884 resultados para Connectivity,Connected Car,Big Data,KPI
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
O trabalho desenvolvido analisa a Comunicação Social no contexto da internet e delineia novas metodologias de estudo para a área na filtragem de significados no âmbito científico dos fluxos de informação das redes sociais, mídias de notícias ou qualquer outro dispositivo que permita armazenamento e acesso a informação estruturada e não estruturada. No intento de uma reflexão sobre os caminhos, que estes fluxos de informação se desenvolvem e principalmente no volume produzido, o projeto dimensiona os campos de significados que tal relação se configura nas teorias e práticas de pesquisa. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é contextualizar a área da Comunicação Social dentro de uma realidade mutável e dinâmica que é o ambiente da internet e fazer paralelos perante as aplicações já sucedidas por outras áreas. Com o método de estudo de caso foram analisados três casos sob duas chaves conceituais a Web Sphere Analysis e a Web Science refletindo os sistemas de informação contrapostos no quesito discursivo e estrutural. Assim se busca observar qual ganho a Comunicação Social tem no modo de visualizar seus objetos de estudo no ambiente das internet por essas perspectivas. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que é um desafio para o pesquisador da Comunicação Social buscar novas aprendizagens, mas a retroalimentação de informação no ambiente colaborativo que a internet apresenta é um caminho fértil para pesquisa, pois a modelagem de dados ganha corpus analítico quando o conjunto de ferramentas promovido e impulsionado pela tecnologia permite isolar conteúdos e possibilita aprofundamento dos significados e suas relações.
The purpose of the present study is to test the case linkage principles of behavioural consistency and behavioural distinctiveness using serial vehicle theft data. Data from 386 solved vehicle thefts committed by 193 offenders were analysed using Jaccard's, regression and Receiver Operating Characteristic analyses to determine whether objectively observable aspects of crime scene behaviour could be used to distinguish crimes committed by the same offender from those committed by different offenders. The findings indicate that spatial behaviour, specifically the distance between theft locations and between dump locations, is a highly consistent and distinctive aspect of vehicle theft behaviour; thus, intercrime and interdump distance represent the most useful aspects of vehicle theft for the purpose of case linkage analysis. The findings have theoretical and practical implications for understanding of criminal behaviour and for the development of decision-support tools to assist police investigation and apprehension of serial vehicle theft offenders.
The real purpose of collecting big data is to identify causality in the hope that this will facilitate credible predictivity . But the search for causality can trap one into infinite regress, and thus one takes refuge in seeking associations between variables in data sets. Regrettably, the mere knowledge of associations does not enable predictivity. Associations need to be embedded within the framework of probability calculus to make coherent predictions. This is so because associations are a feature of probability models, and hence they do not exist outside the framework of a model. Measures of association, like correlation, regression, and mutual information merely refute a preconceived model. Estimated measures of associations do not lead to a probability model; a model is the product of pure thought. This paper discusses these and other fundamentals that are germane to seeking associations in particular, and machine learning in general. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.1.2, H.2.4., G.3.
Big data comes in various ways, types, shapes, forms and sizes. Indeed, almost all areas of science, technology, medicine, public health, economics, business, linguistics and social science are bombarded by ever increasing flows of data begging to be analyzed efficiently and effectively. In this paper, we propose a rough idea of a possible taxonomy of big data, along with some of the most commonly used tools for handling each particular category of bigness. The dimensionality p of the input space and the sample size n are usually the main ingredients in the characterization of data bigness. The specific statistical machine learning technique used to handle a particular big data set will depend on which category it falls in within the bigness taxonomy. Large p small n data sets for instance require a different set of tools from the large n small p variety. Among other tools, we discuss Preprocessing, Standardization, Imputation, Projection, Regularization, Penalization, Compression, Reduction, Selection, Kernelization, Hybridization, Parallelization, Aggregation, Randomization, Replication, Sequentialization. Indeed, it is important to emphasize right away that the so-called no free lunch theorem applies here, in the sense that there is no universally superior method that outperforms all other methods on all categories of bigness. It is also important to stress the fact that simplicity in the sense of Ockham’s razor non-plurality principle of parsimony tends to reign supreme when it comes to massive data. We conclude with a comparison of the predictive performance of some of the most commonly used methods on a few data sets.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
In this paper we evaluate and compare two representativeand popular distributed processing engines for large scalebig data analytics, Spark and graph based engine GraphLab. Wedesign a benchmark suite including representative algorithmsand datasets to compare the performances of the computingengines, from performance aspects of running time, memory andCPU usage, network and I/O overhead. The benchmark suite istested on both local computer cluster and virtual machines oncloud. By varying the number of computers and memory weexamine the scalability of the computing engines with increasingcomputing resources (such as CPU and memory). We also runcross-evaluation of generic and graph based analytic algorithmsover graph processing and generic platforms to identify thepotential performance degradation if only one processing engineis available. It is observed that both computing engines showgood scalability with increase of computing resources. WhileGraphLab largely outperforms Spark for graph algorithms, ithas close running time performance as Spark for non-graphalgorithms. Additionally the running time with Spark for graphalgorithms over cloud virtual machines is observed to increaseby almost 100% compared to over local computer clusters.
