911 resultados para Cultural property -- Protection -- Catalonia -- Llançà


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We investigate digitalization and security of the Bulgarian and Indian cultural artifacts in multimedia archive. In the paper we describe project implementation and methods for intellectual property protection that are result of bilateral cultural and scientific cooperation between research-workers in India and Bulgaria.


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This study aimed to highlight the praxis of various mainstream and alternative faith traditions in Australia with relation to environmental sustainability issues. A mixed methods approach (surveys, interviews, site visits) was used to investigate the levels of awareness and involvement of faith communities on issues including biodiversity protection, water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management and cultural property heritage. The aim of this chapter is to highlight a theme of integration (or lack thereof) that arose out of the interviews which formed a critical part of the participants’ worldview. A brief overview of the relationships of attitudes and behaviours to environmental issues and the importance placed on values and worldviews is provided. Individuals from 40 faith groups participated in the study; in this chapter, individuals and case studies from ten different groups are highlighted. These range from the conventional, mainstream Christian traditions to alternative Christian and Eastern traditions as well as the new age movement. The study found that mainstream traditions were making important attempts at integrating their worldview into appropriate environmental management strategies; however, the impact was marginal overall. The lesser known and alternative traditions, however, were at a significant leading edge of integrating praxis; yet, because these traditions are viewed with an element of suspicion, their efforts were marginalized by members of other faiths and the public. Thus, there are several points of convergence and divergence that faith traditions have with regard to environmental sustainability.


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This article tells the story of the mass marketing on stationery of the work of an artist, Sakshi Anmatyerre, whose claims to an lndigenous heritage and to the authority to paint particular designs, totems and motifs were vigorously contested, leading to the withdrawal of the stationery from sale. The efforts made by the publisher, Steve Parish, to atone for the offence caused to the Anmatyerre people are detailed. The article illustrates some of the issues involved in the commodification and commercial exchange of lndigenous artistic or cultural work - or rather, work which relies upon lndigenous connections for its aesthetic and financial value. The story told in this article is enlightening for what it reveals about the state of unsettlement that characterises debate over the 'appropriate' commercial use of lndigenous intellectual and cultural property, for the ways in which it is possible to achieve restitution when an offence agalnst lndigenous law is alleged, and for the effects the process of seeking restitution has had on the business practices of one company.


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This paper considers the relationship between patent law and plant breeders' rights in light of modern developments in biotechnology. It examines how a number of superior courts have sought to manage the tensions and conflicts between these competing schemes of intellectual property protection. Part 1 considers the High Court of Australia case of Grain Pool of Western Australia v the Commonwealth dealing with Franklin barley. Part 2 examines the significance of the Supreme Court of the United States decision in JEM Ag Supply Inc v Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc with respect to utility patents and hybrid seed. Part 3 considers the Supreme Court of Canada case of Harvard College v the Commissioner of Patents dealing with the transgenic animal, oncomouse, and discusses its implications for the forthcoming appeal from the Federal Court case of Percy Schmeiser v Monsanto.


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In the album Journey, Archie Roach -- the Australian Indigenous singer-songwriter hailing from Mooroopna in Victoria - has a melancholy song called ‘Travell’n Bones.' It is about the repatriation of Indigenous ancestral remains to their rightful home. This Chapter considers the legal, ethical, and cultural conflicts over Australian indigenous remains being held in museums, in Australia, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United States. James Nason comments: ‘The explosion of legal and extra legal attention on issues of cultural property and heritage was born of the frustration and anger of indigenous peoples whose rights and perspectives about cultural property and heritage issues had been largely absent and essentially unwanted by the museum of community.' Part I focuses upon disputes in Australia involving the repatriation of Indigenous Australian remains. In Bropho v HREOC, there was controversy over a cartoon, mocking the repatriation of the remains of Yagan, an Indigenous warrior, to Western Australia. There was a discussion about the operation of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth), and the exemptions available from the operation of the regime. Part II considers the efforts by The Te Papa Tongarewa - the Museum of New Zealand - to repatriate Maori and Moriori ancestral remains to New Zealand, and to iwi communities of origin. The conclusion considers the relevance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Persons 2007, and issues raised by ventures such as the Genographic Project.


