986 resultados para Cytoplasmic filaments


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Purpose:This study documents the frequency of insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) loss of imprinting (LOI) in a series of 87 bladder tissues. E-cadherin (CDH1) immunolocalization was also investigated due to the known redistribution of this adherence protein to the cytoplasm following exogenous exposure to IGF-II.
Experimental Design: Informative IGF-II cases were identified following DNA-PCR amplification and subsequent sequencing of the transcribable ApaI RFLP in exon 9 of IGF-II. Similar approaches using primer-specific cDNA templates identified the imprinting status of IGF-II in these informative cases. CDH1cellular localization was assessed on a tissue microarray platform of 114 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) cases (70 pTanoninvasive and 44 pT1laminapropria invasive) using the commercially available Novocastra antibody.
Results: IGF-IILOI was evident in 7 of17 (41%) UCB tumors and 4 of11 (36%) tumor-associated normal urothelial samples.Two of four pT1grade 3 tumors, the subject of much debate concerning their suitability for radical cystectomy, showed LOI at the IGF-II locus. In those tumors showing IGF-II LOI, 4 of 7 (57%) displayed concomitant CDH1cytoplasmic staining. In contrast, only 3 of 10 (30%) IGF-IImaintenance ofimprinting tumorshad concomitant CDH1cytoplasmiclocalization. UCB cell lines displaying cytoplasmic CDH1immunolocalization expressed significantly higher levels of IGF-II (CAL29, HT1376, and RT112) compared with RT4, a cell line displaying crisp membranous CDH1staining. Finally, cytoplasmic CDH1staining was an independent predictor of a shorter time to recurrence independent of tumor grade and stage.
Conclusions: We suggest that CDH1 cytoplasmic immunolocalization as a result of increased IGF-II levels identifies those nonmuscle invasive presentations most likely to recur and therefore might benefit from more radical nonconserving bladder surgery


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Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens (ANCA) are good serological markers for patients with mainly vasculitic conditions. Two main types of ANCAs have been detected, the first termed cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (cANCA) are mainly associated with patients with Wegener's granulomatosis, the other termed perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (pANCA) are mainly associated with patients with renal vasculitis, rheumatic and collagen disorders. These antibodies are against various constituents of neutrophil granules. In patients with myelodysplasia, defects in normal granulocyte development are seen. We report a series of twelve patients with myelodysplasia of whom at least four showed a low titre and one a high titre of pANCA. Two of these patients also had demonstrable activity against myeloperoxidase (MPO). None of these patients had any evidence of systemic or cutaneous vasculitis or of any autoimmune disorder. There was no pANCA positivity in an age matched control group.


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Dynamic microtubules (MTs) are required for neuronal guidance, in which axons extend directionally toward their target tissues. We found that depletion of the MT-binding protein Xenopus cytoplasmic linker-associated protein 1 (XCLASP1) or treatment with the MT drug Taxol reduced axon outgrowth in spinal cord neurons. To quantify the dynamic distribution of MTs in axons, we developed an automated algorithm to detect and track MT plus ends that have been fluorescently labeled by end-binding protein 3 (EB3). XCLASP1 depletion reduced MT advance rates in neuronal growth cones, very much like treatment with Taxol, demonstrating a potential link between MT dynamics in the growth cone and axon extension. Automatic tracking of EB3 comets in different compartments revealed that MTs increasingly slowed as they passed from the axon shaft into the growth cone and filopodia. We used speckle microscopy to demonstrate that MTs experience retrograde flow at the leading edge. Microtubule advance in growth cone and filopodia was strongly reduced in XCLASP1-depleted axons as compared with control axons, but actin retrograde flow remained unchanged. Instead, we found that XCLASP1-depleted growth cones lacked lamellipodial actin organization characteristic of protrusion. Lamellipodial architecture depended on XCLASP1 and its capacity to associate with MTs, highlighting the importance of XCLASP1 in actin-microtubule interactions.


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Spatial-temporal flexibility of the actin filament network (F-actin) is essential for all basic cellular functions and is governed by a stochastic dynamic model. In this model, actin filaments that randomly polymerise from a pool of free actin are bundled with other filaments and severed by ADF/cofilin. The fate of the severed fragments is not known. It has been proposed that the fragments are disassembled and the monomeric actin recycled for the polymerisation of new filaments. Here, we have generated tobacco cell lines and Arabidopsis plants expressing the actin marker Lifeact to address the mechanisms of F-actin reorganisation in vivo. We found that F-actin is more dynamic in isotropically expanding cells and that the density of the network changes with a periodicity of 70 seconds. The depolymerisation rate, but not the polymerisation rate, of F-actin increases when microtubules are destabilised. New filaments can be assembled from shorter free cytoplasmic fragments, from the products of F-actin severing and by polymerisation from the ends of extant filaments. Thus, remodelling of F-actin might not require bulk depolymerisation of the entire network, but could occur via severing and end-joining of existing polymers.


