965 resultados para Darius I, King of Persia, 548-485 B.C.


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This paper argues in detail for the identification of Peftjauawybast, King of Nen-nesut (fl. 728/720 BC ), with Peftjauawybast, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis (fl. c. 790–780 BC2), known from the Apis stela of year 28 of Shoshenq III. This identification ties in with a significant lowering of the accepted dates for the kings from Shoshenq III, Osorkon III and Takeloth III to Shoshenq V, and the material culture associated with them. Such a shift seems to be supported by stylistic and genealogical evidence. As a consequence, it is further suggested that the Master of Shipping at Nen-nesut, Pediese i, was perhaps related by descent and marriage to the family of the High Priests of Memphis and King Peftjauawybast.


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ENGLISH: 1. Quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission at the surface and ten meters in the Gulf of Panama, as follows: a) 18-21 March, 1958 (31 stations)-during the height of the upwelling season, b) 10-12 July, 1957 (10 stations)-during the transition to the rainy season at a time when mild upwelling winds reappear, c) 7-8 November, 1957 (15 stations)-during the height of the rainy season. 2. Maximum phytoplankton populations occurred during the upwelling season, followed by a considerable decline during July, and a further Subsidence during November. 3. A remarkable regional uniformity in species composition was observed during the surveys despite regional differences in growth conditions. Diatoms overwhelmingly dominated the communities. 4. During all surveys, the innermost regions, generally north of 8°30'N, were the most productive. The least productive areas were in the offing of San Miguel Bay and Parita Bay, suggesting that nutrient accretion via runoff is inadequate to sustain sizeable autotrophic plant populations in those regions. 5. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be limited by nutrient availability. 6. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be related to depth of the water column. 7. Although below average rainfall contributed to unusually favorable growth conditions (reduced stability, increased transparency and, presumably, nutrient reserves) during the November survey relative to November 1955 and 1956 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W, the anticipated heightened phytoplankton response was not observed. 8. During the November survey, the local diatom responses and their regional fluctuations could be satisfactorily related to the accompanying surface salinity conditions. However, this correspondence is undoubtedly attributable to factors associated with the observed salinity levels, probably nutrients, rather than salinity directly. 9. Unusually warm conditions occurred during the March survey, attributable to considerably weaker upwelling winds than normally occurring then, which contributed to a considerably lower standing crop and a retardation in succession of three to five weeks relative to that observed during 1955-1957 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W in the Gulf of Panama. 10. During the March survey, a well defined inverse relationship existed between mean temperature and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters, and between transparency and mean diatom abundance. A direct relationship occurred between surface salinity and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters. These relationships are interpreted to indicate that diatom abundance primarily reflected the nutrient concentrations associated with a given upwelling intensity, rather than describing casual relationships. 11. The survey results indicate that the phytoplankton dynamics observed at 8°45'N, 79°23'W from November, 1954 through May, 1957 are generally representative of the Gulf of Panama. 12. The following new forms, to be described in a later publication, were observed during the surveys: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f. SPANISH: 1. La Comisión Interamericana del Atun Tropical recolectó en el Golfo de Panama muestras cuantitativas de fitoplancton en la superficie y a los diez metros, como sigue: a) Del 18 al 21 de marzo de 1958 (31 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación de afloramiento. b) Del 10 al 12 de julio de 1957 (10 estaciones)-durante la epóca de transición a la estación lluviosa cuando reaparecen los vientos ligeros que causan el afloramiento. c) Del 7 al 8 de noviembre de 1957 (15 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación lluviosa. 2. Las poblaciones maximas de fitoplancton aparecieron durante la estación de afloramiento, seguido por una considerable disminución durante el mes de julio y una calma durante noviembre. 3. Durante la investigación se observó una remarcable uniformidad regional en la composición de las especies a pesar de las diferencias regionales en las condiciones de crecimiento. Las diatomeas predominaban en gran numero en las comunidades. 4. Durante todas las investigaciones, las regiones mas cerca de la costa, generalmente al norte de los 8°30'N, eran las mas productivas. Las areas menos productivas fueron las mar afuera de las Bahias de San Miguel y Parita, lo que sugiere que el aumento en las sales nutritivas causado por las escorrentias es inadecuado para sostener poblaciones grandes de plantas autotróficas en estas regiones. 5. Durante todas las investigaciones, el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar limitado por la disponibilidad de las. sales nutritivas. 6. Durante todas las investigaciones el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar relacionado con la profundidad de la columna de agua. 7. Aunque las precipitacion por debajo del promedio normal contribuyo a condiciones desusadamente favorables de crecimiento (estabilidad reducida, aumento de la transparencia y, presumiblemente, de la reserva de sales nutritivas) durante la investigación de noviembre en relación a noviembre de 1955 y de 1956 en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, no se observo-la alta reacción de fitoplancton que se esperaba. 8. Durante la investigación de noviembre, las reacciones locales de las diatomeas y sus fluctuaciones regionales pudieron relacionarse en forma satisfactoria con condiciones asociadas con la salinidad de la superficie. Sin embargo, esta correspondencia puede atribuirse sin duda a factores asociados con los niveles observados de salinidad, probablemente con las sales nutritivas, en lugar de directamente con la salinidad. 9. Condiciones calurosas no comunes ocurrieron durante la investigación de marzo, las que pueden atribuirse a que los vientos que ocasionan el afloramiento fueran mas debiles que los normales, lo que contribuyó a que la cosecha estable fuera considerablemente mas baja y a la demora de tres a cinco semanas en la sucecion relativa a la que se observó durante 1955-1957 en los 8°45'N, 8°23'W, en el Golfo de Panama. 10. Durante la investigación de marzo, existió una relación inversa bien definida entre la temperatura y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores, y entre la transparencia y la abundancia media de las diatomeas. Una relación directa ocurrio entre la salinidad de superficie y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores. Estas relaciones se interpretan como indicadoras de que la abundancia de diatomeas refleja primeramente las concentraciones de las sales nutritivas asociadas con una intensidad de afloramiento dada, en lugar de describir relaciones causales. 11. Los resultados de la investigacion indican que la dinamica del fitoplancton observada en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, desde noviembre de 1954 a mayo de 1957, es generalmente representativa del Golfo de Panama. 12. Durante las investigaciones se observaron las siguientes formas nuevas, las que seran descritas en una publicación posterior: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f.


