996 resultados para DEFECT MODEL


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Most empirical disciplines promote the reuse and sharing of datasets, as it leads to greater possibility of replication. While this is increasingly the case in Empirical Software Engineering, some of the most popular bug-fix datasets are now known to be biased. This raises two significants concerns: first, that sample bias may lead to underperforming prediction models, and second, that the external validity of the studies based on biased datasets may be suspect. This issue has raised considerable consternation in the ESE literature in recent years. However, there is a confounding factor of these datasets that has not been examined carefully: size. Biased datasets are sampling only some of the data that could be sampled, and doing so in a biased fashion; but biased samples could be smaller, or larger. Smaller data sets in general provide less reliable bases for estimating models, and thus could lead to inferior model performance. In this setting, we ask the question, what affects performance more? bias, or size? We conduct a detailed, large-scale meta-analysis, using simulated datasets sampled with bias from a high-quality dataset which is relatively free of bias. Our results suggest that size always matters just as much bias direction, and in fact much more than bias direction when considering information-retrieval measures such as AUC and F-score. This indicates that at least for prediction models, even when dealing with sampling bias, simply finding larger samples can sometimes be sufficient. Our analysis also exposes the complexity of the bias issue, and raises further issues to be explored in the future.


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El suelo salino impone un estrés abiótico importante que causa graves problemas en la agricultura ya que la mayoría de los cultivos se ven afectados por la salinidad debido a efectos osmóticos y tóxicos. Por ello, la contaminación y la escasez de agua dulce, la salinización progresiva de tierras y el aumento exponencial de la población humana representan un grave problema que amenaza la seguridad alimentaria mundial para las generaciones futuras. Por lo tanto, aumentar la tolerancia a la salinidad de los cultivos es un objetivo estratégico e ineludible para garantizar el suministro de alimentos en el futuro. Mantener una óptima homeostasis de K+ en plantas que sufren estrés salino es un objetivo importante en el proceso de obtención de plantas tolerantes a la salinidad. Aunque el modelo de la homeostasis de K+ en las plantas está razonablemente bien descrito en términos de entrada de K+, muy poco se sabe acerca de los genes implicados en la salida de K+ o de su liberación desde la vacuola. En este trabajo se pretende aclarar algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la homeostasis de K+ en plantas. Para ello se eligió la briofita Physcomitrella patens, una planta no vascular de estructura simple y de fase haploide dominante que, entre muchas otras cualidades, hacen que sea un modelo ideal. Lo más importante es que no sólo P. patens es muy tolerante a altas concentraciones de Na+, sino que también su posición filogenética en la evolución de las plantas abre la posibilidad de estudiar los cambios claves que, durante el curso de la evolución, se produjeron en las diversas familias de los transportadores de K+. Se han propuesto varios transportadores de cationes como candidatos que podrían tener un papel en la salida de K+ o su liberación desde la vacuola, especialmente miembros de la familia CPA2 que contienen las familias de transportadores KEA y CHX. En este estudio se intenta aumentar nuestra comprensión de las funciones de los transportadores de CHX en las células de las plantas usando P. patens, como ya se ha dicho. En esta especie, se han identificado cuatro genes CHX, PpCHX1-4. Dos de estos genes, PpCHX1 y PpCHX2, se expresan aproximadamente al mismo nivel que el gen PpACT5, y los otros dos genes muestran una expresión muy baja. La expresión de PpCHX1 y PpCHX2 en mutantes de Escherichia coli defectivos en el transporte de K+ restauraron el crecimiento de esta cepa en medios con bajo contenido de K+, lo que viii sugiere que la entrada de K+ es energizada por un mecanismo de simporte con H+. Por otra parte, estos transportadores suprimieron el defecto asociado a la mutación kha1 en Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lo que sugiere que podrían mediar un antiporte en K+/H+. La proteína PpCHX1-GFP expresada transitoriamente en protoplastos de P. patens co-localizó con un marcador de Golgi. En experimentos similares, la proteína PpCHX2-GFP localizó aparentemente en la membrana plasmática y tonoplasto. Se construyeron las líneas mutantes simples de P. patens ΔPpchx1 y ΔPpchx2, y también el mutante doble ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1. Los mutantes simples crecieron normalmente en todas las condiciones ensayadas y mostraron flujos de entrada normales de K+ y Rb+; la mutación ΔPpchx2 no aumentó el defecto de las plantas ΔPphak1. En experimentos a largo plazo, las plantas ΔPpchx2 mostraron una retención de Rb+ ligeramente superior que las plantas silvestres, lo que sugiere que PpCHX2 promueve la transferencia de Rb+ desde la vacuola al citosol o desde el citosol al medio externo, actuando en paralelo con otros transportadores. Sugerimos que transportadores de K+ de varias familias están involucrados en la homeostasis de pH de orgánulos ya sea mediante antiporte K+/H+ o simporte K+-H+.ix ABSTRACT Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress causing serious problems in agriculture as most crops are affected by it. Moreover, the contamination and shortage of freshwater, progressive land salinization and exponential increase of human population aggravates the problem implying that world food security may not be ensured for the next generations. Thus, a strategic and an unavoidable goal would be increasing salinity tolerance of plant crops to secure future food supply. Maintaining an optimum K+ homeostasis in plants under salinity stress is an important trait to pursue in the process of engineering salt tolerant plants. Although the model of K+ homeostasis in plants is reasonably well described in terms of K+ influx, very little is known about the genes implicated in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole. In this work, we aim to clarify some of the mechanisms involved in K+ homeostasis in plants. For this purpose, we chose the bryophyte plant Physcomitrella patens, a nonvascular plant of simple structure and dominant haploid phase that, among many other characteristics, makes it an ideal model. Most importantly, not only P. patens is very tolerant to high concentrations of Na+, but also its phylogenetic position in land plant evolution opens the possibility to study the key changes that occurred in K+ transporter families during the course of evolution. Several cation transporter candidates have been proposed to have a role in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole especially members of the CPA2 family which contains the KEA and CHX transporter families. We intended in this study to increase our understanding of the functions of CHX transporters in plant cells using P. patens, in which four CHX genes have been identified, PpCHX1-4. Two of these genes, PpCHX1 and PpCHX2, are expressed at approximately the same level as the PpACT5 gene, but the other two genes show an extremely low expression. PpCHX1 and PpCHX2 restored growth of Escherichia coli mutants on low K+-containing media, suggesting they mediated K+ uptake that may be energized by symport with H+. In contrast, these genes suppressed the defect associated to the kha1 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which suggest that they might mediate K+/H+ antiport. PpCHX1-GFP protein transiently expressed in P. patens protoplasts co-localized with a Golgi marker. In similar experiments, the PpCHX2-GFP protein appeared to localize to tonoplast and plasma x membrane. We constructed the ΔPpchx1 and ΔPpchx2 single mutant lines, and the ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1 double mutant. Single mutant plants grew normally under all the conditions tested and exhibited normal K+ and Rb+ influxes; the ΔPpchx2 mutation did not increase the defect of ΔPphak1 plants. In long-term experiments, ΔPpchx2 plants showed a slightly higher Rb+ retention than wild type plants, which suggests that PpCHX2 mediates the transfer of Rb+ from either the vacuole to the cytosol or from the cytosol to the external medium in parallel with other transporters. We suggest that K+ transporters of several families are involved in the pH homeostasis of organelles by mediating either K+/H+ antiport or K+-H+ symport.