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Pollen tube growth is dependent on a dynamic actin cytoskeleton, suggesting that actin-regulating proteins are involved. We have examined the regulation of the lily pollen-specific actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) LIADF1. Its actin binding and depolymerizing activity is pH sensitive, inhibited by certain phosphoinositides, but not controlled by phosphorylation. Compared with its F-actin binding properties, its low activity in depolymerization assays has been used to explain why pollen ADF decorates F-actin in pollen grains. This low activity is incompatible with a role in increasing actin dynamics necessary to promote pollen tube growth. We have identified a plant homolog of actin-interacting protein, AIP1, which enhances the depolymerization of F-actin in the presence of LIADF1 by similar to60%. Both pollen ADF and pollen AIP1 bind F-actin in pollen grains but are mainly cytoplasmic in pollen tubes. Our results suggest that together these proteins remodel actin filaments as pollen grains enter and exit dormancy.


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Immunosuppression is cornerstone treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis (AAV) but is later complicated by infection, cancer, cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease. Caveolin-1 is an essential structural protein for small cell membrane invaginations known as caveolae. Its functional role has been associated with these complications. For the first time, caveolin-1 (CAV1) gene variation is studied in AAV.


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Structural Biochemistry


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Two cytoplasmic, glucosamine resistant mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, GR6 and GR10, were examined to determine whether or not the lesions involved were located on mitochondrial DNA. Detailed investigation of crosses of GR6 and GR10 or their derivatives to strains bearing known mitochondrial markers demonstrated that: 1. the frequency of glucos~~ine resistance in diploids was independent of factors influencing mitochondrial marker output. 2. upon tetrad analysis a variety of tetrad ratios was observed for glucosamine resistance whereas mitochondrial markers segregated 4:0 or 0:4 (resistant:sensitive). 3. glucosamine resistance and mitochondrial markers segregated differentially with time. 4. glucosamine resistance persisted following treatment of a GRIO derivative with ethidium bromide at concentrations high enough to eliminate all mitochondrial DNA. 5. haploid spore clones displayed two degrees of glucosamine resistance, weak and strong, while growth due to mitochondrial mutations was generally thick and confluent. 6. a number of glucosamine resistant diploids and haploids, which also possessed a mithchondrial resistance mutation, were unable to grow on medium containing both glucosamine and the particular drug involved. 3 These observations 1~ 6 provided strong evidence that the cytoplasmic glucosamine resistant mutations present in GR6 and GRiO were not situated on mitochondrial DNA. Comparison of the glucosamine resistance mutations to some other known cytoplasmic determinants revealed that: 7. glucosamine resistance and the expression of the killer phenotype were separate phenomena. 8. unlike yeast carrying resistance conferring episomes GR6 and GR10 were not resistant to venturicidin or oligomycin and the GR factor exhibited genetic behaviour different from that of the episomal determinants. These results 7--+8 suggested that glucosamine resistance was not associated with the killer determinant nor with alleged yeast episomes. It is therefore proposed that a yeast plasmid(s), previously undescribed, is responsible for glucosamine resistance. The evidence to date is compatible with the hypothesis that GR6 and GR10 carry allelic mutations of the same plasmid which is tentatively designated (GGM).


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The enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID) triggers antibody diversification in B cells by catalyzing deamination and consequently mutation of immunoglobulin genes. To minimize off-target deamination, AID is restrained by several regulatory mechanisms including nuclear exclusion, thought to be mediated exclusively by active nuclear export. Here we identify two other mechanisms involved in controlling AID subcellular localization. AID is unable to passively diffuse into the nucleus, despite its small size, and its nuclear entry requires active import mediated by a conformational nuclear localization signal. We also identify in its C terminus a determinant for AID cytoplasmic retention, which hampers diffusion to the nucleus, competes with nuclear import and is crucial for maintaining the predominantly cytoplasmic localization of AID in steady-state conditions. Blocking nuclear import alters the balance between these processes in favor of cytoplasmic retention, resulting in reduced isotype class switching.