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[ES] Se conoce como la «Sinagoga» de Sádaba a las ruinas de un pequeño edificio con planta en forma de cruz de 12 por 14 metros, cuyos restos alcanzan una altura máxima de 4 metros, que se encuentra localizado al sureste del casco urbano del municipio de Sádaba (Zaragoza), junto al Canal de las Bardenas. A pesar de esta denominación, en la actualidad se considera que se trata de un mausoleo de época romana.


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[ES] Se conoce como la «Sinagoga» de Sádaba a las ruinas de un pequeño edificio con planta en forma de cruz de 12 por 14 metros, cuyos restos alcanzan una altura máxima de 4 metros, que se encuentra localizado al sureste del casco urbano del municipio de Sádaba (Zaragoza), junto al Canal de las Bardenas. A pesar de esta denominación, en la actualidad se considera que se trata de un mausoleo de época romana. La documentación realizada incluye una red de coordenadas absolutas obtenidas por técnicas GNSS y un volumétrico por topografía clásica. Asimismo se ha generado un modelo 3D mallado con texturas fotográficas a partir de fotografías.


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[ES] Se suele afirmar que hay dos tipos de patrimonio cultural. Uno, “eterno”, “riguroso”, “irremplazable” o “global”; otro, “contingente”, “flexible”; “sustituible” o “local”. El primero es de la “humanidad”; el segundo, de la “comunidad”. Los trabajos que se presentan en esta publicación, describen y analizan procesos de activación de ese segundo tipo de patrimonio: los intereses y las valorizaciones que han conducido a la patrimonialización o puesta en valor de unos bienes culturales; qué agentes han intervenido en ese proceso; por qué, para qué y cómo lo han llevado a cabo. Se interesan más por el modus operandi que por el opus operatum. Escritos por profesores, investigadores, especialistas y técnicos, los trabajos de esta publicación presentan un conjunto de experiencias europeas y americanas, mostrando un panorama diverso y complejo del campo patrimonial y museístico, así como distintas aproximaciones en función de la posición que ocupa el autor respecto a los bienes culturales.


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Archeologii


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H. Kanaseki, Editor. 2003, UNESCO-Cultural Heritage Protection Office: Horen-Cho, Nara.


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In this article, I deal with airs and sounds and scents, while keeping an eye on the law. My field of enquiry is the interstitial area between sensory and affective occurrences, namely sensory experiences that are traditionally thought to be a causal result of external stimuli, and affective experiences that are mostly associated with emotional changes and generally allude to something internal. I am arguing that there is no constructive difference between internal and external origin of occurrences. In its stead, I suggest the concept of atmosphere, namely an attempt at understanding affective occurrences as excessive, collective, spatial and elemental. However, it quickly becomes apparent that an atmosphere is legally determined. The law controls affective occurrences by regulating property of sensory stimulation. At the same time, the law guides bodies into corridors of sensory compulsion – an aspect of which is consumerism in capitalist societies. The law achieves this by allowing certain sensory options to come forth while suppressing others, something which is particularly obvious in cases of intellectual property protection that capture the sensorial. I deal with the law in its material, spatial manifestation and in particular through what I have called the ‘lawscape’, namely the fusion of space and normativity. I employ a broadly Deleuzian methodology with insights from radical geography, affective studies, and urban and critical legal theory in order to develop and link the various parts of the text.


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Currently, gambling doesn’t have a strong social disapproval. However, the phenomenon of gambling raises several issues related to property protection, compulsive gambling, the youngest personality development, the State taxes and social development measures, which some authors believe to be the protected legal interest in the criminalization of illegal gambling exploitation. However, the authorization system, and because several of those interests, constitutionally protected, are also violated in the authorized gambling places, it appears that the legislator intended to define the legal interest as the order and public tranquility. The purpose of this study is to understand what is protected with the illegal gambling exploitation. This will involve defining the concept of exploitation and the concept of gambling. Still, we will try to know if there are situations without ethical and social resonance and what their consequences.


