899 resultados para Direct Strength Method
The one-mode analysis method on the pull-in instability of micro-structure under electrostatic loading is presented. Taylor series are used to expand the electrostatic loading term in the one-mode analysis method, which makes analytical solution available. The one-mode analysis is the combination of Galerkin method and Cardan solution of cubic equation. The one-mode analysis offers a direct computation method on the pull-in voltage and displacement. In low axial loading range, it shows little difference with the established multi-mode analysis on predicting the pull-in voltages for three different structures (cantilever, clamped-clamped beams and the plate with four edges simply-supported) studied here. For numerical multi-mode analysis, we also show that using the structural symmetry to select the symmetric mode can greatly reduce both the computation effort and the numerical fluctuation.
Resonant cavity modes in a torus with elliptical cross section are studied by means of a direct variational method. The nonlinear effects of toroidicity and ellipticity on the frequency of the basic mode are analyzed simply and systematically without the restriction of linear theory. It is shown that the toroidicity effect on the m = 0 transverse magnetic mode is less-than-or-equal-to 11%. The frequency of the mode shifts approximately 11-29% when the elongation of the cross section changes from 1 to 2. The effects of toroidicity and ellipticity differ for each resonant mode.
Following the quantitative determination of dust cloud parameters, this study investigates the flame propagation through cornstarch dust clouds in a vertical duct of 780 mm height and 160 x 160 mm square cross section, and gives particular attention to the effect of small scale turbulence and small turbulence intensity on flame characteristics. Dust suspensions in air were produced using an improved apparatus ensuring more uniform distribution and repeatable dust concentrations in the testing duct. The dispersion-induced turbulence was measured by means of a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system, and dust concentrations were estimated by direct weighing method. This quantitative assessment made it possible to correlate observed flame behaviors with the parameters of the dust cloud. Upward propagating dust flames, from both closed/open bottom end to open/closed top end of the duct, were visualized by direct light and shadow photography. From the observation of propagation regimes and the measurements of flame velocity, a critical value of the turbulence intensity can be specified below which laminar flame propagation would be established. This transition condition was determined to be 10 cm/s. Laminar flames propagated with oscillations from the closed bottom end to the open top end of the testing duct, while the turbulent flames accelerated continuously. Both laminar and turbulent flames propagated with steady velocity from the open bottom end to the closed top end of the duct. The measured propagation velocity of laminar flames appeared to be in the range of 0.45-0.56 m/s, and it was consistent with the measurements reported in the literature. In the present experimental study, the influence of dust concentration on flame propagation was also examined, and the flame propagation velocity was found weakly sensitive to the variations in dust concentration. Some information on the flame structure was revealed from the shadow records, showing the typical heterogeneous feature of the dust combustion process.
Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Descrevemos uma análise espectral das equações de ordenadas discretas (SN)a um grupo e a dois grupos de energia, onde seguimos uma analogia com o método de Case. Utilizamos, neste método, quadraturas angulares diferentes no combustível (NC) e no moderador (NM), onde em geral assumimos que NC > NM . Condições de continuidade especiais que acoplam os fluxos angulares que emergem do combustível (moderador) e incidem no moderador (combustível), foram utilizadas com base na equivalência entre as equações SN e PN-1, o que caracteriza a propriedade híbrida do modelo proposto. Sendo um método híbrido direto, utilizamos as NC + NM equações lineares e algébricas constituídas pelas (NC + NM)/2 condições de contorno reflexivas e (NC + NM)/2 condições de continuidade para determinarmos as NC + NM constantes. Com essas constantes podemos calcular os valores dos fluxos angulares e dos fluxos escalares em qualquer ponto do domínio. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a eficiência e a precisão do método proposto.
The use of transmission matrices and lumped parameter models for describing continuous systems is the subject of this study. Non-uniform continuous systems which play important roles in practical vibration problems, e.g., torsional oscillations in bars, transverse bending vibrations of beams, etc., are of primary importance.
A new approach for deriving closed form transmission matrices is applied to several classes of non-uniform continuous segments of one dimensional and beam systems. A power series expansion method is presented for determining approximate transmission matrices of any order for segments of non-uniform systems whose solutions cannot be found in closed form. This direct series method is shown to give results comparable to those of the improved lumped parameter models for one dimensional systems.
Four types of lumped parameter models are evaluated on the basis of the uniform continuous one dimensional system by comparing the behavior of the frequency root errors. The lumped parameter models which are based upon a close fit to the low frequency approximation of the exact transmission matrix, at the segment level, are shown to be superior. On this basis an improved lumped parameter model is recommended for approximating non-uniform segments. This new model is compared to a uniform segment approximation and error curves are presented for systems whose areas very quadratically and linearly. The effect of varying segment lengths is investigated for one dimensional systems and results indicate very little improvement in comparison to the use of equal length segments. For purposes of completeness, a brief summary of various lumped parameter models and other techniques which have previously been used to approximate the uniform Bernoulli-Euler beam is a given.
