988 resultados para Dental Arch. Face. Malocclusion.Orthodontics. Morphology
This article introduces a new method for 3-dimensional dental cast analysis, by using a mechanical 3-dimensional digitizer, MicroScribe 3DX (Immersion, San Jose, Calif), and TIGARO software (not yet released, but available from the author at hayasaki@dent.kyushu-u.ac.jp). By digitizing points on the model, multiple measurements can be made, including tooth dimensions; arch length, width, and perimeter; curve of Spee; overjet and overbite; and anteroposterior discrepancy. The bias of the system can be evaluated by comparing the distance between 2 points as determined by the new system and as measured with digital calipers. Fifteen pairs of models were measured digitally and manually, and the bias was evaluated by comparing the variances of both methods and checking for the type of error obtained by each method. No systematic errors were found. The results showed that the method is accurate, and it can be applied to both clinical practice and research. Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
This paper presents the development of an multi-projection stereoscopic dental arches application with semantic descriptions. The first section presents the concepts of the used technologies. Applications and examples are demonstrated. Finally, is presented the physical structure and the developed system, where a 3D dental arch is used as a model and can be viewed in multi-projection, thereby, providing greater user's immersion. ©2010 IEEE.
Aim: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between root formation of the first premolars and skeletal maturation stages identified in hand-wrist radiographs. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving the panoramic and hand-wrist radiographs obtained on the same date of 232 patients, 123 boys and 109 girls aged 4 years and 5 months to 17 years and 12 months. Root formation stages of the first premolars were related to the ossification stages of the sesamoid bone, epiphyseal stages of the phalanx of the thumb and epiphyseal stages of the radius. Results: The studied variables demonstrated statistically significant correlations. Conclusion: Roots of the lower first premolars do not reach 2/3 of their complete length before adolescence.
Because the study of occlusion is a basic area in dentistry, its components, physiology and integration with the stomatognathic system (SS) have been the subject of interest in the scientific literature. However, the focus given to this issue has changed substantially. Currently, new approaches have been proposed in order to update concepts and to demonstrate the full integration and functionality of this system within the human body. With this approach, the authors proposed the following literature review aimed at gathering recent papers (published from 2000 to 2010) with innovative study design, methodology and/or results. The authors' intention is to show the main trends in the study of occlusion and the SS. The literature review was conducted in the PubMed database, using initially the term dental occlusion as a key-word. As items of interest were found, papers were grouped by categories according to their main subject matter. Forty-seven articles were selected and the main categories obtained were: 1. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); 2. brain activation; 3. masticatory/occlusal function; 4. body function and physical performance; 5. osseoperception; 6. finite element models; and 7. occlusion and pain. Observing the current literature, the authors found that recent studies present different methodologies for the study of occlusion. These studies have allowed scientists to obtain detailed information about the physiology of occlusion and the SS, as well as about its integration in the body. Research in this area should be continued in order to clarify, in detail, the role of each component of the SS and its interaction with human physiology. © 2012 by CHROMA, Inc.
Objective. Considering that patients' satisfaction is one of the most important goals in conducting removable dental prosthesis (RDP) therapy and the fact that there are many factors which influence this parameter, the present study aims to evaluate the expectation before and satisfaction after therapy with RDP in patients who seek such therapy. As a secondary objective, other variables that may be associated with patient satisfaction are also evaluated, such as gender, age, Kennedy's classification of the arch supporting the RDP, the number of RDP adjustments after delivery and patients' evaluation of the dentists' conduct. Materials and methods. A sample of 44 patients who received RDP therapy were assigned visual analog scale scores for their expectation before and satisfaction after therapy regarding chewing, aesthetics, comfort and phonetics. They also completed a questionnaire concerning the dentists' conduct. Results. There was no statistically significant difference among scores concerning different genders, age, number of post-delivery settings and arch involved in the RDP. Regarding patients' evaluation of the dentists' conduct, there was a predominance of positive evaluations, but only different answers to the statement (i.e. 'The dentist I saw thoroughly explained the recommended treatment before it commenced') present statistically significant different scores for chewing (p = 0.040) and phonetics (p = 0.046). Conclusions. The average visual analog scale scores were high for both expectation prior to treatment and satisfaction after treatment; however, the scores for expectations were higher than those for satisfaction. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the facial profile changes induced by Balters' bionator appliance in Class II division 1 patients, at mixed dentition stage. Methods: The sample consisted of 28 prepubertal individuals at stages 1 and 2 of skeletal maturation (CVM), which were divided in two groups. The experimental group consisted of 14 individuals (7 boys and 7 girls, initial mean age of 8y12m) which were treated with Balters' bionator appliance for 14.7 months. The effects of treatment were compared to a control group of 14 subjects (7 boys and 7 girls, initial mean age of 8y5m) with Class II malocclusion, division 1, not orthodontically treated, which were followed up for 15.4 months. The statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test, at a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that the Balters' bionator appliance promoted a significant increase on the mentolabial angle, in addition to demonstrating a tendency to reduce the facial skeletal convexity, to restrict the maxillary growth and to increase the nasolabial angle and the lower anterior facial height. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the Balters' bionator appliance improved the facial profile of children treated at mixed dentition stage. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações cefalométricas em pacientes com perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente. MÉTODOS: foram analisadas 68 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes de consultórios particulares. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos pareados quanto ao sexo e idade - 34 indivíduos sem perdas (grupo controle) e 34 com perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente (grupo com perda). Foram excluídos da amostra pacientes que haviam perdido outros dentes que não o primeiro molar inferior, casos de agenesia e pacientes com menos de 16 anos de idade. Buscou-se avaliar somente indivíduos que tivessem relatado a perda há pelo menos 5 anos. RESULTADOS: demonstraram que a perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente leva ao suave fechamento do ângulo GnSN (P=0,05), um giro anti-horário do plano oclusal (P=0,0001), uma suave diminuição da altura facial anteroinferior (P=0,05), uma acentuada inclinação lingual (P=0,04) e retrusão dos incisivos inferiores (P=0,03). Por outro lado, a perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente não foi capaz de influenciar a relação maxilomandibular no sentido anteroposterior (P=0,21), a quantidade de mento (P=0,45), a inclinação dos incisivos superiores (P=0,12) e a posição anteroposterior dos incisivos superiores (P=0,46). CONCLUSÃO: a perda bilateral dos primeiros molares inferiores é capaz de produzir alterações marcantes no posicionamento dos incisivos inferiores e no plano oclusal, além de uma suave redução vertical da face.
OBJETIVO: analisar a habilidade de ortodontistas e leigos para perceber as assimetrias faciais causadas por desvios mandibulares. MÉTODOS: foram obtidas fotografias frontais da face de dois indivíduos, sendo um do sexo masculino e outro do sexo feminino. As fotografias foram tiradas em Posição Natural de Cabeça (PNC) com desvios mandibulares progressivos — em 2, 4 e 6mm —, partindo-se da posição de Máxima Intercuspidação Habitual (MIH). Para testar a reprodutibilidade do método, utilizaram-se os Coeficientes de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC) e o teste de Kappa ponderado.As diferenças entre os examinadores leigos e ortodontistas foram investigadas através do teste de Mann-Whitney, enquanto a análise de Friedman foi utilizada para investigar as diferenças nos escores para os progressivos avanços mandibulares. Todas as estatísticas foram executadas com nível de confiabilidade de 95%. RESULTADOS: os ortodontistas foram hábeis em perceber os desvios somente a partir de 4mm, quando comparados à posição de MIH (p≤0,05), enquanto os leigos tiveram o mesmo padrão para o indivíduo do sexo feminino. Porém, ao examinar o sujeito do sexo masculino, os leigos não observaram nenhuma alteração executada a partir de MIH (p>0,05). De modo geral, apesar de as medianas atribuídas pelos ortodontistas terem sido menores que as dos leigos, essa diferença foi significativa apenas para o desvio de 6mm, em ambos os pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: ortodontistas e leigos avaliaram a assimetria mandibular de modo diferente, visto que ortodontistas tendem a ser mais críticos quando as assimetrias são mais severas. Conclui-se, ainda, que existe variação na avaliação das assimetrias faciais dependendo do paciente examinado, principalmente entre os examinadores leigos.
OBJETIVO: avaliar o nível de correlação entre a angulação dos caninos e a inclinação dos incisivos. MÉTODOS: a angulação mesiodistal dos caninos e a inclinação vestibulolingual dos incisivos foram obtidas em um programa digital gráfico (Imagetool®), a partir de fotografias padronizadas dos modelos de 60 pacientes. A inclinação dos incisivos foi, ainda, avaliada pela cefalometria lateral. RESULTADOS: o erro casual mostrou uma variação em torno de 2° nas medidas feitas nos modelos (1,8–2,5º), enquanto o erro sistemático, avaliado pela teste de correlação intraclasse, revelou uma excelente reprodutibilidade para ambos os métodos empregados (p<0,001, r=0,84–0,96). Testes de correlação linear revelaram uma correlação positiva significativa entre a angulação dos caninos e a inclinação dos incisivos para a arcada superior (r=0,3, p<0,05), e mais significativa para a arcada inferior (r=0,46–0,51, p<0,001), quando ambas foram mensuradas nos modelos. Entretanto, quando a inclinação dos incisivos foi examinada pela cefalometria, o nível de correlação foi estatisticamente insignificante para os incisivos superiores (r=-0,06–0,21, p>0,05) e variou bastante na arcada inferior (r=0,14–0,50), dependendo da grandeza correlacionada. CONCLUSÃO: ratifica-se a introdução de mudanças na angulação dos caninos com o intuito de acompanhar as compensações observadas na inclinação dos incisivos, principalmente na arcada inferior.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)