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Ein essentieller Bestandteil in dem Mechanismus der Translationskontrolle sind RNA-Pro­tein-Wechselwirkungen. Solche Interaktionen konnten in Translationssystemen an zwei unabhängigen cis-regulierenden Elementen durch in vitro-Bindungsanalysen mit individu­ellen rekombinanten Proteinen dokumentiert werden. Im Fall des translational control elements (TCE), welches ein konserviertes Sequenz-Ele­ment in der Mst(3)CGP-Genfamilie darstellt, wird eine negative Translationskontrolle durch die Bindung der Proteine CG3213, CG12470, CG1898, dFMR1, Exuperantia und Orb2 an diese Sequenz vermittelt (Stinski, 2011). Neben den in Bindungsstudien positiv getesteten Kandidaten dFMR1 und Orb2 (Stinski, 2011) wurde in der vorliegenden Dis­sertation CG3213 als weiterer direkter Bindungspartner an das TCE dokumentiert. Ein Abgleich der genomweiten Zusammenstellung von Proteininteraktionen in der Datenbank InterologFinder lieferte zwei weitere potentielle Kandidaten: CG34404 und CG3727. Al­lerdings schließen Northern-Analysen und das Proteinexpressionsmuster eine zentrale Rolle in der Drosophila-Spermatogenese für diese nahezu aus. In Kolokalisationsstudien einiger TCE-Komplex-Kandidaten mit CG3213 als Referenz konnten eindeutige Überein­stimmungen der Fluoreszenzmuster mit CG12470 in der postmeiotischen Phase be­schrieben werden, wohingegen mit Orb2 (postmeiotisch) und CG1898 (prämeiotisch) nur eine geringe Kolokalisation erkannt wurde. Punktstrukturen in den Verteilungsmustern sowohl von CG3213 als auch von CG12470 ließen sich nicht mit ER- und mitochondrien­spezifischen Markern korrelieren. Im Anschluss der Meiose konnte eine deutliche Intensitätserhöhung des CG3213-Proteins beobachtet werden, was eventuell durch eine veränderte Translationseffizienz zustande kommen könnte. Exuperantia (Exu) stellt einen bekannten Regulator für eine Reihe von translationskontrollierten mRNAs dar (Wang und Hazelrigg, 1994). Die Quantifizierungen der CG3213-mRNA in exu-mutantem Hintergrund bestätigen, dass auch die Transkript­menge der CG3213-mRNA durch Exu reguliert wird, was die obige Interpretation stützen würde. Für das zweite cis-regulierende Element, das cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), konnte eine direkte Bindung mit dem CPEB-Homolog in Drosophila (Orb2) gezeigt wer­den, welches auch eine Komponente des mst87F-RNP-Komplexes ist. Ein vermuteter Interaktionspartner dieses CPEBs ist Tob, weshalb die Verteilung beider Proteine in einem Kombinationsstamm verglichen wurde. In dem teilweise übereinstimmenden Fluoreszenz­muster ist Tob an den distalen Spermatidenenden auffallend konzentriert. Das gesamte Tob-Muster jedoch legt eine Verteilung in den Mitochondrien nahe, wie die MitoTracker®-Färbung belegt. Somit wurde erstmals ein Mitglied der Tob/BTG-Genfamilie in der Droso­phila-Spermatogenese mit Mitochondrien in Verbindung gebracht. Die Lokalisierung die­ser Proteine ist bislang unklar, jedoch konnte eine Kernlokalisation trotz der N-terminalen NLS-Sequenz mit Hilfe einer Kernfärbung ausgeschlossen werden.


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Intrinsic resistance to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; HER1) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) gefitinib, and more generally to EGFR TKIs, is a common phenomenon in breast cancer. The availability of molecular criteria for predicting sensitivity to EGFR-TKIs is, therefore, the most relevant issue for their correct use and for planning future research. Though it appears that in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) response to gefitinib is directly related to the occurrence of specific mutations in the EGFR TK domain, breast cancer patients cannot be selected for treatment with gefitinib on the same basis as such EGFR mutations have been reported neither in primary breast carcinomas nor in several breast cancer cell lines. Alternatively, there is a general agreement on the hypothesis that the occurrence of molecular alterations that activate transduction pathways downstream of EGFR (i.e., MEK1/MEK2 - ERK1/2 MAPK and PI-3'K - AKT growth/survival signaling cascades) significantly affect the response to EGFR TKIs in breast carcinomas. However, there are no studies so far addressing a role of EGF-related ligands as intrinsic breast cancer cell modulators of EGFR TKI efficacy. We recently monitored gene expression profiles and sub-cellular localization of HER-1/-2/-3/-4 related ligands (i.e., EGF, amphiregulin, transforming growth factor-α, ß-cellulin, epiregulin and neuregulins) prior to and after gefitinib treatment in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines. First, gefitinibinduced changes in the endogenous levels of EGF-related ligands correlated with the natural degree of breast cancer cell sensitivity to gefitinib. While breast cancer cells intrinsically resistant to gefitinib (IC50 ≥15 μM) markedly up-regulated (up to 600 times) the expression of genes codifying for HERspecific ligands, a significant down-regulation (up to 106 times) of HER ligand gene transcription was found in breast cancer cells intrinsically sensitive to gefitinib (IC50 ≤1 μM). Second, loss of HER1 function differentially regulated the nuclear trafficking of HER-related ligands. While gefitinib treatment induced an active import and nuclear accumulation of the HER ligand NRG in intrinsically gefitinib-resistant breast cancer cells, an active export and nuclear loss of NRG was observed in intrinsically gefitinib-sensitive breast cancer cells. In summary, through in vitro and pharmacodynamic studies we have learned that, besides mutations in the HER1 gene, oncogenic changes downstream of HER1 are the key players regulating gefitinib efficacy in breast cancer cells. It now appears that pharmacological inhibition of HER1 function also leads to striking changes in both the gene expression and the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of HER-specific ligands, and that this response correlates with the intrinsic degree of breast cancer sensitivity to the EGFR TKI gefitinib. The relevance of this previously unrecognized intracrine feedback to gefitinib warrants further studies as cancer cells could bypass the antiproliferative effects of HER1-targeted therapeutics without a need for the overexpression and/or activation of other HER family members and/or the activation of HER-driven downstream signaling cascades