La tesi presenta uno studio della libreria grafica per web D3, sviluppata in javascript, e ne presenta una catalogazione dei grafici implementati e reperibili sul web. Lo scopo è quello di valutare la libreria e studiarne i pregi e difetti per capire se sia opportuno utilizzarla nell'ambito di un progetto Europeo. Per fare questo vengono studiati i metodi di classificazione dei grafici presenti in letteratura e viene esposto e descritto lo stato dell'arte del data visualization. Viene poi descritto il metodo di classificazione proposto dal team di progettazione e catalogata la galleria di grafici presente sul sito della libreria D3. Infine viene presentato e studiato in maniera formale un algoritmo per selezionare un grafico in base alle esigenze dell'utente.
Al Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ogni anno di acquisizione dati vengono raccolti più di 30 petabyte di dati dalle collisioni. Per processare questi dati è necessario produrre un grande volume di eventi simulati attraverso tecniche Monte Carlo. Inoltre l'analisi fisica richiede accesso giornaliero a formati di dati derivati per centinaia di utenti. La Worldwide LHC Computing GRID (WLCG) è una collaborazione interazionale di scienziati e centri di calcolo che ha affrontato le sfide tecnologiche di LHC, rendendone possibile il programma scientifico. Con il prosieguo dell'acquisizione dati e la recente approvazione di progetti ambiziosi come l'High-Luminosity LHC, si raggiungerà presto il limite delle attuali capacità di calcolo. Una delle chiavi per superare queste sfide nel prossimo decennio, anche alla luce delle ristrettezze economiche dalle varie funding agency nazionali, consiste nell'ottimizzare efficientemente l'uso delle risorse di calcolo a disposizione. Il lavoro mira a sviluppare e valutare strumenti per migliorare la comprensione di come vengono monitorati i dati sia di produzione che di analisi in CMS. Per questa ragione il lavoro è comprensivo di due parti. La prima, per quanto riguarda l'analisi distribuita, consiste nello sviluppo di uno strumento che consenta di analizzare velocemente i log file derivanti dalle sottomissioni di job terminati per consentire all'utente, alla sottomissione successiva, di sfruttare meglio le risorse di calcolo. La seconda parte, che riguarda il monitoring di jobs sia di produzione che di analisi, sfrutta tecnologie nel campo dei Big Data per un servizio di monitoring più efficiente e flessibile. Un aspetto degno di nota di tali miglioramenti è la possibilità di evitare un'elevato livello di aggregazione dei dati già in uno stadio iniziale, nonché di raccogliere dati di monitoring con una granularità elevata che tuttavia consenta riprocessamento successivo e aggregazione “on-demand”.
