1000 resultados para Constant Composition


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Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of planktonic foraminifera from several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites provide a general picture of low-latitude marine temperatures from Maastrichtian time to the present. Bottom temperatures determined from the isotopic compositions of benthonic foraminifera are interpreted as being indicative of high-latitude surface temperatures. Prior to the beginning of middle Miocene time, high- and low-latitude temperatures changed in parallel fashion. Following an apparently small and short-lived drop in temperature near the Tertiary-Cretaceous boundary, temperatures remained warm and relatively constant through Paleocene and early and middle Eocene time; bottom temperatures then were on the order of 12°C. A sharp temperature drop in late Eocene time was followed by a more gradual lowering of temperature, culminating in a late Oligocene high-latitude temperature minimum of about 4°C. A temperature rise through early Miocene time was followed in middle Miocene time by a sudden divergence of high- and low-latitude temperatures: high-latitude temperatures dropped dramatically, perhaps corresponding to the onset of major glaciation in Antarctica, but low-latitude temperatures remained constant or perhaps increased. This uncoupling of high-and low-latitude temperatures is postulated to be related to the establishment of a circum-Antarctic circulation similar to that of today. A further drop in high-latitude temperatures in late Pliocene time probably signaled the onset of a major increase in polar glaciation, including extensive sea-ice formation. Early Miocene, small-amplitude (1 per mil) sympathetic fluctuations in isotopic compositions of planktonic and benthonic foraminifera have been identified. These have a period of several hundred thousand years. Superimposed upon these are much more rapid and smaller fluctuations (0.2 to 0.5 per mil) with a period of about 80000 to 90000 yr. This is similar to the period observed for Pleistocene isotopic temperature fluctuations. In low latitudes, much smaller vertical temperature gradients seem to have existed during Maastrichtian and Paleogene time than exist at present. The absence of a sharply defined thermocline during early Tertiary time is also suggested.


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The exchangeable cation compositions of organic-poor terrigenous sediments containing smectite as primary ion exchanger from a series of holes along ODP Leg 168 transect on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge have been examined as a function of distance from the ridge axis and burial depth. The total cation exchange capacity (CEC) values of the sediments ranged from 2 to 59 meq/100 g, increasing with increases in the wt.% smectite. At the seafloor, the exchangeable cation compositions involving Na, K, Mg, and Ca, expressed in terms of equivalent fraction, are nearly constant regardless of the different transect sites: XNa = 0.21 ± 0.04, XK = 0.08 ± 0.01, XMg = 0.33 ± 0.09, and XCa = 0.38 ± 0.09. The calculated selectivity coefficients of the corresponding quaternary exchange reactions, calculated using porewater data, are in log units -5.45 ± 0.39 for Na, 1.97 ± 0.49 for K, 0.42 ± 0.41 for Mg, and 3.06 ± 0.69 for Ca. The exchangeable cation compositions below the seafloor change systematically with distance from the ridge crest and burial depth, conforming to the trends of the same cations in the porewaters. The selectivities for Na and Mg are roughly constant at temperatures from 2 to 66°C, indicating that the equivalent fractions of these two cations are independent of sediment alteration taking place on the ridge flank. Unlike Na and Mg, the temperature influence is significant for K and Ca, with Ca-selectivity decreases being coupled with increases in K-selectivity. Although potentially related to diagenetic and/or hydrothermal mineral precipitation or recrystallization, no evidence of such alteration was detected by XRD and TEM. In sites where upwelling of hydrothermal fluids from basement is occurring, the K-selectivity of the sediment is appreciably higher than at the other sites and corresponds to the formation of (Fe, Mg) rich smectite and zeolites. Our study indicates that local increases in K-selectivity at hydrothermal sites are caused by the formation of these authigenic minerals.


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A study of the C37 alkenone compositions in suspended particulate matter in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea has shown a correspondence between Uk'37 and sea surface temperature that significantly deviates from the general equation regularly observed in most marine world areas (Müller et al., 1998, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00097-0). However, the temperatures measured in the core top sediments using the general equation are in agreement with the annual average water column temperatures between 0-40 m depth. These discrepancies suggest that despite the rather constant correlation between UK'37 and seawater temperature throughout the world oceans, specific calibrations should be developed for each new area of application of the C37 alkenones for paleotemperature determination.


