961 resultados para Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD)


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant disorder manifested by the formation of multiple benign tumors of the nervous system. Affected individuals typically develop bilateral vestibular schwannomas which lead to deafness and balance disorders. The syndrome is caused by inactivation of the NF2 tumor suppressor gene, and mutation or loss of the NF2 product, merlin, is sufficient for tumorigenesis in both hereditary and sporadic NF2-associated tumors. Merlin belongs to the band 4.1 superfamily of cytoskeletal proteins, which also contain the related ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERM) proteins. The ERM members provide a link between the cell cytoskeleton and membrane by connecting membrane-associated proteins to actin filaments. By stabilizing complexes in the cell cortex, the ERMs modulate morphology, growth, and migration of cells. Despite their structural homology, overlapping subcellular distribution, direct molecular association, and partial overlap of molecular interactions, merlin and ezrin exert opposite effects on cell proliferation. Merlin suppresses cell proliferation, whereas ezrin expression is linked to oncogenic activity. We hypothesized that the regions which differ between the proteins might explain merlin s specificity as a tumor suppressor. We therefore analyzed the regions, which are most diverse between merlin and ezrin; the N-terminal tail and the C-terminus. To determine the properties of the C-terminal region, we studied the two most predominant merlin isoforms together with truncation variants similar to those found in patients. We also focused on the evolutionally conserved C-terminal residues, E545-E547, that harbor disease causing mutations in its corresponding DNA sequence. In addition to inhibiting cell proliferation, merlin regulates cytoskeletal organization. The morphogenic properties of merlin may play a role in tumor suppression, since patient-derived tumor cells demonstrate cytoskeletal abnormalities. We analyzed the mechanisms of merlin-induced extension formation and determined that the C-terminal region of amino acids 538-568 is particularly important for the morphogenic activity. We also characterized the role of C-terminal merlin residues in the regulation of proliferation, phosphorylation, and intramolecular associations. In contrast to previous reports, we demonstrated that both merlin isoforms are able to suppress cell proliferation, whereas C-terminally mutated merlin constructs showed reduced growth inhibition. Phosphorylation serves as a mechanism to regulate the tumor suppressive activity of merlin. The C-terminal serine 518 is phosphorylated in response to both p21-activated kinase (PAK) and protein kinase A (PKA), which inactivates the growth inhibitory function of merlin. However, at least three differentially phosphorylated forms of the protein exist. In this study we demonstrated that also the N-terminus of merlin is phosphorylated by AGC kinases, and that both PKA and Akt phosphorylate merlin at serine 10 (S10). We evaluated the impact of this N-terminal tail phosphorylation, and showed that the phosphorylation state of S10 is an important regulator of merlin s ability to modulate cytoskeletal organization but also regulates the stability of the protein. In summary, this study describes the functional effect of merlin specific regions. We demonstrate that both S10 in the N-terminal tail and residues E545-E547 in the C-terminus are essential for merlin activity and function.


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Sphingolipids are essential components of cell membranes, and many of them regulate vital cell functions. In particular, ceramide plays crucial roles in cell signaling processes. Two major actions of ceramides are the promotion of cell cycle arrest and the induction of apoptosis. Phosphorylation of ceramide produces ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P), which has opposite effects to ceramide. C1P is mitogenic and has prosurvival properties. In addition, C1P is an important mediator of inflammatory responses, an action that takes place through stimulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2, and the subsequent release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin formation. All of the former actions are thought to be mediated by intracellularly generated C1P. However, the recent observation that C1P stimulates macrophage chemotaxis implicates specific plasma membrane receptors that are coupled to Gi proteins. Hence, it can be concluded that C1P has dual actions in cells, as it can act as an intracellular second messenger to promote cell survival, or as an extracellular receptor agonist to stimulate cell migration.


