948 resultados para Dry Powder Inhaler, Formulation, Device, Aerosols, Pulmonary
Partikkelisysteemien segregaatio eli erottuminen on ilmiö, jossa tasalaatuisen jauheseoksen komponenteilla on taipumus erota toisistaan. Jauheen erottumistaipumus riippuu partikkelien ominaisuuksista, ympäröivistä olosuhteista ja partikkelien välisistä vuorovaikutuksista. Segregaatiomekanismeja on esitetty kirjallisuudessa valtava määrä ja pienetkin erot partikkelien välisissä ominaisuuksissa ja vuorovaikutuksissa voivat johtaa täysin eri segregaatiomekanismeihin. Segregaatioilmiö on lääketeollisuuden näkökulmasta hyvin keskeinen, eikä sitä tunneta vielä riittävän hyvin, jotta siltä osattaisiin systemaattisesti välttyä. Nykyinen segregaatiotutkimus perustuu suurelta osin yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta tapahtuvaan oppimiseen. Todellisen segregaatioilmiön ymmärtämiseen tarvittaisiin innovatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja perustestata menetelmä, jolla voidaan tutkia erilaisten partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymistä, ja käyttää tätä menetelmää farmaseuttisten rae- ja pellettiseosten segregaation tutkimiseen. Tavoitteena oli todistaa kehitetyn Babel-laitteen toimintaperiaatteen soveltuvuus partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymisen tutkimiseen, mutta suoritetut kokeet olivat lähinnä menetelmän ja laitteen testausta. Ongelmiksi muodostuivat Babel-laitteen asettamat rajoitukset, partikkelien sähköistyminen ja partikkelien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Käytetyt suoraviivaiset lähestymistavat eivät riittäneet segregaation aiheuttamiseen Babel-laitteella. Vertikaalisen ravistelun seurauksena syntynyt konvektiopyörre esti segregaation syntymisen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että Babel-laite mittaa hyvin ja toistettavasti sekä se kykenee erottamaan erikokoiset partikkelit ja erilaiset kokojakaumat toisistaan. Laitteen kehittämistavoitteena olisi saada segregaatio paremmin näkyviin jauheseoksissa ravistelun seurauksena. Tällöin voitaisiin tehdä päätelmiä jauheseoksen erottumistaipumuksesta ja systeemissä vallitsevista erottumismekanismeista. Laitteen ja menetelmän jatkokehittäminen voisi tuottaa hyödyllistä lisätietoa, mikä edesauttaisi segregaation ymmärtämistä ilmiönä entistä paremmin
A single step process for the synthesis of size-controlled silver nanoparticles has been developed using a bifunctional molecule, octadecylamine (ODA). Octadecylamine complexes to Ag+ ions electrostatically, reduce them, and subsequently stabilizes the nanoparticles thus formed. Hence, octadecylamine simultaneously functions as both a reducing and a stabilizing agent. The amine-capped nanoparticles can be obtained in the form of dry powder, which is readily redispersible in aqueous and organic solvents. The particle size, and the nucleation and growth kinetics of silver nanoparticles could be tuned by varying the molar ratio of ODA to AgNO3. The UV-vis spectra of nanoparticles prepared with different concentrations of ODA displayed the well-defined plasmon band with maximum absorption around 425 nm. The formation of silver metallic nanoparticles was confirmed by their XRD pattern. The binding of ODA molecule on the surface of silver has been studied by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy. The formation of well-dispersed spherical Ag nanoparticles has been confirmed by TEM analysis. The particle size and distribution are found to be dependent on the molar concentration of the amine molecule. Open aperture z-scans have been performed to measure the nonlinearity of Ag nanoparticles. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fotocatalisadores baseados em nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio modificados fornecem soluções em potencial para a mineralização de poluentes orgânicos em meio aquoso. Agentes modificadores têm sido amplamente investigados com o objetivo de promover a fotoativação pela luz visível. Foram estudadas a nível fundamental até aqui, as modificações estruturais, texturais e óticas causadas pela introdução de silício e nitrogênio na rede da titânia. Titânias puras (TiO2) e modificadas nanoestruturadas, particularmente titânias modificadas com silício (TiO2-SiO2), com razões atômicas Si/Ti de 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 foram sintetizadas pelo método sol-gel a partir da hidrólise ácida de isopropóxido de titânio(IV) e tetraetoxisilano. As metodolo-gias sintéticas desenvolvidas tentaram aderir aos princípios da Química Verde, dispensando o uso de atmosfera inerte e temperatura e pressão elevadas, o que foi alcançado utilizando-se, principalmente, a agitação ultrassônica. Titânias modificadas com silício e dopadas com ni-trogênio (TiO2-SiO2-N) foram obtidas a partir do pré-tratamento de TiO2-SiO2 a 500 C ao ar e então submetidas ao fluxo de amônia (NH3) a 600 C por 1-3 h e, após resfriamento, foram recozidas a 400 C ao ar. Amostras distintas foram caracterizadas, na forma de pó seco e após calcinação entre 400600 C, por difração de raios X, adsorção de nitrogênio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. As titânias pu-ras, obtidas principalmente variando-se a razão de hidrólise, foram cristalizadas na forma de anatásio como fase predominante até 600 C, além de traços de brookita presente até 500 C. O rutilo foi identificado a partir de 600 C como fase minoritária, embora apresentando tama-nhos de cristal significativamente maiores que os estimados para o cristal de anatásio. As titâ-nias modificadas com até 20% de silício apresentaram notável estabilidade térmica, evidenci-ada pela presença exclusiva de anatásio até 900 C. Foi também observado o aparecimento de macroporos com diâmetro médio em torno de 55 nm após calcinação a 400 C, diferentemente do que se observou nas amostras em geral. A introdução de baixo teor de silício assegurou às titânias calcinadas valores elevados de área específica, atribuído ao efeito de contenção acentuada na taxa de crescimento do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e as titânias puras obtidas com taxa de hidrólise 25:1 para a razão H2O : Ti apresentaram mesoporos com diâmetros médios de mesma dimensão do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e dopa-das com nitrogênio apresentaram absorção na região visível entre 400-480 nm, com discreta redução da energia de band gap para as transições eletrônicas consideradas. Titânias calcina-das a 300−400 C apresentaram desempenho fotocatalítico semelhante ao TiO2 P25 da De-gussa sob irradiação UV, na degradação do azo corante Reactive Yellow 145 em soluções a-quosas em pH 5 a 20 1C
A gate-modulated nanowire oxide photosensor is fabricated by electron-beam lithography and conventional dry etch processing.. The device characteristics are good, including endurance of up to 10(6) test cycles, and gate-pulse excitation is used to remove persistent photoconductivity. The viability of nanowire oxide phototransistors for high speed and high resolution applications is demonstrated, thus potentially expanding the scope of exploitation of touch-free interactive displays.
Background: Fluticasone propionate was introduced in 1993 in the UK as a potentially safer inhaled corticosteroid than those already in use. The efficacy and safety of fluticasone has been established at recommended doses of 200 µg/day, but not at the higher doses that are often used.
Methods: Growth retardation was observed in six severely asthmatic children after introduction of high-dose fluticasone propionate treatment (dry powder). Assessment of cortisol response was by insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in three cases, by short tetracosactrin test in two, and by low-dose tetracosactrin and 24-hour urinary cortisol/creatinine ratio in one.
Findings: Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high-dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression. In one case the growth rate and cortisol response returned to normal 9 months after the fluticasone dose was reduced to 500 µg/day.
Interpretation: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.
