955 resultados para Corporate culture.


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Researchers report that successful cultural change in an organization is difficult to achieve. This research contends that it is more likely to be successful when a systemic approach to strategic human resource management (SHRM) is used to facilitate the change. The contention was tested in an action research case study and longitudinal assessment of change in a large Australian public sector agency. A clear finding from this research is that the cultural change had been sustained through the systemic application of SHRM.


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The terms 'authoritarian' and 'democratic' are political concepts often applied as a means of distinguishing human resource management (HRM) from older forms of labour management, the common assertion being that former authoritarian practices have become more democratic under HRM. This article challenges this view by arguing that the foundational principles and practices of HRM, when orientated by the expectations of a 'desired' organisational culture, cast it into a role that involves mobilising the collective psychology of organisational members to accept willingly the legitimacy of managerial authority and the virtues of firm loyalty. It is suggested that such a role has no parallel in orthodox democratic arrangements; that if political concepts are to be applied to the way labour is managed under HRM, a clearer affinity exists with the aims and practices of totalitarian regimes and their use of propaganda and other means to control civilian populations. Key points: This article challenges the assumption that HRM is cast in the spirit of democracy. HRM's foundational principles and functional practices are instead more closely aligned with totalitarian conceptions of social control. This is evidenced by HRM's role in mobilising the collective psychology of employees in accordance with a 'desired' workplace culture proscribed by organisational leaderships.


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This case study investigates, empirically, cost methods and criteria of price discrimination made from hospital organizations when they set up their prices of hospital services to private patients and push down their prices to patients affiliated to health insurance and/or health maintenance organizations (HMO). The theory sought to show the Brazilian health systems either public or private, the aspects about corporate culture, the relationship among three players of the private health system ¿ health insurance companies (or HMO), hospitals and the patients, the importance of the cost systems, and the criteria of price discrimination. With these theories, it was developed a qualitative exploratory research, through open interviews, with hospital¿s managers and co-workers from invoicing department from two hospitals located at the Rio de Janeiro City. Based on results we didn¿t identify appropriate cost systems to help the managers to make a correct decision about price discrimination, but was identified corporate culture factors that could influence the price discrimination. Among the results, we can see unprepared hospital managers. Finally, we discussed some contributions and weakness of this case study, and there are presented suggestions for future researches.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar a forma como os líderes de uma organização que alavanca suas atividades com uma estrutura em rede, transmitem a cultura da empresa central junto às empresas periféricas. Pretende-se investigar também se os líderes mudaram o seu papel em função da mudança da arquitetura organizacional no período considerado por alguns autores como pós-moderno. Como o tema cultura é amplo e complexo, optou-se por enfocar aspectos como a transmissão da missão e objetivos organizacionais, além do estilo de gestão predominante e sua influência no gerenciamento de projetos entre os protagonistas dessas diferentes organizações. Utilizou-se, para tanto, uma base teórico-empírica que buscou definir o conceito de cultura através do estudo do universo simbólico; a questão da liderança e sua relação com estruturas e fontes de poder e controle nas organizações; cultura e liderança no contexto brasileiro; e, por último, o conceito de organizações em rede, explorando também os aspectos de gestão, poder e controle esperado nesse tipo de arquitetura organizacional. Esta pesquisa constitui-se num estudo de caso realizado em uma instituição sem fins lucrativos, que desenvolve projetos sociais com foco em educação. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo e explicativo. O método utilizado para a presente pesquisa foi o método qualitativo. Muitos estudos sobre cultura organizacional privilegiam o enfoque qualitativo de pesquisa, uma vez que um grande número de observações não é passível de quantificação. Utilizou-se a técnica de observação participante e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, além da análise documental, o que possibilitou uma investigação que envolveu a combinação de descrição com interpretação do conteúdo trazido pelos respondentes em relação aos fenômenos observados. Os dados obtidos e a análise realizada frente à fundamentação teórica, indicam que o líder em uma organização em rede transmite a cultura organizacional com o mesmo discurso dominante das organizações com estruturas tradicionais. Acredita-se que este trabalho despertará interesse da comunidade acadêmica, uma vez que os aspectos culturais são normalmente pesquisados dentro da organização e aqui se ressalta a importância de se analisar o contexto no qual a organização está inserida e o papel que o líder assume na gestão das atividades realizadas por terceiros. Estaria o gestor brasileiro disposto a abrir mão do poder e controle que a posição hierárquica lhe confere para trabalhar em uma relação de igualdade com representantes de outras organizações?