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In response to infection or tissue dysfunction, immune cells develop into highly heterogeneous repertoires with diverse functions. Capturing the full spectrum of these functions requires analysis of large numbers of effector molecules from single cells. However, currently only 3-5 functional proteins can be measured from single cells. We developed a single cell functional proteomics approach that integrates a microchip platform with multiplex cell purification. This approach can quantitate 20 proteins from >5,000 phenotypically pure single cells simultaneously. With a 1-million fold miniaturization, the system can detect down to ~100 molecules and requires only ~104 cells. Single cell functional proteomic analysis finds broad applications in basic, translational and clinical studies. In the three studies conducted, it yielded critical insights for understanding clinical cancer immunotherapy, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mechanism and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology.

To study phenotypically defined cell populations, single cell barcode microchips were coupled with upstream multiplex cell purification based on up to 11 parameters. Statistical algorithms were developed to process and model the high dimensional readouts. This analysis evaluates rare cells and is versatile for various cells and proteins. (1) We conducted an immune monitoring study of a phase 2 cancer cellular immunotherapy clinical trial that used T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic T cells as major therapeutics to treat metastatic melanoma. We evaluated the functional proteome of 4 antigen-specific, phenotypically defined T cell populations from peripheral blood of 3 patients across 8 time points. (2) Natural killer (NK) cells can play a protective role in chronic inflammation and their surface receptor – killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) – has been identified as a risk factor of IBD. We compared the functional behavior of NK cells that had differential KIR expressions. These NK cells were retrieved from the blood of 12 patients with different genetic backgrounds. (3) HSCs are the progenitors of immune cells and are thought to have no immediate functional capacity against pathogen. However, recent studies identified expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on HSCs. We studied the functional capacity of HSCs upon TLR activation. The comparison of HSCs from wild-type mice against those from genetics knock-out mouse models elucidates the responding signaling pathway.

In all three cases, we observed profound functional heterogeneity within phenotypically defined cells. Polyfunctional cells that conduct multiple functions also produce those proteins in large amounts. They dominate the immune response. In the cancer immunotherapy, the strong cytotoxic and antitumor functions from transgenic TCR T cells contributed to a ~30% tumor reduction immediately after the therapy. However, this infused immune response disappeared within 2-3 weeks. Later on, some patients gained a second antitumor response, consisted of the emergence of endogenous antitumor cytotoxic T cells and their production of multiple antitumor functions. These patients showed more effective long-term tumor control. In the IBD mechanism study, we noticed that, compared with others, NK cells expressing KIR2DL3 receptor secreted a large array of effector proteins, such as TNF-α, CCLs and CXCLs. The functions from these cells regulated disease-contributing cells and protected host tissues. Their existence correlated with IBD disease susceptibility. In the HSC study, the HSCs exhibited functional capacity by producing TNF-α, IL-6 and GM-CSF. TLR stimulation activated the NF-κB signaling in HSCs. Single cell functional proteome contains rich information that is independent from the genome and transcriptome. In all three cases, functional proteomic evaluation uncovered critical biological insights that would not be resolved otherwise. The integrated single cell functional proteomic analysis constructed a detail kinetic picture of the immune response that took place during the clinical cancer immunotherapy. It revealed concrete functional evidence that connected genetics to IBD disease susceptibility. Further, it provided predictors that correlated with clinical responses and pathogenic outcomes.


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Los mecanismos epigenéticos, entre los que está implicada la modificación covalente de histonas, son esenciales para el mantenimiento estable de la actividad génica en las células. Estos mecanismos también están implicados en la aparición de enfermedades como el cáncer colorrectal (CCR), siendo la metástasis hepática una de las formas más agresivas de la misma al producir una drástica disminución de la esperanza de vida del enfermo. Las modificaciones en las histonas, conocidas recientemente como código histónico, afectan a la estructura de la cromatina y juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de la tumorogénesis. Sin embargo, se sabe poco acerca de aquellas células que adquieren la capacidad de metastatizar, y es por ello que en el presente trabajo se estudian las diferencias epigenéticas entre células tumorales primarias y células tumorales metastásicas para el patrón de trimetilación de la histona H3 en tres residuos diferentes del aminoácido lisina: lisina 4 (H3K4me3), lisina 9 (H3K9me3) y lisina 27 (H3K27me3).


