970 resultados para Curriculum change - China


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In this paper we present the first data from the research conducted to determine the relationship between traditional visual arts and other forms of visual culture closer to the experiences of high school youth. The hypothesis of this research is that while students are nurtured and live primarily with the images provided by the media culture, their textbooks basically refer to the more traditional art images. The research has been limited to a review and analysis of the most common educational materials for teaching visual arts in high school. After the systematization and analysis of the images appeared in textbooks, we have detected three major types: the artistics, those who belong to media culture and others. The most relevant conclusions indicate that: there are hardly any connections between different types of images, they offer a very traditional view of art and they are far removed from the experiences of young book users.


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This qualitative study examines teachers' experiences implementing new standardized curricula in Ontario schools. This new curricula contained several policy changes and an expectations based format which directed what knowledge and skills students were to demonstrate in each subject. This level of specificity of subject-content served to control teachers in relation to curricula; however, data suggested that at the same time, teachers had enormous flexibility in terms of pedagogy. Four secondary teachers who were implementing a Grade 10 course in the 2000-2001 school year participated in the study. The qualitative framework supported the researcher's emphasis on examining the participants' perspectives on the implementation of expectation-based curricula. Data collected included transcripts from interviews conducted with teacher participants and a representative of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, field notes, and a research journal. Many of the factors often cited in the literature as influencing implementation practices were found to have affected the participants' experiences of curriculum implementation: time, professional development, and teachers' beliefs, particularly concerning students. In addition, the format of the policy documents proved to both control and free teachers during the implementation process. Participants believed that the number of specific expectations did not provide them an opportunity to add content to the curriculum; at the same time, teachers also noted that the general format of the policy document allowed them to direct instruction to match students' needs and their own teaching preferences. Alignment between teachers' beliefs about education and their understanding of the new curriculum affected the ways in which many participants adapted during the implementation process.


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L’enseignement fait l’objet de nombreux débats au Québec et à travers le monde, pratiquement depuis qu’il existe. L’implantation du nouveau programme de formation au Québec durant les années 2000 a donné lieu à des débats particulièrement vigoureux. En effet, ceux-ci ont mené à la révision des programmes d’histoire du Québec au secondaire moins de dix ans après leur mise en application. Au cœur de ces discussions se trouvait la place de la nation et de la mémoire collective. Pour plusieurs, le nouveau curriculum négligeait de transmettre aux élèves les principales connaissances historiques liées aux origines et à l’évolution de la nation québécoise. Notre recherche tente de mieux comprendre le rôle que joue l’identification à la nation dans l’enseignement de l’histoire et l’impact que peut avoir le programme de formation sur cet aspect de la pratique enseignante. Pour apporter des éléments de réponse à cette question, nous avons mis en place deux dispositifs méthodologiques : un qualitatif et un quantitatif. Nous visions ainsi à cerner les représentations sociales des enseignants à propos des finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire et de la place que doit y tenir l’identification à la nation. Pour ce faire, nous avons situé les réponses des participants à l’aide des finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire évoquées par Audigier (1995): patrimoniales et civiques, intellectuelles et critiques ainsi que pratiques. La phase qualitative de notre étude consiste en des entrevues avec huit enseignants d’histoire du Québec au secondaire. Fondées sur les écrits à propos des représentations sociales, les entrevues présentent le profil de huit enseignants qui intègrent, à leur façon, la nation dans leur enseignement. Les données recueillies lors de cette phase de la recherche nous ont permis de créer un sondage à l'aide duquel nous avons recueilli des données pour la phase quantitative de la recherche. Ce sondage, mené auprès de 36 enseignants d’histoire du Québec au secondaire, montre que les finalités patrimoniales iii et civiques de l’enseignement de l’histoire sont toujours bien présentes dans les représentations sociales des enseignants, malgré le changement de programme.


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Students today are living in a global world There is a need for schools to educate students about this world This world needs to be seen through a range of perspectives - social, cultural, environmental,political, economic and spiritual In order to educate about this 'world', 'new' curriculum policy needs to reflect this globalised world This proposal will give an insight into the curriculum designed to prepare students for the future worlds they are entering with specific reference to Victoria, Australia.