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Part I: Synthesis of L-Amino Acid Oxidase by a Serine- or Glycine-Requiring Strain of Neurospora

Wild-type cultures of Neurospora crassa growing on minimal medium contain low levels of L-amino acid oxidase, tyrosinase, and nicotinarnide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrase (NADase). The enzymes are derepressed by starvation and by a number of other conditions which are inhibitory to growth. L-amino acid oxidase is, in addition, induced by growth on amino acids. A mutant which produces large quantities of both L-amino acid oxidase and NADase when growing on minimal medium was investigated. Constitutive synthesis of L-amino acid oxidase was shown to be inherited as a single gene, called P110, which is separable from constitutive synthesis of NADase. P110 maps near the centromere on linkage group IV.

L-amino acid oxidase produced constitutively by P110 was partially purified and compared to partially purified L-amino acid oxidase produced by derepressed wild-type cultures. The enzymes are identical with respect to thermostability and molecular weight as judged by gel filtration.

The mutant P110 was shown to be an incompletely blocked auxotroph which requires serine or glycine. None of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of serine from 3-phosphoglyceric acid or glyceric acid was found to be deficient in the mutant, however. An investigation of the free intracellular amino acid pools of P110 indicated that the mutant is deficient in serine, glycine, and alanine, and accumulates threonine and homoserine.

The relationship between the amino acid requirement of P110 and its synthesis of L-amino acid oxidase is discussed.

Part II: Studies Concerning Multiple Electrophoretic Forms of Tyrosinase in Neurospora

Supernumerary bands shown by some crude tyrosinase preparations in paper electrophoresis were investigated. Genetic analysis indicated that the location of the extra bands is determined by the particular T allele present. The presence of supernumerary bands varies with the method used to derepress tyrosinase production, and with the duration of derepression. The extra bands are unstable and may convert to the major electrophoretic band, suggesting that they result from modification of a single protein. Attempts to isolate the supernumerary bands by continuous flow paper electrophoresis or density gradient zonal electrophoresis were unsuccessful.


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Tandem amorphous silicon solar cells have attracted extensive interest because of better performance than single junction counterpart. As n/p junctions play an important role in the current transportation of tandem solar cells, it is important to design and fabricate good n/p junctions.The properties of the n/p junction of amorphous silicon (a-Si) were studied. We investigate the effect of interposing a nanocrystalline p(+) layer between n (top cell) and p (bottom cell) layers of a tandem solar cell. The crystalline volume fraction, the band gap, the conductivity and the grain size of the nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) p(+) layer could be modulated by changing the deposition parameters.Current transport in a-Si based n/p ("tunnel") junctions was investigated by current-voltage measurements. The voltage dependence on the resistance (V/J) of the tandem cells was examined to see if n/p junction was ohmic contact. To study the affection of different doping concentration to the properties of the nc-Si p(+) layers which varied the properties of the tunnel junctions, three nc-Si p(+) film samples were grown, measured and analyzed.