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A AIDS deixou de ser uma doença aguda, tendo como desfecho morte imediata. Com o advento da terapia antirretroviral potente, controlou-se o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, tornando a AIDS uma doença crônica. Entretanto, a terapia antirretroviral potente possui reações adversas, sendo uma delas a síndrome lipodistrófica do HIV. Uma das manifestações desta síndrome é a lipoatrofia facial: perda de gordura na face. O Ministério da Saúde do Brasil normatizou a aplicação de polimetilmetacrilato para reabilitação da face. Porém, crianças e adolescentes não podem realizar tal procedimento. Para esta população, o presente trabalho propõe a terapia miofuncional. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos da terapia fonoaudiológica miofuncional em adolescentes vivendo com HIV/AIDS, contraído por transmisão vertical, com lipoatrofia facial. Métodos: Realizou-se avaliação fonoaudiológica antes e depois de 12 sessões de terapia fonoaudiológica, utilizando avaliação estrutural, medidas antropométricas da face, registro fotográfico, peso e altura, índice de lipoatrofia facial (ILA) e índice de incapacidade facial índice de bem-estar social (IIF-IBES). Na terapia fonoaudiológica, utilizou-se exercícios isotônicos e isométricos para face, bochechas e língua. Foram coletados os últimos dados, como a contagem de CD4, a carga viral, e o histórico da terapia antirretroviral utilizada. Resultados: Dos 15 pacientes estudados, 10 tinham lipoatrofia facial, mensurada através do ILA. Quatro completaram as todas as sessões de terapia fonoaudiológica. Nestes pacientes, as medidas antropométricas da face ficaram mais harmônicas, corroborando com os achados do registro fotográfico e da avaliação estrutural. Aumentou-se sutilmente o ILA em três pacientes. Conclusão: A terapia fonoaudiológica mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento da lipoatrofia facial leve. Considera-se importante a readequação das funções estomatognáticas quando necessário. Outras demandas fonoaudiológicas surgiram na população estudada.


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O Carcinoma de Pulmão de Células Não Pequenas (NSCLC) é uma doença freqüentemente letal e altamente resistente à terapia oncológica convencional, como por exemplo, o tratamento quimioterápico com cisplatina e paclitaxel. A superexpressão de Ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) é constantemente observada em pacientes com NSCLC, estando associada ao prognóstico ruim destes pacientes. Acredita-se que a alta expressão de COX-2 produz efeitos anti-apoptóticos, porém pouco é conhecido sobre os mecanismos de regulação desta enzima. Muitos sinais capazes de ativar COX-2 também induzem a proteína supressora de tumor p53, conhecida pelo seu papel fundamental no controle da proliferação celular e apoptose. Dados recentes indicam que a proteína p53 é um importante regulador da expressão de COX-2. O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar os efeitos da quimioterapia na expressão da enzima COX-2 em linhagens celulares com diferente status do gene TP53, e ainda, correlacionar a expressão de COX-2 e o status mutacional de TP53, com as características clínico-patológicas de pacientes com NSCLC. Como ferramentas experimentais foram usadas técnicas de biologia celular e molecular como interferência de RNA, PCR em tempo real, análise mutacional e imuno-histoquímica. Com os resultados obtidos, observamos que as linhagens celulares de câncer de pulmão que apresentam p53 na sua forma selvagem, quando expostas ao tratamento com cisplatina, apresentaram indução da expressão de COX-2 (RNAm e proteína), em adição ao aumento da síntese de Prostaglandina E2 (PGE2). Em contrapartida, a expressão de COX-2 não foi alterada após o tratamento com cisplatina nas linhagens celulares que apresentavam mutação no gene TP53. Ao avaliar o tratamento com paclitaxel, foi observado um aumento da expressão de COX-2 nas linhagens A549 e H460 (linhagens celulares do tipo selvagem para p53), entretanto não foi observada alteração nos níveis de PGE2. Em adição, o tratamento com paclitaxel induziu um aumento da expressão de COX-2 na linhagem com deleção em TP53, ACC LC-319. Em seguida, após silenciamento de p53 na linhagem celular A549, por interferência de RNA, a cisplatina passou a não ser mais capaz de induzir o aumento da expressão de COX-2. No tratamento com paclitaxel, o silenciamento de TP53 não mudou a expressão de COX-2, indicando assim um efeito independente de p53. Dessa maneira, sugerimos que a indução de COX-2, por cisplatina, em linhagens celulares NSCLC é dependente de p53. Na análise dos pacientes NSCLC, os resultados demonstram que 54% dos pacientes apresentam expressão positiva de COX-2. Mutações em TP53 foram observadas em 57% dos pacientes, incluindo 56% de fumantes correntes e 37% de ex-fumantes. Uma associação entre a expressão de COX-2 e o status selvagem de TP53 foi observada, entre os pacientes que apresentaram expressão positiva de COX-2, 80% apresentaram TP53 selvagem. Um número maior de pacientes é necessário para aumentar o poder estatístico e confirmar as tendências observadas nesse estudo