Il lavoro presentato in questo elaborato tratterà lo sviluppo di un sistema di alerting che consenta di monitorare proattivamente una o più sorgenti dati aziendali, segnalando le eventuali condizioni di irregolarità rilevate; questo verrà incluso all'interno di sistemi già esistenti dedicati all'analisi dei dati e alla pianificazione, ovvero i cosiddetti Decision Support Systems. Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni è in grado di fornire chiare informazioni per tutta la gestione dell'impresa, misurandone le performance e fornendo proiezioni sugli andamenti futuri. Questi sistemi vengono catalogati all'interno del più ampio ambito della Business Intelligence, che sottintende l'insieme di metodologie in grado di trasformare i dati di business in informazioni utili al processo decisionale. L'intero lavoro di tesi è stato svolto durante un periodo di tirocinio svolto presso Iconsulting S.p.A., IT System Integrator bolognese specializzato principalmente nello sviluppo di progetti di Business Intelligence, Enterprise Data Warehouse e Corporate Performance Management. Il software che verrà illustrato in questo elaborato è stato realizzato per essere collocato all'interno di un contesto più ampio, per rispondere ai requisiti di un cliente multinazionale leader nel settore della telefonia mobile e fissa.
At the moment, the phrases “big data” and “analytics” are often being used as if they were magic incantations that will solve all an organization’s problems at a stroke. The reality is that data on its own, even with the application of analytics, will not solve any problems. The resources that analytics and big data can consume represent a significant strategic risk if applied ineffectively. Any analysis of data needs to be guided, and to lead to action. So while analytics may lead to knowledge and intelligence (in the military sense of that term), it also needs the input of knowledge and intelligence (in the human sense of that term). And somebody then has to do something new or different as a result of the new insights, or it won’t have been done to any purpose. Using an analytics example concerning accounts payable in the public sector in Canada, this paper reviews thinking from the domains of analytics, risk management and knowledge management, to show some of the pitfalls, and to present a holistic picture of how knowledge management might help tackle the challenges of big data and analytics.
Constant technology advances have caused data explosion in recent years. Accord- ingly modern statistical and machine learning methods must be adapted to deal with complex and heterogeneous data types. This phenomenon is particularly true for an- alyzing biological data. For example DNA sequence data can be viewed as categorical variables with each nucleotide taking four different categories. The gene expression data, depending on the quantitative technology, could be continuous numbers or counts. With the advancement of high-throughput technology, the abundance of such data becomes unprecedentedly rich. Therefore efficient statistical approaches are crucial in this big data era.
Previous statistical methods for big data often aim to find low dimensional struc- tures in the observed data. For example in a factor analysis model a latent Gaussian distributed multivariate vector is assumed. With this assumption a factor model produces a low rank estimation of the covariance of the observed variables. Another example is the latent Dirichlet allocation model for documents. The mixture pro- portions of topics, represented by a Dirichlet distributed variable, is assumed. This dissertation proposes several novel extensions to the previous statistical methods that are developed to address challenges in big data. Those novel methods are applied in multiple real world applications including construction of condition specific gene co-expression networks, estimating shared topics among newsgroups, analysis of pro- moter sequences, analysis of political-economics risk data and estimating population structure from genotype data.
Cloud computing offers massive scalability and elasticity required by many scien-tific and commercial applications. Combining the computational and data handling capabilities of clouds with parallel processing also has the potential to tackle Big Data problems efficiently. Science gateway frameworks and workflow systems enable application developers to implement complex applications and make these available for end-users via simple graphical user interfaces. The integration of such frameworks with Big Data processing tools on the cloud opens new oppor-tunities for application developers. This paper investigates how workflow sys-tems and science gateways can be extended with Big Data processing capabilities. A generic approach based on infrastructure aware workflows is suggested and a proof of concept is implemented based on the WS-PGRADE/gUSE science gateway framework and its integration with the Hadoop parallel data processing solution based on the MapReduce paradigm in the cloud. The provided analysis demonstrates that the methods described to integrate Big Data processing with workflows and science gateways work well in different cloud infrastructures and application scenarios, and can be used to create massively parallel applications for scientific analysis of Big Data.
This dissertation offers a critical international political economy (IPE) analysis of the ways in which consumer information has been governed throughout the formal history of consumer finance (1840 – present). Drawing primarily on the United States, this project problematizes the notion of consumer financial big data as a ‘new era’ by tracing its roots historically from late nineteenth century through to the present. Using a qualitative case study approach, this project applies a unique theoretical framework to three instances of governance in consumer credit big data. Throughout, the historically specific means used to govern consumer credit data are rooted in dominant ideas, institutions and material factors.