970 resultados para Corporate identity
Purpose – This paper aims to apply the business-to-business (B2B) Service Brand Identity (SBI) scale to empirically assess the influence of service brand identity on brand performance for the first time. Design/methodology/approach – Based on data collected from 421 senior marketing executives, this paper applies the B2B SBI and structural equation modeling to fulfill the above purpose. Findings – Brand personality and human resource initiatives have a positive and significant influence on brand performance. Corporate visual identity, in addition to an employee and client focus, has an insignificant impact on performance. Consistent communications have a negative and significant influence on brand performance. Research limitations/implications – Data were only collected from executives in the UK. This research would benefit from replicative studies. Practical implications – This research empirically establishes the brand management activities that drive brand performance. Originality/value – This is the first empirical study to assess the influence service brand identity has on brand performance.
Jelen cikk a szervezeti identitás különböző tudományos értelmezéseit, elemeit mutatja be és kapcsolja össze a gyakorlattal. A szerzők értelmezése szerint a szervezeti identitás nem azonos a köznyelvben elterjedt arculattal (sem image-zsal), hanem egy holisztikus, menedzsment-szakirodalmakon átívelő fogalomként értelmezhető, mely a külső tényezők hatására a szervezeti kultúra és a szervezeti stratégia alapján alakítható ki. A szervezeti identitás három alkotóelem-csoportból áll (nevezhetjük ezt identitásmixnek is): a munkáltatói márkázásból, az integrált marketingkommunikációból és a vizuális identitásból. Mivel a változó környezet szükségessé teszi, a szervezeti identitás menedzselése egy véget nem érő „spirálfolyamat”, mely a felmérés, a meghatározás, a bevezetés és értékelés szakaszok ismétléséből áll addig, amíg az ideális identitás ki nem alakul. Melyet talán soha nem ér el a vállalat. _____ In this article the different scientific interpretations and elements of organizational identity are presented and combined with practice. According to the authors’ interpretation the organizational identity is not the same as the corporate image, but it can be interpreted as a holistic management literatures panning notion which can be formed by the effect of external factors on basis of the organizational culture and organizational strategy. The organizational identity consists of three component-groups (also called this identity mix) the employer branding, integrated marketingcommunications and visual identity. Due to the changing environment makes it necessary the management of organizational identity is a never-ending ”spiral process”, which consists of repetitions of the survey, the definition, the introduction and the assessment phases until the ideal identity will be formed. Which may be never achieved by the corporate.
Within corporate contexts, senior leaders must construct credible leadership identities if they are to demonstrate effectiveness in achieving business goals. This is a particular challenge for women, who have struggled historically to gain senior leadership positions. This chapter explores the identity struggles experienced by Karen, a woman Human Resources director within a management meeting as she delivers bad news about ‘company restructuring’ to her colleagues. Using Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA), I show how this leader struggles to maintain a professionally competent identity as she negotiates the bad news. The analysis reveals that despite the demands of her role, Karen demonstrates extraordinary linguistic competence in managing her team within a turbulent business world that continues to remain inhospitable to female leaders.
Corporate reputation is a largely neglected topic in the family firm literature. That neglect is surprising because corporate reputation is found to be an important source of competitive advantage and can therefore be an explanatory factor for firm performance and behaviour. The purpose of this chapter is to contribute to the field of family business by demonstrating the potential of the reputation research in this field. The chapter first introduces the corporate reputation construct and how this construct and the related constructs of image and reputation capital are approached in the literature from different disciplines. The second part of the chapter provides a review of the current family business literature on this topic. Three approaches of corporate reputation have been identified: 1. Reputation of family firms as an assessment by stakeholders. 2. Reputation as a managerial goal to preserve socioemotional wealth. 3. Reputation as a communication goal or strategy of family firms. The discussion of the literature identifies major gaps in our knowledge and in our methodological orientation that represent opportunities for future research.
Using the Hofstede-Gray Framework to Argue Normatively for an Extension of Islamic Corporate Reports