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BACKGROUND: Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is currently being extensively studied in clinical trials for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD). Only marginal effects have, however, been reported, and the dose-response curve was bell-shaped contrasting with the reported data from in vitro experiments. AIM: To use another in vitro model to analyze the effect of rhIL-10 and rhIL-4 on the spontaneous mucosal TNF-alpha secretion in patients with CD, and to characterize the phenotype of the cells targeted by rhIL-10. METHODS: Non-inflamed colon biopsies from CD patients were cultured for 16 hours in presence of different concentrations of rhIL-10 or rhIL-4. The numbers of TNF-alpha-secreting cells among isolated lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMNC) were estimated by Elispot. RESULTS: Both rhIL-10 and rhIL-4 down-regulate TNF-alpha secretion by LPMNC from CD patients, with a more pronounced effect with rhIL-10. These effects were closely linked to the cytokine concentrations used, with a bell-shaped dose-response curve. Residual TNF-alpha secretion, in the presence of optimal rhIL-10 concentration was mainly attributable to CD3+ T cells. In contrast, at higher rhIL-10 concentrations, CD3- cells contributed significantly to the TNF-alpha secretion. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro model we used, demonstrates that IL-4, but mostly IL-10, efficiently suppresses TNF-alpha secretion in LPMNC from CD patients, with a dose-response curve similar to results obtained in vivo. Resistance at high rhIL-10 concentrations was associated with a change in the phenotype of TNF-alpha-secreting cells.


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BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is hypothesized to result from stimulation of immune responses against resident intestinal bacteria within a genetically susceptible host. Mast cells may play a critical role in IBD pathogenesis, since they are typically located just beneath the intestinal mucosal barrier and can be activated by bacterial antigens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This study investigated effects of mast cells on inflammation and associated neoplasia in IBD-susceptible interleukin (IL)-10-deficient mice with and without mast cells. IL-10-deficient mast cells produced more pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro both constitutively and when triggered, compared with wild type mast cells. However despite this enhanced in vitro response, mast cell-sufficient Il10(-/-) mice actually had decreased cecal expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon (IFN)-gamma mRNA, suggesting that mast cells regulate inflammation in vivo. Mast cell deficiency predisposed Il10(-/-) mice to the development of spontaneous colitis and resulted in increased intestinal permeability in vivo that preceded the development of colon inflammation. However, mast cell deficiency did not affect the severity of IBD triggered by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAID) exposure or helicobacter infection that also affect intestinal permeability. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Mast cells thus appear to have a primarily protective role within the colonic microenvironment by enhancing the efficacy of the mucosal barrier. In addition, although mast cells were previously implicated in progression of sporadic colon cancers, mast cells did not affect the incidence or severity of colonic neoplasia in this inflammation-associated model.


