985 resultados para Crystal size


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Compared to mid-latitude deserts, the properties, formation and evolution of desert pavements and the underlying vesicular layer in Antarctica are poorly understood. This study examines the desert pavements and the vesicular layer from seven soil chronosequences in the Transantarctic Mountains that have developed on two contrasting parent materials: sandstone-dolerite and granite-gneiss. The pavement density commonly ranges from 63 to 92% with a median value of 80% and does not vary significantly with time of exposure or parent material composition. The dominant size range of clasts decreases with time of exposure, ranging from 16-64 mm on Holocene and late Quaternary surfaces to 8-16 mm on surfaces of middle Quaternary and older age. The proportion of clasts with ventifaction increases progressively through time from 20% on drifts of Holocene and late Quaternary age to 35% on Miocene-aged drifts. Desert varnish forms rapidly, especially on dolerite clasts, with nearly 100% cover on surfaces of early Quaternary and older age. Macropitting occurs only on clasts that have been exposed since the Miocene. A pavement development index, based on predominant clast-size class, pavement density, and the proportion of clasts with ventifaction, varnish, and pits, readily differentiated pavements according to relative age. From these findings we judge that desert pavements initially form from a surficial concentration of boulders during till deposition followed by a short period of deflation and a longer period of progressive chemical and physical weathering of surface clasts. The vesicular layer that underlies the desert pavement averages 4 cm in thickness and is enriched in silt, which is contributed primarily by weathering rather than eolian deposition. A comparison is made between desert pavement properties in mid-latitude deserts and Antarctic deserts.


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The presence of magnetite crystal chains, considered missing evidence for the biological origin of magnetite in ALH84001 [Thomas-Keprta, K. L., Bazylinski, D. A., Kirschvink, J. L., Clemett, S. J., McKay, D. S., Wentworth, S. J., Vali, H., Gibson, E. K., Jr., & Romanek, C. S. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 4049–4081], is demonstrated by high-power stereo backscattered scanning electron microscopy. Five characteristics of such chains (uniform crystal size and shape within chains, gaps between crystals, orientation of elongated crystals along the chain axis, flexibility of chains, and a halo that is a possible remnant of a membrane around chains), observed or inferred to be present in magnetotactic bacteria but incompatible with a nonbiological origin, are shown to be present. Although it is unlikely that magnetotactic bacteria were ever alive in ALH84001, decomposed remains of such organisms could have been deposited in cracks in the rock while it was still on the surface on Mars.


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Methane hydrates are present in marine seep systems and occur within the gas hydrate stability zone. Very little is known about their crystallite sizes and size distributions because they are notoriously difficult to measure. Crystal size distributions are usually considered as one of the key petrophysical parameters because they influence mechanical properties and possible compositional changes, which may occur with changing environmental conditions. Variations in grain size are relevant for gas substitution in natural hydrates by replacing CH4 with CO2 for the purpose of carbon dioxide sequestration. Here we show that crystallite sizes of gas hydrates from some locations in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Black Sea are in the range of 200-400 µm; larger values were obtained for deeper-buried samples from ODP Leg 204. The crystallite sizes show generally a log-normal distribution and appear to vary sometimes rapidly with location.


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Melamine orthophosphate has been shown to exhibit variations in its chemical constitution, and crystal shape and size, dependent upon the method of production. These crystal types have been incorporated with epoxy resin to produce intumescent coatings, which have been tested on a small scale fire testing device, designed and calibrated within this project. The factors influencing performance in three fire test regimes are the percentage loading of melamine phosphate, its chemical constitution, crystal size and shape, thermal degradation, and state of agglomeration . and dispersion in the coating, determined by the method of incorporation into the coating. When melamine phosphate is heat treated at 210ºC, a process designed to reduce its solubility, the performance of coatings produced with such material is profoundly affected, depending mainly on crystal size and shape alone. Consideration of heat transfer across the chars produced has allowed a quantitative evaluation of the thermal resistance of chars throughout a test. An optimum production route for melamine phosphate has been suggested, taking into account the requirements for weatherability of coatings as well as performance in a fire.


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The thesis examines the possibilities for the beneficiation of steel making slags by using mineral processing methods. Chemical and Mineralogical investigations have been carried out by SEM and EP}ffi to determine the most suitable separation methods in terms of crystal size, chemical composition and surface properties. Magnetic separation was applied in connection with size reductions for the extraction of the metallic iron prills and other iron containing phases and the results were related to the feed size and operating conditions. The behaviour of the slags in flotation tests was studied with respect to the recovery and grade. It was found that the free lime presence in the slags caused a high acid consumption of both weak and strong acids. It also reacted with acids and consequently produced a white precipitate, (CaS04 for H2 S04 ). The poor response of the phases to the flotation by different types of collector was found to be due to surface alteration caused by the free lime. The flocculation tests were carried out at the natural pH of the slags to prevent surface alterations. Settling tests were done to determine the suitable flocculants for the separation tests. The effect of the settling period, flocculant concentration, conditioning period and number of cleaning cycles were determined to optimize the separation tests. The discussion brings together this study with previous theoretically based work cited in the literature to elucidate the factor5governing the utilisation of steel making slags.


