987 resultados para Differential value


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En este trabajo se han analizado varios problemas en el contexto de la elasticidad no lineal basándose en modelos constitutivos representativos. En particular, se han analizado problemas relacionados con el fenómeno de perdida de estabilidad asociada con condiciones de contorno en el caso de material reforzados con fibras. Cada problema se ha formulado y se ha analizado por separado en diferentes capítulos. En primer lugar se ha mostrado el análisis del gradiente de deformación discontinuo para un material transversalmente isótropo, en particular, el modelo del material considerado consiste de una base neo-Hookeana isótropa incrustada con fibras de refuerzo direccional caracterizadas con un solo parámetro. La solución de este problema se vincula con instabilidades que dan lugar al mecanismo de fallo conocido como banda de cortante. La perdida de elipticidad de las ecuaciones diferenciales de equilibrio es una condición necesaria para que aparezca este tipo de soluciones y por tanto las inestabilidades asociadas. En segundo lugar se ha analizado una deformación combinada de extensión, inación y torsión de un tubo cilíndrico grueso donde se ha encontrado que la deformación citada anteriormente puede ser controlada solo para determinadas direcciones de las fibras refuerzo. Para entender el comportamiento elástico del tubo considerado se ha ilustrado numéricamente los resultados obtenidos para las direcciones admisibles de las fibras de refuerzo bajo la deformación considerada. En tercer lugar se ha estudiado el caso de un tubo cilíndrico grueso reforzado con dos familias de fibras sometido a cortante en la dirección azimutal para un modelo de refuerzo especial. En este problema se ha encontrado que las inestabilidades que aparecen en el material considerado están asociadas con lo que se llama soluciones múltiples de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. Se ha encontrado que el fenómeno de instabilidad ocurre en un estado de deformación previo al estado de deformación donde se pierde la elipticidad de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. También se ha demostrado que la condición de perdida de elipticidad y ^W=2 = 0 (la segunda derivada de la función de energía con respecto a la deformación) son dos condiciones necesarias para la existencia de soluciones múltiples. Finalmente, se ha analizado detalladamente en el contexto de elipticidad un problema de un tubo cilíndrico grueso sometido a una deformación combinada en las direcciones helicoidal, axial y radial para distintas geotermias de las fibras de refuerzo . In the present work four main problems have been addressed within the framework of non-linear elasticity based on representative constitutive models. Namely, problems related to the loss of stability phenomena associated with boundary value problems for fibre-reinforced materials. Each of the considered problems is formulated and analysed separately in different chapters. We first start with the analysis of discontinuous deformation gradients for a transversely isotropic material under plane deformation. In particular, the material model is an augmented neo-Hookean base with a simple unidirectional reinforcement characterised by a single parameter. The solution of this problem is related to material instabilities and it is associated with a shear band-type failure mode. The loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations is a necessary condition for the existence of these material instabilities. The second problem involves a detailed analysis of the combined non-linear extension, inflation and torsion of a thick-walled circular cylindrical tube where it has been found that the aforementioned deformation is controllable only for certain preferred directions of transverse isotropy. Numerical results have been illustrated to understand the elastic behaviour of the tube for the admissible preferred directions under the considered deformation. The third problem deals with the analysis of a doubly fibre-reinforced thickwalled circular cylindrical tube undergoing pure azimuthal shear for a special class of the reinforcing model where multiple non-smooth solutions emerge. The associated instability phenomena are found to occur prior to the point where the nominal stress tensor changes monotonicity in a particular direction. It has been also shown that the loss of ellipticity condition that arises from the equilibrium equation and ^W=2 = 0 (the second derivative of the strain-energy function with respect to the deformation) are equivalent necessary conditions for the emergence of multiple solutions for the considered material. Finally, a detailed analysis in the basis of the loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations for a combined helical, axial and radial elastic deformations of a fibre-reinforced circular cylindrical tube is carried out.


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In the process of value creation, organizations perform an intense intra-organizational dialog through which internal VS alignment is achieved towards certain strategic objectives. Within the context of complex organizational networks, were goal conflicts are preprogrammed through incentive structures, VS alignment as legitimation of action towards strategic goals has special interest. On the one hand it facilitates the access to necessary resources for goal achievement and on the other it increases the sustainability and supports commonly agreed upon decisions leading to success. This paper provides a winnerless process (WLP) differential equations model for quantifying intra-organizational value stream (VS) alignment dynamics that can help design sustainable lean management solutions. This paper presents ongoing research results that show how the model was implemented in one industrial facility.