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The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is a major global climatic phenomenon. Long-term precipitation proxy records of the ISM, however, are often fragmented and discontinuous, impeding an estimation of the magnitude of precipitation variability from the Last Glacial to the present. To improve our understanding of past ISM variability, we provide a continuous reconstructed record of precipitation and continental vegetation changes from the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna catchment and the Indo-Burman ranges over the last 18,000 years (18 ka). The records derive from a marine sediment core from the northern Bay of Bengal (NBoB), and are complemented by numerical model results of spatial moisture transport and precipitation distribution over the Bengal region. The isotopic composition of terrestrial plant waxes (dD and d13C of n-alkanes) are compared to results from an isotope-enabled general atmospheric circulation model (IsoCAM) for selected time slices (pre-industrial, mid-Holocene and Heinrich Stadial 1). Comparison of proxy and model results indicate that past changes in the dD of precipitation and plant waxes were mainly driven by the amount effect, and strongly influenced by ISM rainfall. Maximum precipitation is detected for the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum (EHCO; 10.5-6 ka BP), whereas minimum precipitation occurred during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; 16.9-15.4 ka BP). The IsoCAM model results support the hypothesis of a constant moisture source (i.e. the NBoB) throughout the study period. Relative to the pre-industrial period the model reconstructions show 20% more rain during the mid-Holocene (6 ka BP) and 20% less rain during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), respectively. A shift from C4-plant dominated ecosystems during the glacial to subsequent C3/C4-mixed ones during the interglacial took place. Vegetation changes were predominantly driven by precipitation variability, as evidenced by the significant correlation between the dD and d13C alkane records. When compared to other records across the ISM domain, precipitation and vegetation changes inferred from our records and the numerical model results provide evidence for a coherent regional variability of the ISM from the Last Glacial to the present.


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Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr on samples of planktonic foraminifers were used to reconstruct changes in the Sr isotopic composition of seawater for the past 8 Ma. The late Neogene was marked by a general, but not regular, increase in 87S/86Sr with two breaks in slope at 5.5 and 2.5 Ma. These times mark the beginning of two periods of steep increase in 87Sr/86Sr values, relative to preceding periods characterized by essentially constant values. During the last 2.5 Ma, 87Sr/86Sr values increased at an average rate of 0.000054/Ma. This steep increase suggests that the modem ocean is not in Sr isotopic equilibrium relative to its major input fluxes. A non-equilibrium model for the modern Sr budget suggests that the residence time of Sr is ~2.5 Ma, which is significantly less than previously accepted estimates of 4-5 Ma. Modelling results suggest that the increase in 87Sr/86Sr over the past 8 Ma could have resulted from a 25% increase in the riverine flux of Sr or an increase in the average 87Sr/86Sr of this flux by 0.0006. The dominant cause of increasing 87Sr/86Sr values of seawater during the late Neogene is believed to be increased rates of uplift and chemical weathering of mountainous regions. Calculations suggest that uplift and weathering of the Himalayan-Tibetan region alone can account for the majority of the observed 87Sr/86Sr increase since the early Late Miocene. Exhumation of Precambrian shield areas by continental ice-sheets may have contributed secondarily to accelerated mechanical and chemical weathering of old crustal silicates with high 87Sr/86Sr values. In fact, the upturn in 87Sr/86Sr at 2.5 Ma coincides with increased glacial activity in the Northern Hemisphere. A variety of geochemical (87Sr/86Sr, Ge/Si, d13C, CCD, etc.) and sedimentologic data (accumulation rates) from the marine sedimentary record are compatible with a progressive increase in the chemical weathering rate of continents and dissolved riverine fluxes during the late Cenozoic. We hypothesize that chemical weathering of the continents and dissolved riverine fluxes to the oceans reached a maximum during the late Pleistocene because of repeated glaciations, increased continental exposure by lowered sea level, and increased continental relief resulting from high rates of tectonism.