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Barium Cerate (BaCeO3) is perovskite type structure of ABO3, wherein A and B are metal cations. These materials, or doped, have been studied by having characteristics that make them promising for the application in fuel cells solid oxide, hydrogen and oxygen permeation, as catalysts, etc .. However, as the ceramic materials mixed conductivity have been produced by different synthesis methods, some conditions directly influence the final properties, one of the most important doping Site B, which may have direct influence on the crystallite size, which in turn directly influences their catalytic activity. In this study, perovskite-type (BaCexO3) had cerium gradually replaced by praseodymium to obtain ternary type materials BaCexPr1-xO3 and BaPrO3 binaries. These materials were synthesized by EDTA/Citrate complexing method and the material characterized via XRD, SEM and BET for the identification of their structure, morphology and surface area. Moreover were performed on all materials, catalytic test in a fixed bed reactor for the identification of that person responsible for complete conversion of CO to CO2 at low operating temperature, which step can be used as the subsequent production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) from methane oxidation. In the present work the crystalline phase having the orthorhombic structure was obtained for all compositions, with a morphology consisting of agglomerated particles being more pronounced with increasing praseodymium in the crystal structure. The average crystal size was between 100 nm and 142,2 nm. The surface areas were 2,62 m²g-1 for the BaCeO3 composition, 3,03 m²g-1 to BaCe0,5Pr0,5O3 composition and 2,37 m²g-1 to BaPrO3 composition. Regarding the catalytic tests, we can conclude that the optimal flow reactor operation was 50 ml / min and the composition regarding the maximum rate of conversion to the lowest temperature was BaCeO3 to 400° C. Meanwhile, there was found that the partially replaced by praseodymium, cerium, there was a decrease in the catalytic activity of the material.


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In this paper a synthesis parameters study was conducted in order to optimize the obteinment of MCM-22 (MWW structure) and increase its accessibility, getting higher external surface and generating mesopores. Syntheses with Si / Al = 15 and Si / Al = 50 ratios were performed under static conditions at different temperatures and with seeds induction, which resulted in MCM-22 pure and crystalline (Si / Al ratio = 15) after 3 days and Si / Al = 50 after 11 days. The reduction of hexamethyleneimine content (HMI) was studied in the stirring synthesis and a HMI reduction of 47% was possible through the mother liquor reuse, in addition, a specific area of 481 m² / g has been obtained in the fourth synthesis day. Regarding the increase of accessibility of the MCM-22 zeolite skeins of MCM-22 plates with about 2 μm were obtained, through the use of dissolved silica, addition of seeds, increased temperature and synthesis time of 2 days. A significant value of specific area was found for this material, around 500 m² / g. Also with respect to the increase of MCM-22 accessibility, treatment with oxalic acid concentration of 0.5 mol / L and silanization of proto-zeolitic units resulted in the mesopores formation . Furthermore, silanization still favored reduction of 70 % in crystal size and a specific area of 566 m² / g.


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In the Weser valley NW Hameln early diagenetic carbonate cementation is present in the upper Elsterian to Drenthe sediments. Examination of the calcite cement indicated a multiphase formation. Cementation occured mainly in vadose environment above ground-water table. This process generated predominantly brown calcite cement with a crystal size of <5 to 20pm. Next to meniscus-cement this fine-crystalline calcite forms further cements typical for vadose zone. In one layer of the „Mittelterrasse'-sediments, deposited in the late Elsterian age, a calcite cement is present, which may already have formed in the Holstein Interglacial. Cementation started in the upper-most layers of the „Mittelterrasse'-sediments in a late phase of „Mittelterrasse“-accumulation in this area. The so formed consolidated layers were deformed by the Drentheglacier. After ice melting cementation continued in at least 3 phases, creating nonluminiscent phreatic, orange to red luminiscent vadose and nonluminiscent vadose calcite cement.