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This article reports on the integration of music with other ‘Arts’ in teacher training at a South African university where a challenge tertiary educators face is how to successfully integrate music within the Arts and Culture learning area of the school education system. The article firstly provides a brief background to the South African educational context. Secondly, it outlines current practices in the in the implementation of the integrated arts curriculum in schools and teacher training. Thirdly, it discusses pertinent issues and challenges in relation to team teaching, integration and curriculum change in teacher training. Given the constraints and opportunities that universities currently experience, this article investigates and reports on the issue of whether students should be trained as Jack of all trades and master of some…or none or Master of one trade and Jack of some with regard to integrating the Arts.


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Limited research has been conducted concerning the actual practice of health education in Victorian schools. This study investigates the health education curriculum at a large primary school in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The investigation involves a critical analysis of current practices in health education in the upper school through the development of a ‘small’ action research group. Data were gathered through document collection, questionnaires, interviews, discussions, diary and reflective journal entries. The action research group, consisting of the teacher-researcher and upper school teachers, developed, implemented and reflected upon units of work piloted with upper school students. Alternative approaches to health education were explored. The aim was to accommodate critically informed discourse amongst colleagues to promote self-reflective enquiry and facilitate improvements to existing pedagogic practices. During the course of the investigation, factors limiting and facilitating action research and curriculum change in health education, became evident. These included personal, practical, curriculum and organisational constraints operating externally and internally on the school and classroom environments. Despite these constraints, it was demonstrated in this study, that action research can contribute to the improvement of pedagogic practices in health education. Small ‘authentic’ action research projects may provide alternative internal professional development structures for teachers and consequently improve learning opportunities for students.


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In the late 1980ˇ¦s, a realisation that the western education system bequeathed to Papua New Guinea at the time of Independence had functioned to devalue and marginalise many of the traditional beliefs, knowledge and skills students brought with them to education, led to a period of significant education reform. The Reform was premised on the report of a Ministerial Review Committee called A Philosophy of Education. This report made recommendations about how education in Papua New Guinea could respond to the issues and challenges this nation faced as it sought to chart a course to serve the needs of its citizens on its own terms. The issues associated with managing and implementing institutionalised educational change premised on importing western values and practices are a central theme of this thesis. The impact of importing foreign curriculum and associated curriculum officers and consultants to assist with curriculum change and development in the former Language and Literacy unit of the Curriculum Development Division, is considered in three related sections of this report: „P a critical review of the imported educational system and related practices and related issues since Independence „P narrative report of the experience of two colleagues in western education „P evidential research based on curriculum Reform in the Language and Literacy Unit. How Papua New Guinea has sought to come to terms with the issues and challenges that arose in response to a practice of importing western curriculum both at the time of Independence and currently through the Reform, are explored throughout the thesis. The findings issues reveal much about the capacity of individuals and institutions to respond to a post-colonial world particularly associated with an ongoing colonial legacy in the principle researcherˇ¦s work context. The thesis argues that the challenges Papua New Guinea curriculum officers face today, as they manage and implement changes associated with another imported curriculum are caught up in existing power relations. These power relations function to stifle creative thinking at a time when it is most needed. Further, these power relations are not well understood by the curriculum officers and remained hidden and unquestioned throughout the research project. The thesis also argues that in the researcherˇ¦s work context, techniques of surveillance were brought to bear and functioned to curtail critical thinking about how the reformed curriculum could be sensitive and respectful of those beliefs and traditions that had sustained life in Papua New Guinea for thousands of years. Consequently, many outmoded beliefs and practices associated with an uncritical and ongoing acceptance of the superiority of western imports have been retained, thereby effectively denying the collective voices of Paua New Guineans in the current curriculum Reform.


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This article traces the 'cultural turn' in UK educational policy through an analysis of the Creative Partnerships policy (New Labour's 'flagship programme in the cultural education field') and a consideration of an arts project funded under this initiative in one primary school. It argues that current educational policy foregrounds the economic importance of cultural activity and its contribution to the social inclusion agenda. However, 'creativity' is seen as being located outside mainstream school structures, in projects rather than in the National Curriculum, and in artists rather than in teachers. The emphasis is on enjoyment and inclusion rather than cultural or social critique, or significant curriculum change. The transformative potential of involvement in the arts is marginalised in favour of a relatively weak form of social inclusion.


