927 resultados para Deleuze and Guattari


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This article contends that what appear to be the dystopic conditions of affective capitalism are just as likely to be felt in various joyful encounters as they are in atmospheres of fear associated with post 9/11 securitization. Moreover, rather than grasping these joyful encounters with capitalism as an ideological trick working directly on cognitive systems of belief, they are approached here by way of a repressive affective relation a population establishes between politicized sensory environments and what Deleuze and Guattari (1994) call a brain-becoming-subject. This is a radical relationality (Protevi, 2010) understood in this context as a mostly nonconscious brain-somatic process of subjectification occurring in contagious sensory environments populations become politically situated in. The joyful encounter is not therefore merely an ideological manipulation of belief, but following Gabriel Tarde (as developed in Sampson, 2012), belief is always the object of desire. The discussion starts by comparing recent efforts by Facebook to manipulate mass emotional contagion to a Huxleyesque control through appeals to joy. Attention is then turned toward further manifestations of affective capitalism; beginning with the so-called emotional turn in the neurosciences, which has greatly influenced marketing strategies intended to unconsciously influence consumer mood (and choice), and ending with a further comparison between encounters with Nazi joy in the 1930s (Protevi, 2010) and the recent spreading of right wing populism similarly loaded with political affect. Indeed, the dystopian presence of a repressive political affect in all of these examples prompts an initial question concerning what can be done to a brain so that it involuntarily conforms to the joyful encounter. That is to say, what can affect theory say about an apparent brain-somatic vulnerability to affective suggestibility and a tendency toward mass repression? However, the paper goes on to frame a second (and perhaps more significant) question concerning what can a brain do. Through the work of John Protevi (in Hauptmann and Neidich (eds.), 2010: 168-183), Catherine Malabou (2009) and Christian Borch (2005), the article discusses how affect theory can conceive of a brain-somatic relation to sensory environments that might be freed from its coincidence with capitalism. This second question not only leads to a different kind of illusion to that understood as a product of an ideological trick, but also abnegates a model of the brain which limits subjectivity in the making to a phenomenological inner self or Being in the world.


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The world is all that there is. In the world, ontology and epistemology coincide. The thing and the perspective are part of it, scale is ingested in its multiplicity, communication stops at the world's edge. By reading together Deleuze and Guattari's plane of immanence and Niklas Luhmann's proto-global concept of Weltgesellschaft (“world society”), I suggest a conceptualisation of the world as the materiality of the multiple spaces of creation in an insular, all-inclusive immanence. Deprived of an outside, the world pushes its own understanding of circumference through, first, the expansion of its own limits through the process of worlding, and, second, the multiplication of modes of material (self-)production through its process of othering. Thus, the world swells up from the inside and expands on both the material and the semantic level, producing a multiplicity of fractal microcosms. Issues of responsibility and justice arise that are intricately linked to the materiality of the world and take place in and between the various bodies and spaces of the world but without an overarching hierarchy or principle. This approach is a way of counteracting the all-pervasive Hegelian understanding of synthesis, arguing instead for a plenitude that brims with positivity and that can never become fully complete. The world remains its own infinite process of worlding.


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This thesis explores the connection between the historical and social construction of madness in relation to how society currently views madness and schizophrenia. The anti-psychiatry movement has been outlined using the work of anti-psychiatrists David Cooper, R. D. Laing and Franco Basaglia. Foucault’s work regarding madness and the asylum is also reviewed to give an overarching analysis of madness, including analysis of its creation. With the help of Basaglia, madness as class warfare and social disease are explored. By connecting this analysis to the medicalization of schizophrenia and the use of counter-narratives, this thesis uses the work of Deleuze and Guattari to illustrate how mental illness can be redefined through deterritorialization, reterritorialization and lines of flight. Specifically, this thesis uses a Foucauldian textual analysis to examine self-narratives of schizophrenia including, the films A Beautiful Mind and The Best of Youth, and the books Two Accounts of a Journey Through Madness, The Center Cannot Hold and Living With Voices. These self-narratives illustrate the importance of considering an individual’s voice when determining treatment options for mental illness. Overall, a shift in thinking is needed. The findings suggest self-help groups are not enough on their own and should be combined with medical intervention. Self-narratives are an important step in the recovery process as it allows one to come to terms with their voice hearing experiences. As well, self-narratives are useful in the treatment process as a tool that can help to redefine dominant conceptualizations of schizophrenia and mental illness today.