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Under contact metamorphic conditions, carbonate rocks in the direct vicinity of the Adamello pluton reflect a temperature-induced grain coarsening. Despite this large-scale trend, a considerable grain size scatter occurs on the outcrop-scale indicating local influence of second-order effects such as thermal perturbations, fluid flow and second-phase particles. Second-phase particles, whose sizes range from nano- to the micron-scale, induce the most pronounced data scatter resulting in grain sizes too small by up to a factor of 10, compared with theoretical grain growth in a pure system. Such values are restricted to relatively impure samples consisting of up to 10 vol.% micron-scale second-phase particles, or to samples containing a large number of nano-scale particles. The obtained data set suggests that the second phases induce a temperature-controlled reduction on calcite grain growth. The mean calcite grain size can therefore be expressed in the form D 1⁄4 C2 eQ*/RT(dp/fp)m*, where C2 is a constant, Q* is an activation energy, T the temperature and m* the exponent of the ratio dp/fp, i.e. of the average size of the second phases divided by their volume fraction. However, more data are needed to obtain reliable values for C2 and Q*. Besides variations in the average grain size, the presence of second-phase particles generates crystal size distribution (CSD) shapes characterized by lognormal distributions, which differ from the Gaussian-type distributions of the pure samples. In contrast, fluid-enhanced grain growth does not change the shape of the CSDs, but due to enhanced transport properties, the average grain sizes increase by a factor of 2 and the variance of the distribution increases. Stable d18O and d13C isotope ratios in fluid-affected zones only deviate slightly from the host rock values, suggesting low fluid/rock ratios. Grain growth modelling indicates that the fluid-induced grain size variations can develop within several ka. As inferred from a combination of thermal and grain growth modelling, dykes with widths of up to 1 m have only a restricted influence on grain size deviations smaller than a factor of 1.1.To summarize, considerable grain size variations of up to one order of magnitude can locally result from second-order effects. Such effects require special attention when comparing experimentally derived grain growth kinetics with field studies.


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Crystallization is employed in different industrial processes. The method and operation can differ depending on the nature of the substances involved. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of various operating conditions on the crystal properties in a chemical engineering design window with a focus on ultrasound assisted cooling crystallization. Batch to batch variations, minimal manufacturing steps and faster production times are factors which continuous crystallization seeks to resolve. Continuous processes scale-up is considered straightforward compared to batch processes owing to increase of processing time in the specific reactor. In cooling crystallization process, ultrasound can be used to control the crystal properties. Different model compounds were used to define the suitable process parameters for the modular crystallizer using equal operating conditions in each module. A final temperature of 20oC was employed in all experiments while the operating conditions differed. The studied process parameters and configuration of the crystallizer were manipulated to achieve a continuous operation without crystal clogging along the crystallization path. The results from the continuous experiment were compared with the batch crystallization results and analysed using the Malvern Morphologi G3 instrument to determine the crystal morphology and CSD. The modular crystallizer was operated successfully with three different residence times. At optimal process conditions, a longer residence time gives smaller crystals and narrower CSD. Based on the findings, at a constant initial solution concentration, the residence time had clear influence on crystal properties. The equal supersaturation criterion in each module offered better results compared to other cooling profiles. The combination of continuous crystallization and ultrasound has large potential to overcome clogging, obtain reproducible and narrow CSD, specific crystal morphologies and uniform particle sizes, and exclusion of milling stages in comparison to batch processes.


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Despite the recent synthesis and identification of a diverse set of new nanophotocatalysts that has exploded recently, titanium dioxide (TiO2) remains among the most promising photocatalysts because it is inexpensive, non-corrosive, environmentally friendly, and stable under a wide range of conditions. TiO2 has shown excellent promise for solar cell applications and for remediation of chemical pollutants and toxins. Over the past few decades, there has been a tremendous development of nanophotocatalysts for a variety of industrial applications (i.e. for water purification and reuse, disinfection of water matrices, air purification, deodorization, sterilization of soils). This paper details traditional and new industrial routes for the preparation of nanophotocatalysts and the characterization techniques used to understand the physical chemical properties of them, like surface area, ζ potential, crystal size, and phase crystallographic, morphology, and optical transparency. Finally we present some applications of the industrial nanophotocatalysts.


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A novel size dependent FCC (face-centered-cubic) -> HCP (hexagonally-closed-pack) phase transformation and stability of an initial FCC zirconium nanowire are studied. FCC zirconium nanowires with cross-sectional dimensions < 20 are found unstable in nature, and they undergo a FCC -> HCP phase transformation, which is driven by tensile surface stress induced high internal compressive stresses. FCC nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions > 20 , in which surface stresses are not enough to drive the phase transformation, show meta-stability. In such a case, an external kinetic energy in the form of thermal heating is required to overcome the energy barrier and achieve FCC -> HCP phase transformation. The FCC-HCP transition pathway is also studied using Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) method, to further confirm the size dependent stability/metastability of Zr nanowires. We also show size dependent critical temperature, which is required for complete phase transformation of a metastable-FCC nanowire.