984 resultados para Cr : GGG


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Objectives: To compare upper lip frenulum reinsertion, bleeding, surgical time and surgical wound healing in frenectomies performed with the CO2 laser versus the Er, Cr:YSGG laser. Study design: A prospective study was carried out on 50 randomized pediatric patients who underwent rhomboidal resection of the upper lip frenulum with either the CO2 laser or the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Twenty-five patients were assigned to each laser system. All patients were examined at 7, 14, 21 days and 4 months after the operation in order to assess the surgical wound healing. Results: Insertion of the frenulum, which was preoperatively located between the upper central incisors, migrated to the mucogingival junction as a result of using both laser systems in all patients. Only two patients required a single dose of 650 mg of paracetamol, one of either study group. CO2 laser registered improved intraoperative bleeding control results and shorter surgical times. On the other hand, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser achieved faster healing. Conclusions: Upper lip laser frenectomy is a simple technique that results in minimum or no postoperative swelling or pain, and which involves upper lip frenulum reinsertion at the mucogingival junction. The CO2 laser offers a bloodless field and shorter surgical times compared with the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. On the other hand, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser achieved faster wound healing.


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Three standard radiation qualities (RQA 3, RQA 5 and RQA 9) and two screens, Kodak Lanex Regular and Insight Skeletal, were used to compare the imaging performance and dose requirements of the new Kodak Hyper Speed G and the current Kodak T-MAT G/RA medical x-ray films. The noise equivalent quanta (NEQ) and detective quantum efficiencies (DQE) of the four screen-film combinations were measured at three gross optical densities and compared with the characteristics for the Kodak CR 9000 system with GP (general purpose) and HR (high resolution) phosphor plates. The new Hyper Speed G film has double the intrinsic sensitivity of the T-MAT G/RA film and a higher contrast in the high optical density range for comparable exposure latitude. By providing both high sensitivity and high spatial resolution, the new film significantly improves the compromise between dose and image quality. As expected, the new film has a higher noise level and a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the standard film, although in the high frequency range this is compensated for by a better resolution, giving better DQE results--especially at high optical density. Both screen-film systems outperform the phosphor plates in terms of MTF and DQE for standard imaging conditions (Regular screen at RQA 5 and RQA 9 beam qualities). At low energy (RQA 3), the CR system has a comparable low-frequency DQE to screen-film systems when used with a fine screen at low and middle optical densities, and a superior low-frequency DQE at high optical density.


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Objectives: A study was made to determine the temperature increment at the dental root surface following Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation of the root canal. Design. Human canines and incisors previously instrumented to K file number ISO 30 were used. Irradiation was carried out with glass fiber endodontic tips measuring 200 μm in diameter and especially designed for insertion in the root canal. The teeth were irradiated at 1 and 2 W for 30 seconds, without water spraying or air, and applying a continuous circular movement (approximately 2 mm/sec.) in the apico-coronal direction. Results: At the 1 W power setting, the mean temperature increment was 3.84ºC versus 5.01ºC at 2 W. In all cases the difference in mean value obtained after irradiation versus the mean baseline temperature proved statistically significant (p< 0.05). Conclusions: Application of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser gives rise to a statistically significant temperature increment at the external root surface, though this increment is probably clinically irrelevant, since it would appear to damage the tissues (periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) in proximity to the treated tooth


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Objective: The aim of this in vitro experimental study was to perform histological evaluation of the thermal effect produced on soft tissue irradiated with CO2, Er,Cr:YSGG or diode lasers. Study design: Porcine oral mucosa samples were irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser at 1 W with and without water / air spray, at 2 W with and without water / air spray, and at 4 W with water / air spray, with CO2 laser at 1 W, 2 W, 10 W, 20 W continuous mode and 20 W pulsed mode and diode laser at 2W, 5W, and 10W pulsed mode. The thermal effect was evaluated measuring the width of damaged tissue adjacent to the incision, stained positively for hyalinized tissue with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson Trichrome stains. Besides, histological changes in the irradiated tissue were described using subjective grading scales. Results: The evaluated lasers developed a wide range of thermal damage with significant differences between groups. The samples with lowest thermal effect were those irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser using water / air spray, followed by CO2 and diode lasers. Conclusions: Emission parameters of each laser system may influence the thermal damage inflicted on the soft tissue, however, the wave length of each laser determines the absorption rate characteristics of every tissue and the thermal effect


