1000 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome
Definitive diagnosis of the bat disease white-nose syndrome (WNS) requires histologic analysis to identify the cutaneous erosions caused by the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus [formerly Geomyces] destructans (Pd). Gross visual inspection does not distinguish bats with or without WNS, and no nonlethal, on-site, preliminary screening methods are available for WNS in bats. We demonstrate that long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light (wavelength 366-385 nm) elicits a distinct orange yellow fluorescence in bat-wing membranes (skin) that corresponds directly with the fungal cupping erosions in histologic sections of skin that are the current gold standard for diagnosis of WNS. Between March 2009 and April 2012, wing membranes from 168 North American bat carcasses submitted to the US Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center were examined with the use of both UV light and histology. Comparison of these techniques showed that 98.8% of the bats with foci of orange yellow wing fluorescence (n=80) were WNS-positive based on histologic diagnosis; bat wings that did not fluoresce under UV light (n=88) were all histologically negative for WNS lesions. Punch biopsy samples as small as 3 mm taken from areas of wing with UV fluorescence were effective for identifying lesions diagnostic for WNS by histopathology. In a nonlethal biopsy-based study of 62 bats sampled (4-mm diameter) in hibernacula of the Czech Republic during 2012, 95.5% of fluorescent (n=22) and 100% of nonfluorescent (n=40) wing samples were confirmed by histopathology to be WNS positive and negative, respectively. This evidence supports use of long-wave UV light as a nonlethal and field-applicable method to screen bats for lesions indicative of WNS. Further, UV fluorescence can be used to guide targeted, nonlethal biopsy sampling for follow-up molecular testing, fungal culture analysis, and histologic confirmation of WNS.
Induction therapy of promyelocytic leukemia with all-trans retinoic acid is a standard therapy despite significant side-effects. The most important, the "retinoic acid syndrome", consists of a hyperinflammatory reaction with capillary leakage (edema, pleural, and pericardial effusion), infiltration of myeloid cells into internal organs and systemic signs of inflammation. We describe here two cases of another hyperinflammatory reaction during all-trans retinoic acid therapy, the Sweet's syndrome, consisting of infiltrates of the skin and internal organs by neutrophilic granulocytes. Fever, painful erythematous cutaneous plaques, prominent musculoskeletal involvement (myositis, fasciitis), a sterile pulmonary infiltration and intercurrent proteinuria characterized the clinical course of all-trans retinoic acid-associated Sweet's syndrome. Treatment with glucocorticoids led to resolution of the syndrome within 48 h. Three other cases of all-trans retinoic acid-associated Sweet's syndrome without involvement of internal organs, prominent on our cases, were published previously. Recognition of ATRA-associated Sweet's syndrome is of practical importance.
The Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a severe potentially life-threatening form of the erythema multiforme, affecting both skin and mucous membranes. We present a case of a 49-year-old male patient with AIDS who developed a Stevens-Johnson syndrome while being treated with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and phenytoin for cerebral toxoplasmosis. Further diagnostic evaluation of this dangerous cutaneous affection may prove difficult for several reasons. In particular, in patients with AIDS who are more susceptible for adverse drug reactions and who are simultaneously receiving a variety of drugs with a considerable potential of cutaneous side effects, therapy cannot be withhold for lack of therapeutic alternatives. Moreover, the low lymphocyte count in this case may have made reliable testing with lymphocyte transformation studies impossible. The evaluation and the differential diagnosis of the drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome are discussed. Especially long- and moderately long-acting sulfonamides belong to the most important agents that can cause a drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The pathogenesis and the risk factors for cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in HIV-infected patients are only poorly understood. These kind of reactions, however, seem to occur more often in patients with a more advanced immunodeficiency.
BRAF inhibitors are broadly used for metastatic melanoma with BRAF mutations. Their use results in various cutaneous side effects, such as the development of keratoacanthomas and squamous cell carcinomas. We report a patient with metastatic melanoma treated with vemurafenib who developed dozens of histologically confirmed epidermal cysts within 2 months after initiation of vemurafenib administration. The cystic lesions were observed only in the localized area where a large exophytic melanoma tumor mass had been previously irradiated. Localized epidermal cysts may constitute an unusual radiation recall reaction in patients treated with BRAF inhibitors.