A indústria de processos químicos tem sofrido consideráveis transformações devido ao acirramento da competitividade. Importantes progressos tecnológicos têm sido atingidos através de técnicas de modelagem, simulação e otimização visando o aumento da lucratividade e melhoria contínua nos processos industriais. Neste contexto, as plantas de metanol, um dos mais importantes produtos petroquímicos, podem ser destacadas. Atualmente, a principal matéria-prima para obtenção de metanol é o gás natural. A produção do metanol é caracterizada por três etapas: geração de gás de síntese, conversão do gás de síntese em metanol (unidade de síntese ou loop de síntese) e purificação do produto na especificação requerida. Os custos fixos e variáveis da unidade de síntese são fortemente dependentes das variáveis operacionais, como temperatura, pressão, razão de reciclo e composição da carga. Desta forma, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de modelos e algoritmos computacionais para representar matematicamente unidades de síntese de metanol. O modelo apresenta operações unitárias associadas aos seguintes equipamentos: divisores de correntes, misturadores de correntes, compressores, trocadores de calor, vasos de flash e reatores. Inicialmente, foi proposto um simulador estacionário, que serviu como base para um pseudo-estacionário, o qual contempla a desativação do catalisador por sinterização térmica. Os simuladores foram criados segundo uma arquitetura seqüencial modular e empregou-se o método de substituição sucessiva para a convergência dos reciclos. O estudo envolveu dois fluxogramas típicos, um constituído por reatores adiabáticos em série, enquanto o outro constituído por um reator tipo quench. Uma análise do efeito das principais variáveis operacionais foi realizada para o reator e para o loop de síntese. Estudou-se também o efeito da desativação do catalisador ao longo do tempo. Uma ferramenta de otimização operacional foi empregada para alcançar a máxima produção manipulando as injeções de carga fria na entrada dos leitos catalíticos. Formulou-se também um problema de maximização do lucro em função da otimização de paradas da unidade para troca do catalisador. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a ferramenta desenvolvida é promissora para a compreensão e otimização da unidade objeto deste estudo
The encircled energy of a focusing lens is one of the parameters directly affecting the target efficiency in high-power laser facilities. The direct measurement method of the encircled energy for the focusing lens based on the scanning Hartmann test is proposed in this paper. With the scanning Hartmann test setup, the information in the whole aperture of the focusing lens can be achieved. The encircled energy can be obtained by analyzing the spot diagram on the focal plane of the focusing lens. In experiments, the encircled energy of an aspheric focusing lens is measured using this method. The measurement result is in good agreement with that derived from measurement data by an interferometer and the difference is 7.7%. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Atualmente tem se apresentado, pelo movimento quilombola, a demanda de formulação de políticas educacionais para o povo quilombola, acompanhando as reivindicações para legitimação do direito ao território ocupado secularmente, assim como outros direitos demandados por este povo tradicional. O processo de educação e escolarização na educação básica de um território quilombola como o de Brejo dos Crioulos em Minas Gerais, sob a perspectiva da educação diferenciada, ou seja, orientada culturalmente, pode estar fortemente relacionado com a dimensão política da atuação dos quilombolas na luta pelo reconhecimento e legitimidade do território, do modo de vida, da sua identidade, da sua cultura e história. Contemplou-se nesta investigação o mapeamento e a análise dos processos educativos de Brejo dos Crioulos apontando suas propostas curriculares, seus avanços, assim como os limites relacionados à formulação e implementação de políticas direcionadas para o desenvolvimento educacional local. A investigação no território quilombola específico, nos moldes da pesquisa qualitativa enquanto lógica de investigação, abordou as ações do movimento quilombola estadual e local, a identidade coletiva e a territorialidade em relação ao ciclo de políticas disponível, como, por exemplo, a Lei n 10.639/03, atualizada por meio da Lei n 11.645/08 e diretrizes curriculares que alteram a Lei n 9.394/96, com o objetivo de incluir, no currículo oficial da rede de ensino, a obrigatoriedade do ensino da História e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena, e as Diretrizes Curriculares para Educação Quilombola, aprovadas em 05 de junho de 2012, Parecer MEC/CNE/CEB 16/2012, homologadas na Resolução MEC/CNE/CEB n 8, publicada em 20 de novembro de 2012. Além das práticas políticas quilombolas, foram analisadas as práticas de gestão educacional do poder público municipal de São João da Ponte e Varzelândia, municípios do norte mineiro que integram o território pesquisado. Com a inserção em campo, nos moldes explicitados, foi privilegiado o uso da observação direta para mapear e descrever em profundidade o cotidiano no território pesquisado. Com a inserção em campo, nos moldes explicitados, foi privilegiado o uso da observação direta para mapear e descrever em profundidade o cotidiano no território pesquisado, as representações políticas e educacionais, as mudanças e transformações atuais. A entrevista em forma de conversa é, também, uma das técnicas utilizadas para documentar as experiências e representações dos sujeitos quilombolas, professores, gestores e coordenadores envolvidos com a educação e escolarização no território de Brejo dos Crioulos, além de registros em áudio, vídeo e caderno de campo. O tratamento e a análise dos dados coletados obedecem a critérios metodológicos qualitativos de triangulação para apresentação dos resultados da pesquisa.