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The organizations now have felt some needs in regards to changes in attitudes in what refers to the relationship with their interest publics. In this way, this work has as objective approach different themes, like concepts of organizational culture and the interrelations with the profession of Public Relations, besides the contact with notions in the area of People Management and human capital. As all organizations are constituted by interest publics, it will also demonstrate theories that refer to the different kinds of publics which the organization maintains relationship with, although, giving special attention to the internal public, considered one of the main types of public. For better comprehension of the performance of the internal public it was used the greimassian narrative semiotics that allow an exploration and analysis os diverse procedures made by such public. Therefore, it was possible to observe a great contribution from the theory in what refers to the assertion of the importance in maintaining good relationships with the employees of an organization, specially to affirm the identity of the employee making use of factors such as culture, values, principals, norms etc. Thus, it is believed that the strategic communication must be used with the intention of proportioning personal and professional well being to the employees, in a way that they may feel more and more integrated and committed with the organization, granting, like so, the organizational development and recognition


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The main purpose of this study is to promote reflection about the relevance of institutional propaganda as a tool of public relations and as a component of brand management. Concepts relevant to the design of this propaganda as Peirce’s semiotics, the storytelling, DNA corporate, identity and corporate culture were also outlined. A study was conducted to illustrate the work on the business management of JM Empilhadeiras, brand management and global institutional first campaign image building of Hyundai, the “Live Brilliant”


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The hypothesis that guides this work is: in the scenario posed by the first decade of the XXI century, the private companies act to conciliate their organizational principles, mission (how they want to arrive), vision (where they want to arrive) and values to the principles of its individual members, setting a certain style of corporate culture. That culture would pass by all hierarchical levels of enterprises, promoting the creation of subjective bonds between themselves and their employees in order to create or maintain, through shared values, social conventions that would ensure the certain style of symbolic domination inside and outside the physical and relational enterprises' spaces. I have as general objective, analyze, through a socio-anthropological approach, the dimension of the culture of private companies, how this guides the market practice and, in this sense, I seek to problematize the relationship between the actions of the analyzed companies (Nestle and, more specifically, Natura) and the representations and motivations of their employees. Furthermore, this study aims, specifically, to understand how the vision, the raison of being and the beliefs of Natura configure themselves as important strategic directives for the consolidation of an emotional bond between employees and those who aspire to be part of this organization. For this, I analyzed the Report Natura 2012, the conversations with some company employees and my participation in the selection process for trainee Young Talents Natura 2014


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The hypothesis that guides this work is: in the scenario posed by the first decade of the XXI century, the private companies act to conciliate their organizational principles, mission (how they want to arrive), vision (where they want to arrive) and values to the principles of its individual members, setting a certain style of corporate culture. That culture would pass by all hierarchical levels of enterprises, promoting the creation of subjective bonds between themselves and their employees in order to create or maintain, through shared values, social conventions that would ensure the certain style of symbolic domination inside and outside the physical and relational enterprises' spaces. I have as general objective, analyze, through a socio-anthropological approach, the dimension of the culture of private companies, how this guides the market practice and, in this sense, I seek to problematize the relationship between the actions of the analyzed companies (Nestle and, more specifically, Natura) and the representations and motivations of their employees. Furthermore, this study aims, specifically, to understand how the vision, the raison of being and the beliefs of Natura configure themselves as important strategic directives for the consolidation of an emotional bond between employees and those who aspire to be part of this organization. For this, I analyzed the Report Natura 2012, the conversations with some company employees and my participation in the selection process for trainee Young Talents Natura 2014


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This article introduces a new construct to the field of management called Psychological Sense of Community (PSOC). This is important because management scholars are calling for the creation of communities in organizations in an environment that lacks appropriate construct development. The aims of this article are threefold: (a) develop a working definition of PSOC via a review of the extant literature on PSOC from other disciplines with the goal of translating it into the domain of management, (b) synthesize findings from parallel literatures on the outcomes of PSOC with an eye toward exploring the relevance of such outcomes in management contexts, and (c) assess the value of PSOC as it relates to its uniqueness in relation to other prominent management constructs and its scope of applicability in a variety of management inquiry areas.