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Analyses of sediments from Leg 64 sites reveal a diverse and in one case unique geochemistry. Sites are characterized by high heat flow along an active, divergent plate boundary, or rapid accumulation of diatom muds, or both. The geochemical trends of Sites 474-476 at the tip of Baja California reflect changes4n the percentages of sedimentary components - particularly biogenous matter and mineralogy - that support interpretations of sedimentary environments inferred to be present since the commencement of subsidence along this young, passive continental margin. The sediments below dolerite sills in Holes 477, 477A, 478, and 481 show major mineralogic and chemical deviations from "average" hemipelagic sediments. The sills appear to have two functions: (1) they allow hydrothermal circulation and metamorphism in a partially closed system by trapping heat and fluids emanating from below, and (2) they expel heated interstitial fluids at the moment of intrusion and mobilize elements, most likely leading to the formation of metalliferous deposits along the surface traces of normal faults in the basin. The hydrothermal system as a whole appears to be localized and ephemeral, as is indicated by the lack of similar geochemical trends and high heat flow at Sites 478 and 481. Site 479 illustrates sedimentation in an oxygen-minimum zone with anoxic sediments and concomitant geochemical trends, especially for MnO. With few exceptions, geochemical trends are remarkably constant with depth, suggesting that Site 479 can serve as an "internal" standard or average sediment against which the magnitude of hydrothermal alteration at the basinal Sites 477, 478, and 481 can be measured.


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The d15N of surface and down-core sediments spanning the last 20-200 kyr from the entire South China Sea (SCS) ranges only from ~3.0 to ~6.5 per mil, with no correlation with discernible paleoclimatic/oceanographic changes. Detailed profiles of the uppermost sediment column, including fluff samples, indicate a minor diagenetic overprint of 0.3-1.2 per mil at the sediment-water interface. The absence of any correlation with reconstructed (glacial-interglacial) changes in primary production, terrigenous input, and/or sea level related basin configuration is attributed to a complete consumption of nitrate during primary production in this marginal basin during at least the last 140,000 years. This, in turn, implies that the d15N of the nitrate used during primary production remained approximately constant during the last climatic cycle. The proposed scenario infers an unchanged nitrogen isotopic composition of the western Pacific subsurface nitrate between glacial and interglacial stages as well as during terminations and thus constrains proposed changes in the oceanic N inventory.


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The distributions of calcium carbonate, of amorphous silica, and of 21 chemical compounds and elements in sediments of Holes 515A, 515B, 516, 516F, 517, and 518 are highly nonuniform; they change depending on the sediment types, grain size, and mineral composition. The main source of the lithogenous elements (K, Li, Rb, Fe, Ti, Zr, Ni, Cr, Sn) is terrigenous matter of South America. These elements correlate well or at least satisfactorily with each other and with the sum of clay minerals. CaCO3, amorphous SiO2 and organic C form a second group, the main source of which is biota of the ocean. Zn, Cu, Ba, Mo, (V, Na) are a third group, which is supplied by both terrigenous and biogenic matter. Judging by the distribution of chemical elements and components in sediments of Site 515, this area of the Brazil Basin is characterized by the rather constant conditions of pelagic terrigenous sedimentation from upper Eocene till Holocene. Small changes in chemical composition of sediments throughout the section are linked mainly to the evolution of subaerial source provinces, changes in hydrodynamic regime, and fluctuations of the ocean level. The chemical composition of sediments from the Rio Grande Rise sites suggests the existence of three main stages of sedimentation in this area. The first stage is the initial period of sediment accumulation on basalts at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Then followed sedimentary conditions notable for their sharp changes in chemical composition and type. Beginning in the middle Eocene and persisting into the Holocene, stable conditions of sedimentation characterize a third stage, represented by the formation of approximately 700 m of nannofossil oozes of rather monotonous chemical composition.


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Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments. Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/1000 yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters. In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/1000 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) and losses of Mg(2+) which balance the Ca(2+) enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr(2+) may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg(2+) for Ca(2+) during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg(2+) losses exceed Ca(2+) gains with the excess being balanced by SO4(post staggered 2-) losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca(2+) released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3(post staggered -) produced in SO4(post staggered 2-) reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na(+) is usually conservative, but K(+) depletions are frequent. In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na(+), Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl(-). The changes are attributed to exchange of Na(+) for Ca(2+) in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity. Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4(post staggered 2-), strong HCO3(post staggered -) enrichment, formation of NH4(post staggered +), and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4(post staggered 2-) is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca(2+) depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl- remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl- are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.


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Micro-crystalline barites recovered by deep-sea drilling from Site 684 on the Peru margin and Site 799 in the Japan Sea are highly enriched in the heavy sulfur isotope relative to seawater ( d34S up to +84?). This isotopic composition is consistent with remobilization of biogenic barite triggered by sulfate reduction, and subsequent reprecipitation as a diagenetic barite front. The high levels of barium sulfate in these deposits (10-50%) cannot be explained by a diffusive transport model in sediments experiencing a constant rate of sedimentation. When sedimentation rates change radically, the barite front will remain at a given depth interval leading to large accumulations of barium sulfate. Such conditions may have generated the barite deposits at Site 799. At Site 684, on the other hand, there is evidence that the barite deposits are a result of the tectonically-driven advection of sulfate-bearing fluids through the sediment column.


