interventions of less than 1 h were almost twice as likely to moderate their drinking over the following 6-12 months as did those not receiving intervention (Wilk etal, 1997).Some studies have used motivational interviewing (MI) strategies (Monti et al, 1999); others have simply given information ajnd advice to reduce drinking (Fleming et al, 1997). Leaflets or information on strategies to assist in the attempt or follow-up sessions are sometimes provided (Fleming et al, 1997). In general practice research, provision of one or more follow-up sessions increases the reliability of intake reductions across studies (Poikolainen, 1999).