This work describes the development of spray dried polymer coated liposomes composed of soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) coated with alginate, chitosan or trimethyl chitosan (TMC), that are able to penetrate through the nasal mucosa and offer enhanced penetration over uncoated liposomes when delivered as a dry powder. All the liposome formulations, loaded with BSA as model antigen, were spray-dried to obtain powder size and liposome size in a suitable range for nasal delivery. Although coating resulted in some reduction in encapsulation efficiency, levels were still maintained between 60% and 69% and the structural integrity of the entrapped protein and its release characteristics were maintained. Coating with TMC gave the best product characteristics in terms of entrapment efficiency, glass transition (Tg) and mucoadhesive strength, while penetration of nasal mucosal tissue was very encouraging when these liposomes were administered as dispersions although improved results were observed for the dry powders
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner provides bulk-sediment chemistry data measured nondestructively at the split core sediment surface. Although this method is widely accepted, there is little known about the effects of physical properties such as density and water content on XRF core scanner data. Comparison of XRF scanner measurements from the sediment surface and dry powder samples of sediment core GeoB7920 indicates strongly reduced element intensities for the lighter elements Al and Si. We relate the lower element intensities of the measurements taken at the sediment surface to the amount of water in the sample volume analyzed by the XRF core scanner. The heavier elements K, Ca, Ti, and Fe remain relatively unaffected by the variation of any physical property within sediment core GeoB7920. Additionally, we successfully use the elemental intensity of Cl as a proxy for the seawater content in the sample volume analyzed by the XRF core scanner. This enables the establishment of a correction function for the elements Al and Si that corrects for the radiation absorption of the water content in sediment core GeoB7920 off Cape Blanc, NW Africa.
Particle flow patterns were investigated for wet granulation and dry powder mixing in ploughshare mixers using Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT). In a 4-1 mixer, calcium carbonate with mean size 45 mum was granulated using a 50 wt.% solution of glycerol and water as binding fluid, and particle movement was followed using a 600-mum calcium hydroxy-phosphate tracer particle. In a 20-1 mixer, dry powder flow was studied using a 600-mum resin bead tracer particle to simulate the bulk polypropylene powder with mean size 600 mum. Important differences were seen between particle flow patterns for wet and dry systems. Particle speed relative to blade speed was lower in the wet system than in the dry system, with the ratios of average particle speed to blade tip speed for all experiments in the range 0.01-015. In the axial plane, the same particle motion was observed around each blade; this provides a significant advance for modelling flow in ploughshare mixers. For the future, a detailed understanding of the local velocity, acceleration and density variations around a plough blade will reveal the effects of flow patterns in granulating systems on the resultant distribution of granular product attributes such as size, density and strength. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
Abstract Background: Aerosol therapy in preterm infants is challenging, as a very small proportion of the drug deposits in the lungs. Aim: Our aim was to compare efficiency of standard devices with newer, more efficient aerosol delivery devices. Methods: Using salbutamol as a drug marker, we studied two prototypes of the investigational eFlow(®) nebulizer for babies (PARI Pharma GmbH), a jet nebulizer (Intersurgical(®) Cirrus(®)), and a pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI; GSK) with a detergent-coated holding chamber (AeroChamber(®) MV) in the premature infant nose throat-model (PrINT-model) of a 32-week preterm infant (1,750 g). A filter or an impactor was placed below the infant model's "trachea" to capture the drug dose or particle size, respectively, that would have been deposited in the lung. Results: Lung dose (percentage of nominal dose) was 1.5%, 6.8%, and 18.0-20.6% for the jet nebulizer, pMDI-holding chamber, and investigational eFlow nebulizers, respectively (p<0.001). Jet nebulizer residue was 69.4% and 10.7-13.9% for the investigational eFlow nebulizers (p<0.001). Adding an elbow extension between the eFlow and the model significantly lowered lung dose (p<0.001). A breathing pattern with lower tidal volume decreased deposition in the PrINT-model and device residue (p<0.05), but did not decrease lung dose. Conclusions: In a model for infant aerosol inhalation, we confirmed low lung dose using jet nebulizers and pMDI-holding chambers, whereas newer, more specialized vibrating membrane devices, designed specifically for use in preterm infants, deliver up to 20 times more drug to the infant's lung.
