985 resultados para Crimes against humanity -- Spain


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This study aimed to identify the work developed by the Judiciary to prevent sexual violence against children and adolescents within the family. The approach to social representations in a cultural perspective was used. The field study consisted in the 1st and 2nd Court of Crimes against Children and Adolescents, at the State Supreme Court of Pernambuco, Brazil. Participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus group with 17 subjects were the techniques for data collection, analyzed through the interpretation of meanings, allowing the identification of the category "The Judiciary as the ultimate level" and the following subcategories: "The public policies to prevent violence" and "The structure and dynamics of Courts". This study allows the visualization of the Judiciary's limitations with regard to the full protection and absolute priority, and that the work along with the victims demands investments in structure and human resources.


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The youth of Massachusetts are of primary concern to legislators and citizens. This briefing report features three essays by experts – Lisa Jones, Ramon Borges-Mendez, and Janis Wolak – who focus on three aspects of youth wellbeing: youth victimization and other indicators of psychological health, youth unemployment, and online sexual predators of youth. Although youth well-being is of primary concern, the worrisome stories about crimes against children that regularly fill the media have unfortunately obscured some more positive news from statistical reports on these same issues. Child victimizations of various types – i.e., child sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, child physical abuse, sexual assaults of teenagers, physical assaults and robberies of teenagers, and homicides of teenagers – have been declining nationwide and in Massachusetts since the early 1990s, in some cases declining dramatically.


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This paper asks: is it a fact that there is more violence in districts affected by Naxalite (Maoist) activity compared to those which are free of Naxalite activity? And can the existence of Naxalite activity in some districts of India, but not in others, be explained by differences in economic and social conditions? This study identifies districts in India in which there was significant Naxalite activity and correlating the findings with district-level economic, social, and crime indicators. The econometric results show that, after controlling for other variables, Naxalite activity in a district had, if anything, a dampening effect on its level of violent crime and crimes against women. Furthermore, even after controlling for other variables, the probability of a district being Naxalite-affected rose with an increase in its poverty rate and fell with a rise in its literacy rate. So, one prong in an anti-Naxalite strategy would be to address the twin issues of poverty and illiteracy in India.


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Human trafficking is regarded by Interpol as the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. This letter is submitted in response to the topic of Human Trafficking addressed in Volume 2, Issue 1. In response to the ever-increasing attention to this problem, various programs focus on the rescue of survivors in anti-trafficking efforts - sometimes overshadowing efforts to prevent human trafficking and rehabilitate those harmed. A comprehensive, responsible approach requires a system of rescue and rehabilitation with a deliberate eye toward prevention. The basic human rights of survivors are at risk of being violated by “so-called rescue missions, despite the good intentions of would-be rescuers.” At the prevention level, a firm human rights approach is needed. When interventions shift their emphasis to prevention and tackle the innate contributors to inequality, then the roots of trafficking and slavery can be firmly extirpated. By taking a thoughtful and vested approach to tackling all areas of trafficking— including prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation—resources can be used more effectively, and communities are likely to have a more extensive impact in the fight against this hideous crime against humanity.


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El presente trabajo propone realizar un análisis interdisciplinario histórico-iufilosófico y de derecho tomando como eje el caso especial de los delitos contra la honestidad (actualmente delitos contra la integridad sexual) a la luz de cuatro aspectos de la teoría dworkiniana: el uso de la jurisprudencia y el precedente para resolver problemas jurídicos, el lugar de la moralidad en el derecho -especialmente en el argentino-, el concepto de "caso difícil" y el lugar del juez en su resolución. En este punto, pretendo mostrar cómo el objeto histórico se relaciona estrechamente con los desarrollos posteriores y problemas contemporáneos de la filosofía del derecho


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El presente trabajo propone realizar un análisis interdisciplinario histórico-iufilosófico y de derecho tomando como eje el caso especial de los delitos contra la honestidad (actualmente delitos contra la integridad sexual) a la luz de cuatro aspectos de la teoría dworkiniana: el uso de la jurisprudencia y el precedente para resolver problemas jurídicos, el lugar de la moralidad en el derecho -especialmente en el argentino-, el concepto de "caso difícil" y el lugar del juez en su resolución. En este punto, pretendo mostrar cómo el objeto histórico se relaciona estrechamente con los desarrollos posteriores y problemas contemporáneos de la filosofía del derecho