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OBJETIVO: O processo de migração de sistemas analógicos para digitalizados, para aplicações diagnósticas, requer cuidados específicos, a fim de manter a qualidade das imagens e minimizar a dose no paciente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e comparar a qualidade da imagem e o kerma num simulador não antropomórfico de tórax gerados por sistemas analógicos e digitalizados CR. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados a qualidade da imagem e o kerma, de entrada e saída, no simulador para dois equipamentos de raios X diferentes (Siemens e Emic), com diferentes sistemas de retificação de onda (12 pulsos e alta frequência). Ambos os sistemas (analógico e digitalizado) estavam sendo utilizados no mesmo local. Foram geradas imagens em filme e em image plates. RESULTADOS: Foi observado aumento na tensão e/ou na carga transportada pelo tubo de raios X quando houve a migração para o sistema CR, para manutenção das características diagnósticas da imagem. Isto resultou em aumento de kerma coletado. CONCLUSÃO: As maiores diferenças determinadas (aumento de dose e redução da qualidade da imagem) foram observadas no equipamento com retificação de onda de 12 pulsos e transdutor de imagem CR (image plates).


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O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso raro de malformação craniana - a síndrome do crânio em folha de trevo -, cuja característica foi percebida após o nascimento de uma criança com os sinais da anomalia. Métodos de diagnóstico por imagem, como tomografia computadorizada e radiografia convencional, foram utilizados para a caracterização da síndrome.


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A classificação de Bosniak para cistos renais surgiu na década de 1980 para tentar padronizar a descrição e condutas em relação às lesões renais císticas complexas. Esta classificação sofreu alterações na década de 1990 e, a última, em 2005. Atualmente, são definidas cinco categorias de lesões císticas renais – I, II, II-F, III e IV –, de acordo com o grau de complexidade e maior probabilidade de malignidade. Apesar de inicialmente ter sido descrita para a tomografia computadorizada, esta classificação é utilizada, com algumas vantagens, também na ressonância magnética. O presente artigo revisa as diferentes fases desta classificação, sua eficácia diagnóstica e os aspectos mais controversos de sua utilização.


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Aquest projecte forma part d’un estudi sobre l’eliminació de metalls pesants utilitzant com aadsorbents residus d’indústries agroalimentàries, que des de fa uns quants anys està duent aterme el grup de Metalls i Medi Ambient (MiMA) del Departament d’Enginyeria Química,Agrària i Tecnologia Agroalimentària de la Universitat de Girona. L’objecte del treball és parametritzar un procés basat en marro de cafè que inclouetapes de reducció/adsorció i precipitació per al tractament d’aigües residuals quecontenen Cr(VI) i altres metalls. La parametrització permetrà conèixer en quinmoment s’ha assolit la reducció total del Cr(VI) en la primera etapa del tractament perpoder passar a una segona etapa d’eliminació de la resta dels metalls presents en solució


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Selectivity studies for the determination of Cr(VI) using the catalytic oxidation of the o-dianisidine by hydrogen peroxide showed two distincts situations. In the first, when interferents were studied by a univariate procedure, Cr(III) and Cu(II) cause serious interferences even at the 2:1 proportion, relative to Cr(VI), while Fe(III) interfered at the 15:1 ratio and EDTA at the 10:1 ratio. On the other hand, when a multivariate investigation was performed, Cr(III) did not present any significant principal effects and its significant interaction effects were negative, in contrast to EDTA, that presented positive interaction effects although, like Cr(III), did not show significant interaction effects. In view of the interferent's action it become necessary to separate Cr(VI) by extraction with methylisobutylketone in a chloridric acid medium before its determination in vegetals and in wastewater from a cellulose industry samples. Using this procedure, the method precision is ±0,5% at the 10 ng/mL Cr(VI) concentration level. The detection and quantification limits, calculated by means of absorbance measurements of ten replicates of blank reagents were 1,1 and 3,2 ng/mL, respectively. The results obtained with real samples showed a relative standard deviation between 1,2% and 3,0% relative to their reference values.