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Algebraic topology (homology) is used to analyze the state of spiral defect chaos in both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis reveals topological asymmetries that arise when non-Boussinesq effects are present. The asymmetries are found in different flow fields in the simulations and are robust to substantial alterations to flow visualization conditions in the experiment. However, the asymmetries are not observable using conventional statistical measures. These results suggest homology may provide a new and general approach for connecting spatiotemporal observations of chaotic or turbulent patterns to theoretical models.


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The development of gene-replacement therapy for inborn errors of metabolism has been hindered by the limited number of suitable large-animal models of these diseases and by inadequate methods of assessing the efficacy of treatment. Such methods should provide sensitive detection of expression in vivo and should be unaffected by concurrent pharmacologic and dietary regimens. We present the results of studies in a neonatal bovine model of citrullinemia, an inborn error of urea-cycle metabolism characterized by deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase and consequent life-threatening hyperammonemia. Measurements of the flux of nitrogen from orally administered 15NH4 to [15N]urea were used to determine urea-cycle activity in vivo. In control animals, these isotopic measurements proved to be unaffected by pharmacologic treatments. Systemic administration of a first-generation E1-deleted adenoviral vector expressing human argininosuccinate synthetase resulted in transduction of hepatocytes and partial correction of the enzyme defect. The isotopic method showed significant restoration of urea synthesis. Moreover, the calves showed clinical improvement and normalization of plasma glutamine levels after treatment. The results show the clinical efficacy of treating a large-animal model of an inborn error of hepatocyte metabolism in conjunction with a method for sensitively measuring correction in vivo. These studies will be applicable to human trials of the treatment of this disorder and other related urea-cycle disorders.