The present study investigates the feasibility of using two types of carbomer (971 and 974) to prepare inhalable dry powders that exhibit modified drug release properties. Powders were prepared by spray-drying formulations containing salbutamol sulphate, 20-50% w/w carbomer as a drug release modifier and leucine as an aerosolization enhancer. Following physical characterization of the powders, the aerosolization and dissolution properties of the powders were investigated using a Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger and a modified USP II dissolution apparatus, respectively. All carbomer 974-modified powders and the 20% carbomer 971 powder demonstrated high dispersibility, with emitted doses of at least 80% and fine particle fractions of approximately 40%. The release data indicated that all carbomer-modified powders displayed a sustained release profile, with carbomer 971-modified powders obeying first order kinetics, whereas carbomer 974-modified powders obeyed the Higuchi root time kinetic model; increasing the amount of carbomer 971 in the formulation did not extend the duration of drug release, whereas this was observed for the carbomer 974-modified powders. These powders would be anticipated to deposit predominately in the lower regions of the lung following inhalation and then undergo delayed rather than instantaneous drug release, offering the potential to reduce dosing frequency and improve patient compliance.
Three dry pelleted feeds incorporating fish meal, fish silage or a mixture of colocasia leaf powder and fish meal were formulated for use in carp culture. The diets formulated were tested for water stability and also for changes in their quality parameters over storage of three months. The different pellets showed satisfactory water stability. The variations recorded in the proximate composition during the period of storage did not bring about any drastic change in the overall keeping quality of the feeds. Therefore, the three formulated feeds are considered suitable for use in the culture of carps.
Dry mixing of binary food powders was conducted in a 2L lab-scale paddle mixer. Different types of food powders such as paprika, oregano, black pepper, onion powder and salt were used for the studies. A novel method based on a digital colour imaging system (DCI) was developed to measure the mixture quality (MQ) of binary food powder mixtures. The salt conductivity method was also used as an alternative method to measure the MQ. In the first part of the study the DCI method was developed and it showed potential for assessing MQ of binary powder mixes provided there was huge colour difference between the powders. In the second and third part of the study the effect of composition, water content, particle size and bulk density on MQ was studied. Flowability of powders at various moisture contents was also investigated. The mixing behaviour was assessed using coefficient of variation. Results showed that water content and composition influence the mixing behavior of powders. Good mixing was observed up to size ratios of 4.45 and at higher ratios MQ disimproved. The bulk density had a larger influence on the MQ. In the final study the MQ evaluation of binary and ternary powder mixtures was compared by using two methods – salt conductivity method and DCI method. Two binary food and two quaternary food powder mixtures with different coloured ingredients were studied. Overall results showed that DCI method has a potential for use by industries and it can analyse powder mixtures with components that have differences in colour and that are not segregating in nature.
Lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF) is typified by the development of chronic airways infection culminating in bronchiectasis and progression to end-stage respiratory disease. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous gram-negative bacteria, is the archetypical CF pathogen and is associated with an accelerated clinical decline. The development and widespread use of chronic suppressive aerosolized antibacterial therapies, in particular Tobramycin Inhalation Solution (TIS), in CF has contributed to reduced lung function decline and improved survival. However, the requirement for the aerosolization of these agents through nebulizers has been associated with increased treatment burden, reduced quality of life and remain a barrier to broader uptake. Tobramycin Inhalation Powder (TIP™) has been developed by Novartis with the express purpose of delivering the same benefits as TIS in a time-effective manner. Administered via the T-326™ (Novartis) Inhaler in four individual 28-mg capsules, TIP can be administered in a quarter of the time of traditional nebulizers and is inherently portable. In clinical studies, TIP has been shown to be safe, result in equivalent or superior reductions in P. aeruginosa sputum density and produce similar improvements in pulmonary function. TIP offers significant advantages in time saving, portability and convenience over traditional nebulized TIS with comparable clinical outcomes for individuals with CF.