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El presente trabajo propone realizar un análisis interdisciplinario histórico-iufilosófico y de derecho tomando como eje el caso especial de los delitos contra la honestidad (actualmente delitos contra la integridad sexual) a la luz de cuatro aspectos de la teoría dworkiniana: el uso de la jurisprudencia y el precedente para resolver problemas jurídicos, el lugar de la moralidad en el derecho -especialmente en el argentino-, el concepto de "caso difícil" y el lugar del juez en su resolución. En este punto, pretendo mostrar cómo el objeto histórico se relaciona estrechamente con los desarrollos posteriores y problemas contemporáneos de la filosofía del derecho


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Manuscript volume in various hands containing three general sections: satirical poems about Harvard tutors, a section of "last words & dying" speeches of Harvard tutors, and a copy of the Book of Harvard."


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The Mexican War.--The administration of President Polk.--The state of the nation.--The like and the different.--The Fugitive Slave Law.--An anti-slavery address.--The progress of America.--The new crime against humanity.--The rights of man in America.--The present aspect of the anti-slavery enterprise.--The present crisis in American affairs.


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This study aims to analyze the process of implementation of Maria da Penha Law in Paraná from the perception of persons directly involved in combating violence against women in that state. To achieve this goal, the implementation in Curitiba was taken as the main reference, due to its status as capital, being the headquarter of the political powers and the place where are some feminist social movements. We have chosen qualitative approach of interpretative nature as research methodology, because it is a method that allows the analysis of the responses and as a data collection technique. We also have chosen the individual semi-structured interview as interview mode, because it gives greater freedom to the interviewee to discuss the matter, but it is delimited to the study objectives. The research included nine persons, including members of the Judiciary and Public Ministry, public servants and activists. The importance of the study stems from the relevance of the numbers of violence against women in Brazil, and more specifically by the significant occurrence of this kind of acts in the state of Paraná, which currently occupies the 3rd place in the ranking for the most violent states. The paper also discusses gender relations by understanding that violence against women is the result of an asymmetrical power relationship between men and women; human rights because violence is a blatant disregard of women's human rights; on public policies and technologies to confront this form of violence. Among the policies, the Maria da Penha Law is highlighted as one of the most striking examples of public policy for combating violence against women. The research found out which was the participation of Paraná in the discussion and implementation of Maria da Penha Law, identifying relevant facts and people and also what was the repercussion obtained by this law. As for the implementation in Paraná, it was possible to determine progresses, difficulties and challenges of the process. The greatest advances obtained so far are the facilities of: Court of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in Curitiba, Maria da Penha Patrol and Women's Special City Office of Curitiba. As for the difficulties, they are related, among others things, to the physical structure, training of agents, political will, and even cultural issues, which are directly linked to gender issues. Thus it was found that the law is implemented in the state, but there are still several challenges to be achieved, which consist, mainly, of the structure increment for combating violence; awareness and change of mentality of public officials; training of service agents and a greater social participation in combating violence. We concluded that the need for change in gender relations, which is an educational and social evolutionary process and therefore time consuming, is also a challenge.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, 2016.


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Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.


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Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.


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In July 2012 the Iowa Legislative Council requested the Public Safety Advisory Board (PSAB) provide recommendations to the General Assembly relating to crimes against children. This request came in response to the high profile kidnapping of two girls and subsequent murder of one by Michael Klunder. The PSAB directed the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) to provide an analysis of child kidnapping and review of the effectiveness of Iowa kidnapping law.


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como principal objetivo el de analizar la manera como las características sociopolíticas de los Estados del Mekong, específicamente en el caso de Camboya y Myanmar, dificultan la implementación de las normas enunciadas en el Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños, también conocido como el Protocolo de Palermo. En este sentido, se parte de las características principales del Protocolo y de la manera como el tráfico de personas se presenta en el Mekong para posteriormente analizar la forma como la corrupción, la impunidad y la desigualdad de género representan retos sociopolíticos que obstruyen la implementación de los mandatos internacionales enmarcados en este instrumento