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The newly developed Curriculum Standards Framework lacked supporting school documentation to implement an effective program in Science and SOSE. The task was to create it, together with the knowledge and understandings that were required to apply it. The thesis demonstrates the difficulties faced in actively pursuing curriculum change in a primary school.


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Purpose: Infusing an interprofessional perspective into healthcare education in the university setting instils a collaborative approach in the provision of patient-centred care concepts for students. The purpose of this paper is to describe how one Australian health science faculty is modernising their healthcare education curriculum to develop this approach.

Method: As part of the development process, a systematic literature review was undertaken to determine the elements required for the development of interprofessional clinical learning (IPCL) sites, including but not limited to, necessary organisational and professional considerations to effect interprofessional education (IPE).

Results: The results of this review identified four key factors for IPE development: 1) shared culture, 2) support and leadership, 3) strategic facilitation and planning, and 4) effective feedback, evaluation and dissemination of curriculum intent.

Discussion: These elements are discussed in association with curriculum change in this faculty to promote interprofessional collaboration and teaching.

Conclusion: As a result of the review, the modernisation of our IPE curriculum is being underpinned by shared understandings between faculty and clinical site health providers about IPE. Our joint goal is for appropriate preparation and sustainability of IPCL sites.


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Mathematical reasoning has been emphasised as one of the key proficiencies for mathematics in the Australian curriculum since 2011 and in the Canadian curriculum since 2007. This study explores primary teachers’ perceptions of mathematical reasoning at a time of further curriculum change. Twenty-four primary teachers from Canada and Australia were interviewed after engagement in the first stage of the Mathematical Reasoning Professional Learning Program incorporating demonstration lessons focused on reasoning conducted in their schools. Phenomenographic analysis of interview transcripts exploring variation in the perceptions of mathematical reasoning held by these teachers revealed seven categories of description based on four dimensions of variation. The categories delineate the different perceptions of mathematical reasoning expressed by the participants of this study. The resulting outcome space establishes a framework that facilitates tracking of growth in primary teachers’ awareness of aspects of mathematical reasoning.


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To understand how teachers deal with curriculum change proposals, and how their professional knowledge are involved in this process, is critical in order to understand the impact of these changes in pedagogical practice. From L. S. Shulman’s typology of teacher knowledge, we aimed to describe and interpret how a Physical Education teacher deals with the pedagogical content knowledge when developing a theme from Curriculum Proposal of Physical Education from the State of São Paulo (PPC-EF). A case study was conducted with the use of semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. The teacher made adjustments at the approach and activities suggested by the PPC-PE, mobilizing several teacher knowledge, and her autonomy was not removed. On the other hand, difficulties in relating “theory” and “practice” indicate the need for construction of pedagogical content knowledge to better direct the learning of students to the critical appropriation of movement culture.


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ABSTRACT This study is an account of the literacy-related human environment a Chinese girl experienced as the first person in the history of her family who was able to read prior to entry into elementary school. Temporally speaking, the study spanned more than a decade from the initial, tentative research question to the formal, primary research question. Spatially speaking, it crossed three cultures: the Chinese, Korean, and American cultures. The study was inspired by the Zero Project in China, known as the "Project of Quality Education and Implementation for Children Aged Zero (fetus) to Six." The significance of the content issue in a child's literacy curriculum was explored in an interdisciplinary way. Case study served as a holistic research approach and provided the researcher with free temporal and spatial distance to pursue the indefinably multi-dimensional intricacies of a child's early literacy acquisition among generations in the family. Interpretation of the case was based on the relevant concepts within the scope of the researcher's knowledge of Chinese culture. Major findings revealed that the child's literacy acquisition was inseparably related to her parents' background as well as their awareness of and attitudes towards literacy, and that the foundation of all this was the harmony of the family. Through the lens of generational attitudes towards literacy and especially the lens of the researcher's multicultural life experiences, this study contributes to the field of curriculum studies in general and early literacy curriculum in particular by stimulating people to reconsider what to read to children, besides how to read to them. It calls attention once again to the classic curriculum question, "What knowledge is of most worth?" as well as what is the most essential spiritual food human beings need besides physical needs. This study suggests that Chinese philosophy should be included in a child's early literacy curriculum in China and calls for dialogues on the content issue of curriculum to gain a deeper understanding of human nature so that humans might co-live peacefully with all beings in the universe.