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This qualitative research project uses a Deleuzo-Guattarian theoretical framework to address the question: “How are the politically oriented social forums in Gaia Online experienced as a continuum of overlapping of lines, including molar lines, lines of flight, and molecular lines?” Although smooth lines of flight may occur in Gaia, there are always mechanisms that work to re-territorialize them as more striated molar operations. Conversely, while more striated molar lines may be evident in Gaia, there are also smooth lines of flight that attempt to deterritorialize them as smooth space. Founded in 2003, Gaia is a virtual community in which members use 3D avatars to socialize with others, create content, and play games. Deleuze and Guattari (1987) have defined space with three systems: on one end is state-oriented static space, on the other end is nomadic fluid space, and situated in the middle is molecular space which contains both smooth and striating elements. While state-oriented striated space is based on routines, rules, and specifications, nomadic smooth space is flexible, always changing, and full of possibility. Some of the smoother operations that are evident in Gaia include becoming other, decentred communications, desire as resistance, and lines of flight. Some of the more striated operations include social reproduction of gender norms/expectations, capitalist mechanisms, violence and intolerance linked to categories and binaries (racism/sexism/ageism), the regulation of desire, and the organisation of bodies.


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Le présent mémoire aborde les problématiques morales de la scission corps-esprit chez les soldats de la guerre du Việt Nam telles que représentées à travers certains films traitant de cette guerre. Notre démarche sera centrée sur le travail individuel que propose le film Apocalypse Now, plutôt que sur la representation de la guerre. Nous postulons que ce film met les individus devant les contradictions inhérentes d'une société qui prétend justement pacifier le monde en faisant la guerre, et qui plus est, comme ce fut le cas au Việt Nam, au moyen d’un déchainement de violence qui dépasse l'entendement (torture, massacre de masses, napalm et Agent Orange). Notre hypothèse est que le film, à travers son personnage central, nous propose une « voie » qui n’empêche pas la guerre, certes, mais permet du moins d'entreprendre une demarche de distanciation et de redefinition morale individuelle permettant de survivre au(x) temps de guerre(s). Cette mutation morale, chez le personnage principal, s'acquiert au bout d'un voyage réflexif à tout point de vue « au coeur des ténèbres » – de la jungle, tout autant que de son être.


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En este artículo se busca elaborar filosóficamente el concepto nosotros. Metodológicamente, se utiliza al constructivismo filosófico de Deleuze y Guattari. Se parte de una taxonomía comprensiva de la pragmática del pronombre de primera persona plural ‘nosotros’, y luego señalando juegos de oposiciones que brindan consistencia interna y externa al concepto. Se muestra que el pronombre implica múltiples usos que permiten tratarlo como una herramienta discursiva que afecta el campo de lo social.


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This article provides a historical and theoretical contextualization of Amelia Rosselli's practice of translation. Some hitherto neglected Rosselli translations from John Berryman will be examined to ascertain the role played by translation in her multilingual oeuvre. My analysis builds upon recent explorations of translingual authors' translating practice informed by Deleuze and Guattari's seminal Kafka: pour une littérature mineure. It aims to achieve an understanding of the aesthetic of Rosselli's trilingualism and the function of translation within the author's minorizing project.


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This paper describes teachers as bricoleurs who are professionals engaging in rigorous theoretical work as they construct meaningful assemblages of classroom practice. The author uses examples of two teachers taking up critical literacy discourses in their teaching and conversations to explain the construction of the teacher as bricoleur. Drawing on work by Deleuze and Guattari, a rhizotextual analysis of data is undertaken to explain the connections between the disparate discourses used by the two teachers and the documents of the Queensland English Syllabus. This understanding of the professional work of teachers negates assumptions about teachers as atheoretical and blind followers of departmental policies and curriculum directives. The author concludes with a description of one method for giving teachers the time and reflexive space to theoretically engage with issues surrounding their professional practice.


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In this paper, I describe methodological applications of Deleuze and Guattari's (1987) understanding of rhizomatic knowledge systems. I draw on rhizo-textual analyses of two different policy documents used in Australia to direct teachers in their teaching of English in primary (elementary) schools.

A rhizo-textual analysis is not concerned with following traditional, scientifically rigorous channels through a study; from data collection, through analysis, to findings that report some objectively discovered truth. Rather, a rhizo-textual analysis is a mapping of connections, of the fleshy tubers that are the rhizome. The mapping draws on various, and often contradictory work, ideas and concepts. What would seem to be "disparate phenomena" enables me to "connect diverse fragments of data in ways that produce new linkages and reveal discontinuities" (Alvermann, 2000, p. 118).