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Laron syndrome [growth hormone (GH) insensitivity syndrome] is a hereditary dwarfism resulting from defects in the GH receptor (GHR) gene. GHR deficiency has not been reported in mammals other than humans. Many aspects of GHR dysfunction remain unknown because of ethical and practical limitations in studying humans. To create a mammalian model for this disease, we generated mice bearing a disrupted GHR/binding protein (GHR/BP) gene through a homologous gene targeting approach. Homozygous GHR/BP knockout mice showed severe postnatal growth retardation, proportionate dwarfism, absence of the GHR and GH binding protein, greatly decreased serum insulin-like growth factor I and elevated serum GH concentrations. These characteristics represent the phenotype typical of individuals with Laron syndrome. Animals heterozygous for the GHR/BP defect show only minimal growth impairment but have an intermediate biochemical phenotype, with decreased GHR and GH binding protein expression and slightly diminished insulin-like growth factor I levels. These findings indicate that the GHR/BP-deficient mouse (Laron mouse) is a suitable model for human Laron syndrome that will prove useful for the elucidation of many aspects of GHR/BP function that cannot be obtained in humans.


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Type IV pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the Gram-negative etiologic agent of gonorrhea, facilitate colonization of the human host. Gonococcal PilT, a protein belonging to a large family of molecules sharing a highly conserved nucleotide binding domain motif, has been shown to be dispensable for organelle biogenesis but essential for twitching motility and competence for genetic transformation. Here, we show that the defect in pilus biogenesis resulting from mutations in the pilC gene, encoding a putative pilus-associated adhesin for human tissue, can be suppressed by the absence of functional PilT. These data conclusively demonstrate that PilT influences the Type IV pilus biogenesis pathway and strongly suggest that organelle expression is a dynamic process. In addition, these findings imply that PilT antagonizes the process of organelle biogenesis and provide the basis for a model for how the counteractive roles of PilT and PilC might relate mechanistically to the phenomenon of twitching motility.


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Cardiomyopathy (CM) is a primary degenerative disease of myocardium and is traditionally categorized into hypertrophic and dilated CMs (HCM and DCM) according to its gross appearance. Cardiomyopathic hamster (CM hamster), a representative model of human hereditary CM, has HCM and DCM inbred sublines, both of which descend from the same ancestor. Herein we show that both HCM and DCM hamsters share a common defect in a gene for δ-sarcoglycan (δ-SG), the functional role of which is yet to be characterized. A breakpoint causing genomic deletion was found to be located at 6.1 kb 5′ upstream of the second exon of δ-SG gene, and its 5′ upstream region of more than 27.4 kb, including the authentic first exon of δ-SG gene, was deleted. This deletion included the major transcription initiation site, resulting in a deficiency of δ-SG transcripts with the consequent loss of δ-SG protein in all the CM hamsters, despite the fact that the protein coding region of δ-SG starting from the second exon was conserved in all the CM hamsters. We elucidated the molecular interaction of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins including δ-SG, by using an in vitro pull-down study and ligand overlay assay, which indicates the functional role of δ-SG in stabilizing sarcolemma. The present study not only identifies CM hamster as a valuable animal model for studying the function of δ-SG in vivo but also provides a genetic target for diagnosis and treatment of human CM.


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Stimulation of endothelial cells by various inflammatory mediators leads to release of Weibel–Palade bodies and therefore to exocytosis of both P-selectin (adhesion receptor for leukocytes) and von Willebrand factor (vWf) (platelet ligand). The potential role of vWf in leukocyte recruitment was investigated with the use of vWf-deficient mice. We report a strong reduction of leukocyte rolling in venules of vWf-deficient mice. Similarly, vWf deficiency led to a decrease in neutrophil recruitment in a cytokine-induced meningitis model as well as in early skin wounds. In all instances with an antibody that preferentially recognizes plasma membrane P-selectin, we observed a dramatic reduction in P-selectin expression at the cell surface of vWf-deficient endothelium. With confocal microscopy, we found that the typical rodlike shape of the Weibel–Palade body is missing in vWf −/− endothelial cells and that part of the P-selectin content in the vWf −/− cells colocalized with LAMP-1, a lysosomal marker. However, intracellular P-selectin levels were similar in tumor necrosis factor α- and lipopolysaccharide-activated cells of both genotypes. We conclude that the absence of vWf, as found in severe von Willebrand disease, leads to a defect in Weibel–Palade body formation. This defect results in decreased P-selectin translocation to the cell surface and reduced leukocyte recruitment in early phases of inflammation.