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L’actualité entourant les Jeux olympiques de Vancouver de 2010 a fait couler beaucoup d’encre. Les retombées économiques enviables que procure l’exclusivité de la commandite aux Jeux olympiques suscitent la convoitise chez de nombreux concurrents commerciaux. Face aux phénomènes grandissant de la contrefaçon de la marque olympique et du marketing insidieux, le Comité international olympique et les pays hôtes des Jeux ont apporté une couche supplémentaire de protection pour la marque olympique. Au Canada, la Loi sur les marques olympiques et paralympiques (LMOP) fut sanctionnée le 22 juin 2007 par la Gouverneure Générale. Les sections-clés de cette loi sont arrivées à échéance le 31 décembre 2010 alors que d’autres de ses aspects sont permanents. La première partie de cet article a pour but de présenter les enjeux reliés à la protection de la propriété intellectuelle lors des Jeux de Vancouver, de définir et déterminer les limites de la propriété olympique, ainsi que le rôle de chaque acteur dans le domaine olympique. Nous étudierons les actions qui furent prises par le Comité d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d’hiver de 2010 à Vancouver (COVAN) et par les autres paliers de comités olympiques pour s’assurer la propriété de l’image olympique au Canada et l’importance de la LMOP dans leurs actions. Dans la deuxième partie de l’article, il sera question de la mise en œuvre de la protection de la marque olympique. Au cours des Jeux, le COVAN a dû faire face à l’adoption ou l’utilisation de la marque olympique par des tiers non autorisés et à des associations commerciales non autorisées avec l’image olympique. D’autres infractions ont également pris place sur Internet. Le présent article se veut un bilan de la situation canadienne suite aux Jeux olympiques de Vancouver de 2010. La LMOP a-t-elle été invoquée devant les tribunaux canadiens ? La loi a-t-elle effectivement été le seul rempart entre la protection olympique et les entreprises ou individus qui souhaitaient profiter indûment de l’événement ? Et finalement, cette initiative a-t-elle été déterminante dans le combat contre le marketing insidieux et autres attaques contre l’image olympique?


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La mondialisation a favorisé l’essor de l’innovation collaborative entraînant une augmentation du nombre de partenariats entre différents acteurs. Grâce à leurs avantages multiples, les projets conjoints jouent un rôle fondamental dans le développement économique et industriel des secteurs à forte valeur ajoutée. Dans cette optique, la création ou la quantification de valeur par l’innovation collaborative repose en grande partie sur la capacité à commercialiser des innovations encadrées par une protection intellectuelle adéquate. Ainsi, la tendance mondiale témoigne d’une augmentation accrue des dépôts conjoints de brevets entre diverses entités. Ces co-dépôts soulèvent une variété de questions juridiques puisque les régimes statutaires ne sont pas nécessairement adaptés à la réalité des partenariats. D’abord, les régimes lacunaires proposés par les lois n’anticipent pas les conséquences juridiques de l’interaction entre divers acteurs. La variété de configurations d’intervenants et la typologie des partenariats entraînent une confusion entre les inventeurs et les propriétaires lors du dépôt d’une demande de brevet. Cette situation peut également induire de facto la copropriété d’un brevet pouvant causer des litiges et miner l’énorme valeur des brevets conjoints. Ensuite, les régimes statutaires sont également déficients à l’étape de l’exploitation d’un brevet conjoint. En comparant les régimes juridiques canadiens et américains, il devient possible de mieux cerner les enjeux juridiques associés aux questionnements présents lors de l’élaboration d’un partenariat. Afin d’obtenir des retombées fructueuses des brevets conjoints, une mise en forme contractuelle est proposée pour pallier ces lacunes statutaires. Grâce à des outils contractuels et à une planification pré-contractuelle, les copropriétaires pourront réaliser l’énorme potentiel de cette institution.