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The equilibria, the spectra and the identities of the species of Cr(VI) that are present in aqueous solution have long been an active subject of discussion in the literature. In this paper, three different chemometric methodologies are applied to sets of UV/Visible spectra of aqueous Cr(VI) solutions, in order to solve a chemical system where there is no available information concerning the composition of the samples nor spectral information about the pure species. Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis, followed by varimax rotation and Imbrie oblique projection, were used to estimate the composition of Cr(VI) equilibrium solutions and, by combining these results with the k-matrix method, to obtain the pure spectra of the species. Evolving factor analysis and self modeling curve resolution were used to confirm the number of the species and the resolution of the system, respectively. Sets of 3.3×10-4 and 3.3×10-5 mol L-1 Cr(VI) solutions, respectively, were analyzed in the pH range from 1 to 12. Two factors were identified, which were related to the chromate ion (CrO4(2-)) and bichromate ion (HCrO4-). The pK of the equilibrium was estimated as 5.8.


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The present experiment describes an easy procedure for obtaining SiO2/ZrO2 by reacting ZrOCl2 with SiO2 with the following characteristics: S BET = 500 m² g-1 and an average pore diameter of 6 nm. The material obtained presented 1.3 wt% ZrO2 content corresponding to 140 mumol g-1. The average density of ZrO2 onto SiO2/ZrO2 matrix is 2.8x10-11 mol cm-2. The adsorption isotherm for Cr(VI) showed a maximum of adsorption value (200 mumol g-1) at pH 2. The adsorption can be described by the reaction: =Zr(OH)2 + 2HCrO4- + 2H+ [(=Zr(OH2+)2) (HCrO4-)2]. Above the zero point of charge, i.e. pH > 5.5 due to the surface charge inversion, desorption of Cr(VI) occurs according to the reaction: [(=Zr(OH2+)2) (HCrO4-)2] + 6OH- (=ZrO2)2- + 6H2O + 2CrO4(2-).


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In this study, the preparation of the xerogel anilinepropylsilica is reported. The ability of the xerogel for extracting Al(III), Cr(III) and Fe(III) from ethanol was investigated at 25 ºC. The xerogel adsorption capacities were obtained from the adsorption isotherms by using the batch method. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was used to estimate the concentration of metal ions in solution. The adsorption affinity follows the series Cr(III) > Fe(III) > Al(III) and the maximum adsorption capacities of the metal ions were 0.61, 0.52 and 0.43 mmol g-1, respectively.


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Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.


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This study investigates the use of wild animal hair of C. brachyurus, C. thous and L. pardalis as biomonitors of trace metal at Parque Nacional das Emas, Brazil. Results reveal a strong correlation between Cd and Pb as well as Cu and Zn, which suggests a single source of emission. Most metals showed a lower or equal concentration than those obtained in previous studies. The research shows that monitoring may be performed only with Zn, Pb, Cd, and Cr because of statistical similarity and of a non-natural occurrence of large amounts of the material under analysis.


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The objective of this study was to assess a new monitoring technique of particulate and trace metals in the atmosphere via the use of a passive sampler of air pollutants in the city of Goiânia. The average particulate weight and average concentrations of metals Fe, Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Cd were 0.1104 g and 257.5; 23.4; 17.8; 6.7; 1.9; 0.8; 0.2 μg/m²/day, respectively. Higher Pb and Cr concentrations were obtained in areas with intense traffic. This study revealed that it is possible to monitor trace metals with passive sampling, developed at a low cost and operational facility.