Pai syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by cutaneous polyps of the face, pericallosal lipoma and median cleft lip. We report on a newborn girl with a variant of Pai syndrome presenting with all typical findings except a median cleft. In addition, fetal sonography and MRI showed the unique intrauterine evolution of a cephalocele into an atretic cephalocele.
Primary cutaneous melanoma is a cancer arising from melanocytes in the skin. In recent decades the incidence of this malignancy has increased significantly. Mortality rates are high for patients with tumors measuring over a few millimeters in thickness. Response rates to conventional radiation and chemotherapy are very low in patients with metastatic melanoma. New therapies targeting melanoma’s aberrant cell signaling pathways such as the MAP Kinase pathway are being developed. Mutations of NRAS and BRAF genes are quite common in cutaneous melanoma and lead to constitutive activation of the MAP Kinase pathway. This study tests the hypothesis that NRAS and BRAF mutations increase as a tumor progresses from the noninvasive radial growth phase (RGP) to the invasive vertical growth phase (VGP). Laser capture microdissection was used to obtain separate, pure tumor DNA samples from the RGP and VGP of thirty primary cutaneous melanomas. PCR was used to amplify NRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 tumor DNA. The amplified DNA was sequenced and analyzed for mutations. An overall mutation rate of 74% was obtained for the twenty-three melanomas in which there were complete sequence results. With the exception of one melanoma NRAS and BRAF mutations were mutually exclusive. All seven NRAS exon 2 mutations involved codon 61. Three of these melanomas had mutations in both the RGP and VGP. The remaining four tumors were wild type for NRAS exon 2 in the RGP but mutated in the VGP. Of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutated melanomas all but one involved codon 600. Twelve of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutations were the T1799A type. Nine of the fifteen BRAF mutated tumors had the same mutation in both the RGP and VGP. Five of fifteen melanomas had wild type RGP DNA and BRAF exon 15 mutated VGP DNA. A single melanoma had BRAF exon 15 mutated DNA in the RGP and wild type DNA in the VGP. Overall, these results suggest a trend toward the acquisition of NRAS and BRAF mutations as cutaneous melanomas change from a noninvasive to an invasive, potentially deadly cancer.^
Purpose. We performed a case-comparison study to describe the characteristics of LUS tumors and their association with risk factors for endometrial cancer. ^ Patients and Methods. From January 1996 through October 2007, 3,892 women were identified with a diagnosis of primary endometrial carcinoma or primary cervical adenocarcinoma. Pathology records from the 1,009 women who had a hysterectomy were reviewed. Subjects were included in the LUS group only if the tumor was clearly originating from the area between the lower corpus and upper cervix in the hysterectomy specimen. The LUS group was compared to all patients with endometrial corpus carcinoma who underwent hysterectomy at our institution in a 12-month period randomly selected from the study period. Risk factors for endometrial carcinoma such as body mass index (BMI) and Lynch Syndrome were assessed. Expression of estrogen receptor (ER), vimentin, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), p16, and human papilloma virus DNA (HPV DNA) was assessed; this panel is known to be effective in distinguishing adenocarcinomas of endometrial versus endocervical origin. Fisher's Exact, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and Student's t-tests were utilized for statistical analysis. ^ Results. Thirty-five of 1,009 women had endometrial carcinoma of the LUS (3.5%; 95% CI: 2–4%). Compared to patients with corpus tumors, LUS patients were younger (54.2 vs. 62.9 years, P = .001), had higher stage (P < .001), and more invasive tumors (P = .001). Preoperative diagnosis of the LUS tumors more frequently included the possibility of endocervical adenocarcinoma ( P < .001), leading to preoperative radiation therapy in 4 patients. Median BMI was similar in the LUS and corpus groups. Seventy-three percent of the available LUS tumors had a similar immunohistochemical expression pattern to conventional endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Because of the young median age for the LUS group, we performed immunohistochemistry for Lynch syndrome-associated DNA mismatch repair proteins MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Microsatellite instability testing (MSI) and MLH1 promoter hypermethylation were performed when indicated. Thirty-six percent of the LUS tumors were MSI-high. Ten of thirty-five (29%) women with LUS tumors were either confirmed to have Lynch Syndrome or were strongly suspected to have Lynch Syndrome based on tissue-based molecular assays (95% CI, 16 to 45%). ^ Conclusions. Endometrial carcinoma arising in the LUS is a clinical and pathologic entity which can be diagnostically confused with cervical adenocarcinoma. In general, LUS tumors can be correctly identified as being endometrial carcinoma using the immunohistochemical panel noted above. The prevalence of Lynch Syndrome in patients with LUS tumors is much greater than that of the general endometrial cancer population (1.8%) or in endometrial cancer patients younger than 50 years of age (8–9%). Based on our results, the possibility of Lynch Syndrome should be considered in women with LUS tumors. ^