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The isothermal crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) block in two poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)-PEO segmented copolymers was studied with differential scanning calorimetry. The Avrami equation failed to describe the overall crystallization process, but a modified Avrami equation, the Q equation, did. The crystallizability of the PET block and the different lengths of the PEO block exerted strong influences on the crystallization process, the crystallinity, and time final morphology of the PEO block. The mechanism of nucleation and the growth dimension of the PEG block were different because of the crystallizability of time PET block and the compositional heterogeneity. The crystallization of the PEO block was physically constrained by the microstructure of time PET crystalline phase, which resulted in a lower crystallization rate. However, this influence became weak with the increase in the soft-block length. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Ethylene polymerization by zirconocene-B(C6F5)(3) catalysts with various aluminum compounds has been investigated. It is found that the catalytic activity depended on zirconocenes used, and especially on the type of aluminum compounds. For Et(H(4)Ind)(2)ZrCl2 (H(4)Ind : tetrahydroindenyl), the activity decreases in the following order: Me3Al > i-Bu3Al > Et3Al much greater than Et2AlCl. While for Cp2ZrCl2(Cp : cyclopentadienyl), it varies as follows: i-Bu3Al > Me3Al much greater than Et3Al. Furthermore, the activity is significantly affected by the addition mode of the catalytic components, which may imply that the formation of active centers is associated with an existing concentration of catalytic components. Results of thermal behavior of polyethylene (PE) studied by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) show that crystallinity of the polymer prepared with Et3Al is higher than that with Me3Al or i-Bu3Al. It is also found that the number-average molecular weight ((M) over bar) of the polymers prepared with Me3Al or i-Bu3Al is much higher than that with Et3Al. H-1-NMR studies substantiate that i-Bu3Al is a more efficient alkylation agent of Cp2ZrCl2 in comparison with Me3Al. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The structure and properties of presumed block copolymers of polypropylene (PP) with ethylene-propylene random copolymers (EPR), i.e., PP-EPR and PP-EPR-PP, have been investigated by viscometry, transmission electron microscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, gel permeation chromatography, wide-angle x-ray diffraction, and other techniques testing various mechanical properties. PP-EPR and PP-EPR-PP were synthesized using delta-TiCl3-Et2AlCl as a catalyst system. The results indicate that the intrinsic viscosity of these polymers increases with each block-building step, whereas the intrinsic viscosity of those prepared by chain transfer reaction (strong chain-transfer reagent hydrogen was introduced between block-building steps during polymerization) hardly changes with the reaction time. Compared with PP / EPR blends, PP-EPR-PP block copolymers have lower PP and polyethylene crystallinity, and lower melting and crystallization temperatures of crystalline EPR. Two relaxation peaks of PP and EPR appear in the dynamic spectra of blends. They merge into a very broad relaxation peak with block sequence products of the same composition, indicating good compatibility between PP and EPR in the presence of block copolymers. Varying the PP and EPR content affects the crystallinity, density, and morphological structure of the products, which in turn affects the tensile strength and elongation at break. Because of their superior mechanical properties, sequential polymerization products containing PP-EPR and PP-EPR-PP block copolymers may have potential as compatibilizing agents for isotactic polypropylene and polyethylene blends or as potential heat-resistant thermoplastic elastomers.


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The effect of micelle on crystallization behaviour of dilute poly(methyl methacrylate-b-tetrahydrofuran) diblock copolymer/tetrahydrofuran homopolymer, dilute poly (ethylene-b-styrene-b-ethylene) triblock copolymer/ethylene homopolymer solutions has been studied. The results show that with the structural teansitions from spherical to nonspherical micelle in the blends, great changes in the nucleation and spherulite morphologies take place.


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After a finite doubling number, normal cells become senescent, i.e. nonproliferating and apoptosis resistant. Because Rel/nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription factors regulate both proliferation and apoptosis, we have investigated their involvement in senescence. cRel overexpression in young normal keratinocytes results in premature senescence, as defined by proliferation blockage, apoptosis resistance, enlargement, and appearance of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity. Normal senescent keratinocytes display a greater endogenous Rel/NF-κB DNA binding activity than young cells; inhibiting this activity in presenescent cells decreases the number of cells expressing the SA-β-Gal marker. Normal senescent keratinocytes and cRel-induced premature senescent keratinocytes overexpressed manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), a redox enzyme encoded by a Rel/NF-κB target gene. MnSOD transforms the toxic O2.- into H2O2, whereas catalase and glutathione peroxidase convert H2O2 into H2O. Neither catalase nor glutathione peroxidase is up-regulated during cRel-induced premature senescence or during normal senescence, suggesting that H 2O2 accumulates. Quenching H2O2 by catalase delays the occurrence of both normal and premature cRel-induced senescence. Conversely, adding a nontoxic dose of H2O2 to the culture medium of young normal keratinocytes induces a premature senescence-like state. All these results indicate that Rel/NF-κB factors could take part in the occurrence of senescence by generating an oxidative stress via the induction of MnSOD.


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Measures of prevention and control against polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) focus on an official food control, a code of best practice to reduce PAHs levels by controlling industry and in the development of a chemopreventive strategy. Regulation (EU) 835/2011 establishes maximum levels of PAHs for each food group. In addition, Regulations (EU) 333/2007 and 836/2011 set up the methods of sampling and analysis for its official control. Scientific studies prove that the chemopreventive strategy is effective against these genotoxic compounds effects. Most chemopreventive compounds studied with proven protective effects against PAHs are found in fruit and vegetables.


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An experimental investigation of the argon plasma behavior near the E-H transition in an inductively coupled Gaseous Electronics Conference reference cell is reported. Electron density and temperature, ion density, argon metastable density, and optical emission measurements have been made as function of input power and gas pressure. When plotted versus plasma power, applied power corrected for coil and hardware losses, no hysteresis is observed in the measured plasma parameter dependence at the E-H mode transition. This suggests that hysteresis in the E-H mode transition is due to ignoring inherent power loss, primarily in the matching system.