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Aims. We present a detailed study of the two Sun-like stars KIC 7985370 and KIC 7765135, to determine their activity level, spot distribution, and differential rotation. Both stars were previously discovered by us to be young stars and were observed by the NASA Kepler mission. Methods. The fundamental stellar parameters (vsini, spectral type, T_eff, log g, and [Fe/H]) were derived from optical spectroscopy by comparison with both standard-star and synthetic spectra. The spectra of the targets allowed us to study the chromospheric activity based on the emission in the core of hydrogen Hα and Ca ii infrared triplet (IRT) lines, which was revealed by the subtraction of inactive templates. The high-precision Kepler photometric data spanning over 229 days were then fitted with a robust spot model. Model selection and parameter estimation were performed in a Bayesian manner, using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Results. We find that both stars are Sun-like (of G1.5 V spectral type) and have an age of about 100–200 Myr, based on their lithium content and kinematics. Their youth is confirmed by their high level of chromospheric activity, which is comparable to that displayed by the early G-type stars in the Pleiades cluster. The Balmer decrement and flux ratio of their Ca ii-IRT lines suggest that the formation of the core of these lines occurs mainly in optically thick regions that are analogous to solar plages. The spot model applied to the Kepler photometry requires at least seven persistent spots in the case of KIC 7985370 and nine spots in the case of KIC 7765135 to provide a satisfactory fit to the data. The assumption of the longevity of the star spots, whose area is allowed to evolve with time, is at the heart of our spot-modelling approach. On both stars, the surface differential rotation is Sun-like, with the high-latitude spots rotating slower than the low-latitude ones. We found, for both stars, a rather high value of the equator-to-pole differential rotation (dΩ ≈ 0.18 rad d^-1), which disagrees with the predictions of some mean-field models of differential rotation for rapidly rotating stars. Our results agree instead with previous works on solar-type stars and other models that predict a higher latitudinal shear, increasing with equatorial angular velocity, that can vary during the magnetic cycle.


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"Supported in part by the Department of Energy under contract ENERGY/EY-76-S-02-2383, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of doctor of philosophy."


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We establish maximum principles for second order difference equations and apply them to obtain uniqueness for solutions of some boundary value problems.


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This work formulates existence theorems for solutions to two-point boundary value problems on time scales. The methods used include maximum principles, a priori bounds and topological degree theory.


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Let f : [0, 1] x R2 -> R be a function satisfying the Caxatheodory conditions and t(1 - t)e(t) epsilon L-1 (0, 1). Let a(i) epsilon R and xi(i) (0, 1) for i = 1,..., m - 2 where 0 < xi(1) < xi(2) < (...) < xi(m-2) < 1 - In this paper we study the existence of C[0, 1] solutions for the m-point boundary value problem [GRAPHICS] The proof of our main result is based on the Leray-Schauder continuation theorem.


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We consider the boundary value problems for nonlinear second-order differential equations of the form u '' + a(t)f (u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, u(0) = u (1) = 0. We give conditions on the ratio f (s)/s at infinity and zero that guarantee the existence of solutions with prescribed nodal properties. Then we establish existence and multiplicity results for nodal solutions to the problem. The proofs of our main results are based upon bifurcation techniques. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider boundary value problems for nonlinear second order differential equations of the form u + a(t) f(u) = 0, t epsilon (0, 1), u(0) = u(1) = 0, where a epsilon C([0, 1], (0, infinity)) and f : R --> R is continuous and satisfies f (s)s > 0 for s not equal 0. We establish existence and multiplicity results for nodal solutions to the problems if either f(0) = 0, f(infinity) = infinity or f(0) = infinity, f(0) = 0, where f (s)/s approaches f(0) and f(infinity) as s approaches 0 and infinity, respectively. We use bifurcation techniques to prove our main results. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the structure of the positive solution set for nonlinear three-point boundary value problems of the form u('') + h(t) f(u) = 0, u(0) = 0, u(1) = lambdau(eta), where eta epsilon (0, 1) is given lambda epsilon (0, 1/n) is a parameter, f epsilon C ([0, infinity), [0, infinity)) satisfies f (s) > 0 for s > 0, and h epsilon C([0, 1], [0, infinity)) is not identically zero on any subinterval of [0, 1]. Our main results demonstrate the existence of continua of positive solutions of the above problem. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Motivation: An important problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. We provide a straightforward and easily implemented method for estimating the posterior probability that an individual gene is null. The problem can be expressed in a two-component mixture framework, using an empirical Bayes approach. Current methods of implementing this approach either have some limitations due to the minimal assumptions made or with more specific assumptions are computationally intensive. Results: By converting to a z-score the value of the test statistic used to test the significance of each gene, we propose a simple two-component normal mixture that models adequately the distribution of this score. The usefulness of our approach is demonstrated on three real datasets.


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In this paper, we consider analytical and numerical solutions to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the biharmonic partial differential equation on a disc of finite radius in the plane. The physical interpretation of these solutions is that of the harmonic oscillations of a thin, clamped plate. For the linear, fourth-order, biharmonic partial differential equation in the plane, it is well known that the solution method of separation in polar coordinates is not possible, in general. However, in this paper, for circular domains in the plane, it is shown that a method, here called quasi-separation of variables, does lead to solutions of the partial differential equation. These solutions are products of solutions of two ordinary linear differential equations: a fourth-order radial equation and a second-order angular differential equation. To be expected, without complete separation of the polar variables, there is some restriction on the range of these solutions in comparison with the corresponding separated solutions of the second-order harmonic differential equation in the plane. Notwithstanding these restrictions, the quasi-separation method leads to solutions of the Dirichlet boundary-value problem on a disc with centre at the origin, with boundary conditions determined by the solution and its inward drawn normal taking the value 0 on the edge of the disc. One significant feature for these biharmonic boundary-value problems, in general, follows from the form of the biharmonic differential expression when represented in polar coordinates. In this form, the differential expression has a singularity at the origin, in the radial variable. This singularity translates to a singularity at the origin of the fourth-order radial separated equation; this singularity necessitates the application of a third boundary condition in order to determine a self-adjoint solution to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem. The penultimate section of the paper reports on numerical solutions to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem; these results are also presented graphically. Two specific cases are studied in detail and numerical values of the eigenvalues are compared with the results obtained in earlier studies.