Cutaneous exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UVR) results in the suppression of cell-mediated immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). This modulation of immune responses is mediated by local or systemic mechanisms, both of which are associated with the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). UV-induced Ts have been shown to be CD3+CD4+CD8 − T cells that control multiple immunological pathways. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the generation and function of these immunoregulatory cells remain unclear. We investigated the cellular basis for the generation of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes in both local and systemic models of immune suppression, and further examined the pleiotrophic function of these immunoregulatory cells. ^ We used Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 congenic mice in a draining lymph node (DLN) cell transfer model to analyze the role played by epidermal Langerhans cells in the generation of Ts cells. We demonstrate that T cells tightly adhered to antigen-presenting cells (APC) from UV-irradiated skin are the direct progenitors of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes. Our studies also reveal that UV-induced DNA-damage in the form of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in the epidermal APC is crucial for the altered maturation of these adherent T cells into Ts. ^ We used TCR transgenic mice in an adoptive transfer model and physically tracked the antigen-specific clones during immune responses in unirradiated versus UV-irradiated mice. We demonstrate that UV-induced Ts and effector TDTH cells share the same epitope specificity, indicating that both cell populations arise from the same clonal progenitors. UVR also causes profound changes in the localization and proliferation of antigen-specific T cells during an immune response. Antigen-specific T cells are not detectable in the DLNs of UV-irradiated mice after 3 days post-immunization, but are found in abundance in the spleen. In contrast, these clones continue to be found in the DLNs and spleens of normal animals several days post-immunization. Our studies also reveal that a Th2 cytokine environment is essential for the generation of Ts in UV-irradiated mice. ^ The third part of our study examined the pleiotrophic nature of UV-induced Ts. We used a model for the induction of both cellular and humoral responses to human gamma-globulin (HGG) to demonstrate that UV-induced Ts lymphocytes can suppress DTH as well as antibody responses. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
The ATM gene is mutated in the syndrome of ataxia telangiectasia (AT), associated with neurologic dysfunction, growth abnormalities, and extreme radiosensitivity. Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) is a cell surface receptor with tyrosine kinase activity that can mediate mitogenesis, cell transformation, and inhibition of apoptosis. We report here that AT cells express low levels of IGF-IR and show decreased IGF-IR promoter activity compared with wild-type cells. Complementation of AT cells with the ATM cDNA results in increased IGF-IR promoter activity and elevated IGF-IR levels, whereas expression in wild-type cells of a dominant negative fragment of ATM specifically reduces IGF-IR expression, results consistent with a role for ATM in regulating IGF-IR expression at the level of transcription. When expression of IGF-IR cDNA is forced in AT cells via a heterologous viral promoter, near normal radioresistance is conferred on the cells. Conversely, in ATM cells complemented with the ATM cDNA, specific inhibition of the IGF-IR pathway prevents correction of the radiosensitivity. Taken together, these results establish a fundamental link between ATM function and IGF-IR expression and suggest that reduced expression of IGF-IR contributes to the radiosensitivity of AT cells. In addition, because IGF-I plays a major role in human growth and metabolism and serves as a survival and differentiation factor for developing neuronal tissue, these results may provide a basis for understanding other aspects of the AT syndrome, including the growth abnormalities, insulin resistance, and neurodegeneration.
Damage to actively transcribed DNA is preferentially repaired by the transcription-coupled repair (TCR) system. TCR requires RNA polymerase II (Pol II), but the mechanism by which repair enzymes preferentially recognize and repair DNA lesions on Pol II-transcribed genes is incompletely understood. Herein we demonstrate that a fraction of the large subunit of Pol II (Pol II LS) is ubiquitinated after exposing cells to UV-radiation or cisplatin but not several other DNA damaging agents. This novel covalent modification of Pol II LS occurs within 15 min of exposing cells to UV-radiation and persists for about 8-12 hr. Ubiquitinated Pol II LS is also phosphorylated on the C-terminal domain. UV-induced ubiquitination of Pol II LS is deficient in fibroblasts from individuals with two forms of Cockayne syndrome (CS-A and CS-B), a rare disorder in which TCR is disrupted. UV-induced ubiquitination of Pol II LS can be restored by introducing cDNA constructs encoding the CSA or CSB genes, respectively, into CS-A or CS-B fibroblasts. These results suggest that ubiquitination of Pol II LS plays a role in the recognition and/or repair of damage to actively transcribed genes. Alternatively, these findings may reflect a role played by the CSA and CSB gene products in transcription.