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La presente tesina intenta instalarse en las discusiones sobre la policía y la seguridad hacia el siglo XXI. Específicamente aquí se estudia el proceso de reorganización llevado adelante en la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre los años 2004 y 2007. A partir de la descripción de las líneas centrales de esa reforma se analizan, con especial atención, la cultura institucional policial y las problemáticas de género que constituyen la institución. Estas dinámicas son consideradas como elementos neurálgicos en la composición de la red en que se desenvuelve la tarea policial. Cultura institucional y cuestiones de géneros existentes, siempre, en relación tensa, contradictoria, de ensamble con las normas formales. Se describen por un lado, las políticas implementadas bajo el paradigma profesionalista, autodefinido como comienzo de una nueva policía y como fin del imperio del paradigma militarista que había ordenado la institución desde sus comienzos. Y por otro, la traducción que esas políticas encuentran en la cotidianeidad de las actividades policiales según los propios actores que deben llevarlas adelante. Así como los/las policías se forman, en gran medida, con los manuales de instrucción de la práctica que se han adquirido con los años, la institución también activa mecanismos claves para la constitución de sujetos (cuerpos, subjetividades) ideales para las tareas policiales: desde mitos y rituales de institución hasta los mecanismos de ascensos y división de tareas.


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La presente tesina intenta instalarse en las discusiones sobre la policía y la seguridad hacia el siglo XXI. Específicamente aquí se estudia el proceso de reorganización llevado adelante en la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre los años 2004 y 2007. A partir de la descripción de las líneas centrales de esa reforma se analizan, con especial atención, la cultura institucional policial y las problemáticas de género que constituyen la institución. Estas dinámicas son consideradas como elementos neurálgicos en la composición de la red en que se desenvuelve la tarea policial. Cultura institucional y cuestiones de géneros existentes, siempre, en relación tensa, contradictoria, de ensamble con las normas formales. Se describen por un lado, las políticas implementadas bajo el paradigma profesionalista, autodefinido como comienzo de una nueva policía y como fin del imperio del paradigma militarista que había ordenado la institución desde sus comienzos. Y por otro, la traducción que esas políticas encuentran en la cotidianeidad de las actividades policiales según los propios actores que deben llevarlas adelante. Así como los/las policías se forman, en gran medida, con los manuales de instrucción de la práctica que se han adquirido con los años, la institución también activa mecanismos claves para la constitución de sujetos (cuerpos, subjetividades) ideales para las tareas policiales: desde mitos y rituales de institución hasta los mecanismos de ascensos y división de tareas.


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La presente tesina intenta instalarse en las discusiones sobre la policía y la seguridad hacia el siglo XXI. Específicamente aquí se estudia el proceso de reorganización llevado adelante en la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre los años 2004 y 2007. A partir de la descripción de las líneas centrales de esa reforma se analizan, con especial atención, la cultura institucional policial y las problemáticas de género que constituyen la institución. Estas dinámicas son consideradas como elementos neurálgicos en la composición de la red en que se desenvuelve la tarea policial. Cultura institucional y cuestiones de géneros existentes, siempre, en relación tensa, contradictoria, de ensamble con las normas formales. Se describen por un lado, las políticas implementadas bajo el paradigma profesionalista, autodefinido como comienzo de una nueva policía y como fin del imperio del paradigma militarista que había ordenado la institución desde sus comienzos. Y por otro, la traducción que esas políticas encuentran en la cotidianeidad de las actividades policiales según los propios actores que deben llevarlas adelante. Así como los/las policías se forman, en gran medida, con los manuales de instrucción de la práctica que se han adquirido con los años, la institución también activa mecanismos claves para la constitución de sujetos (cuerpos, subjetividades) ideales para las tareas policiales: desde mitos y rituales de institución hasta los mecanismos de ascensos y división de tareas.