The paper is concerned with the identification of theoretical preview steering controllers using data obtained from five test subjects in a fixed-base driving simulator. An understanding of human steering control behaviour is relevant to the design of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle controls. The driving task involved steering a linear vehicle along a randomly curving path. The theoretical steering controllers identified from the data were based on optimal linear preview control. A direct-identification method was used, and the steering controllers were identified so that the predicted steering angle matched as closely as possible the measured steering angle of the test subjects. It was found that identification of the driver's time delay and noise is necessary to avoid bias in identification of the controller parameters. Most subjects' steering behaviour was predicted well by a theoretical controller based on the lateral/yaw dynamics of the vehicle. There was some evidence that an inexperienced driver's steering action was better represented by a controller based on a simpler model of the vehicle dynamics, perhaps reflecting incomplete learning by the driver. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
In this work, both,solid phase microextraction (SPME) and solid phase extraction(SPE) were used to enrich organochlorine compounds in water samples and analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detector. The operating conditions of SPME have been studied and different kinds of solid phase were compared. Linear alkybenzene sulfonate(LAS) was added to the samples to investigate its effect on the analysis. The results indicated that polyacrylate was better than other commercial solid phases in extraction of moderated polar organic compounds and the sensitivity of SPME was higher than SPE. LAS affect much in liquid-liquid extraction and headspace SPME; but it has little effect on SPE and direct-SPME method. The applications showed that SPME was a fast and effective method in sample preparation.
The measurement and analysis of the microwave frequency response of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are proposed in this paper. The response is measured using a vector network analyzer. Then with the direct-subtracting method, which is based on the definition of scattering parameters of optoelectronic devices, the responses of both the optical signal source and the photodetector are eliminated, and the response of only the SOA is extracted. Some characteristics of the responses can be observed: the responses are quasi-highpass; the gain increases with the bias current; and the response becomes more gradient while the bias current is increasing. The multisectional model of an SOA is then used to analyze the response theoretically. By deducing from the carrier rate equation of one section under the steady state and the small-signal state, the expression of the frequency response is obtained. Then by iterating the expression, the response of the whole SOA is simulated. The simulated results are in good agreement with the measured on the three main characteristics, which are also explained by the deduced results. This proves the validity of the theoretical analysis.
We developed a direct partitioning method to construct a seamless discrete global grid system (DGGS) with any resolution based on a two-dimensional projected plane and the earth ellipsoid. This DGGS is composed of congruent square grids over the projected plane and irregular ellipsoidal quadrilaterals on the ellipsoidal surface. A new equal area projection named the parallels plane (PP) projection derived from the expansion of the central meridian and parallels has been employed to perform the transformation between the planar squares and the corresponding ellipsoidal grids. The horizontal sides of the grids are parts of the parallel circles and the vertical sides are complex ellipsoidal curves, which can be obtained by the inverse expression of the PP projection. The partition strategies, transformation equations, geometric characteristics and distortions for this DGGS have been discussed. Our analysis proves that the DGGS is area-preserving while length distortions only occur on the vertical sides off the central meridian. Angular and length distortions positively correlate to the increase in latitudes and the spanning of longitudes away from a chosen central meridian. This direct partition only generates a small number of broken grids that can be treated individually.
A series of cerium dioxide (CeO2,)/polyimide (PI) nanocomposites were successfully prepared from Ce(Phen)(3) and polyamic acid (PAA) via the solution direct-dispersing method, followed by a step thermal imidization process. TGA and XPS studies showed that the cerium complex decomposed to form CeO2, during the thermal imidization process at 300 degrees C. SEM observation showed that the formed CeO2, as nalloparticles was well dispersed in polyimide matrix with a size of about 50-100 nm for samples with different contents of CeO2. Thermal analysis indicated that the introduction of CeO2, decreased the thermal stability of nanocomposite films due to the decomposition of Ce(Phen)(3) in the imidization process, while the glass transition temperature (T-g) increased obviously. especially nanocomposite films with high loading of CeO2 exhibited a trend of disappearance off, DMTA and static tensile measurements showed that the storage modulus of nanocomposite films increased, while the elongation at break decreased with increasing CeO2 content.