BACKGROUND Stiff skin syndrome and systemic or localized scleroderma are cutaneous disorders characterized by dermal fibrosis and present clinically with induration of the skin, with or without joint, internal organ or vascular involvement. OBJECTIVES To provide clinical, histological and preliminary genetic analysis of two West Highland white terrier siblings presenting with indurated skin resembling stiff skin syndrome in humans. ANIMALS Two client owned full sibling West Highland white terriers from two different litters. METHODS Clinical examination, histopathological examination and whole genome sequencing analysis of affected and unaffected West Highland white terriers. RESULTS Affected dogs exhibited markedly indurated skin that was attached firmly to the underlying tissue and incomplete closure of the mouth and eyes. No abnormalities were found by neurological or orthopaedic examination, radiographs of the head or whole body computed tomography. Histologically, the dermis and pannicular septa were thickened by a marked increase in coarse collagen fibres and a mild to moderate increase in collagen fibre diameter. The syndrome most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The sequence analysis did not reveal any obvious causative variant in the investigated candidate genes ADAMTSL2 and FBN1. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE The clinical phenotype and histopathological features of two West Highland white terrier siblings resembled stiff skin syndrome in humans. Unlike in humans, or previously described beagles with stiff skin, there was no restriction of joint mobility. Genetic analysis did not detect a candidate causative variant and warrants further research.
Ornithologists, and especially northern hemisphere ornithologists, have traditionally thought of migration as an annual return movement of populations between regular breeding and non-breeding grounds. Problems arise because selection does not ordinarily act on populations and because organisms of many taxa (including birds) are clearly migrants, but fail to undertake movements of the kind described. There are also extensive return movements that are not migratory. I propose that it is more useful to think of migration as a syndrome of behavioral and other traits that function together within individuals, and that such a syndrome provides a common ground across taxa from aphids to albatrosses. Large-scale return movements of populations are one outcome of the syndrome. Similar behavioral and physiological traits serve both to define migration and to provide a test for it. I use two insect (Hemipteran) examples to illustrate migratory syndromes and to demonstrate that, in many migrants, behavior and physiology correlate with life history and morphological traits to form syndromes at two levels. I then compare the two Hemipterans with migration in birds, butterflies, and fish to assess the question of whether there are migratory syndromes in common between these diverse migrants. Syndromes are more similar at the level of behavior than when morphology and life history traits are included. Recognizing syndromes leads to important evolutionary questions concerning migration strategies, trade-offs, the maintenance of genetic variance and the responses of migratory syndromes to both similar and different selective regimes.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a multi-systemic vascular disorder characterized by oral and genital ulcers, cutaneous, ocular, arthritic, vascular, central nervous system and gastrointestinal involvement. It usually affects young adults and the etiopathogenesis is unknown. A 21-year-old girl, Caucasian, with diagnostic BD, presented with rheumatoid arthritis, genital lesions and multiple recurrent ulcers inside the mouth, with an erythematous halo, covered by yellowish exudates exacerbated during menstrual periods, and in situations of stress and anxiety. The application of low power laser in ulcers was considered in order to decrease the inflammatory symptoms and pain, beyond getting the healing process accelerated. The proposed therapy was able to promote pain relief, increase local microcirculation and repair ulcerated lesions, eliminating the need for administration of systemic or topical medications, leading to improved quality of life.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a multi-systemic vascular disorder characterized by oral and genital ulcers, as well as cutaneous, ocular, arthritic, vascular, central nervous system and gastrointestinal involvement. It usually affects young adults, and its pathological origin is unknown. The case of a 47-year-old woman with recurrent ulcers in the oral cavity is presented. She linked the pain with sitting and during the sexual act, with vaginal and oral cavity pain, due to the lesions present at those sites, as well as swelling and pain in the knees, making walk painful. The patient was kept under observation and underwent multidisciplinary treatment with prescription of topical and systemic drugs to improve quality of life. Dentists should be aware of BD and the need of multidisciplinary treatment to increase the patient's quality of life.