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There is increasing evidence that different light intensities strongly modulate the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine phytoplankton. The aim of the present study was to investigate interactive effects of OA and dynamic light, mimicking natural mixing regimes. The Antarctic diatom Chaetoceros debilis was grown under two pCO2 (390 and 1000 latm) and light conditions (constant and dynamic), the latter yielding the same integrated irradiance over the day. To characterize interactive effects between treatments, growth, elemental composition, primary production and photophysiology were investigated. Dynamic light reduced growth and strongly altered the effects of OA on primary production, being unaffected by elevated pCO2 under constant light, yet significantly reduced under dynamic light. Interactive effects between OA and light were also observed for Chl production and particulate organic carbon (POC) quotas. Response patterns can be explained by changes in the cellular energetic balance. While the energy transfer efficiency from photochemistry to biomass production (Phi_e,C) was not affected by OA under constant light, it was drastically reduced under dynamic light. Contrasting responses under different light conditions need to be considered when making predictions regarding a more stratified and acidified future ocean.


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We report S concentrations and relative proportions of (SO4)2- and S2- in OL- and CPX-hosted glass inclusions and in host glassy lapilli from Miocene basaltic hyaloclastites drilled north and south of Gran Canaria during ODP Leg 157. Compositions of glass inclusions and lapilli resemble those of subaerial Miocene shield basalts on Gran Canaria and comprise mafic to more evolved tholeiitic to alkali basalt and basanite (10.3-3.7 wt.% MgO, 44.5-56.9 wt.% SiO2). Glass inclusions fall into three groups based on their S concentrations: a high-sulfur group (1050 to 5810 ppm S), an intermediate-sulfur group (510 to 1740 ppm S), and a low-sulfur group (<500 ppm S). The most S-rich inclusions have the highest and nearly constant proportion of sulfur dissolved as sulfate determined by electron microprobe measurements of SKa peak shift. Their average S6+/S_total value is 0.75+/-0.09, unusually high for ocean island basalt magmas. The low-sulfur group inclusions have low S6+/S_total ratios (0.08+/-0.05), whereas intermediate sulfur group inclusions show a wide range of S6+/S_total (0.05-0.83). Glassy lapilli and their crystal-hosted glass inclusions with S concentrations of 50 to 1140 ppm S have very similar S6+/S_total ratios of 0.36+/-0.06 implying that sulfur degassing does not affect the proportion of (SO4)2- and S2- in the magma. The oxygen fugacities estimated from S6+/S_total ratios and from Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios in spinel inclusions range from NNO-1.1 to NNO+1.8. The origin of S-rich magmas is unclear. We discuss (1) partial melting of a mantle source at relatively oxidized fO2 conditions, and (2) magma contamination by seawater either directly or through magma interaction with seawater-altered Jurassic oceanic crust. The intermediate sulfur group inclusions represent undegassed or slightly degassed magmas similar to submarine OIB glasses, whereas the low-sulfur group inclusions are likely to have formed from magmas significantly degassed in near-surface reservoirs. Mixing of these degassed magmas with stored volatile-rich ones or volatile-rich magma replenishing the chamber filled by partially degassed magmas may produce hybrid melts with strongly varying S concentrations and S6+/S_total ratios.