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beta zero-Thalassemia is an inherited disorder characterized by the absence of beta-globin polypeptides derived from the affected allele. The molecular basis for this deficiency is a mutation of the adult beta-globin structural gene or cis regulatory elements that control beta-globin gene expression. A mouse model of this disease would enable the testing of therapeutic regimens designed to correct the defect. Here we report a 16-kb deletion that includes both adult beta-like globin genes, beta maj and beta min, in mouse embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous animals derived from the targeted cells are severely anemic with dramatically reduced hemoglobin levels, abnormal red cell morphology, splenomegaly, and markedly increased reticulocyte counts. Homozygous animals die in utero; however, heterozygous mice are fertile and transmit the deleted allele to progeny. The anemic phenotype is completely rescued in progeny derived from mating beta zero-thalassemic animals with transgenic mice expressing high levels of human hemoglobin A. The beta zero-thalassemic mice can be used to test genetic therapies for beta zero-thalassemia and can be bred with transgenic mice expressing high levels of human hemoglobin HbS to produce an improved mouse model of sickle cell disease.


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In the tumor-bearing host, T cells invariably fail to induce a clinically significant antitumor immune response. Although model systems support the existence of tumor peptide antigens, the molecular interactions critical for antigen presentation by the tumor cell remain unresolved. Here, we demonstrate that human follicular lymphoma cells are highly inefficient at presenting alloantigen despite their strong expression of major histocompatibility complex and low-to-intermediate expression of some adhesion and B7 costimulatory molecules. Activation of follicular lymphoma cells via CD40 induces or up-regulates both adhesion and B7 costimulatory molecules essential to repair this defect. More importantly, once primed, alloreactive T cells efficiently recognize unstimulated follicular lymphoma cells. Thus, correction of defective tumor immunity requires not only expression of major histocompatibility complex but also sufficient expression of multiple adhesion and costimulatory molecules.


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Previous biochemical studies have suggested a role for bacterial DNA topoisomerase (TOPO) I in the suppression of R-loop formation during transcription. In this report, we present several pieces of genetic evidence to support a model in which R-loop formation is dynamically regulated during transcription by activities of multiple DNA TOPOs and RNase H. In addition, our results suggest that events leading to the serious growth problems in the absence of DNA TOPO I are linked to R-loop formation. We show that the overexpression of RNase H, an enzyme that degrades the RNA moiety of an R loop, can partially compensate for the absence of DNA TOPO I. We also note that a defect in DNA gyrase can correct several phenotypes associated with a mutation in the rnhA gene, which encodes the major RNase H activity. In addition, we found that a combination of topA and rnhA mutations is lethal.


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The first few low-lying spin states of alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules of several shapes showing defect states induced by contour hydrogenation have been studied both by ab initio methods and by a precise numerical solution of Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) interacting model. In accordance with Lieb's theorem, the ground state shows a spin multiplicity equal to one for balanced molecules, and it gets larger values for imbalanced molecules (that is, when the number of π electrons on both subsets is not equal). Furthermore, we find a systematic decrease of the singlet-triplet splitting as a function of the distance between defects, regardless of whether the ground state is singlet or triplet. For example, a splitting smaller than 0.001 eV is obtained for a medium size C46H28 PAH molecule (di-hydrogenated [11]phenacene) showing a singlet ground state. We conclude that π electrons unbound by lattice defects tend to remain localized and unpaired even when long-range Coulomb interaction is taken into account. Therefore they show a biradical character (polyradical character for more than two defects) and should be studied as two or more local doublets. The implications for electron transport are potentially important since these unpaired electrons can trap traveling electrons or simply flip their spin at a very small energy cost.