As Deleuze and Guattari point out, "A rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, social sciences, and social struggles" (1987, p. 7). This ceaselessness of the connections between rhizomes shifts attention away from the construction of a particular reading of any text towards a new careful attendance to the multiplicity of linkages that can be mapped between any text and other texts, other readings, other assemblages of meaning. Elizabeth Grosz describes rhizomatic texts as "a process of scattering thoughts, scrambling terms, concepts and practices, forging linkages, becoming a form of action" (1995, p. 126)

Within the policy texts I have analysed, this scrambling and scattered process establishes connections between disparate discursive systems, about literacy, about texts, about students and how students learn, and about teaching so that the version of literacy teaching that is produced seems to be normative, to be unquestionably rational, and therefore to be beyond critique.


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This paper argues that gravity is often opposed to lightness in a conceptual manoeuvre reminiscent of the binaries of a metaphysics of presence (the latter as interrogated by Derrida; see generally 1997). In this paradigm, lightness operates akin to the ‘origin’ or presence, and is deemed to have been contaminated by the arrival of weight, the latter framed as threat to this (presence)/lightness. The paper challenges this conceptualisation, one that arguably dominates quotidian attitudes to the body and its movement capacities. It proposes instead that gravity can be read ‘deconstructively’—in other words, that lightness and weight emerge from and produce one another, and that weight always already operates, and therefore includes lightness. In order to inhabit this desiring-body (a body affected by gravity), particular framings of the body’s internal structures can permit a harnessing of gravity’s vectors of attraction, enabling what the author terms ‘a rigorous laziness’. The latter would involve both an initial attitude and a practice that eschews vocabularies of ‘force’ and ‘effort’, in favour of a ‘close reading’ of structural veracities, engaging strategically with, rather than against, them, in an approach akin to deconstruction’s reading along with a text. Drawing ekphrastically on the structural suggestiveness of Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic and arborescent lenses, the paper finally contends that both these models are at work in human bodies, and that they operate in mutually generative ways. Taken up, this thinking may extend what the human body can do, and, most importantly, its pleasure in such doings.


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‘Something like an emergency’, a sonic poem recorded on CD, investigates the hunger of writing as a desire, not for a return of the dead, but for a breakthrough of impasses in language, both in love and in the writer’s (frustrated) translation of vision. Proceeding from Bachelard’s phenomenological observation that the poetic image puts language in a state of emergence, this work argues, instead, that poetry puts language in a state of emergency. Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of music as a deterriorialization of the refrain; a rhythmic pattern which marks out a territory, is invoked in both the music performance and in the words. The writing uses a ‘matting’ (rhizomatic) effect in its verse fragments which echo and refract others. Reverberation is also explored in the piano and its sonic processing which provides elements of dissonance and consonance, refracting dialogues in the text. Voice and music sometimes argue, sometimes agree, and sometimes are indistinguishable. However, this dialectic is further disturbed: at times the piano and voice seem to pay no attention to each other, taking off on their own ‘lines of flight’, in subversion of ‘collaboration’. In its use of recorded improvisational techniques this work also challenges the ‘superiority’ of live improvisation.
It was first performed at Double Dialogues conference, ‘The Hunger Artist: Food and the Arts’, Toronto, 2010. The text and accompanying discursive article form a book chapter in 2012 Food and Appetites: The Hunger Artist and the Arts, Ann McCulloch and Pavlina Radia(eds). It has been broadcast on RRR, 3CR radios and is released on CD and Youtube. By invitation it was performed at the Midsumma Festival, 2014.