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Background/Aims: To identify physician selection factors in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer and how treatment outcome is affected by Tumor Board recommendations. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 213 patients treated for locally advanced head and neck cancer in a single institution was performed. All treatments followed Tumor Board recommendations: 115 patients had chemotherapy and radiation, and 98 patients received postoperative radiation. Patient characteristics, treatment toxicity, locoregional control and survival between these two treat- ment groups were compared. Patient survival was compared with survival data reported in randomized studies of locally advanced head and neck cancer. Results: There were no differences in comorbidity factors, and T or N stages between the two groups. A statistically significant number of patients with oropharyngeal and oral cavity tumors had chemoradiation and postoperative radiation, respectively (p < 0.0001). Grade 3-4 toxicities during treatment were 48 and 87% for the postoperative radiation and chemoradiation groups, respectively (p = 0.0001). There were no differences in survival, locoregional recurrences and distant metastases between the two groups. Patient survival was comparable to survival rates reported by randomized studies of locally advanced head and neck cancer. Conclusion: Disease sites remained the key determining factor for treatment selection. Multidisciplinary approaches provided optimal treatment outcome for locally advanced head and neck cancer, with overall survival in these patients being comparable to that reported in randomized clinical trials. Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG.


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The skeleton is the first and most common site of distant relapse in breast and prostate carcinomas. Tumor bone disease is responsible for a considerable morbidity, which also makes major demands on resources for healthcare provision. Increased bone resorption in tumor bone disease appears to be essentially mediated by the ostoclasts, explaining why bisphosphonates have been successfully used for the treatment of malignant ostolysis. Hypercalcemia occurs in 10-20% of the patients with advanced cancer, and the uncoupling between bone resorption and bone formation is easily demonstrated by the measurement of bone markers. The differential diagnosis between tumor-induced hypercalcemia and primary hyperparathyroidism is most often easy when using intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) assays; moreover, parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) determination can be useful in selected cases. The diagnosis of bone metastases is often easy when the patient is symptomatic. The diagnostic usefulness of bone markers is limited, and the available data indicate that bone markers are so far unsuitable for an early diagnosis of neoplastic skeletal involvement on an individual basis. However, by combining bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) or modern bone resorption markers with specific tumor markers, such as PSA or CA15.3, the diagnostic sensitivity of bone markers can be improved. Their degree of elevation correlates with the tumor burden and has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor for several tumors. On the other hand, biochemical markers of bone turnover have the unique potential to simplify and improve the monitoring of metastatic bone disease, which remains a continuous challenge for the oncologist. Peptide-bound cross-links could be quite useful to discriminate between patients progressing early on treatment from those with longer disease control. Also, the diagnostic efficiency of a 50% increase in these markers could identify imminent progression. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The 67LR (67 kDa laminin receptor) is a cell-surface receptor with high affinity for its primary ligand. Its role as a laminin receptor makes it an important molecule both in cell adhesion to the basement membrane and in signalling transduction following this binding event. The protein also plays critical roles in the metastasis of tumour cells. Isolation of the protein from either normal or cancerous cells results in a product with an approx. molecular mass of 67 kDa. This protein is believed to be derived from a smaller precursor, the 37LRP (37 kDa laminin receptor precursor). However, the precise mechanism by which cytoplasmic 37LRP becomes cell-membrane-embedded 67LR is unclear. The process may involve post-translational fatty acylation of the protein combined with either homo- or hetero-dimerization, possibly with a galectin-3-epitope-containing partner. Furthermore, it has become clear that acting as a receptor for laminin is not the only function of this protein. 67LR also acts as a receptor for viruses, such as Sindbis virus and dengue virus, and is involved with internalization of the prion protein. Interestingly, unmodified 37LRP is a ribosomal component and homologues of this protein are found in all five kingdoms. In addition, it appears to be strongly associated with histones in the eukaryotic cell nucleus, although the precise role of these interactions is not clear. Here we review the current understanding of the structure and function of this molecule, as well as highlighting areas requiring further research.