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L’atrofia ottica dominante (ADOA) è una malattia mitocondriale caratterizzata da difetti visivi, che si manifestano durante l’infanzia, causati da progressiva degenerazione delle cellule gangliari della retina (RGC). ADOA è una malattia genetica associata, nella maggior parte dei casi, a mutazioni nel gene OPA1 che codifica per la GTPasi mitocondriale OPA1, appartenente alla famiglia delle dinamine, principalmente coinvolta nel processo di fusione mitocondriale e nel mantenimento del mtDNA. Finora sono state identificate più di 300 mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1. Circa il 50% di queste sono mutazioni missenso, localizzate nel dominio GTPasico, che si pensa agiscano come dominanti negative. Questa classe di mutazioni è associata ad una sindrome più grave nota come “ADOA-plus”. Nel lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae MGM1 è l’ortologo del gene OPA1: nonostante i due geni abbiano domini funzionali identici le sequenze amminoacidiche sono scarsamente conservate. Questo costituisce una limitazione all’uso del lievito per lo studio e la validazione di mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1, infatti solo poche sostituzioni possono essere introdotte e studiate nelle corrispettive posizioni del gene di lievito. Per superare questo ostacolo è stato pertanto costruito un nuovo modello di S. cerevisiae, contenente il gene chimerico MGM1/OPA1, in grado di complementare i difetti OXPHOS del mutante mgm1Δ. Questo gene di fusione contiene una larga parte di sequenza corrispondente al gene OPA1, nella quale è stato inserito un set di nuove mutazioni trovate in pazienti affetti da ADOA e ADOA-plus. La patogenicità di queste mutazioni è stata validata sia caratterizzando i difetti fenotipici associati agli alleli mutati, sia la loro dominanza/recessività nel modello di lievito. A tutt’oggi non è stato identificato alcun trattamento farmacologico per la cura di ADOA e ADOA-plus. Per questa ragione abbiamo utilizzato il nostro modello di lievito per la ricerca di molecole che agiscono come soppressori chimici, ossia composti in grado di ripristinare i difetti fenotipici indotti da mutazioni nel gene OPA1. Attraverso uno screening fenotipico high throughput sono state testate due differenti librerie di composti chimici. Questo approccio, noto con il nome di drug discovery, ha permesso l’identificazione di 23 potenziali molecole attive.


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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of deep foundations has become an integral part of the industry's standard manufacturing processes. It is not unusual for the evaluation of the integrity of the concrete to include the measurement of ultrasonic wave speeds. Numerous methods have been proposed that use the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves to check the integrity of concrete for drilled shaft foundations. All such methods evaluate the integrity of the concrete inside the cage and between the access tubes. The integrity of the concrete outside the cage remains to be considered to determine the location of the border between the concrete and the soil in order to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft. It is also economic to devise a methodology to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft using the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging system (CSL). Performing such a methodology using the CSL and following the CSL tests is performed and used to check the integrity of the inside concrete, thus allowing the determination of the drilled shaft diameter without having to set up another NDT device.^ This proposed new method is based on the installation of galvanized tubes outside the shaft across from each inside tube, and performing the CSL test between the inside and outside tubes. From the performed experimental work a model is developed to evaluate the relationship between the thickness of concrete and the ultrasonic wave properties using signal processing. The experimental results show that there is a direct correlation between concrete thicknesses outside the cage and maximum amplitude of the received signal obtained from frequency domain data. This study demonstrates how this new method to measuring the diameter of drilled shafts during construction using a NDT method overcomes the limitations of currently-used methods. ^ In the other part of study, a new method is proposed to visualize and quantify the extent and location of the defects. It is based on a color change in the frequency amplitude of the signal recorded by the receiver probe in the location of defects and it is called Frequency Tomography Analysis (FTA). Time-domain data is transferred to frequency-domain data of the signals propagated between tubes using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, distribution of the FTA will be evaluated. This method is employed after CSL has determined the high probability of an anomaly in a given area and is applied to improve location accuracy and to further characterize the feature. The technique has a very good resolution and clarifies the exact depth location of any void or defect through the length of the drilled shaft for the voids inside the cage. ^ The last part of study also evaluates the effect of voids inside and outside the reinforcement cage and corrosion in the longitudinal bars on the strength and axial load capacity of drilled shafts. The objective is to quantify the extent of loss in axial strength and stiffness of drilled shafts due to presence of different types of symmetric voids and corrosion throughout their lengths.^


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Iron-chromium alloys are used as a model to study the microstructural evolution of defects in irradiated structural steel components of a nuclear reactor. We examine the effects of temperature and chromium concentration on the defect evolution and segregation behavior in the early stages of damage. In situ irradiations are conducted in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 300°C and 450°C with 150keV iron ions in single crystal Fe14Cr and Fe19Cr bicrystal to doses of 2E15 ions/cm^2. The microstructures resulting from annealing and irradiation of the alloy are characterized by analysis of TEM micrographs and diffraction patterns and compared with those of irradiated pure iron. We found the irradiation temperature to have little effect on the microstructural development. We also found that the presence of chromium in the sample leads to defect populations with small average loop size and no extended or nested loop structures, in contrast to the populations of large extended loops seen in irradiated pure iron. A very weak dependence was found on the specific chromium content of the alloy. Chromium was shown to suppress defect growth by inhibiting defect mobility in the alloy. While defects in pure iron are highly mobile and able to grow, those in the FeCr alloys remained small and relatively motionless due to the pinning effect of the chromium.