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This work is funded based on the uneasiness with the concept of State as a public machine for development. Of State as a public machine to deliberate valid practices for valid methods and to limit valid subjects in valid spaces. In midst of this specific context, this work dedicates itself to investigate the following research problem: the mistaken recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation. For this reason, it was addressed the following question: how the blind subject is recognized in public spaces of representation? To answer the question, it was necessary to contextualize how the blind subject is being recognized in various public spaces of representation. In the international scope, the human rights debate held between the National States was analyzed (BRAND, 2005; KOERNER, 2002; UN, 2006). In the national arena, constitutional rights, federal laws, public policies and institutions representing the blind subject were examined (CABRAL, 2008; SARAVIA, 2006). Finally, in a local context, the fundaments of the concept of citizen for the subject recognition were investigated (AGAMBEN, 2002; RORTY, 1999, DELEUZE AND GUATTARI, 1996). The methodology included reports of national and international representatives in the Lusophone Countries Meeting for Dissemination and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, mainly, interviews with blind subjects. The data was processed by content analysis and was discussed based on the following categories: representation spaces; representation modes; representation amplitude; representation premises. The results show, regarding such spaces of representation, the growing importance of thinking the rights of persons with disabilities ¿ group in which belongs the blind subject ¿ as of the international and national scenario. However, the blind subjects announced alternative local spaces for representation: church, internet, radio, etc. Regarding the representation modes, the role of law and standards has been advocated specially in the human rights field. The importance of the cooperation between the States and the civil society to ensure, in practice, the rights achieved was also emphasized. But other forms of representation, directly linked to each interviewee¿ history, was important. Regarding the representation amplitude, there were arguments in defense of a conception of human dignity and freedom to all inhabitants of the globe. The lusophone event highlighted the concern of the cultural peculiarities of those involved in the meeting. The blind interviewees argued for citizenship as construction of instruments for freedom and autonomy, but recognized that this is not a clear desire between the blind people in general, and even less in society as a whole. With respect to the representation premises, the fundaments for the recognition of the blind subject were based on the primacy of reason at the expense of personal experimentation. Experimentation that serves as the foundation of a new form of recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation, one more interested in singularities, impenetrable by reason, unmovable to another, and which are irreducible to each subject. The final considerations suggest that if the State has a reason to be, this is not another than to offer instruments to manifest as many as the existential possibilities of the subject. This is the concept of State for development.


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O brincar é uma atividade construtiva através da qual a criança elabora a sua percepção do mundo e, conseqUentemente, a estruturação de sua personalidade. Os brinquedos podem ser utilizados como instrumentos de criação, quando permitem ã criança liberar suas fantasias, ou de dominação, ao reforçarem a reprodução de idéias, valores e papéis sociais. ~ preciso conhecer o universo circundante da criança: a família e a sociedade na qual ela vive, para se poder avaliar os brinquedos que são colocados no mercado, o comportamento dos pais em relação ao brincar da criança e a opção de escolha que os pais fazem ao presentearem os filhos com brinquedos. Atualmente, a sociedade coloca ã disposição da criança brinquedos que trazem em si mensagens que reforçam condutas sociais, atuando, desde cedo, no estabelecimento de um modo de pensar tipicamente capitalista. O objetivo é desenvolver nas brincadeiras um tipo de "modelização do comportamento" da criança que é, ao mesmo tempo, lúdico e semiótico. Para melhor entender "as regras deste jogo", as características da sociedade foram examinadas com base nas categorias marxistas: trabalho, alienação e mercadoria. Na tentativa de se interpretar esta versão do "brincar da criança" utilizou-se, ainda, os referenciais tempo, simulacro, publicidade e consumo. Este com destaque, por ser a base de sustentação da sociedade capitalista. Consumir passou a ser um imperativo do nosso tempo. Todas são capturados: homens, mulheres e crianças. O desejo é a matéria-prima geradora de consumo. ~ ele que conduz o homem na sua busca incessante pelo objeto ideal. O desejo pode ser visto como formação de uma carência, constituída nos primeiros anos de vida da criança, que arrasta o indivíduo numa procura in[indivel (visão psicanalítica), ou como produção coletiva do homem, processo de ruptura do sistema que o oprime, de acordo com Deleuze e Guattari. A "apropriação" do desejo da criança através do brinquedo é, certamente, um instrumento poderoso, que leva não só à exploração do consumo mas, principalmente, a uma subjetividade construída sob valores que estão voltados, unicamente, para a economia de mercado.


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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O presente artigo discute algumas questões relativas à produção da subjetividade a partir do referencial esquizoanalítico de Deleuze e Guattari. Optamos por discorrer sobre o assunto procurando não nos prendermos, na medida do possível, em conceitos e jargões técnicos. Iniciamos com uma parte mais teórica, na qual colocamos em tela algumas das idéias centrais da Esquizoanálise e sua perspectiva de formação da subjetividade, que entendemos como sendo a argamassa de constituição do mundo, abrindo caminho para uma parte mais prática, na qual analisamos o conto O Espelho, de Machado de Assis, de acordo com a ética estética de valorização da vida que entendemos ser a Esquizoanálise.