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Antibody targeting of drug substances can improve the efficacy of the active molecule, improving distribution and concentration of the drug at the site of injury/disease. Encapsulation of drug substances into polymeric nanoparticles can also improve the therapeutic effects of such compounds by protecting the molecule until its action is required. In this current study, we have brought together these two rationales to develop a novel immunonanoparticle with improved therapeutic effect against colorectal tumor cells. This nanoparticle comprised a layer of peripheral antibodies (Ab) directed toward the Fas receptor (CD95/Apo-1) covalently attached to poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (NP) loaded with camptothecin. Variations in surface carboxyl density permitted up to 48.5 mu g coupled Ab per mg of NP and analysis of nanoparticulate cores showed efficient camptothecin loading. Fluorescence visualization studies confirmed internalization of nanoconstructs into endocytic compartments of HCT 116 cells, an effect not evident in NP without superficial Ab. Cytotoxicity studies were then carried out against HCT116 cells. After 72 h, camptothecin solution resulted in an IC50 of 21.8 ng mL(-1). Ab-directed delivery of NP-encapsulated camptothecin was shown to be considerably more effective with an IC50 of 0.37 ng mL(-1). Calculation of synergistic ratios for these nanoconstructs demonstrated synergy of pharmacological relevance. Indeed, the results in this paper suggest that the attachment of anti-Fas antibodies to camptothecin-loaded nanoparticles may result in a therapeutic strategy that could have potential in the treatment of tumors expressing death receptors.


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The biological role of steroid 5 alpha-reductase isozymes (encoded by the SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 genes) and angiogenic factors that play important roles in the pathogenesis and vascularization of prostate cancer (PC) is poorly understood. The sub-cellular expression of these isozymes and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in PC tissue microarrays (n=62) was examined using immunohistochemistry. The effect of SRD5A inhibition on the angiogenesis pathway genes in PC was also examined in prostate cell lines, LNCaP, PC3, and RWPE-1, by treating them with the SRD5A inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride, followed by western blot, quantitative PCR, and ELISA chip array techniques. In PC tissues, nuclear SRD5A1 expression was strongly associated with higher cancer Gleason scores (P=0.02), higher cancer stage (P=0.01), and higher serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels (P=0.01), whereas nuclear SRD5A2 expression was correlated with VEGF expression (P=0.01). Prostate tumor cell viability was significantly reduced in dutasteride-treated PC3 and RWPE-1 cells compared with finasteride-treated groups. Expression of the angiogenesis pathway genes transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1), endothelin (EDN1), TGF alpha (TGFA), and VEGFR1 was upregulated in LNCaP cells, and at least 7 out of 21 genes were upregulated in PC3 cells treated with finasteride (25 mu M). Our findings suggest that SRD5A1 expression predominates in advanced PC, and that inhibition of SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 together was more effective in reducing cell numbers than inhibition of SRD5A2 alone. However, these inhibitors did not show any significant difference in prostate cell angiogenic response. Interestingly, some angiogenic genes remained activated after treatment, possibly due to the duration of treatment and tumor resistance to inhibitors. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 757-770


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Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare undifferentiated neoplasm. The prognosis is poor, even if therapy is instituted promptly. and thus it is important to differentiate it from other histologically and cytologically similar-looking malignancies of the young adult. We present a case of DSRCT in a 17-yr-old male with disseminated peritoneal disease and peritoneal effusion. The cytology sample showed a malignant small round cell tumor, the classical cytological features of DSRCT, and immunohistochemistry performed in the prepared cell block exhibited an antibody expression profile in keeping with DSRCT. Further material front the effusion was prepared for RNA extraction, following which a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) and sequencing of the t(l l;22)(p13;q11 or q12) were carried out. The result showed the presence of the reciprocal translocation and thus confirmed the diagnosis of DSRCT. This case shows how molecular techniques (including sequencing) call be applied to cytology in clarifying and confirming certain difficult diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasms, DSRCT in this particular case. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2003;29:341-343. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.