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Petrographical and geochemical studies of Neogene marine sediments from the Oman Sea (Leg 117, Sites 720, 724, 726 and 730), show a close relationship between the nature and amount of the organic matter, and the degree of degradation of organic matter by sulfate reduction, i.e. pyritization. Petrographically, three major pyritization types were observed: (1) Finely dispersed pyrite framboids in sediments from Oman Margin and Indus Fan, enriched in autochthonous marine organic matter. (2) Infilling of pores by massive pyrite crystals in Oman Margin sediments with a low TOC and a high microfossil content. (3) Pyrite mineralization of lignaceous fragments in organic-depleted sediments from the Indus Fan leading to more massive pyrite. Geochemically, we can define a sulfate reduction index (SRI) as the percentage of initial organic carbon versus that of residual organic carbon. Finely laminated Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from the Oman Margin exclusively contain organic matter deriving from organic phytoplankton, for which the quantity (TOC) positively correlates with the geochemical quality (Hydrogen Index). We think that the occurrence of this residual organic matter is linked mainly to a high primary paleo-productivity. The intensity of sulfate reduction is constant for sediments with TOC up to 2% and becomes more important when organic input decreases. This degradation process can destroy up to 50% of the initial organic matter, but is not sufficient to explain some of the encountered very low TOC values. It can be seen that sharp increases of certain plankton species (with mineral skeletons) are responsible for a pronounced degradation of organic matter, due to increased sulfate reduction. In that case, the organic matter may be strongly degraded (high SRI), although deposited in an oxygen-depleted environment. Conversely, Miocene-Pliocene sediments contain an autochthonous organic matter that is typical of both low productivity and oxic processes; their very low sulfate reduction index indicates that very little metabolizable organic matter was initially present.


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Chemical compositions and 1-atm. phase relations were determined for basalts drilled from Holes 501, 504A, 504B, 505, and 505B on Legs 68, 69, and 70 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Chemical, experimental, and petrographic data indicate that these basalts are moderately evolved (Mg' values from 0.60 to 0.70), with olivine plus Plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the liquidus. Chemical stratigraphy was used to infer that sequential influxes of magma into a differentiating magma chamber or separate flows from different magma chambers or both had occurred. Two major types of basalt were found to be inter layered: Group M, a rarely occurring type with major element chemistry and magmaphile element abundances within the range of the majority of ocean-floor basalts (TiO2 = 1.3%, Na2O 2.5%, Zr = 103 ppm, Nb = 2.5 ppm, and Y = 31 ppm); and Group D, a highly unusual series of basalt compositions that exhibit much lower magmaphile element abundances (TiO2 = 0.75-1.2%, Na2O = 1.7-2.3%, Zr = 34-60 ppm, Nb = 0.5-1.2 ppm, and Y = 16-27 ppm). The liquidus temperatures of the Group D basalts are high (1230- 1260°C) compared with those of other ocean-floor basalts of similar Mg' values. They have high CaO/Na2O ratios (5-8) and are calculated to be in equilibrium with unusually calcic Plagioclase (An78-84). The two basalt groups cannot be related by fractionation processes. However, constant Zr/Nb ratios (>40) for the two groups suggest a single mantle source, with differences in magmaphile element abundances and other element ratios (e.g., Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, Ce/Yb) arising through sequential melting of the same source. Magmas similar to Group D, if mixed with more typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) magmas in shallow magma chambers, could provide a source for the highly calcic Plagioclase phenocrysts that appear in more common (i.e., less depleted) phyric ocean-floor basalts.


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The Arabian Sea off the Pakistan continental margin is characterized by one of the world's largest oxygen minimum zones (OMZ). The lithology and geochemistry of a 5.3 m long gravity core retrieved from the lower boundary of the modern OMZ (956 m water depth) were used to identify late Holocene changes in oceanographic conditions and the vertical extent of the OMZ. While the lower part of the core (535 - 465 cm, 5.04 - 4.45 cal kyr BP, Unit 3) is strongly bioturbated indicating oxic bottom water conditions, the upper part of the core (284 - 0 cm, 2.87 cal kyr BP to present, Unit 1) shows distinct and well-preserved lamination, suggesting anoxic bottom waters. The transitional interval from 465 to 284 cm (4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP, Unit 2) contains relicts of lamination which are in part intensely bioturbated. These fluctuations in bioturbation intensity suggest repetitive changes between anoxic and oxic/suboxic bottom-water conditions between 4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP. Barium excess (Baex) and total organic carbon (TOC) contents do not explain whether the increased TOC contents found in Unit 1 are the result of better preservation due to low BWO concentrations or if the decreased BWO concentration is a result of increased productivity. Changes in salinity and temperature of the outflowing water from the Red Sea during the Holocene influenced the water column stratification and probably affected the depth of the lower boundary of the OMZ in the northern Arabian Sea. Even if we cannot prove certain scenarios, we propose that the observed downward shift of the lower boundary of the OMZ was also impacted by a weakened Somali Current and a reduced transport of oxygen-rich Indian Central Water into the Arabian Sea, both as a response to decreased summer insolation and the continuous southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during the late Holocene.